#like bug fixes arent easy most of the time when u find the bug and fix it seven more appear somewhere else its exausting
mannimarcos · 7 years
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@glowingmongrel sent me this ask and i kind of instinctively answered privately but we both agreed it might be good to post it in case it helps others with similar issues who would like to try morrowind!
transcription under the cut
glowingmongrel asked: would u recommend morrowind at all for someone with significant cognitive and memory issues? i have trouble w/ older games because its easy to do shit in the wrong order or fuck up ur save files by having a shitty memory and mine is really bad due to my meds so like. should i just cut my losses and stick to skyrim and eso?
mannimarcos: hmmmm its really hard for me to say, im bad for giving advice or recommendations... someone on my post recommended some mods to improve combat and health/stamina/magicka and they might come in handy, as fatigue being a major component in basically every action while being very easily drained just by running is a major pain
unfortunately there arent any mods that i know of that fix the journal which i find to be probably the biggest downside of the accessibility of the game, however in the GOTY edition of morrowind the journal is significantly improved and more organized, you can click on the ‘quests’ thing to have each quest separated like in later games and much easier to follow. it’s still not great, but it’s something.
plus, both in this ‘upgraded’ journal and the base game journal theres this cool function where you can search a topic basically. say you need something about “ashlander greeting customs” so you click on it and you get dialogue of all npcs youve asked about ashlander greeting customs. i find that really helpful
its much simpler and less bug-inducing in this game than in skyrim or oblivion to bypass certain things by console commands though (like quests, journal entries, npcs dying, enemies being stupidly difficult or numerous, etc), so id keep them handy. in fact i’d say that unless youre a hardcore roleplayer the ‘sethealth 0′ command on enemies is essential in tes3 when you get swarmed by wildlife. oh and i actually boost my speed in this game by console command usually because this game is a snail simulator
no actual fast travel can be a major problem but mark+recall spells and divine/almsivi intervention scrolls are a way to bypass that, the former lets you mark a location that you can then teleport back to from anywhere, and the latter takes you to the nearest imperial shrine or an almsivi temple respectively, but basically a safe location you can replenish health and resources at. my trick is to mark my location in a dungeon or in the wilderness when things get rough, use an intervention scroll to recover and pick up some potions and other stuff, and then recall to where i left off. also theres fast travel between most cities.
so again this is a game that often requires a lot of reading and can be confusing at times and it hasn’t aged too well, but the GOTY quest journal improvement rly helps here. you could give it a try and see if it suits you. theres a chance that it wont, of course, and thats alright. i hope this helps at all, its really hard for me to say if id recommend the game... its definitely not the most accessible game out there and while the way it is works for some people, for others it just Doesnt. i really like it and i find it dozen times more accessible than arena and daggerfall (or early fallout games for that matter, which are just Beyond Incomprehensible to me), but id hate to recommend something that ends up being a bad time D:
sorry this ended up being really lengthy
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