#like did Matt Engarde masturbate to the notion of Juan's dead body?
renegadewangs · 5 years
Imagine... A Mindhunter-inspired Ace Attorney AU starring Simon Blackquill. Simon is asked by Interpol to participate in a special Behavioral Science project, constructing and compiling psych profiles based on the ‘modern day killer’ in order to categorize the culprits and ideally solve future murder cases faster. In order to do this, he needs to have interviews with Ace Attorney murderers who are on death row. Despite not wanting to expose her to these sort of people, his partner for the project is Athena Cykes; Simon uses the Power of Suggestion to ask the hard-hitting questions and gather as much information as possible about the killer’s feelings/childhood/etc., Athena helps to interpret and process the insight they gain. Their chief who keeps demanding discretion and results is Shi-Long Lang. Simon keeps getting slapped on the hand because his questions are too coarse and manipulative, but really, who can stop him?
They start off with the small fries like Dee Vasquez, Furio Tigre, Luke Atmey, Alita Tiala, Roger Retinz... Then they begin to move up the ladder to the big leagues: Matt Engarde, Damon Gant, Quercus Alba, Kristoph Gavin... Simon’s ultimate goal is to be allowed an interview with the Phantom- the Charles Manson of this series, if you will. But because the Phantom is such a high-profile inmate, Lang wouldn’t be able to pull the right strings for an interview until they’ve proven that the project can yield results.
I expect interviews with truly crazed inmates like Luke Atmey and Matt Engarde would be especially delightful in the sort of questions Simon could ask. A lot of other interviews would just be sad, because a lot of the AA murderers were driven into a corner. Don’t even get me started on Acro.
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