#like fiyero i thought i'd just wing it with the starter and see where it takes us :)
avinkusprince · 6 months
@melpomeneprose // starter call.
"Who is Dr. Dillamond?" The question emerges in a rare moment, alone with Elphaba. Their circle is the same, and all his friends at Shiz were her friends first, but somehow it can never be just the two of them, without those friends. Maybe its the class timetables, or maybe it's chance. Or maybe it is the powers that be, in their wisdom, keeping the young married man away from a woman whom he finds terribly, awfully fascinating. (He never thinks of acting on the interest, of course. Out of sensibility or cowardice, who can say?) But those powers fumble today, leaving Fiyero and Elphaba the last two of their picnicking party on the grassy bank of the canal, and so he asks it, knowing it may be too bold. "Crope mentions him sparingly, but shuts up when I ask who that is. I asked Boq and he was just as skittish. So... I'm asking you, since I know you don't mind being a little shocking, and I figure that you'll tell me the truth. So who is he, and why the taboo?"
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