#like how Drac probably isn't perfectly healthy due to her diet but... she's still not technically hungry
clownhyde · 1 year
Kieran being an emotional vampire raises some questions when it comes to redemption arcs. Namely, how is he going to eat if the evil thing he was doing was stealing and breaking hearts? Like, literature depictions of emotional vampires all inherently hurt people or cause bad feelings in them, especially since Kieran might be based off of The Girl with the Hungry Eyes by Fritz Lieber, where the vampire in question causes people to have heart attacks.
Is he going to have to go the same route as Draculaura where he just... refuses to eat the one (1) thing that he’s SUPPOSED to eat? That sounds like a bad idea, both because it makes Draculaura’s blood phobia less of a unique quirk and more of a moral obligation, and because it implies all of the vampires have to starve themselves to be morally good, which is a very harmful message
or is he able to eat just a small amount at a time? Like, does it have to be love/heartbreak/whichever one he actually feeds off of or can it be anything? Could he get into a relationship and take very small amounts of love each time? Could he just send a cursed meme or a bad joke to the groupchat and feed on the anger directed towards him? Can he take a bit of the edge off of other people’s intense emotions and cool them down a bit as a way of feeding instead of just removing them altogether?
the wiki says in his diaries he learned what true, genuine love is like and he considered getting a pet because they give unconditional love. so I guess maybe he can just soak up the emotion like a sponge instead of actually breaking hearts for it? maybe? but at that point what makes him different from just a human teenager that needs positive attention to grow up healthily
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