#like i could have chosen Isengard which is Fenriz's side project that I love even though it's terrible
asgardian--angels · 2 years
for the music ask game— 2, 12, 64 (blue)?
Thanks for sending!
2 - Do you still buy CDs (or other physical media)?
Absolutely, it's the primary way by which I get new music still! The feeling of holding something physical in your hands, appreciating the artistic work put into designing album covers and liner notes, and being able to listen to an album all the way through in the order the artist intended, with no breaks or ads, is something that cannot be replaced. It's a tangible tether between artist and listener.
12. Who’s the most obscure artist you listen to?
haha, that's a great question because most of the music I listen to already is way off the mainstream, given that it's metal. Hmm... I would say Criss Angel, honestly. He's a well-known persona but how many people are aware he made electronic-industrial metal (? I honestly don't know how to categorize it) in the 90s that formed a concept album trilogy about the mythology of his off-Broadway show?? It was a fairly difficult set of albums to buy back like 15 years ago when I got them but now, I can imagine it's a Herculean effort to track them down - they're called the System Trilogy. They were highly influential albums for me in middle school, and I honestly still enjoy them to this day. He's very talented as a musician in my opinion.
64. [Send me a color and I’ll post an album cover art of that color.]
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