#like i haven't written anything for my huge oblivion fixit in genuinely two or three years
mishkakagehishka · 1 year
I've left a few fics unfinished and ended them with a "well, i'm abandoning this - but you guys can have my notes to get the general idea on how i planned the story to go and the ending to be :)" you can ask an author that. Do you know that. If you're that desperate, shoot the author a quick ask like "hey, sorry to bother, but [fic] was so good, i just got to the last update and i love it so much, but it left me curious! if you'd like to share, did you have any specific plan for its ending? thanks in advance, love your writing style btw :D" and they might even tell you. Did you know that writers are people and you shouldn't feed their fucking writing into an AI just bc you wanted to see (an inferior version of) the ending for their fic.
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