#like i'm maybe? halfway through the movie? where he has the camera at the house and i swear to god it's the toneless growl or smth
quiets-cradle · 1 year
why does antlers sound like batman
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alloftheimaginess · 3 years
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Requested on wattpad
Warnings: mentions of cancer, death and shitty writing
Also excuse the sad imagines I’ll be posting. They are helping me with my grieving process
"Mommy I need you to record me" Phoebe says as soon as I walk off set.
"What's happening?" I ask going over to her and she smiles at my costume.
“I like your costume” she says and I smile at her.
"But I want you to record me doing something" she says and I nod pulling my phone out.
"Okay I'm recording. What are you going to do?" I ask recording her as we move to outside where the filming isn’t taking place.
"Tom taught me how to cartwheel and it was super cool because he was in his Spider-Man costume" she says grinning at the camera.
"Show me, I want to see it" I say and she nods and she runs back a little and she does it halfway and I cheer.
"That was amazing bee" I say cheering her on and she bows.
"Thank you, thank you" she says blowing kisses and she runs up to the camera smiling a big toothless smile and she makes a face before covering the camera.
"We got you something bee" I say and she looks up from her homework.
"What is it?" She asks.
"A gift" I say and Chris hands her the box.
"What is this?" She asks shaking it.
"It's a surprise for you" he says.
"But it's not my birthday, that was last month and Christmas isn't for another month" she says.
"We know but we wanted to surprise you" I say and she nods.
"Okay" she says unwrapping it and she takes the top off and she starts screaming as she climbs on her knees in the seat to get a better look inside the box and she pulls out the ultrasound.
"You have a baby?" She asks.
"Yeah we do" I say and she jumps up and down with excitement on her knees as she pulls the other stuff out the box.
"It's so tiny and cute" she says cuddling the onesie.
"Do you know what it is?" She asks.
"Not yet, we are going to figure that out soon. Uncle Scott and auntie Sn are throwing a reveal party" I say and she holds the ultrasound up squealing.
"I can't wait to give this baby all my love" she says.
"What about us?" Chris asks and she looks up from looking closely at the ultrasound.
"I don't have enough to love all three of you so I'll love you both until the baby gets here. It's not that hard to understand daddy" she says with a duh tone and he laughs.
"I guess it's the only logical thing to do, foolish me" he says and I laugh as she kisses the ultrasound.
"Last session" I say and she grins at my phone as I record her.
"I'm going to beat cancers booty" she says and I laugh.
"Yes you are, you're my little superhero" I say.
"I want to be the Hulk" she says.
"The Hulk?" I ask and she grins even wider nodding.
"Yes. He doesn't have to wear clothes and no one complains when he doesn't, nothing scares him and he can't die. Also uncle Mark is cute" she says giggling and I laugh.
"Totally agree with you there" I say.
"Plus who wouldn't want to be green?" She asks.
"I wouldn't want to be green" I say.
"Yeah because you're boring" she says and I gasp holding my chest.
"You wound me" I say.
"I'm just kidding mommy you're not boring. You just don't understand the Hulk" she says laughing and Chris walks in looking down at his phone.
"Daddy!" She yells and he jumps causing her to laugh even harder.
"What's up bug?" He asks turning to face her as he puts his phone away.
"If you had to be any other superhero that's not Captain America who would you be?" She asks.
"Ooh maybe Iron man" he says and she nods.
"Who did mommy pick?" He asks.
"She didn't. I did though" she says.
"You'd be the Hulk because he doesn't have to wear clothes, huh?" He asks and I laugh shaking my head.
"That was her exact answer" I say and he laughs unpacking her lunch.
"Let me in or else I'll beat down your door, then two strangers who had been two silhouettes on the shade said to my shock you're on the wrong block" she sings.
"Silhouette" I sing.
"Silhouette" she sings super high and she instantly starts cracking up.
"Silhouette" I sing and she doubles over from laughter.
"Silhouette" she sings through her giggles, gasping for air and I start laughing with her.
"I appreciate your dedication to this performance" I say and she leans on me trying to calm down.
"The show must go on" she says in giggles and I smile at her and she leans on my arm trying to completely calm down.
"Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas" she sings over and over as she dances through the house and she drops a gift in my lap and I look up and she drops one on Chris.
"What's this?" He asks.
"A gift for you" she says.
"Uncle Scotty helped me get them so open them" she says and I rip the paper off and it's a jewelry box and I open it and it's a heart necklace.
"It has all of our initials including the baby’s. Right there" she says and I smile at it.
"It's beautiful" I say and I hug her and she hugs me back kissing my head.
"I love it" I say.
"Okay it's my turn" Chris says and she pulls away from me and he opens his and it's a watch.
"It's us" she says tapping the watch.
"I'm going to wear this everywhere" he says.
"Good. Never take it off" she says.
"Never" he says and they pinkie promise.
"What is it? What is it?" She asks and I laugh as Chris and I stand beside her and he starts to hand her the string.
"As soon as you pull this string we'll fi-" she snatches the string from him and pulls it before he can finish telling her and everyone's laughs turn to cheers as pink confetti and powder falls over us and she starts squealing as she jumps around.
"It's a girl!" She screams running around us and he kisses me and I kiss him back.
"We're having another girl, you're officially outnumbered" I say and he laughs as Phoebe continues to scream.
"I think we both are" he says kissing me again and Phoebe jumps and he picks her up and she wraps her arms around my head pulling me close.
"I'm so excited" she says out of breath and I laugh.
"I couldn't tell" I say and she leans her cheek on Chris’ cheek.
"I'm getting a baby sister. I can't wait to meet her" she says trying to catch her breath.
"Hey bee how about we go get some of the powder on auntie Cobie and uncle Taran" I say and she quickly nods and Chris sets her down and she bends down picking some up off the ground and she runs off over to where they are standing.
"I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see em dancing" Phoebe sings laid back as she's cuddled up with Chris and the baby as we watch the little mermaid after coming home from bringing the baby home from the hospital.
"Walking around on those what do you call 'em? Oh, feet" she sings.
"Flipping your fins you don't get too far, legs are required for jumping, dancing, strolling along down a- what's that word again?" Chris sings.
"Street" Phoebe sings loudly and I smile at them.
"Up where they walk, up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun, wondering free. Wish I could be part of that world" she sings quietly grabbing the baby's hand.
"What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?" She sings laying her cheek against Chris' as she watches the movie with tears in her eyes.
"You can try. Oh but I-I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" she sings dancing in place.
"Ready for your check?" I ask.
"Not quite. Pie for everybody. I grew up an only child in the suburb of the city. I spent my days alone, my only friend was a stray kit-"
"Are we going to sing show tunes all day or are we going to get dressed so we can leave?" Chris asks cutting her off and she turns around.
"Daddy you're ruining the video so if you aren't going to sing get out the way" she says trying to push him out the shot and he plants his feet and she starts groaning.
"But I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" he says and she starts giggling.
"Daddy stoppp" she says using her back to add pressure to his leg to move him and she starts to slip and he catches her by her arms and she laughs.
"Okay, I'll move. I wanted to see your mom anyway" he says walking over and kissing me.
"Where's my kiss?" She asks.
"You didn’t want one. All you wanted was for me to get out the way and leave you alone" he says.
"You don't have to leave" she says and he picks her up and she kisses him.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bee, happy birthday to you” everyone sings as Chris walks the cake into the living room where everyone is and she holds Ainsley at the table.
“Come on chunky monkey we have to make a wish and blow out the candles” she says keeping Ainsley from touching the flames as she quickly makes a wish and blows out the candles.
“What did you wish for?” I ask and she looks up at me.
“A million more birthdays like this” she says smiling and I rub her cheek with my thumb and her smile grows.
“Can I cut the cake?” She asks.
“Yeah, the first piece. Daddy will help” I say.
“Yay” she says and I grab Ainsley.
“Bye chunky monkey, I’ll cut you a slice first” she says rubbing her hands together excitedly causing everyone to laugh.
“Chunky monkey can’t have cake yet” Chris says.
“But daddy today is chunky monkeys sixth month birthday and my seventh birthday so she should be able to have cake” she says pulling on her best puppy dog eyes.
“She got you there. Try to say no to that little face” I say and he groans.
“Fine, a little piece” he says.
“Do you hear that chunky monkey, daddy is going to let us eat all the cake” she says playing with leg and he helps her cut the first slice.
Yn and Chris Evan share videos of their seven year old just days after she passes away from cancer letting everyone know that Phoebe’s or Bee’s (as everyone in her life called her) spirit will live on forever.
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