#like ik youre desensitized to violence and you dont value your life kiryu but haruka isn't desensitized and she DOES value your life
Oh for sure Haruka goes through a lo every game but it's particularly bad in Y4 because Kiryu keeps dropping the ball as a parent. Like first the whole Saejima thing and then Hamazaki washes up like the next day and Kiryu just invalidates her very legitimate issues with him??? Like sure she goes through more actual bad shit in pretty much every other game, but it's a special kind of emotional hardship to know that a parental figure is not as concerned about your safety as they should be.
EXACTLY and it's such a slap in the face to kiryu's character too
like obviously haruka is the paramount character in this convo, she's the one being forced to grow up and shoulder burdens without a proper outlet to talk about her feelings with
to add on to that, kiryu's been shown to be able to be a great father to his kids, so the fact he's such a dismissive prick in Y4 is so ????? it's just awful
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