#like im not being hyperbolic i legitimately could have died and she just leaves me on delivered??? idk im just disappointed in her
Welcome back to part 2 for Fool's Gold if you haven’t read that or part one then I suggest you do so or else you’ll be lost. This is my own interpretations so if you disagree please feel free to tell me your thoughts!! I would love to hear them : )
Arguably the longest breakdown I’ve ever written so if you need to stop and go get a drink or a snack then go for it.
Spoilers beyond here
We come back to a love stricken Jeongyeon, a distressed Sana, and an utterly distracted Momo. This is the part where we have gradually gone from the past to the present, where innocent kisses and hugs are no longer very innocent.
If you are not very familiar with Ultraviolet, Jeongyeon and Nayeon are mortal enemies. That makes Momo’s crush on Nayeon a very big issue for Jeongyeon and an even bigger deal for Sana. Another dynamic I wish I got to see more of was Jeongyeon and Nayeon.
Jeongyeon succeeded in showing us what an angry Momo looks like, something we have seen very little of. She is valuing her own emotions instead of bottling them up, something she doesn’t do with Sana. It both shows how important Nayeon has already become considering she is willing to walk away to cool off when Jeongyeon says something bad about her. It also shows how much she puts Sana in front of herself when she never does that to her.
Of course, Sana has to keep up the charade that she only sees Momo as a friend, even in the presence of Jeongyeon. She tries to blow it of as a harmless crush because she can’t see Nayeon actually pay Momo attention. It’s a subtle jab towards Momo, a way of rationalizing her jealousy over Momo liking Nayeon in order to make herself feel better. Sana would never tell that to her face though.
We get our first interaction between Sana and Nayeon. It includes a bathroom stall and an outing message about SaMo. My guess was that Eunha and her gang had everything to do with it. It’s extremely childish and very much a high school thing to do. It doesn’t make the pain of this scene decrease any less though.
Nayeon is the one to take care of the mess although up until now we have no idea why (unless you read ultraviolet of course). Nayeon clearly didn’t greet Sana with hospitality though. She was gonna say something snarky before she notices the writing. If I had to guess, I would say that Nayeon was utterly jealous of Sana. She was the one who got to know the ins and outs of the girl she had been secretly pinning after. The girl who was currently the subject of the gossip on the wall. It’s a sign that she cares about no one finding out about this as much as Sana does.
“I’m not doing it for you.” Is the piece of evidence needed that maybe she holds that grudge against her.  
Because the feeling that her crush on Momo is unattainable mirrors what Momo is feeling.
The next scene proves that Eunha did have something to do with the harassment. As someone who has watched someone be outed, it’s a personal relief to watch it end with no consequences. Even if Sana is clearly a walking rainbow with heart eyes for Momo.
It’s also the first time we see the little crush that Dahyun has on Sana. It’s a harmless little crush that probably would have died early on if the person it was on wasn’t Sana.
There is something about the mental image of Momo grinning and waving to Nayeon that makes me feel very guilt about being giddy about it. Although my primary ship is Namo, I am very attached to Samo too.
It makes the scene about Momo talking about her unrequited love for Nayeon just as painful as you know Sana feels that way about Momo. I remember reading it and feeling a crushing feeling, I wanted Sana to get her happy ending so badly because I know how this feels.
If the kisses and sex mean anything to Momo, by now anybody might come to the conclusion that Momo might be doing this because she wants to feel wanted. Being with Sana makes her feel wanted even if it’s not the kind that she wants. In a way, it might not be as innocent as it was originally intended to be.
Instead of talking, Sana proposes a party instead. This is high school after all.
Sana harmlessly flirts with Dahyun, Jeongyeon harmlessly talks about her girlfriends new friendship, and everyone else just tries to keep Jihyo from being a mess. It makes me wonder if they got caught with the alcohol when the teacher caught them.
It also makes me remember that Sana must think about Momo’s crush on Nayeon a lot considering how threatened she feels by it. Again, it feels like a subtle jab to talk about how Momo is out of her league. Not in a good way. She has twisted her thoughts into believing that Nayeon could never notice Momo, because she is Im Nayeon. It’s an unhealthy way of thinking that has grown from Sana believing she is the only one who is a match for Momo.
It doesn’t help when they spend all class turning each other on and try to have a quickie in the bathroom 5 minutes before class. Hormonal teenagers who want to show each other just how much they mean to them even if they’re just “friends”. When they’re having such an intimate and loving moment just laughing and kissing, it’s another moment that makes you really really REALLY want them to end up together. Tbh it’s tearing me apart to not root for them. You win this round Stormy.
The moment is broken up by a revelation that Bona is now solely in love with Xuan Yi, a girl who isn’t Jeongyeon. It’s awkward but it makes you realize that Bona legitimately didn’t mean to hurt her. That is until she takes the flight option and you remember just how cruel teenagers can be. Why stay when you can leave, it’s so easy right?
We get a pleasant reminder just how much of a bitch Nayeon can be, especially when it concerns Jeongyeon. They were made to piss each other off, no boundaries included. It makes sense that Jeongyeon takes her anger out on her, and it makes even more sense for Nayeon to be completely ready to fight back. It’s so mind-numbingly apparent just how different Nayeon is compared to Momo. The crush she has on her as never felt more bizarre than it did when Nayeon throws cocky words back into Jeongyeons face.
If Momo had been there, I wonder how differently it would have played out. Would Nayeon still cave because she lives for the drama, or would she have taken the high road?
We get context that Momo has been crushing on her for almost a year, it isn’t just a simple crush anymore. Sana recognizes it and so she tries to come to terms with it by telling Jeongyeon to behave. It is almost like she is saying that more to herself though. She almost gets there, but goes back on her previous words by reminding both her and Jeongyeon that Momo will move on soon.
It’s a total Sana move to cope with her feelings by seeking out the attention of others. Sana is a person who craves attention and applause because it makes her feel validated in a way that Momo doesn’t make her feel. It’s a selfish mindset as only just a few scenes ago Momo was ready to eat her out after trying to fuck her in class.
Maybe Momo has put Sana on a golden pedistal, maybe she feels guilty about kissing and touching Sana? Theres something about Momo saying she doesn’t deserve Sana that makes you feel like there is more to it. Whether it’s me over thinking it (probably) or Momo really does just love Sana that much.
I just want to say that Jeongyeon calling Mina, Mona, is still one of the funniest things to come out of Stomry’s work. It’s even better when Tzuyu gives everyone the idea that they should let Jeongyeon figure it out on her own. (Of course Mina + Bona = Mona and that sours the mood)
If I ever write about Ultraviolet, I’ll talk about the scene where Mina meets them the gang for the first time and all that goes with it.
What I WILL talk about is that Mina is the only one not caught up in her own emotions enough to notice that Nayeon looks at Momo too. Mina becomes a new outlet to Momo, one that I appreciate as a reader because it gives it new perspective. We get to see the depth of her affection when a simple shared look caused her soul to leave her body. It’s different from how she is with Sana where she is composed and in charge of her emotion.
It’s an obvious contrast to Momo’s shaken behavior where she is downright nervous at the idea of Nayeon walking towards her. She forgets how to talk in Korean and man what a cutie. I thoroughly believe that nobody can write Momo better than Stormy can. Nayeon would be a close second.
Spoiler alert: Nayeon knows Momo exists and suddenly Jeongyeon and Sana’s words lose the power it once had.
Momo is so beyond smitten with Nayeon, she praises the girl in ways she never did with Sana. With Sana it was always gentle words, but with Nayeon it’s large metaphors and hyperboles. She considers Nayeon’s presence to be in comparison to watching the universe expand because this marks the day that Momo has been changed by just such a small encounter.
Im a firm believer in the concept that even the smallest encounters can change a person’s life. Sana had hers with Momo, and Momo had hers with Nayeon.
It’s disheartening to see her two best friends naturally not share her enthusiasm because of their own reasons. This makes an impact on Momo because of how much she depends on their support. Wanting them to pretend like they’re happy is not them though, so you have to settle for what their reality is. It’s a reality where her best friends really don’t want her falling for Nayeon and it kinda hurts to see. I can’t argue with them though because they both have very sound reasons.
That impact doesn’t stay tangible for long when she has a literal run in with Nayeon. Full introduction and all. We get to see the different side of Nayeon, the kind and compassionate side. The encounter is so sweetly awkward that if you ship Namo you can’t help but grin. Momo had spent the better part of the second part being told she isn’t on Nayeon’s radar when she absolutely is. If you main Samo, this is the part that probably made the pain 10x worse, for that- here is a tissue.
It’s so naturally awkward that it really does feel realistic when Momo doesn’t talk to Nayeon while helping her with the books. When you spend so much time daydreaming scenarios and then actually have one happen, it’s a bit overwhelming. Momo does say she’s her dream girl and she means it. If she isn’t thinking about Sana, then she is probably thinking about Nayeon. Maybe those two should be switched now?
Nayeon makes her intentions known as to why she wanted Momo’s help, she wanted to get to know her. When Momo didn’t indulged her, it’s no wonder that maybe she was deflating because of false hopes. If you know anything about Fool’s Gold Momo, it’s that she’s a people pleaser.
Even if it means stuttering that Nayeon being pretty is the reason.
Nayeon has to test the waters to make sure that Momo doesn’t hate her like Jeongyeon does (and Sana although that’s a blurred line). Insight that this is why she hasn’t approached her before. Nayeon has a jealous streak, hating Momo’s friends for being able to make Momo happy is probably a plausible reason to her.
Sana telling herself not to worry about Momo being in detention screams foreshadowing.
We get more HBIC Nayeon to Softy Nayeon when it comes to realizing Momo is in the room. Going from ‘Do I really have to?’ to ‘If you don’t want to come back I can totally understand’. She is much better at being subtle than Sana even by just an inch.
They’re finally talking and it’s a positive step in the right direction for Momo. This is a girl that generally cares about what Momo has to say regardless of her cold attitude to everyone else. They say that when you’re smitten with someone, their hobbies become your favorite thing. When Nayeon shares her love for doodling with Momo, it’s like she shared a secret with her.
Momo tells her that she likes Spongebob, for anyone who has somehow forgotten, she shared her first kiss with Sana while watching an episode of Spongebob. That is why it holds fond memories despite being forgotten about.
We don’t know what Nayeon was going to say to Momo, maybe it was an invitation to see her again, maybe it was a confession? We don’t have to ponder about it for long because Momo is the one to initiate that they should see each other again. She wants Nayeon to become a constant thing in her life, much like how Sana is.
Clearly the encounter had made Nayeon feel something too the way she withdraws in order to not make anything look suspicious when the teacher returns. Nayeon makes it clear that Momo can come see her whenever she wants, it’s a heartwarming moment that confirms that Momo’s unattainable crush is actually just around the corner within reach at any moment. If only it wasn’t also the way Sana see’s Momo.
Up until now, Sana and Momo have been attached to the hip, but now Momo is starting to move away. It’s unintentional, but it doesn’t make it less relevant because it leaves Sana wondering where she’s been. They haven’t been talking and that is new for them. What else is new is that Momo doesn’t kiss Sana back.
Because of her growing feelings for Nayeon, it makes sense that she doesn’t want to engage in intimate activities with a girl that isn’t her. Except this creates a problem because Sana and Momo have always had intimacy involved in their relationship. It is what keeps Sana grounded and without that, it leaves Sana confused and doubtful. We start to see Sana’s downfall, it feels almost uncomfortable to read because we watched their relationship grow into what it is present time.
It’s very rare that a relationship forms between someone and their dream girl because we can make them out to be much more than what they really are. However, Momo has dealt with it well. She has seen her good side and has kept her expectations low so that she can see Nayeon for who she truly is. The idea of heartbreak does not faze her because she really does like Nayeon and not in a superficial kind of way.
You might not like Nayeon because she ‘ruined’ Samo, but you can’t say that she didn’t treat Momo like she deserved. Something that Sana can’t truly claim unfortunately.
Their music preference shows just how different Nayeon and Momo are. Nayeon’s taste is more soft and aesthetically pleasing while Momo likes up beat music that gets her out of her own head. The best part is that, they embrace the difference in music style and found a way to appreciate both. Nayeon creates a playlist so that she can never forget what song Momo has requested. It’s possible that she made it so that she can think about any hidden meanings that Momo might have implied when recommending them.
Nayeon drawing a heart while giving a speech about Bona telling her that she was following her heart. She is a smooth mother fucker and if Momo didn’t want to marry her then I would openly be volunteering. Momo is innocent though, especially after spending months thinking that theres no way Nayeon could ever see her like that, if at all. Nayeon spells it out and seals it with a kiss to her cheek. We don’t know Momo’s reaction, but we can guess that she probably combusted into hearts.
Another sign of trouble between Momo and Sana is that Momo didn’t even want to explain about the heart on her arm. She didn’t want to talk about how Nayeon basically confessed her feelings or how Momo must be feeling like she’s flying. It all goes back to the withdrawn emotions that Sana showed Momo when Nayeon started to become a bigger deal. When you are falling for someone, you want to be able to openly gush about it without being told that you’re stupid for it. We’re now starting to see the effect of Sana’s lack of enthusiasm. We, as the reader, know why but Momo does not.
Momo draws to distract herself, when Nayeon enters the room, she no longer needs a distraction. Nayeon has gradually become something that keeps her awake and happy, something that Sana use to claim. Momo isn’t moving on to spite Sana, but to pursue her own happiness. She doesn’t even know that her subtle actions are turning Sana’s world upside down.
Nayeon is willing to break rules if it means getting to have nice moments with Momo. She puts her title as Head Master on the line just to see her smile. Nayeon leads her to the gardens, a place where Sana and Momo once got kicked out of for picking a flower. We learn that Nayeon has a huge thing for flowers and an even bigger thing for Momo. She wants to make memories before she can’t, it’s a good phrase to use especially concerning that their time in high school will be over before they know it.
Although the flowers might die, she will still have Momo.
Back to Samo’s time in the botany club, they planted roses. It’s the same path that Nayeon took her down to. Momo now shares a memory of this place with both Sana and Nayeon. Nether memory better than the other, because at the end of the day they are both her favorite people. It’s just, even Sana’s rose doesn’t match up to Momo’s feelings for Nayeon.
Nayeon has liked her for two years, since Freshmen year if my time line is correct (maybe sophomore year, kinda hard to keep track of when the trio entered the school). It’s roughly around the same time that Momo has started crushing on her two. Momo leaves Nayeon feeling nervous and flustered, the feelings are mutual. It’s a healthy balance of equal feelings that leave them happier with each minute passing.
We get our first proper piece of evidence that Momo doesn’t see Sana as a romantic partner. “This is how it’s supposed to feel” meaning that she had never felt ‘sparks’ or whatever you want to refer the anxious butterfly feeling you get when you finally get to kiss the girl. It’s up to you to figure your own reasoning behind why Momo kept it going, I’ve already given mine.
We get our precious nervous Momo who forgets to breathe and I just love how this scene brings everything together.
What brings us back to earth is that Momo didn’t even explain to Sana that it was a trick and she had spent time with Nayeon instead. It was the start of Momo putting her own happiness in front of Sana’s happiness, if only it didn’t disturb the balance of their friendship. Sana waits for Momo in a situation where Momo would not be coming this time. It reflects this thing that they had. Sana waits for Momo to get over Nayeon and come back to her despite the fact that Momo is now happy with Nayeon and not coming back in that sense.
I want to point out that Momo had never once cared about who saw her kiss Sana- meanwhile, she has created a secret routine with Nayeon that involves kissing in secret. Secret being that her best friends hate Nayeon minus Mina. Kissing Nayeon weighs more than her previous kisses with Sana.
Momo ditches Sana and Jeongyeon’s movie night to go to Nayeon’s room- something she could have done any other night. It’s an act that goes without notice to anyone that this is now a serious affair. Besides the weeks of spending free time with her, or ditching class with her, this is the first time we see Momo blow Sana off. She does it without any hesitation because they’re her friends and they should understand that this thing with Nayeon is serious business. She doesn’t think about Sana’s feelings, because she still only sees her as a friend and nothing more.
“Sex is different with Nayeon. It’s better with feelings” (This phrase speaks for itself)
We’ve now entered the breaking point where Sana realizes just how fucked she is. She has to pretend like she totally isn’t in love with Momo because that would ruin the friendship (as this often goes, telling the truth might have actually saved the heartache that Sana experienced. No one ever likes to talk about their feelings out of fear though.
The downfall of indulging yourself in intimacy always comes when the other person meets someone else who isn’t you. Sana’s harsh reality is that Momo isn’t hers. She never properly was despite years and years of telling herself that she was. All those months of convincing herself and everyone else that the Momo’s crush was harmless is now coming to destroy every aspect of her spirit. Meanwhile, Momo has no idea.
No matter how close Nayeon and her get, it doesn’t lessen the fact that Momo really does love and care for Sana. When she shows concern for Sana’s well-being, we know it’s real. What we get in return though, is Sana finally bringing of Momo relationship with Nayeon.
If their friendship didn’t appear on thin ice before, it does now. We see Momo as a stuttering mess while trying to explain that she was going to tell her. Something kept her from telling her. Maybe it was the idea that with Momo dating someone she really likes then itll mean change. Nobody likes change.
Sana goes along with Momo’s happiness because that’s what best friends do.
The nail polish dilemma is a nice touch on Stormy’s part to show that despite the fact that Sana is trying to choose the right thing (getting over Momo) she still ends up picking the option that will lead her to Momo.
She gets a slap to the face when Momo comes stumbling in with Nayeon, obviously about to have sex. It’s a reminder that she isn’t Momo’s.
Party’s in the past have been used to provide a nice distraction, in this case it is a distraction made for Sana to forget about Nayeon. Momo knows her well though, knows that this party is a really bad idea. Nobody should drink when they’re dealing with a shit load of emotions after all.
Im “Head Girl” Nayeon giving Momo a hickey because she wants to make sure the student body knows that Momo is taken is a nice image. Having Sana be the one to cover it up (symbolism for the fact that she’s trying to prevent that) is kinda cruel.
What’s crueler is that Momo kissed Sana as a consequence for being picked. It’s an unintentional stab in the heart that Momo doesn’t even know she’s doing. The kiss was intended to be playful, but Sana will never be able to see it as playful. Not when Momo says she has had better kisses while looking at Nayeon. Her grasp on Momo is rapidly depleting and Sana doesn’t know how to cope because she has always had an excellent grasp on her.
They had spent years growing up together, just the two of them. Sana doesn’t know how to live without Momo being hers because she never has had to before. It’s an unhealthy attachment that is no longer innocent and is threatening to tear Sana apart at any moment.
Now Sana has to deal with being alone for the first time since she was a child crying alone in the sandbox. Lessons that she should have learned (like learning how to share and adapt) were not taught. Dahyun is there though to be the shoulder for her to cry on though. Dahyun always ends up being there for Sana when everyone else is busy in their own little world. Too bad Sana doesn’t notice this.
We get another friendly reminder that Momo did want to go make sure Sana was okay, but when the girl you love is with you- it’s hard to keep track of other things. We get a nice little moment where Nayeon admits to warming up to Momo’s friends and even Jeongyeon. Momo really does bring out the best in her.
Momo asking Nayeon if she cared that she kissed Sana shows a significant level of impact her response would have. To Momo it was just another thing to do with Sana, she probably didn’t think about the consequences until she was reminded that Nayeon was next to her and that they were kinda sorta dating. She’s worried that she screwed up with Nayeon. She didn’t even take into account that maybe she screwed up with Sana too.
We talk a lot about Sana so much that we forget that Momo is at fault too.
Nayeon hits the message home in a way that Sana had not- She wanted to be the only one to kiss Momo. If Sana had realized her feelings sooner, there is that ‘if’ possibility that things might have ended differently.
It’s easy to understand why Momo doesn’t talk about her feelings for Nayeon with her friends especially when one of them wants to have an intervention and the other is hopelessly waiting for it to fail (although she would deny it). Jeongyeon is the voice of the reader, exclaiming that Momo’s happiness cannot be real because she isn’t with Sana. Sana isn’t happy so that means Momo should break things off to make her happy- doesn’t sound right but it’s what people want.
Another thing on my list of things I want to know more about is Chaeyoung and Tzuyu and their cute dating life. Stormy im waiting.
Going back to Namo’s previous scene, Momo wants Nayeon to be her only person too. It means putting Nayeon in front of Sana. Them getting together is the step of Momo gaining independence and learning how to be someone who isn’t always tagged up with Sana. It’s endearing to know how smitten they both are over each other.
It’s also important that Momo finally talks about Nayeon to Sana and telling her that she’s taken now. If it had been years in the past, maybe Momo would have caught onto the fact that Sana really wasn’t happy for her. She wanted the conversation to end, not even wanting to hear what her best friend had to say. Even if her best friend is pouring her heart out.
Going back to Sana feeling insignificant if she is not the center of attention to Momo, having to deal with the two dating brings back the relevant feeling. I can’t say that Samo would have ended up together if Nayeon wasn’t written in- there’s too many gray areas. We just know that Sana doesn’t know how to cope with what she’s feeling because she really did build her life up around Momo. However, Momo didn’t do the same.
It’s that feeling of pain that makes her feel like pushing Momo away is the easiest thing to do.  
Sana has to watch Momo hurt because of it.
It becomes a center for her self-hatred- one that she uses against Dahyun for having the nerve to bring up her feelings about Momo. The nerve of reminding her when she had just spent a night crying over her. Dahyun didn’t deserve this, she had been so good to Sana. Sana is too caught up with Momo though to see the world around her. It went from being innocent to not so innocent after 14 years of thinking about Momo and only Momo.
Momo does what she knows, that’s accept Sana for who she is and love her unconditionally. Momo is convinced that it’s all her fault for becoming so wrapped up in Nayeon that she neglected her. It’s not the reason, Sana already feels abandoned and hopelessly in love. Momo does what she can though, despite the fact that it’s not enough anymore.
We get insight on how much Nayeon liked Momo through the usage of Dahyun. Nayeon is serious about Momo, just as we watched her be.
Dahyun is able take the weight off of Momo’s shoulders in making Sana feel better. It’s another fact just how unselfish she can be.
Sana continues to spiral downwards despite everyones best interest. It includes subtly pushing everyone away when shes low because she feels like this is her problem to deal with. She neglects the fact that you can’t control how you feel nor the strength of said feelings. She blames herself is pretty much in full punishment mode now.
But she is a person that feeds off of affection and people doing things for her. It’s a characteristic that can be a vice or virtue depending on how you look at it. So she keeps Dahyun company because she goes to a lot of effort for her the way Momo use to. I’m not saying she is trying to replace Momo, but she’s trying to find a substitute regardless.
It’s alright until it isn’t.
Because she’s using Dahyun’s kindness. She tries to display affection towards Dahyun to see if Momo will look at her and realizing that she is jealous over Sana being with someone else. Momo is too busy asleep in the arms of Nayeon, but Jeongyeon is there. She knows what Sana is doing. Sana is aware herself that she is using Dahyun but she is too far gone to care. She is slowly becoming a toxic person, but not the extent that the reader would hate her, quite opposite. We still relate to her. We still want her to come out victorious. I’ve seen enough readers defend Sana’s actions and believe that Momo MUST feel the same.
In a way, we ignore the message that Stormy is trying to send by believing in our own belief that things must end in a happy ending for all characters. That’s not what this story is about though.
Another party, another opportunity for Sana to get shit face and try to avoid her issues by creating new ones. She hides that mindset with a false positive idea that she is starting to become okay again. It goes well until drunk Sana and drunk Momo are talking and Momo is being the absolute Best person by thanking her for the years of friendship.
She’s holds such a pure and powerful love for Sana and she does try her best to make sure that Sana knows it.
Sana thinks her last kiss is the peck that Momo didn’t return and it makes me wonder if she remembers the make out session at the last party. The “I’ve had better” line that broke her. It was their last actual kiss, even if it was a dare.
Drunk Sana has proven to be dumb and impulsive. She takes her pain and tries to make Momo see what she’s missing out on. It’s gut-wrenching to see that she has to use Dahyun in order to attempt this. It’s no secret that Dahyun cares about her a lot. Maybe her blushing frequently means she might be crushing on Sana on the low key. She’s nervous about the kiss, maybe she has thought about accepting Sana’s offer for kissing her before?
Sana kisses her to make Momo jealous- except Momo doesn’t even look. She’s too busy being with Nayeon, the girl who unconditionally makes her happy and has done so since they met. There is no need for either to put the others feelings before their own because there is a mutual understanding that they both need their own happiness.
Sana takes Dahyun’s caring nature and throws it back into her face. Sana disregarded her emotions and chose to act selfishly on a whim.
Sana doesn’t even contemplate the idea that Dahyun might have had feelings- didn’t even stop to think what kissing her would do. Dahyun sets her straight though in a way that nobody has gotten the courage to do yet. She hurt Dahyun- a girl who has spent her entire time in this fic explaining that she is straight and that she knows Sana wants Momo. So it’s no wonder that Dahyun responds by saying the only thing that she knows will hurt Sana. A girl who made her realize a scary truth and get heartbroken in the process.
That it’s not her fault Momo doesn’t love her back.
Too bad Nayeon heard this.
It’s something that she can’t process enough to mention it to Momo. Let alone it’s something that she shouldn’t have heard to begin with. I agree that it wasn’t Nayeon’s right to out Sana’s feelings- it’s different when Samo found out Jeongyeon’s girlfriend was cheating on her. Sana wasn’t in a relationship with Momo, as far as Nayeon knows, they had always been just friends.
You can’t tell your girlfriend that her best friend likes her too (at least not before she does it). It’s just not right, I don’t think Nayeon would know how to begin with that conversation.
Instead she chooses to keep Momo close so that she can be the one to make Momo’s heart flutter. I don’t think it’s out of a selfish need to keep Momo away from Sana. I think it’s just her way of making sure Momo knows that she cares and will be there for her when the time comes that she does find out.
We get to the end of the chapter with arguably the most cliff hanger ending to a one-shot. My own interpretation is that Momo is forgetting how important Sana is to her. I don’t think she is forgetting that she loves her romantically or that she has feelings for her- but that she has lost touch with what made her attached to Sana in the first place.
There are aspects of this fic that do not feel like it wrapped up- it’s what Stormy intended based on her tweets. We keep talking about it because we don’t have the answers (she does of course). As someone who likes proper endings, I do hope we get closure for this. I just wouldn’t hold my breath. Sometimes you just gotta let things go.
What I won’t let go is that we didn’t get closure for Sana or Dahyun. BUT. To each it’s own : )
Tl;dr Sana and Momo aren’t going to and never should end up together because it’s for the best for both of them.
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