#like it's bold to call names like grayfur degrading
not a huge fan of -pelt and -fur type names tbh. like imagine, let’s say, graypaw was so excited to become a warrior and have an awesome cool name only to be called grayfur. it’s just kind of… boringish and neutral and imo kinda degrading, especially if you have a grayfur in the same clan as birchfeather and sparrowsong and daisyflight and blueshine..
so, finding certain names boring is valid, and I guess I can understand to a degree
calling the names degrading seems to be pushing it a bit far imo??
cause like, there's nothing wrong with names that aren't flashy or a mouthful to say
I picture names like Grayfur, Robinwing, and Whitetail to be comparable to names like James Smith, Robert Johnson, Jessica Miller and other such super common name combinations
so saying it's degrading that a character doesn't have a super fancy name comes off as kinda shitty to me
which, again, just my opinion
you can feel however you want about Warrior Cats cause in the end it's a fictional serious about a bunch of feral cats who worship stars and heal each other with random leaves off the ground
but if you feel it's offensive to give a character a common/basic name, maybe take a step back for a moment /gen
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