#like it's super early magnulia [pre magnulia if you will] but i love them so
@taznovembercelebration day 9: super, snow
Magnus rises one morning and is immediately struck by how frigid his room is. He’s known for being something of a space heater but this cold snap has even him piling on layers upon layers. He shuffles out into the kitchen, surprised to see Julia and Stephen already milling about, sipping coffee, seemingly unbothered by the cold. In the few months he’s been living in Raven’s Roost, he’s normally been first to rise. Must be the weather, he figures.
Stephen gives him a nod and returns his attention to the small stack of order forms in front of him.
Julia looks at him and gives him a smile that cuts through the chill like a hot knife. “Morning Magnus,” she says sweetly.
“Morning,” he replies, still fully waking up. He finds a clean mug in the cabinet and scoops enough sugar into his coffee to earn a snort from Stephen. He glances outside once, twice, then three times. He sets his mug down and peers out the kitchen window intently before turning to look at Stephen and Julia. “D-did you guys see that? What the hell is all that?” he asks breathlessly, oblivious to the dumbfounded looks in his direction.
“You never seen snow before?” Julia asks, the corners of her mouth quirking up, a full grin threatening to break through at any moment.
Magnus frowns and scratches a sideburn, genuinely considering Julia’s question. He feels like he has but he just can’t place when he would have. “I don’t think so. At least, not like this.”
Stephen squints at Magnus. “Where’d you say you’re from again, son?”
“Uh, this real small town out near the desert. Not really great conditions for snow, you know?” Magnus says quickly. He doesn’t love talking about his past. Misses his moms too much. And he feels like he’s missing part of himself, a big part, too. Not that he’s too keen on sharing that. Kinda makes him sound loony.
Julia’s grin breaches containment, at long last. “Well, that settles it,” she says, clapping her hands once and rising from the kitchen table. “Go put some more clothes on, we’re going to play in the snow.”
Magnus’s eyes go as big as saucers. “Really?”
Julia nods. “Really! Now go, we got a nice covering and I wanna get out there before all the kids stomp around and get it all dirty.”
Magnus is rushing back to his room before Julia can finish speaking. She laughs before sipping her coffee again. “That guy is super weird,” a gentle fondness eking its way into her voice.
“He sure is.” Stephen sends her a knowing look that Julia flatly ignores. She blushes in spite of herself before going to pull on some layers.
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