#like jake eventually splitting from brooke's group and getting severely injured and rich finding him
okay due to popular demand: here's my full bmc zombie apocalypse au post. a zombie apocalypse au is kinda mandatory for bmc. except mine is special because it's based on a dream i had/j
the story begins with jeremy, our main character, of course. he was with mr. heere when the apocalypse broke out and the two went looking for a safe place. eventually they arrive at an abandoned amusement park turned into a base camp by survivors. mr. heere wants to stay there until they can further figure things out but jeremy wants to look for michael. so he sneaks out alone, hoping that his dad will be safe and that he'll be able to find michael.
cut scene to rich- he's in a dark long tunnel, maybe it's a subway tunnel or maybe it's the sewers. he doesn't have a light source apart from the flickering ceiling lights and every echo of his own steps triggers his paranoia. then the zombies appear behind him and he's running toward a door on the far end of the hallway. but the door's jammed- he manages to slam it open with his shoulder and discovers to his horror that a man had been trying to keep the door closed from the other side. the man tries to get up and run but he's not fast enough and there's nothing rich can do but keep running. he doesn't look back at the horrible sounds echoing from the walls but guilt follows him into the sunlight.
next is christine. she's wandering the empty halls of middleborough high. the hallways are brightly lit with the sunlight streaming through open windows but everything's eerily quiet- not a single bird song to be heard- until she hears ragged breathing and growls coming from god knows where. she runs into the nearest classroom and locks the door in panic, and only when she spins around, hands shaking and hyperventilating, does she realize brooke and jake are already there.
brooke is her usual sunny self- or at least trying to be. she greets christine and pointedly ignores the zombies clawing at the doors from outside, instead explaining how she set up a shelter here and collected supplies and plans to eventually recruit more survivors. jake, on the other hand, isn't doing so good. he's sitting at a desk with his head in his arms and only glances up for a second to acknowledge christine. there's a younger girl huddled up on the floor next to his legs- chloe's little sister, christine realizes.
chloe and jake used to be a team. used to, before 'the incident', as she refers to. they were looking for chloe's little sister when they encountered a few zombies- no big deal, they're both fighters and jake had a gun. but the moment the zombies fell to the ground, the split second he met their glassy eyes, he collapsed to his knees as well. "Fuck. Fuck, no, fuck- no, no, no, it can't be- dad?"
jake was inconsolable, a screaming sobbing mess, half out of his mind. chloe had no idea what to do. she's never been good with emotions and an extreme situation like this was certainly not an exception. in her panic she shouted out "Jake. Jake! Stop it! It doesn't matter, okay? He was already dead, you couldn't-"
and that's how jake completely lost it. he stormed off and chloe couldn't stop him. eventually he cooled down and that's when he found chloe's little sister but he couldn't get back to her.
chloe, meanwhile, is confused and lost and in despair when she stumbles into jenna by complete chance. she isn't sure how to feel about that- jenna makes it extremely clear she does not like nor trust chloe but what choice do they have? it's a post-apocalyptic world. high school drama means nothing.
and michael. michael was completely prepared for this zombie apocalypse shit. he has a map, plentiful supplies, a safehouse in the basement where all his family are, a plan b and c and d. jeremy knows about this, too, so logically michael's best move would be to wait for jeremy to find him. but how could he? how could he just leave his best friend out there alone, not even knowing if he's alive? of course michael has to go looking for him. even with the possibility their paths won't cross and they'll never find each other.
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