#like snickers ad 'you're not you when you're hungry' type beat
heich0e · 1 year
if you've read part 3/the prequel of yakuza!suna it's very important to me that you know suna started a fight and got sent to a brothel to go blow off some steam like being put in time out
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Might I request some fluffy Felicia/m!Corrin feeding hijinks (5, 9, 10 ,11, maybe a bit of 6 if you're feeling it)? I would be eternally grateful
5) Stuffing/feeding/etc.9) Button popping/seam ripping/etc.10) Humiliation11) Magical wg6) Mutual wg
Being stuck in the castle for his whole life, there were several ways Corrin learned to pass the long, long time he often had on his hands. If asked, he could tell you how many stones and the various types that were used to construct the great fortress, how often people come and go, and what times of year they were most likely to eat certain dishes. Food, however, was usually the high point of staying within the halls of the Northern Fortress. Being a part of the royal family, and only visited by the others – practically never by Garon himself – no one really told him no or questioned why the prince would eat maybe a little too much or at odd times of day.
The servants at the fortress were, in general, rather kind. Corrin got to know those closest to him, such as Jacob and Lilith, as well as the maids, Flora and Felicia. It was one of the sister maids, however, that the young prince ended up becoming closest with. She was almost desperate to please – which, given how clumsy she could be at her job, wasn’t very farfetched. When the other staff grew too frustrated with her spilling tea, breaking plates or messing up laundry, it was Corrin who often asked her to spend time with him. Many retainers though he may have, they had plenty of other duties to attend to considering he never left the fortress, and so he was still often left on his own. Felicia was good company; she was lively and genuine, and even if she wasn’t a good cook, she was determined to make sure Corrin enjoyed their time together.
So, while King Garon desired for Corrin to become a strong, battle-worthy asset, he ended up spending more time eating meals with his favorite maid instead of training. 
At first, it started out simply enough. They’d have long talks and tea with sandwiches or cakes of varying kinds. Corrin got to learn more about Felicia herself, as well as her family and her people. She quickly became a friend to him, and then, more than a friend as they continued to bond. Their meals stretched out longer and longer as they talked in more depth or simply spent time together in a comfortable silence. Seeing how Corrin seemed to enjoy all the different foods that the kitchen staff could create, Felicia would bring more and more to choose from as time went on. Their meals could extend for several hours at a time, with the two of them eating and drinking in utter excess.
Now, no longer dedicating the time he used to to training, and eating so much, it was starting to show up very clearly on him. Corrin started to notice that his armor no longer fit as it should, and so stopped using it entirely – telling himself that he’d get it refitted, but never actually getting around to it. He switched over to wearing looser, more comfortable clothing, but even those only lasted so long as his weight continued to climb.
What started off as simply his face filling out a little, or perhaps a bit of softness around his middle, soon graduated to not being able to get pants on or popping a button off of a shirt. One such occurrence happened while he was sharing dinner with his visiting siblings. He’d been laughing at a story Elise was recounting about her retainers, when the pressure of his too tight shirt suddenly let up around the apex of his belly, the shiny button pinging off a few dishes before spinning onto the table in plain sight. There was a deathly silence afterward, everyone at the table surprised by the suddenness and secondhand embarrassment of it all, until Leo snickered from behind his hand. 
“Well, nice to not be the one having clothing issues for once,” he chuckled, not entirely in a derisive manner, but neither was it lighthearted ribbing. “I might be a bit forgetful when it comes to checking if my shirts are in proper order, but at least I fit into mine!”
Camilla and Xander were quick to try and chastise their younger brother, but the words had been put out there on top of what had happened, and Corrin couldn’t help going red in the face. He wanted nothing more than to disappear into his quarters, but there was still food left on the table, and he didn’t want to waste the time he had with his siblings, as it was few and far between that they visited. He fidgeted in his seat afterwards, trying not to let his eyes dart down to the soft, pale flesh that was poking out of the space left behind from his burst button. It all but oozed out of his confining clothes, no matter how much he attempted to suck in his stomach as conversation was sharply turned away to something noncommittal.
Later that night, Corrin had been changing into his night clothes when there was the sound of something skidding across the floor before a loud bang from his door that made him jump – his plump belly and round tits bouncing with the sudden motion. Felicia peeked her head in sheepishly not too long after, cheeks flushed and a tremble in her body that Corrin could see from where he was standing. Giving her a quizzical look, he asked her what she needed – it was rather late, after all, and he still held his nightshirt in a chubby hand, everything above the waist bare to the cool of the night air.
“I just–! I wanted to, um–! Y-You know, this went a lot better in my head…,” she stammered, fidgeting and fussing, her eyes seeming to dart up to his face, before dropping down to his gut, and then repeating the whole process as she prattled on nervously. Taking a deep breath – and, perhaps, holding it a bit too long, as her pink cheeks went a darker scarlet – before practically shouting out, “I saw you bust your button off at dinner, and I couldn’t look away while watching you eat and eat even after, and–” She devolved into a bit of a rushed mess after that, but what Corrin did hear made him blush and had his heart beating excited-nervous in his chest.
“So, you…don’t think it’s a bad thing? The way I eat like a spoiled pig?” Corrin prodded, testing. He’d been sweet on Felicia for a while now, but was she really being serious here? Liking that he stuffed his face until he literally burst out of his clothes?
“We…Well, you’re a prince, right?” the maid pointed out, seeming to gain a little bit of confidence after getting everything out in the open and not immediately being rejected. “Royalty should do whatever they feel like, eat whatever they like and however much of it that they want to. A prince should show off his luxury to others…Should look like he enjoys every bit of excess that passes his lips.” Her tone is short and breathy, face still a bright red, but no longer out of nervousness or fear.
Corrin closed the distance between them, almost crowding Felicia in by the door with is chubby figure. “If you’re a part of that excess, I can’t think of a better way to live. After all, eating with you has been one of the best things in my life. Eating for you can only be better, right?” Boldly spoken, a smirk on his cherubic face as he thought about it. Thought about all the meals Felicia and he would share, every luxury they could enjoy together – unrestrained and uncaring for what others thought. If they wanted to mock or be disgusted, they’d make sure that envy and jealousy over their gluttonous decadence was quick to overtake any other feeling. 
Felicia was all too happy to do her part. She made sure that Corrin ate only the largest, most lavish meals all day long. If his arms got tired of the mechanical action of raising a spoon or fork or glass to his lips, she cheerfully took over; whispering sweet nothings and light teasing in his ears as she hand-fed him. She got a front row seat to how Corrin grew and expanded day after day, month after month. He either spent his time in bed, or set up at the great dining table – no matter where he was, he always had a full mouth and a hungry belly. A belly which had grown exponentially at Felicia’s devoted attention. The staff were constantly trying to keep up with the prince’s appetite and waistline – more food being made, and clothes continuously being adjusted. 
Corrin’s thighs and hips squished out between the seat of his chair and the arms, love handles and belly pressing down on the arms from above. The thick, heavy wood of the chair creaked and groaned; it wouldn’t last much longer, and would need to be replaced just like the ones that had come before it. His lap was completely obscured, and if not for the way his seat forced his fat legs together, Corrin’s monster gut would be forcing them apart – begging for more room to expand. It was a thing of beauty, quite honestly; pale and quivering as he demolished whatever was set before him, it was long past the point of ever seeming to get full. Throughout meals, Felicia would rub and squeeze that behemoth of a belly, kneading the plush fat with one hand and filling it up to the brim with food with the other hand. Shirts could only contain it for so long, and rarely did they last through an entire meal, so it was often on display to some degree as the day wore on. 
With every meal made, Felicia added a bit of Ice Tribe magic to it – living in such a cold area, they had long ago harnessed magic to help themselves survive; often, this came in the form of adding fat reserves to the body to make it through freezing winters that never seemed to have an end. For her, it was easy enough to double or triple the amount of calories any one meal contained. She could slow down Corrin’s metabolism to a crawl, making the weight pile on that much faster. It worked such wonders on her love, and it warmed her heart to see her tribe’s skills being used to make someone she cared for so much so large and happy in his ever increasing size.
Of course, with all this food around, Corrin wasn’t the only one to put on weight. Before, the two of them had always shared meals together, and the sheer amount of rich food had shown up on Felicia as well. Certainly not to the same degree as her beloved prince, but she’d developed quite the lovely, slightly exaggerated hourglass figure; all soft curves around her widened hips, and overflowing breasts that Corrin would often lazily but lovingly grab and tease when she leaned over to press a forkful of food to his lips.
No matter what others in Garon’s court thought or said about the steadily growing royal, Corrin and Felicia were completely and utterly in love with each other and the lifestyle of indulgence – both food and affection – that they’d jumped into together.
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