#like sometimes you're expected to sacrifice your own blood or an animal or even another human's life
idolsummons · 1 year
👏 hana, being self-taught in the magical arts, being unaware that the body has limits with how much can be executed by the user before it starts taking an actual toll on them and pushing herself too far 👏
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army-author · 7 years
Hi! I love your blog and think you're a phenomenal writer. I saw your post and thought I would send in a prompt from the generator thing. Here's what I got! Setting: Zoo Genre: undefined Trope: Parallel Universes Switching/Colliding Prompt: Heroic gestures (nobility; self-sacrifice; risking self to save someone's life, with Jungkook if you don't mind. Thanks so much!
jungkook scenario | when two worlds crash together
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➳ pairing: jungkook x reader
➳ genre: fluff, angst, parallel universes au
➳ word count: 2.6k
➳ warnings: brief mentions of self harm
When two worlds crash together, it can only mean disaster.
It disrupts the movement of the universes, leaves odd overlaps, and broken hearts left behind in its cracks and cuts.
This is what you learn after meeting Jungkook, both age five, still innocent of what this first sight will do to you, when your bright eyes lock onto him at the zoo you’re visiting with your family.
But now, it isn’t the animals that have you staring. Instead, you’re enraptured by a young boy, who you catch a glance of by the other side of the lion enclosure, watching through the netted wire fence, fascinated by the lionesses, who yawn lazilyin a dusky sun of late afternoon.
He’s far more interesting than any of the animals. Maybe because he reminds you of those animals in some way, maybe it’s his sharp eyes, filled with golden flecks swirling in a galaxy around dark pupils, or maybe it’s his unruly back hair, scruffed and roughed up with his hands constantly dragging through the strands, or maybe it’s just the way he carries himself.
Whatever it is, you can’t keep your eyes off him. It’s like he’s from another world.
He catches you staring, locking you in the grip of those strong eyes, and you wonder at the strange tightness inyour chest. It’s something you’ve never experienced before.
He steps forwards, curiosityshining on his face, a mirror of your own – maybe to him, you seem to comefrom a different world as well. Your legs are moving of their own accord, carrying you towards him, and you meet each other in the middle of the crowdedspace, with the older people towering over you, al only focussing on thelions, and not on the new love story about to begin in front of them, as theboy breathes, “Hello.”
“Hello,” you say back.
“I’m Jungkook.” He sticks outhis hand for a handshake, and you reach out to accept his offering offriendship. When he grips your hand, there’s a sharp pang in your heart,and a stinging on your hands, but you let go of him, thinking nothing of it.Your parents are calling you back. Why would they pick right now? Why in themiddle of this – this moment that seems so important for reasons you can’t explain in any coherent way.
Turning to your parents, youbite on your lip, before flashing Jungkook a sorry smile. You give your ownname as a last offering of friendship, before you turn from him and run backto your family.
It isn’t until later thatevening that you find the scratches along your hand, wild and crazy as if someferocious animal has torn at your skin, marking out a pattern inthe shape of a hand – the shape of Jungkook’s hand.
When two worlds crash together, itcan only mean disaster, breaking everything apart.
But you don’t realise until it’s too late.
Jungkook keeps on showing up, popping up in places you don’t expect - a happypart of your life, a new friend for you to play with, at your local play park, on the pitches behind school, always random, but you never question why he’s there. It’s all happiness,peaches and roses in your pink tinted vision.
But when you play tag, let himstretch out to touch you, dragging you back with a laugh of ‘I got you,” thenight after, you always find the same odd scratches along your body.
The scratches almost look likecracks across your delicate skin.
Still young, you don’t questiontoo much, showing them to Jungkook, while he wrinkles his brow in concern and helps you try to figure out reasonsfor the mysterious cuts: ‘it was goblins, it was the monsters under your bed’.
But in the back of your mind,you know he’s the reason for the fractures showing up on your body. So does that make him the monster under your bed?
When two worlds crash together, itcan only mean disaster, leaving cracks in the spots where people aren’tsupposed to be.
You realise this when Jungkookkisses you.
You’re only thirteen, curious about grown-up things like dating, and kissing, and loving –things you’ve only experienced on TV, or seen the older teens at your schooldoing.
And you want to try it with Jungkook.
Because even if he is a danger– not the monster under your bed, that’s childish to think, but… something – whatever he is, you don’tcare. You just want his lips pressed firm against yours.
So you try it. You stretch upto reach him, mouth more difficult to get to after his growth spurt – and yourwhole world seems to come together for a spilt second. All seems good, all right, until the universe recognises that you two aren’t meant to betogether, that something is happening here that shouldn’t be happening, andthat’s when the pain starts.
You pull away, lips stinging with the same cracking sensation you’ve come to recognise now, almost breaking your heart, the pain in your chest more unbearable than any marks Jungkook will leave on your skin.
Your hand raises to your lips,raw and sore from where his mouth touched your own, fingers feeling along the cracks that you know will eventually form. It’s okay. You can cover them upwith make-up.
“Does it hurt?” Jungkook leanshis head closer to inspect, so close, you could kiss him again if you wanted –you hold off, despite your blood pulling you back to him, polarised like you’rehis magnet.
“It’s okay,” you breatheagainst his skin, barely grazing the fine hairs on his cheek.
“No, it hurts doesn’t it?”Jungkook’s voice grows more firm, “That’s not okay.”
You give a small shake of yourhead, no big movements, not wanting to pull too far away, yet not wanting to getany closer – because yes, it does hurt, it really does hurt.
But Jungkook makes the decisionfor you, pulls away, stepping back – one step, two step, three – and you’releft with the empty air between you.
“Why is this happening?” hisvoice is full of distress, welling over in all the emotions you want to voice, but bite back on, with your nails digging into your palms to hold ontoyourself. “Don’t think I don’t understand,” he says, “It’s when I touch you, isn’tit?”
You nod. “Does it hurt you aswell? When I touch you?”
His head falls so his chin isalmost resting on his chest, fringe falling across his eyes. “No… it doesn’t hurtme at all.”
“Then I don’t care,” you take astep forward, reaching out to him, while he pulls back, “As long as it doesn’t hurtyou, I don’t care what happens to me.” You just want to kiss him again. Thatshort burst of ecstasy is enough payment for all the pain.
“But that’s not fair!” Jungkooksays, “It’s not fair to hurt you!”
“Sometimes life isn’t fair,”you say, but Jungkook won’t accept this. He’s backing away again, movements erratic, hiseyes scanning the ground, until he finds what he wants – a jagged stone. Hepicks it up, and you frown at him, wondering what he’s got in mind, until it’sfar too late. He pulls the sharp part of the stone to his arms, and you closeyour eyes just a second before the blood comes. “There,” you hear his voicebehind the black of your eyelids, not wanting to see the damage, “That’s for thepain I’ve caused you.”
“Jungkook,” you hear your voicerise in a sob, scared by how willing he is to hurt himself for your sake,“Please stop.”
There’s a clatter as the stonefalls back to the ground, and you glance up to see his hand around the abusedskin, hiding any damage, a painfully twisted smile on his face, like he’strying to hide how much it stings. “That’s for kissing you,” he says, “Now we’re even. Maybe the universe won’t mind us being together so much now I’m hurting like you are.”
That was all the excuse youneeded to run back and kiss him again, murmuring against his lips, “Never dothat again.”
When two worlds crash together, itbrings pain. That’s all you can gather, as you and Jungkook try to figure outwhat’s happening, why it hurts so much for you to be with him.
Jungkook tells you he’s beenresearching, looking into what the cause could be, exploring possibilities ofalternate universes, and together, you come to the conclusion that the world made amistake somewhere – with you and Jungkook being born so far apart, universes away,yet being meant for each other -soulmates maybe - so fate decided you shouldbe with each other, no matter the consequences.
That’s why your worlds began cracking apart, breaking in on each other, so Jungkook could show up in your life.
He noticed it the first time he met you, he explains. One day he was sitting outside in his garden, staring at a picture he’d drawn with chalk on the pavement - a scribbly pride of lions - and then he was staring at a real pride of lions, in a zoo strangely similar to the zoo in his own town. Similar but different. Different because of you. And as soon as he saw you, he knew you were the reason he was there.
Jungkook explains about the universe he’s from, about all the little details, and it sounds just like your own,except for small differences, like changes in buildings around yourtown, different couples living in different houses, and no you where thereshould be a you.
But with Jungkook not meant to cross the boundary into your reality, he leaves fractures wherever he goes – sometimes fractures in space and time,sometimes fractures on your skin.
Because no matter how much fatewants you to be together as soulmates should be, the universe issometimes stronger, pulling you apart.
And with each crack Jungkookcreates, you realise  that your time together islimited. There’s only so many cracks he can make before you’re rippedasunder.
That’s why, as you get older,sneaking into sixteen, Jungkook and you get more and more desperate, knowingyou don’t have much time left, and yet not quite knowing how long – still hurtingevery time you touch, leaving scars along your skin.
“I can’t do this,” Jungkooktells you at last.
You’re at the zoo where youfirst met, staring in at the lion enclosure, his hand in yours, stinging atyour raw skin.
He pulls away, leaving yourfingers cold, yet burning.
“Jungkook,” your voice pleads.You knew this would come eventually, a time when Jungkook would give it up, toopained to continue hurting you. You knew he’d give you up for your own sake.
You had just hoped it wouldn’tbe so soon.
“I can’t keep seeing you in pain,”Jungkook says, “Something’s going to break eventually with all this movingbetween worlds – and I don’t want that something to be you.”
“I told you I don’t care,” yousay.
“But I do!” Jungkook pulls uphis arm to show the scar where he cut himself with a stone for you, “Do you rememberthis? How painful it was to see me hurt myself? Imagine what it’s like for me. Everytime I touch you. I hate it. So much.”
“So we’ll stop touching sooften. We’ll tread carefully. It will be okay.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “No.It won’t. You know it won’t be okay. Eventually… my being here will kill you.”
Your mouth goes dry.
His next words cut more than his touch ever could. “We have to say goodbye.”
There it is. After all thistime. The words you knew would eventually come.
You reach forward, grab hishand, but he pulls away, his eyes flashing regret. “I’m sorry,” he says, “I’mdoing this for you.”
And then he’s out of yourgrasp, running towards the lion enclosure, and you find yourself screaming outhis name as you watch him grab onto the wire fence, clambering, pulling up,with the wires cutting into his hands and the rubber soles of his trainers. Yourun after, try to make a grab for him, still screaming, but your voice isn’tcoming through, like a bad dream where you can’t make any noise no matter howmuch you stress your vocal chords.
You turn back to the crowdsaround you, hoping they can stop him – but they’re going on with their ownlives, as if you don’t exist. Maybe in this second, stuck between worlds, youdon’t.
Jungkook jumps down to theother side of the enclose, and one last time, he reaches out, hands resting onthe wire fence, while you reach out on the other side, fingers connecting.
“It’s okay,” he promises, “I’llbe okay after this. I just need your world to get rid of me… then I’ll show upin my own world. With our universes holding us apart forever. You’ll be safethen.”
“I don’t want to be safe. Iwant you.” You find tears burning your cheeks, “I love you…”
“I love you too…”
His hand falls from yours andhe turns towards the lions, now interested in him, maybe hoping he has somefood on him, or that he is the food.
You squeeze your eyes shut. Yourlast vision is his back, running towards the golden mane of the male lion, sun catching all his edges, framing him like an angel. Youexpect a sound, a roar, a scream, a something – but all there is is buzzingsilence. Then comes a crack – loudand your blood twists inside you in ways it shouldn’t. As if it wasjust a day dream behind your closed eyelids, you blink and find yourself backin the zoo, with the lions lying lazily in front of you, yawning, flicking off lies with shakes of their heads.
No sign of Jungkook.
“-alright?” you finally zone inon a voice by your side, “Excuse me, are you alright?” You turn to see a youngwoman shaking you by the arm as you stare at the lions with tears cutting chasms downyour cheeks.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”
But maybe you’ll never be fineagain. It might have hurt to be with Jungkook, but the pain was greater to losehim.
When two worlds crash together it leaves behind fissures that are hard to fix.
You’re reminded every time youlook down to your hands, see the scars from where Jungkook’s hand held your own.
You wonder if he’s still outthere, living his own life in his own world, where everything in the same butdifferent, if he still has the scar on his arm, if he looks down to itsometimes and smiles sadly when he thinks of you – his soulmate, who theuniverse ripped apart from him.
You trace your fingers alongthe marks on your hand, and think maybe you feel a ghost of his touch on yourown. No matter the pain or the suffering, you’re glad you met him, because hetaught you love like no one else could. And you’ll keep him with youforever, remembering him in the cracks he left behind.
author’s note: phewww I haven’t posted in a while! I’m so sorry! This isn’t a particularly good piece, but I needed something to break through the writer’s block I’ve been having recently, so I hope you don’t mind too much!
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