#like the sex pistols said: he's a lonely boy. he will take what he can get and live with the consequences later
talentforlying · 8 months
last thing actually, i was gonna do that 'are you the muse's type' bingo card but all he's got are "not a tory" and "not a twat". which to be fair are solid clarifications to make.
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cilliansgirl · 3 years
angel ✧ finn shelby
Pairing: Finn Shelby x Female!reader
Warnings: mentions of rape, sex, just overall bad themes
Summary: After Finn left (Y/N), she goes to another Peaky boy for comfort. But three months in, he gets a little too comfortable and her boys aren’t there to save her this time.
A/N: This is bad bc I literally wrote it in 30 mins but hey ideas are sparking which I am not opposed to. 
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She'd only given in because she was lonely. She didn't love him. He had only been there for her company. Now here she was, unable to get flee from the situation. He asked her to get married; she knew by the golden glint in his eyes that he was serious. She cared for him, but not as much as she did Finn. When did they even start dating? She doesn't remember. The past three months have all been a blur to her. It was all for comfort, all to satisfy her physical needs. She didn't know what to say. She blankly stared at the simple diamond ring held out to her. She felt her whole body shut down. She had to do it. She had to reject him because he wasn't Finn.
"I'm sorry, I-I can't," she whispered, almost inaudible.
"But you said you loved me," he retorted, his rage starting to rise.
"I don't."
"You don't love me or you won't because I'm not him," the man angrily slipped back.
“Both,” she stated, finally making contact with the firing rage in his eyes.
“I’m sorry,” she attempted to rush out the house but not before he harshly grabbed her wrist.
“You’re not leaving me,” he shot back.
“Please, please, stop,” she urged softly, twisting her hand to escape his grip.
He shouted, “No!”
Before she became aware, it was all happening. He had grabbed her waist and turned her towards him. She was fighting and fighting but he had taken advantage. It was never supposed to happen like this. She never meant it to go this far. She stopped fighting, she gave up. The boys had taught her how to fight when she was with them, but he was simply too strong. Nothing could save her. Her clothes were ripped off, her whole body became numb. She felt like a rag doll; being used, pulled, thrown in every which way. She didn’t really believe in God, but in this moment all she did was pray. Prayed that someone, anyone, would walk through the door. Prayed that Isaiah would walk through the door and save her like he always did, but no one came.
The next three hours were traumatizing. She just wanted to go home, so she did. She left while he was asleep, cautious not to wake him. Her clothes were ripped to shreds; she was in no place to be walking the streets of Small Heath, especially in the cold weather. The only decent piece of clothing keeping her covered was her long trench coat. She arrived at her door after what seemed like an eternity. She hurried and slammed the door shut just as harshly as she entered, swiftly locking every bolt on the door. Her first thought was to get it all off, every filthy touch and heinous word had to be washed out, so that is what she did. She doesn’t exactly know how long she had been sitting in the tub, but she knew it was time to get out when the water began chilling. She wrapped herself in a black cotton towel and grabbed her undergarments from her wardrobe.
After dressing herself slowly, the young girl looked in the mirror at the marks the man had given her. She thought unforgivable things.
Maybe this is what I get.
Maybe its karma for your family’s past.
I don’t know what to feel.
You cried the entire time, you have no more tears left.
Maybe screaming would let out my emotions.
Or even sleeping.
I have to tell someone.
Tell who? You have no one around.
Tommy, Finn, Micheal, Pol, anyone.
They don’t love you anymore.
Don’t say that.
You’re not Finn’s girl now, they left you. Accept it.
But Isiah-
No. Isiah hasn’t come to visit you since you moved on your own.
I need protection, what if he comes back and hurts me again?
Let’s leave, we can go to London.
No, Small Heath is home.
Before the voice could rebuttal there was a startling knock on the front door. She quickly got covered in a casual dress with a slip on over to hide the animalistic marks and bruises. On her way out from her room, she grabbed the pistol Finn had given her on their first official date.
Use it if I’m not there, alright?
She sneakily padded her bare feet to the door, careful not to make any noises the would alert the visitor there was anyone home. She put the pistol up to the door, looking through the peephole, holding her breath.
She sighed, it was only Pol. She tossed the pistol on the vanity in the hallway, pulling her slip tighter around her so Pol wouldn’t be able to make out the bruises. She unlocked the four bolts that held the door down before swinging it open with a small smile.
“My dear (Y/N)!” Polly exclaimed, bringing her in for an embrace.
“Hello, Polly,” she spoke, more quiet than usual, which didn’t go unnoticed by Ms. Polly Gray.
“Please, come in, get yourself out of the cold,” (Y/N) continued.
As Polly made her way to the dining room table, (Y/N) shut the door, gathering her slip once again.
She walked into the kitchen, not daring to make eye contact with Polly.
“Can I get you anything Pol? Water, tea, whiskey?”
Polly quietly shook her head, bringing the ashtray on the dining table closer to her. (Y/N) made her way to sit across from Polly, finally able to meet her eyes.
“Why are you here, Pol?”
“Just because you and Finn are not together anymore does not mean I will not come visit you,” Pol criticized, taking a drag from her cigarette.
“Mhmm,” (Y/N) hummed quietly, pulling her notebook in front of her, trying to make herself busy. What (Y/N) didn’t think about was that reaching over the table caused her slip to droop down her neck, exposing one of the worse marks.
“God, (Y/N)! What happened to you!” Polly shouted, throwing her cigarette on the table, rushing to inspect (Y/N)’s body.
Instinctively (Y/N) pulled the slip closer to her body, “It’s nothing Polly, just leave it.” Before Polly could even reach (Y/N), she had scurried off to her room and locked the door, ignoring the shouting of her name while doing so.
(Y/N) curled herself up in the corner of her room, knees to chest, head resting on the tops of her knees. Minutes later (Y/N) heard someone approach the door. They attempted to twist the handle, but to no avail.
“(Y/N), just tell me what happened. I promise I will not get upset,” Polly stated softly.
“No, I can’t,” (Y/N) sniffled, “It’s all my fault Pol.”
“Hey, hey. Just open the door and we can talk about it.”
As seconds passed, the young girl gathered herself and slowly eased the door open, leading Polly to sit on the edge of her bed.
“We don’t have to talk, I just need you to shake your head yes or no,” Polly eased.
(Y/N) shook her head in agreement.
“Was it the new Peaky boy recruit you met at the Garrison?”
“Was it consensual?”
“Did he hurt you?”
“(Y/N), were you raped?”
The hot tears streamed down the girls face, while Polly leaned over and embraced her, welcoming (Y/N) to cry in her chest.
“Come on, darling. I’m going to make a call,” Polly whispered, kissing the top of her (h/c) hair.
The two walked to the phone that was in the main entrance corridor. Once the phone call as over, it wasn’t 1 hour that all of the boys were over at (Y/N)’s; they were comforting her, not really knowing what to do, so they decided the best thing to give her was space.
(Y/N) leant on Micheal’s shoulder, his arm rubbing up and down her back.
“He’s taken care of (Y/N),” Tommy squatted down in front of her, “He won’t be coming near you ever again, darling.”
(Y/N) nodded, quietly thanking them for taking care of the issue. But all of them know that they couldn’t rid their best girl of the trauma she experienced.
it wasn’t long until Finn and Isiah walked through the door; if you thought the atmosphere was already tense, you were very much mistaken. Polly looked at the grown men and then to Finn, ushering them out of the room so (Y/N) could take to Finn alone.
He sat on the couch next to her; it was obvious that he had been crying too. But his tears were tears of rage and anger. Rage and confusion on why anyone in their right mind would do this to a sweet and stunning girl like her.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there, angel,” he whispered, “I should’ve never left you alone. I should know better.”
“Why’d we end it?” She asked, catching him off guard.
“I-uhmm-I was afraid of putting you in danger. I couldn’t stand the thought of losing you,” Finn spoke.
“Well, looks like that was thrown out the window,” she joked, yet still with a monotone voice.
“Come back with me.”
She turned to him, “What?!”
“Come back home. You’re safer with me than with anyone else. I’ll make sure no one even looks at you the wrong way. Just please come back home,” Finn pleaded.
(Y/N) hesitantly nodded, leading in to kiss him as he did the same. After they pulled apart, she rested her head on his shoulder, his arms wrapped around her, safely. For the first time in four months she felt at home.
“I’m never leaving you again, understand. No one hurts my angel.”
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starbuckie · 3 years
𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬
challenge: winter warmers writing challenge by @spaceodditybarnes
prompt: “it’s beginning to look a lot like christmas” by michael buble
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
words: 2k without lyrics, 2.1k with lyrics
warnings: i genuinely don’t think i can say anything besides FLUFF, oh wait theres some mentions of the shmexy sex (i promise im a functioning person)
summary: in which they take a little holiday stroll and talk about what they are.
a/n: THIS MADE ME VERY HAPPY THANK YOU FOR HOSTING THIS CHALLENGE JADE!!! i kinda veered off the idea of christmas with this one, but my mind created another idea and i kinda just went with the flow. anyways, i really enjoyed writing this one, and i hope you all had a lovely holiday season <3 LOTS OF LOVE Y’ALL
main masterlist || sebastian stan characters masterlist
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It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Everywhere you go
Take a look at the five and ten, it’s glistening once again
With candy cane and silver lanes that glow
Snow sprinkled to the buildings and sidewalks of Midtown Manhattan, making the traffic clog up to the oh so lovely sounds of taxis and cars honking. It was far from what people pictured it, really, New York was absolute hell during the holiday season. Sloshing boots and teens smoking pot outside the scantily decorated discount store that held very little, sad-looking Christmas lights.
It didn’t bother Bucky. No, he had never been a big fan of the holiday season. Even back in the forties, with his ma and little sisters, they had never been huge on celebrating Christmas, instead choosing to work those shifts during the holiday so they could make a buck or two more to hold them over. Now in the twenty-first century, the holiday just reminded him how truly lonely he was, everyone and everything he used to know long gone.
But then he found Y/N. Granted, it had not been a formal introduction. The poor girl had nearly damn run him over with her motorcycle for Christ’s sake, but nonetheless she crawled into his heart that cold December morning two years ago, and had not left ever since. 
Now she walked by his side at Rockefeller Center, her cold fingers intertwined with his warm ones, admiring the tree while he admired her. He already had every part of her memorized, from late night escapades in the sheets to studying the slope of her nose at team breakfasts. Even when he wasn’t with her, he was always looking at her, unable to pull his eyes away from Y/N’s radiance. 
This little… dalliance of theirs had only started a year back, and they had still yet to put a label on it. Sam had called it friends with benefits, Sharon called it being a couple without the name. Bucky had shut both of those ideas down, claiming that they were taking it slow and weren’t looking to call it anything yet they still had not really talked about it. Was it really worth ruining the bond he had with the girl he fell madly in love with? Whatever it was, they had never taken time out of their day to actually discuss what they meant to each other, but, God, he’d be a liar if he said he didn’t want to know.
“Bucky?” Her sweet voice brought him out of his thoughts, the glittering red and white lights of the Christmas tree reflecting in her eyes. “You seem kind of distracted right now, sweetheart, are you bored? We can head back to the compound if you like.”
He smiled at her worried tone, delicately kissing the tip of her nose. “‘M just thinking, doll, wanna stay as long as I can out here with you.”
The grin he received in return was breathtaking, her red-painted lips turned upwards and a little twinkle (literally and metaphorically) in her eyes. “Good.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be
On your own front door
“Oh, look at that helicopter, Buck! That’s so cool!” Y/N pointed at a little boy in the store controlling the airborne toy with a small remote. “They didn't have those when I was a kid, I just had my Tamagotchi.”
He scrunched his nose, staring at her with an emotion that could be described as nothing other than distaste. “What the hell is a Tamagotchi?”
“A Tamagotchi was like this little digital pet thing that you could take care of, mainly used for kids who were trying to prove to their parents that they could take care of a real pet. That’s why I had one at least, but I never did get a tabby cat like I wanted.” Y/N continued to ramble about her weird pet thing as they walked through the toy store, though Bucky didn’t really care. But he’d never stop her either. The way her eyes lit up in childlike wonder and her fascination with the toys on the shelves was too precious to destroy. This was the girl who he had seen slit throats and blow aliens’ brains out, and in the moment she was ogling an American Girl Doll like it was the last pancake at the breakfast table. 
Y/N finally convinced herself that she was done looking at the toys, claiming that she was too mature for such things (she really wasn’t), but he let her lead him out the door, before she halted right in the doorway. “What is it, honey?”
“Mistletoe.” He glanced up at the little sprig of green and red berries above their heads, hanging by a small strand of twine. A small group of kids with families stood around, watching them with both happy and annoyed faces. How could they not notice Y/N L/N and Bucky Barnes? Bucky’s vibranium arm may have been recognizable, but Y/N’s cheery, a little-louder-than-normal humming had caused a little group to watch them throughout the store. “I think they’re waiting for us to kiss, Buck.”
She leaned into him, placing her lips on his and placing her freezing hands on his cheekbones. Though Bucky had never been big on PDA, the rest of the world seemed to slip away when he was with her. He grinned into her lips, hugging her tightly around the waist so she squealed. When he forced herself away from her intoxicating mouth, she was sporting a bright smile and smudged lipstick that had rubbed off onto his. 
Giggling, she took her thumb and swiped off some of the red residue she had left. “You had a little something there, sweetheart.” 
A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots
Is the wish of Barney and Ben
Dolls that’ll talk and will go for a walk
Is the hope of Janice and Jen
Bucky watched Y/N point out all the different street cart vendors as they walked to Radio City Music Hall. She’d insisted that they go look at the window displays there as well, and who was he to argue? Strangely enough, they hadn’t talked much, other than the occasional “are you cold” from Bucky, to which Y/N assured him she was not. Her quiet voice sang the lyrics to Last Christmas when a little girl stopped in front of them, two auburn braids and green eyes boring straight into hers. 
The small child pulled on Y/N’s skirt, a silent plea to go down to her height. “Hi there, are you lost, sweetie?”
“I wanted to talk to you,” she looked back to an older woman, who gave her a thumbs up and a smile, “because you are my favorite superhero and I hope you have a very good Christmas.”
Y/N nearly melted at the toothless smile the girl, who she assumed was named Sadie by the necklace she wore. “Thank you so much, sweetheart. I hope you have a good Christmas too, and do you know this guy?” She dragged Bucky down next to her, the large, buff man hulking over the small girl. “This is my friend Bucky, do you know him?”
He eyed her warily, as if he were absolutely terrified of the tiny human. “You’re the Winter Soldier!”
Uh oh. The name was one that struck a chord of fear through everyone, still in shock of the events that had taken place in D.C. in 2014. While he and Sam had tried to label a new brand for the Avengers, people didn’t forget all the horrors of HYDRA and their prized assassin. Of course it hadn’t been him, even he knew that, but trying to convince people otherwise still made him feel guilty.
“You’re my second favorite Avenger, after Y/N, of course.” Sadie brought her hand to hover over Bucky’s vibranium one, her eyes wide with excitement. “Mr. Bucky, can I touch your metal arm?”
The man in question could barely utter out a word, muttering some sort of agreement before nodding with a timid smile. Giddily, she touched his arm, feeling all the cool ridges of gold-plated vibranium against the gun-grey metal. Sadie continued to pelt questions at him, about Sam and Redwing to his “adventures” with Y/N on the team.
Bucky, though shy at first, got more and more relaxed as they continued their conversation, his grin growing wider. Y/N loved her fans, she loved them so, so dearly, but seeing them interact with the man she loved was something different. Not a bad different, but a word that could only be described as pure joy. 
“Darling, I think we better leave Ms. L/N and Mr. Barnes alone. Say thank you and happy holidays.” The little girl looked sad, turning to look at her mom with a little pout, but she reluctantly obliged and soon the duo were off, into the crowded streets once again. 
“Y’know once upon a time I had dreamed about having kids,” Bucky commented. They walked along the sidewalks in a comfortable quiet after the encounter with Sadie, but Bucky’s mind had not stopped reeling from the happiness his conversation brought him. “Was gonna come home from the war, settle down with a gal, and live to be at least seventy years old.”
“Well, I can tell you you’re good on the last bit of that, Buck.” He snorted at her jab at his age, something that has become a norm for their little makeshift family of four. “What do you want now?”
He stopped in his tracks and looked over at her with a fond tilt of his lips. “Oh, just something real special.”
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in every store
But the prettiest sight to see, is the holly that will be
On your own front door
“Y/N, what are we?” She glanced over at him from where they sat on the Met stairs, giving their feet a break from walking for hours. 
“What do you mean, Buck?”
He grabbed her hands and held them to his chest, trying to make her understand the amount of confusion and impatience he had with this one burdening question. “We’ve been sleeping together for a year, Y/N. We make each other breakfast, we go out together, I literally have half of my closet dedicated to your stuff, but even after all that we haven’t given us a name yet.”
Y/N sat in stunned silence, staring at the outburst from the man in front of her. To be completely honest she had never really thought about the question, choosing to enjoy each second she got to spend with the wonderful man with her. What she had noticed however, was how whenever they parted ways or were in the most intimate of moments, three little words nearly slipped off of her tongue. Every. Single. Time.
“Well, what do you want to be, Bucky?”
“I want to be the man you love. I want to be the man who loves you with his entire heart, though I like to think I already am. I want you to be my best gal more than anything in the world, and that I want to be the man who gets to hold and love you every night.” Slowly they drifted to each other, a magnetic pull bringing them to each other. “What do you think, doll?”
“I think,” her lips split into a grin, hovering over his own with the exact same expression, “that I want to be your best girl and the one who gets to make you pancakes in the morning and I want to be the one you get a cat with, who we’ll name Alpine because if I know you, names are the most important part of having a pet. I want to be held and loved by you every night, Bucky Barnes, and I am the girl who loves you more than anything in this entire damn world.”
Not another second to spare, Bucky pulled Y/N in close, letting himself get lost in one of her sweet, loving kisses, finally knowing that he was hers and she was his. At long last.
Sure, it’s Christmas once more
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radioactive-synth · 3 years
random oc fact: about Olivia 'Libby' Zander:
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under read more ‘cause its long
- born in 16 march 2019. parents originally from Cyprus, they moved in America before Olivia was born. has a younger sister named Helen. their mother died of an incurable disease when Olivia was 4 yrs old, Helen was 2 yrs old. Theodore, their dad, needed to raise them on his own and work to provide for them
- usually a more lonely wolf, she focused on her studies than to get out in world. during college, she went to a party held on Harvester Day (i guess) and met Ryan Hudson (7-8 yrs older than her) who back then, was a officer in the army and was charming and very kind. they had fun at the party and kept contact. she also met Michael Hudson, Ryan's brother.
- her dad, who was a very kind, but unphased man, was not so glad that her daughter started to date a soldier, or how he called him, military dog. he had a bad feeling towards Ryan, and even asked Olivia if she is sure or even should consider the other Hudson brother (he liked Michael more than Ryan). in the end, he gave up and let them marry, with the condition that Olivia keeps her last name, and any offspring they will have, all will have the last name Zander. Theodore considered that the Hudson name is too american.
- she got married when she was 24 years old, right after she graduated college
- almost 2 yrs before she had her son, Olivia has stepped in to help raise her nephew, Vincent Hudson, as his mother didnt cared at all, and Michael was away on his duty (was an army medic). taking care of Vincent made her wish to have her own child.
- she gave birth to her son, Vaughn Aleksandros Zander, when she was 26 yrs old, on 13 february 2045.
- in the first few years she has raised both boys on her own. her husband and her brother in law were away in their duty, while Vin's mother prefered to hang out with her friends than to take care of her son. when Vaughn was around 5 years old, Olivia took a job as pharmacist on night shift. she also taught both boys how to cook.
- when Vin was around 10 yrs old, his mother left the Hudson family for her boss and took Michael's car and money. he needed to go one more time in the army, then retired to take a postman job, so he can take care of his son. Olivia had expected this thing from her ex sister in law, and felt sorry for Michael. even that her husband disapproved, Olivia had helped Michael with money until he got up on his feet.
- Olivia and Michael are very close, and she stays more with him than with her own (mostly absent) husband. at some point, Michael started to have feelings for her, but never acted on her, as he waited for her first.
- continued her job as pharmacist, even taking extra shifts so she can afford books and everything Vaughn needed for his studies.
- when her nephew was drafted in the army, she was terrified for him, then faked her son's medical documents, making him unfit for drafting. she knew it was illegal and risked prison for doing this, but she couldnt let her son be drafted too.
- she had not knew anything on how her husband treated their son. she noticed that Ryan became cold and distant, but had no idea how he emotionally and physically abused Vaughn. her son didnt said anything about it as he knew that without Ryan's money they couldnt get by, but after 2 yrs when he got a job too, Vaughn said everything. in 2071, just before Ryan left again in his duty, Olivia divorced of him, and even wanted to move out of the flat with her son. a few weeks pass, and they get the news that Ryan was killed in an ambush. Olivia and Vaughn were happy to hear about and that they can keep the flat, but felt bad for Michael. a week pass, and get the news that Vin was also killed on the battlefield, which ruins them. they tried to take care of Michael, but he died of heartattack 2 weeks later. to make things way worst, Vaughn lost his job at the clinic as the army took it under their control.
- Eleanora Foster, who was dating Vaughn since his college years, had helped him with his depression, taking him out more the house. Olivia was heartbroken but continued to work. both her and her son barely could get by with money. Nora's parents worked in administration, and her father managed to get Vaughn a job as family doctor in the Medical Bay Center. in 2074, Vaughn married Nora. her family also bought them the house in Sanctuary and Codsworth.
- she wanted to get her dad and sister to her son's wedding, but they could not afford the tickets, and also her dad was sick. Olivia could not afford either to go visit them, and was heartbroken. she wished her dad and sister would finally meet Vaughn (as they moved out in Cyprus when Olivia married, so they never met Vaughn), but her son told her that as long as he has her, its all that matters.
- in the year 2077, Nora had bought tickets for Vaughn and Olivia so they can visit their family in Cyprus for christmas and new years. the tickets were never used.
- had survived during the bombs, and after being locked in her flat for 3 weeks, she finally made courage to get out. she took a gas mask, a chest combat armor and a laser pistol (the only things from Ryan that she didnt sold) and got out. she was terrified how people were killing each other or barely living. she got in Sanctuary, but found Codsworth that was malfunctioning. she tried to get to the vault, but was stopped. hoping her son and his family are safe, she went back into the house and took any remaining food and supplies. she then went back to her flat and took some things with her: a backpack, clothes, food, medical supplies and photos with her family. she knew she must find a way to survive.
- she found a group of survivors that didnt shot her on sight. with time, they all transformed in ghouls. despite the radiation that changed her body, her eyes remained the same. she lost her hair, but found a wig that she dyed in her natural hair color, and tied in the same manner her son has: ronin bun.
- they became scavengers and traders. Olivia was also a medic and helped people if needed. not many people were used to ghouls yet, so they were marginalised a lot, or in worst cases, being shot at. there were also times when Olivia had ate nothing but drank alcohol to survive.
- she only presents herself as Libby, as it was the nickname that Michael and Vin called her
- she was never interested in any other romantic relationships. years ago, she realised too late that she really felt so close to Michael. she also thinks that she is asexual, as she never felt any interest in sex.
- after a few decades, Olivia split from her group as they were not aggreing that she was giving out free supplies. she was on her own for a few weeks, until she found Nix, a grieving mongrel mother who lost her cubs and was injured. she seen the scattered dead puppies and the crying mongrel and took care of her. Olivia knew what Nix feels, and the dog decided to stay with her. since then, Nix was her only friend.
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- they travelled across America, doing trades, helping out, Olivia also teaching medical stuff to other people, helping children. she also helped new mothers delivering babies, installing new trading routes, and settling down arguments between groups of people.
- she became an excelent sniper, and she and Nix worked efficient in team
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- she always had her family in her thoughts, and especially her son and nephew, and talked about them proudly. at some point, she thought that even Vin was her son, but remembered she gave birth once, and was 3 yrs difference between the boys.
- she also met my other ocs: my Vault Dweller, Nonè Smith, Chosen One Clovers Smith, Tamir (when she was 10 yrs old) and Gabriella Abbey, my Lone Wanderer.
- she also met mayor MacCready, after he nearly shot Nix. Olivia was more impressed by the kid than upset, and decided that she can help them out. she gave them supplies, helped them out, and all she wanted was to trade stories. despite MacCready's constant insults, they were good friends. he never forgot her kindness.
- around 2288, she hears stories about General Zander and how he saved the Commonwealth. she got interested to see who has her last name. she had no hope that it was her son, but one of the descendants.
- first arrived in Goodneighor and met Daisy, and got info on where to find General Zander
- reunited with her son in Sanctuary, and also met Oliver, her grandson, before being introduced to the Sanctuary family. also reunited with MacCready, and was so happy to see him ending up well and with his son Duncan
- she finally retires and becomes the mama and grandma she missed so much. in present, she moved into Vaughn's old house, which she decorated it. she takes care of the kids, spends time with her son and her new family. she loves Nick and Hancock and sees how good are for his son. she also organize their wedding.
- usually a very cheerful person, she has a certain sad look in her eyes at times. yet if she is asked if she is ok, she will smile and say that she is ok.
- shocks her son by drinking alcohol and smoking and even swearing, as she never done these things pre war. but overall, Vaughn still sees her as the mom he knew.
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imacrowcawcaw · 4 years
A Lover With A Red Hot Thong -- Duzzy -- Ch. 1
Author (as known on various sites): luluthechoosingcrow - AO3, theladylovingcrow - Wattpad and Deviantart, lady lover - Rockfic, @insannywestan - Sanny shipping blog, @gretavanfleetconfessions
Fandom: Guns n Roses
Pairings: Duff McKagan/Izzy Stradlin (Duzzy)
Tags/Warnings: Fluff, like extreme fluff, attempted humor, airports, Duff has anxiety, Izzy is really good at comforting him, cuddling, sharing a bed, romance, dates, friends to lovers, adorable giggly boys, kissing
Summary: Duff dressed like a stripper from Arkansas that had discovered the Sex Pistols last week, drank more vodka in a month than most people did in a year, baked amazing blackberry streudals, sang Prince in the shower, and made out with his friends when he was lonely. Izzy was pretty sure that he was in love with him. Something certainly comes out of it when they end up spending a rather romantic week (totally not a honeymoon) in New Orleans because somebody (the very Duff of his longings) always loses their passport.
Taglist: @brianmaysclog @love-n-my-heart-4-n-army-apart @1800endmeplease @tymeconsuming @satans-helper @ageofkiszka @karrotkate @therealswanqueen @mountainofthesunn @onlyan-angel @lantern-inthenight @love-philautia @ubernoxa @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies (reminder that I just remade my taglist and organized it as best as I could, but if you either don’t want to be tagged in something (like GNR) or want to be added, just let me know!)
Author's Notes (aka disclaimers): 
1 - Don't own the people or places 
2 - It's a combination of real and made up (to my knowledge) places for this story. Don't use this as a fucking tour guide, I've never been to New Orleans and I don't have memories of anywhere east of Lake Tahoe
3 - The timeline of this is also completely made up. I like to bend reality to my will because I am a lazy writer
4 - I tried my hand at writing a character with anxiety. I'm trying my best with the info online and my own experiences, but please let me know if something is wildly inaccurate and detracts from the story 
5 - I mean no disrespect to the band. I try my best to be a humorous writer, and I think that I have a pretty healthy view of them, seeing both the good and poking fun at the bad. Some of this might come off as mean, but I’m not really trying to be. I just want people to laugh
6 - Trying that thing where I port my WIPs to get motivated. We’ll see if this works!
Monday, September 15, 6:46 AM, New Orleans Louis Armstrong National Airport 
"Duff, what exactly do you mean you don't have your passport?" Axl spit, breathing hard in an effort to diffuse combustion. He was not exactly the happiest camper this early in the morning, especially when some people's forgetfulness interrupted the sleep he had planned on getting as soon as they boarded the plane.
The man being questioned gazed at Axl nervously through wide, panicked eyes. 
"I don't know, man! Er- I mean, yeah I don't have it... I'm pretty sure the last time I saw it was at the hotel when we checked in. I'm sorry! We just got up so early and it was still dark and I kind of have a hangover from last night so I just shoved my stuff in my bag and went downstairs so we wouldn't be late, but now we're going to be late shit I'm sorry I don't-" 
"Hey, hey. Duff, it's okay, just breathe," Izzy soothed, speaking his first words of the day besides a 'fuck off' to Steven, who'd been tasked with waking him up. He settled a coffee-cup-warm, pale hand on Duff's shoulder and turned to speak to Axl.
"It's fine, Bill, we'll figure it out. None of us function well in the morning, do you have your snakeskin belt, hmm?" He asked, knowing that the beloved item was still hanging from a lamp in the hotel room they had checked out of at 4 AM.
Axl's mouth shut with a clack as he glared at Izzy and his damned know it all face. He huffed out a breath and made a big show of rolling his eyes and changing his expression to one of fond exasperation.
"Fine, then, you can figure it out. Don't expect any help from us, though!" 
Izzy snorted at his friend's drama and his statement; Steven was currently trying to convince an off duty captain to let him fly his plane, Axl was Axl, and Slash was still dead to the world behind his hair -- very helpful.
"Okay, well, we'll meet you there as soon as we can. Enjoy your flight, don't become members of the mile high club without us," Izzy replied, pulling Duff up and swinging his backpack over his shoulder.
They walked away, arms brushing with every step, to the sound of Axl screaming at them to bring back his belt, and the disgruntled looks of other early morning airport commuters whom they ignored. Izzy followed the overhead signs back to a check in desk with Duff in tow, hoping that everything would work out and that they could be in Amsterdam with the rest of the guys by nightfall.
No such luck, of course.
"I'm sorry," the lady said with a completely uncaring smile, "but the next flight to Amsterdam, commercial or private, isn't until next tuesday. I can book two tickets for you, Mr. Stradlin, but there's nothing more I can do." 
Izzy sighed, but nodded. He sorted through bills in his wallet, mocking the lady in his head all the while. 'I'm sorry, but your daughter is going to die from a wrench to the eye socket. I can give you a bandaid, but there's nothing more I can do.'
Duff, though, having woken up on the walk over, was looking closer to an anxiety attack than the mild annoyance Izzy was feeling. 
He quickly excused them and grabbed Duff's wrist, pulling him a few feet away for the false illusion of privacy to calm him down.
"Shh, shh, take a deep breath," Izzy whispered, hands gripping Duff's shoulders to force them to look straight in each other's eyes. "Everything will be alright. We'll find your passport, hang out in the city for a while, then go meet up with the guys. Easy, no problems. Relax babe, just try to relax and breathe."
Duff tried to steady his breathing as he clung to Izzy, pulling the man into a hug. He wasn't sure what he would do if Iz wasn't here -- his friend was usually the only one who could stop his incoming anxiety like that.
They stood there for several minutes; Duff regaining a normal breathing pattern, and Izzy slowly rubbing his back. As they pulled away from each other, Duff spotted a hippo in Mardi Gras attire glaring at them in disgust. He smirked rather weakly, still a bit shaken and queasy from his panic but back on the track to his usual self.
"Hey, Iz, it looks like we have an audience, and he's not very pleased."
Izzy grinned back at him, relieved that the Duff he knew was still kicking. Besides, this was their favorite game. 
Every once in a while, the boys were subjected to odd stares and the occasional slur. Usually, it was just for dressing like Dolly Parton while shoplifting, but occasionally, it was because they got pretty close. Sometimes they were drunk, sometimes they were just talking to each other or hugging, sometimes because they were blatantly trying to piss off as many people as possible (sometimes the "people" included Axl).
Izzy moved his hands from Duff's shoulder blades, one wrapping tight around his waist and the other getting a firm grip on his delectable ass. 
Duff snorted and cupped Izzy's face in his large hands, angling him upwards slightly so that they could lean their foreheads together. He bit his lip to stop from giggling, and Izzy brushed his own mouth against him for a split second, getting a quick hint of teeth and coffee-breathe.
Out of the corner of his eye, Izzy saw the man visibly shudder, his beady eyes grimacing. 
A fake blond, middle aged woman Izzy assumed was his wife laid one hand on his polo shirt, as if in an effort to calm him down. It had the opposite effect. The man grunted and skewered his mouth to the side, squinting even more as if a giant rainbow spotlight was being blasted into his eyes.
Izzy smirked, though it was barely noticeable against Duff's mouth. 
Duff murmured something about 'making a scene', but Izzy knew he was referring to their audience and not themselves. Neither of them cared who saw this, though if it was printed in any magazines Axl might try to suplex them out of a window. "Try" being the key word -- the little red terror was too chicken to actually try that with Izzy, and too short to get enough leverage on Duff. 
Somewhere behind him, Izzy heard the woman whine, "Oh, Charles!" like she was getting the worst rimjob of her life. 
"It's disgusting, Carol! I won't stand for it!" 
"Time to get going?" Duff whispered, pulling back an inch.
Izzy gave him one last searing kiss and an extra probing squeeze to the ass then nodded, breaking away. They quickly picked up their suitcases and high tailed it out of the building, leaving dust, stares, and a purple and green, mouth breathing, homophobic fatman in their wake. 
Duff laughed as they came to a stop in the middle of a group of Japanese tourists. They all turned to look at him as he barked, panted, barked, and then wheezed with his hands on his knees.
Izzy was looking at Duff too, a rare - though not as much as some people would think - smile on his lips. He patted his friend on the back and pulled out a cigarette, then offered one to Duff. It would make the wheezing worse, but a smoker cares none about that. 
They lit up from Izzy's lighter as the tour grouped streamed past them, completely nonplussed at the disgruntled - or awed, recognizing - stares they received. Once they had the stretch of sidewalk to themselves, Duff stacked their suitcases one atop the other and sat down while Izzy hailed a cab. His long arms soon garnered them a ride and they hopped into the sedan after tossing their bags into the trunk. 
It was blue, with a peeling leather interior and a hand stenciled logo on either window; the usual black and white checkers ran a wobbly circle around the outside of the car. The driver glared at them from underneath bushy brows as they smoked their cigarettes, and Izzy smiled at him politely, meeting his eyes in the rearview mirror, until he finished and put out his cig on the door's plastic. 
Duff's mind was in some far off place and he didn't notice any interactions taking place. Izzy wondered if he was thinking about how to find his passport, or what to do in the city, or about girls -- or, the bleach blonde head rolling onto his shoulder could have been asleep. The snores more or less confirmed it. 
"Where to?" The driver asked after a minute. 
“Marriott on Jackson,” Izzy answered, turning his torso minutely to get more comfortable.
Etta James’ smoky vocals floated out of the speakers, half of the tone quality getting lost in the maze of beads hanging down from the cab ceiling in a curtain between driver and passengers. Izzy sighed and shifted; the leather creaked; Duff snorted and drool ran down his arm. He smiled down at the man asleep on him and brushed some hair back from his sticky mouth, fingers slowly tracing Duff’s jawline. 
Michael Andrew Mckagan was a unique specimen, that was for sure. He was laid back and welcoming, yet had enough energy to rival Popcorn, at times. He was loving and affectionate to his friends, and scathingly rude to those that hurt them. Duff dressed like a stripper from Arkansas that had discovered the Sex Pistols last week, drank more vodka in a month than most people did in a year, baked amazing blackberry streudals, sang Prince in the shower, and made out with his friends when he was lonely. Izzy was pretty sure that he was in love with him.
The engine of the cab coughed, and suddenly the vehicle was rolling to a stop outside the hotel they had left only an hour or so ago. Izzy gently shook Duff awake and went to pay the man while Duff got their bags back out of the trunk. 
“That will be forty dollars,” the man said, staring Izzy down from beneath his fuzzy caterpillar. Interestingly enough, that was the only facial hair he had; perhaps he’d shaved off his mustache and glued it, hair by hair, onto his brow bone. 
“Really? It was half that to get to the airport two hours ago. What’s your game, man? You think you can scam us?”
Izzy didn’t like being scammed. It was damn near impossible to get one up on him - let alone very rare someone even dared to try - so this guy was about to get it if he thought he could. 
“You ruined my interior. Smells like smoke. I need to clean it now. I know you have the money,” the man glared, narrowing his eyes. The caterpillar hunched down too, like it was trying to curl up on itself to avoid getting eaten by a hawk-nosed Stradlin. 
“Is that so?” Izzy snorted, fishing out another cigarette just for the hell of watching the man get angrier. 
“Here, forty dollars. C’mon Iz, let’s go.”
Duff handed the man a fold of two twenties with a sigh, his other hand subtly resting on Izzy’s lower back for a moment before removing itself again. He wanted to fight it - there was no way that guy should be getting away with charging them double price, fuck that! - but Duff was tired and the money was already handed over. Izzy knew that physical signal from Dff, too, the hand on the back: it meant “leave it”. 
With a final huff and a not so subtle bird, Izzy grabbed his carpet bag from where Duff had lain it on the asphalt and followed his tall friend through the hotel’s front entrance, cigarette dangling from his mouth all the while. 
They made their way over to the front desk, explained the situation, and then they were back inside the mirrored elevator armed with the suite’s key card, going up like they had never left in the first place. 
“Hmm, wonder what it would be like to make love in this elevator?” Duff mused, staring upwards at his reflection in the ceiling. 
Issy followed the bold line of his profile, from Adam's apple to nose to messy hair, before he finally glanced at the ceiling, too. 
“Interesting, certainly. I’ve done it in front of a mirror, but not in a whole box of them.”
“Yeah. Hey, we should come back here and incorporate this into our next video!” Duff exclaimed, grinning at him. 
“Izzy snorted. “What, you wanna come back here a third time? This place got like a magical draw or some shit?”
They both cracked up.
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cuppalevi · 4 years
Blue Guitar | Chapter 5: Melancholy Man
Series Summary: Leone Abbacchio’s trying his best to get his shit together for Narancia. But when Narancia ends up inviting him to a concert he’s playing for, Leone ends up under the sheets of the popstar, Bruno Buccellati. It turns out dating a popstar has complications. Especially when a certain someone named Diavolo has tricks up his sleeves.
Chapter 5 Summary:   Leone and Narancia bump heads; Giorno, Trish and Mista have fun in the living room and Bruno and Fugo make a trip to the hospital.
Fandom: Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Pairing: Leone Abbacchio x Bruno Buccellati
AO3 | Previously | Masterlist
“You did what?!” Trish gaped at Mista, momentarily shifting her attention to Giorno’s nail to Mista who was sitting beside her on the floor.
The coffee table was pushed up against the wall-- providing a big space for Giorno, Mista, and Trish to occupy the carpeted floor. Mista had practically thrown all the pillows to the floor, laying down a massive blanket to cover the three of them as a bunch of bowls filled with snacks lie in front of them.
The house was filled with the gang. Bruno and Fugo were at the office, discussing which songs were to be added or removed from their setlist for their next gig. Trish, Giorno, and Mista stayed in the living room. Trish was painting a dark deep blue base color on Giorno’s nail, which the blonde admired. The television was playing Pretty Woman per Mista’s request-- even if they have seen it a hundred times already.
Bruno called the boys over to keep Trish company this afternoon and because their supposed lunch was canceled. They got along with Trish pretty well and felt protective of her considering there’s a dark shadow lurking around Naples right now. Earlier on, he received a text message from Leone saying that he successfully bailed Narancia out of the juvenile detention center for a crime he apparently did not commit.
“Nobody wanted them so I took them!” Mista shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.
“Do you really think you have the capability of taking care of six monk parakeets?” Trish raised a brow at the drummer, withdrawing from Giorno’s hand that she successfully painted on. She screws the cap of the dark blue nail polish back onto the bottle, nodding to herself in approval as she checks the state of Giorno’s nails.
Giorno scoffed, splaying out his hands to look at the lacquer on his nails. Trish had done a superb job on his manicure. “The birds are really talkative as well. He calls them the Sex Pistols.”
Giorno and Mista began dating a couple of months after Mista became Bruno’s drummer. Giorno was only a year younger than Mista. They kept their relationship under wraps for a few months but when Trish walked in on them making out like horny teenagers, their secret relationship was not-so-secret anymore. Although Giorno usually stayed at Mista’s apartment, the drummer felt a tad lonely whenever he wasn’t with the presence of his boyfriend. Recently, Mista adopted six yellow feathered monk parakeets-- much to the pet owner’s surprise that somebody adopted not only one but six monk parakeets. Least to say, the drummer has grown very attached to them afterward.
“Really?” Trish hummed in amusement as she shook a bottle of a gold glitter topcoat polish in her hand.
“They aren’t that talkative! And I for one love calling them Sex Pistols. ” Mista defended with a huff, crossing his arms. He fiddles with his hat, “And besides, I’ve only taught them to call my name and to tell me when they’re hungry.”
Giorno and Trish stifled a laugh, imagining a bunch of birds flying around Mista’s apparent chirping the drummer’s name as they flapped their wings.
“Oh, Trish, you think you could do my nails?” Asked Mista, looking back and forth his two hands to check out his nails. “No nail polish though, just like trim them down and file them.”
Trish squealed, grabbing Mista’s hand in hers. “You’re gonna need more than just trimming and filing, hon.” Trish has always been itching to do something about Mista’s nails-- seeing as the drummer didn’t care for them as much.
“Guys,” Bruno called, going down the stairs with a hand sliding along the rail. “Fugo and I are gonna visit Narancia at the hospital. You guys stay here and don’t go out.”
“Oh? What’s happened with Narancia?” Mista tilted his head in curiosity with a raised eyebrow.
Fugo releases a sigh, following behind Bruno. “Told us he caught some eye disease. It’s pretty bad.”
Earlier on, Fugo received a text from Narancia saying that he was admitted to the hospital-- per Leone’s demand. The raven-haired teen asked Fugo to visit him and bring him chocolates and requested that he bring Bruno as well. It was a shock to Bruno to hear that Narancia was in the hospital. Immediately, he insisted that he and Fugo go visit the guitarist and see how he was doing. The added bonus was that Bruno would get to see Leone again.
“Stay safe then,” Giorno spoke up, “We’ll stay here until you guys get back.”
“Lock the doors and close the windows. You call me once something goes wrong, okay? That’s an order.” Bruno looks back at Giorno and Mista. A silent communication goes between them before the two nod their heads. Trish bids goodbye to Bruno and Fugo before they stepped out of the door, leaving the three alone in the house.
“You lot are getting overprotective,” Said Trish with a sigh, her hands fiddling with the hem of the duvet.
“It’s for your safety,” Giorno replied, nudging the girl softly with his elbow. “Buccellati cares for you a lot. We all do.”
“Bruno’s freaked out. He doesn’t say but I can just tell. All I saw was Doppio and here he is making sure you guys stay by my side.”
During the course of the day, Trish would sneak subtle glances at Bruno. Sometimes, she’d catch him with a frown and a disoriented look on his face-- deep in his thoughts. It’s no joke that Bruno’s shaken up. It’s been ages since her father had made any moves against them and only now have they decided to act. There was no way Bruno could go on about his day without worrying about their safety. Afterall, Trish’s father was a dangerous man.
Mista drapes an arm around Trish’s shoulders, “Doppio’s a threat just as much as your father is. If he comes for you, he’ll have to go through us .”
Trish looks at Giorno and Mista with adoration shining in her eyes who sat by her sides, making her sandwiched between the two males. She nodded her head, determination set on her face as she said her next words.
“We won’t go down without a fight.”
“Aw, you brought me chocolate! Thanks, Fugo!” Narancia grinned happily as he accepted the bar of chocolate from Fugo. The boy sits on a chair beside Narancia’s bed, leaning back as he looks at the bandage wrapped around his head that was covering his left eye.
“If you lose your eye you get to wear those cool black eye patches that’ll make you look like a pirate,” Fugo smirked at the teenager, trying his best to cheer him up despite the situation he was in.
Narancia scoffed, “Oh yeah? If I were to be a pirate what would you be?”
“Why, your first mate, of course.”
Bruno crossed his arms and watched the two teenagers admirably with a smile on his face. He was sitting beside Leone who was staring into his cheap cup of coffee which he got from the hospital cafeteria.
“How long are you staying here for?” Asked Fugo as he took the piece of chocolate from Narancia’s hand that the raven-haired teen offered him.
“Three weeks at most.”
Fugo’s brows creased, “Then that means you won’t be able to play for the show this upcoming week?”
Narancia frowned, “I can play. I can discharge early-”
“There’s no chance you’re getting discharged early,” Leone protested, the chair scraping on the floor as he stood up. “You’re going to stay here and heal.”
To Narancia, it sounded more like a demand than a request. “Oh yeah? Then you go and play the guitar, old man.” Narancia rolled his eyes, jeering at Leone with a glare on his face.
Leone held back a scoff, choosing the turn away and glare at the wall instead. The man huffs, angrily combing through his hair as if to try and calm himself down. Bruno felt the unwavering tension between the two, wondering what has happened. Narancia wasn’t his usual jovial self around Leone today-- Bruno noticed. Narancia and Leone were still bothered by their argument earlier.
“What were you even doing late out at night?”
They’ve arrived back at the apartment after a long walk of Leone scolding Narancia for his irresponsibility. When Leone arrived at the station, he was immediately overwhelmed by memories crashing his mind. How his young, determined self, used to work in that goddamn place-- seeking justice. A few of them recognized him and the way they stared at Leone was as if they were shooting daggers at his back (As if Leone didn’t already have to shoulder the burden of the death of his partner). He avoided their stares, looking straight ahead, walking towards the desk up front, and asked for Narancia Ghirga.
“I was bored! You were gone with Buccellati for ages having the time of your life and I was just here without anything to do!” The teenager stomped through the living room with crossed arms, taking his place on the couch.
Leone’s brows lifted in surprise, taken aback by Narancia’s words. “Excuse me? This is not about me and Bruno, Narancia. That doesn’t change the fact that you got arrested-”
“BUT I DIDN’T DO IT!” Narancia screamed, “You don’t even believe me!”
The teenager was pulling at the roots of his hair. Frustration and stress filled up every fiber of his bones. The state of his eye wasn’t making it any better. When he was being interrogated, the investigator ended up punching him in the face because he wouldn’t fess up. But Narancia didn’t know what to say because he literally had no part in stealing the jewelry. Spending the night in a cold dark cell with little to no food and a very uncomfortable bed was not how he imagined his night would go. Narancia’s never felt that alone in his life, sitting there in the darkness, wondering what the fuck he got himself into.
“Hey, now, I never said that!” Leone’s feet pounded on the floor with each step he took to approach Narancia. “If you hadn’t gone outside then this wouldn’t have happened. I’ve told you plenty of times not to wander around during the dark.”
“Well, I wasn’t just gonna stay in this forsaken apartment the whole night! You took my video games after all!”
The two were now face-to-face, glaring at each other. If looks could kill, they’d both be dead this instant. Both of them were fuming, each wanting to defend their side to this sticky situation. If they had screamed any louder, their neighbors would have been knocking on their door asking if they were okay. Leone and Narancia bickered most of the time and although Leone would reprimand the teenager for his childish actions sometimes, they wouldn’t go as far as to roar at each other’s throats.
Oh, how the tables have turned.
“I’m trying to look out for you! Would it kill you to stop acting like a goddamn child for once?!”
Narancia growled, anger bursting through his veins. Me? A child?, Narancia thought, internally rolling his eyes. As much as he was grateful for Leone looking after him and being there for him when nobody else did, it annoyed him that Leone still thought of him as a young, naive child with no clue whatever the fuck he’s doing. He’s practically grown up now. Moody Blues stepped down from the window sill, disturbed from the two males' booming voice. The cat walks in between the two as if to try and get them to stop. But they paid no mind to the cat.
“I didn’t even ask you to look out for me, Abbacchio! It was your choice to take care of me!” Narancia shoved Leone back, gritting his teeth. “You can’t keep treating me like a child!
At this point, they were just spitting words. Words that probably should have been left unsaid. But frustration clouded their minds too much. Both of them have undergone a huge amount of worry and stress. It just seemed that this was the way they were taking it out on each other. Moody Blues looked back and forth the two, meowing loudly to get their attention. Unbothered, the two ignored the meowing cat in between them. Leone strode closer to Narancia, pointing an accusatory finger at him as he barks at the teenager.
“I’ll stop treating you like a fucking child when you stop acting like one!”
Unlike before, when Leone so much as raised his voice, Narancia would tremble in fear. Gradually, Narancia’s gotten used to Leone’s snarling face and thundering voice because, at the end of fucking something up, he would apologize. But last night, he had nothing to do with. He didn’t know what to say to Leone or even explain the situation when he called the adult at the station to bail him out.
“It’s not like you’re mio padre or something!” Seethed Narancia, smacking away Leone’s hand.
Low blow, kid.
Moody Blues meows loudly, hissing at the two adults. Her tail straight as a stick and her fur sticking out in distress.
“SHUT UP!” Both Leone and Narancia simultaneously shouted at the feline below them.
“OW!” Narancia suddenly cried, reeling back from the pain his left eye has brought upon him. He hisses, hand snapping away the moment he laid a touch on his affected eye. The teenager turns his back on Leone, refusing to let the adult see him like this and hopes that he isn’t questioned.
But Leone wasn’t just going to ignore it.
“What the fuck’s wrong with your eye, Narancia?” Leone grasped the Narancia’s shoulder, pulling him back to look at the said eye.
The two of them were still angry at each other no doubt. A little bit of that searing hot frustration blew away when Leone’s concern for the teenager rose up.
Once Leone surveyed the state of Narancia’s eye, the adult growled. “We’re getting that checked.”
Narancia protested, “What? No, I’m fin-”
“Shut up. We’re getting your eye checked at that’s final.”
“Leone’s right, Narancia.” Said Bruno softly, approaching one side of the teenager’s bed to hold his hand. “Taking care of yourself is your main priority.”
Still, Narancia frowned. “But you guys can’t just play without me and you can’t cancel the gig either.”
“It’s not a bad idea,” Fugo spoke up, “That Abbacchio could play guitar for the show.” The teen shrugs his shoulders.
Leone’s eyes widen and he whips his head to Fugo’s direction, ready to reprimand him for thinking such a thing. But before he could, Narancia speaks up again.
“Abbacchio doesn’t know how to play the guitar,” Narancia grumbles, feeling a bit uneasy that his joke was taken seriously.
“He’s right. I don’t know the first thing about the guitar,” The long-haired adult rolls his eyes and crosses his arms-- hoping that the subject of this conversation was going to end soon but alas, fate’s not on his side.
“I could teach him,” Bruno suggests, “And you do need a job right?” He raises an eyebrow pointedly at Leone.
“Are you going to replace me with Abbacchio?” Asked Narancia sadly.
Bruno shakes his head, “No, piccolo, this is just until you get better. It’s better than having to find somebody else to fill in for you.” The singer ruffles the teenager’s hair reassuringly. “Is that okay with you?”
Narancia looks up at Leone-- who turns away once their eyes meet. Figures . “I don’t mind,” He mumbles audibly enough for the whole room to hear. “If it’s really what you guys need, then so be it.”
“This is absurd,” Leone pinches the bridge of his nose, baffled that Narancia would be okay with letting him play the guitar for Bruno. Heck, how on earth is he gonna play the forsaken instrument? He doesn’t even know the basics.
“It’s not that hard, Abbacchio. Once you learn the chords, you can begin to play songs.” Narancia commented nonchalantly.
“Oh yeah and how long did it take you to learn?” Leone bit back at the teen with an incredulous look on his face.
“That doesn’t matter,” Bruno began, “Point is; I’m sure you’d be able to learn quickly if we start as soon as possible.”
The long-haired man groaned, “You’re seriously considering this?”
Bruno nodded his head, “Of course. I’m willing to teach you, Leone. And it’s for Narancia’s sake as well. And who knows? If it works out, you could work for the band as well.”
Leone clicked his tongue, pursing his lips in thought. Bruno was right though. He did desperately needed a job, and he’s already being offered one. But to learn how to play the fucking guitar in probably even less than a week when Narancia’s mastered his for more than years? Unbelievable. Even if Bruno were to teach him, he’s pretty sure he’s going to mess up. And don’t get him started on the number of songs he’s gonna have to memorize the chords for if he does play for Bruno’s show.
It’s for Narancia’s sake. Bruno’s voice echoes in his ears.
“If I do this, promise me you’ll focus on getting better,” Leone answered, looking at Narancia’s direction. “I need you safe. And I have to pay for your hospital bills one way or another,” He sighed, rubbing at the temple of his forehead.
Yup, he’d do anything for this kid.
Narancia nodded, “I promise and I’m sorry, Abbacchio.” He trained his gaze down and began fiddling with the foil of the chocolate bar.
Oh fuck it all, Leone’s inner voice shouted.
“Fine, I’ll do it.”
< To Be Continued I \ I |
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anasuisprisonwife · 4 years
Headcanons on the bucci gang on a normal day? Gimme found family headcanons bleASE
so my brain definitely just wasn’t working yesterday, cuz this ended up being way easier 2day lmaooo
Fugo is extremely lazy on his days off, now that he isn’t constantly pressured by family or teachers, although he still takes the time to keep his surroundings organized.
He finds himself getting irrationally quick to anger over little things like Mista leaving the milk outside the fridge or Abbacchio getting makeup all over the counter, but Bruno can usually deescalate the situation.
Fugo’s commonly the person to handle grocery shopping, and Giorno accompanies him as driver. Bruno’s too busy to take care of groceries, and someone like Mista or Narancia would only purchase processed foods and sugary snacks. 
At home, he loves playing video games with Narancia, but is often quick to anger when he doesn’t win.
To calm himself, he sits down in a quiet place to read. 
Throughout the day, Fugo likes to take long naps, but oftentimes he’s awakened by Narancia’s loud voice, which puts him in a grumpy mood. 
Narancia has absolutely no schedule set up for himself on his days off. The majority of his day is spent playing video games and eating snacks.
He loves watching cartoons and anime while eating said snacks. 
His room is a mess with clothes on the floor and snack wrappers everywhere, but he still invites everyone inside to play video games with him.
Narancia was listening to his music too loudly, so Abbacchio gave him an old pair of headphones. 
The only time he leaves home is to take a trip to the game store, or walk to the convenience store for some snacks. 
Sometimes showers when he has a day off.
Mista spends most of his day gorging on whatever food he can find around.
If he’s not playing video games with Narancia, he’s polishing his gun or disciplining sex pistols.
His guilty pleasure is long, romance movies. He’ll lock himself in his room, gathered by snacks, in the dark while fawning over the cheesy love scenes.
After he’s had his fill of romance, while he’s still alone in his room, he spends a reasonable amount of time watching pornos and playing with himself.
A couple times, Trish has knocked on Mista’s door to join him for a movie, and he has to frantically zip his pants while shouting, “One minute!” with a crack in his voice.
Once, Bruno walked in on him fondling his lower-pants-less self, which prompted Bruno to never enter Mista’s room again.
Trish likes to spend most of her time away from the rest of the boys, since she can’t relate to their interests as well.
One time, she tried playing video games with Narancia. She told him they were fun out of kindness, but was never interested enough to pick up a controller again.
At home, she listens to music in her room while flipping through fashion magazines. 
Otherwise, she’s asking Giorno for a ride to the mall.
Sometimes when she’s feeling lonely, she’ll knock on Mista’s door to possibly join him for a romance flick.
Abbacchio likes to spend most of his day to himself, listening to music or exercising.
Sometimes, the time spent alone has him delving too deep into his thoughts, so he’ll force himself into the living room where he can focus more on what others are doing. 
When Abbacchio really has nothing better to do, he’ll convince Narancia to let him practice some makeup on the boy, in return for a ride to the game store.
Narancia will go to the game store in a full face of makeup, which is pretty amusing to Abbacchio.
Around the evening time, Abbacchio pours himself a glass or two of his favorite white wine.
Occasionally when he’s having a particularly bad night, Bruno will hide the wine bottle from him, but Abbacchio has learned all of the capo’s best hiding spots.
Giorno likes to spend his time in the backyard taking care of his plants.
He has a couple different fruit trees, and everyone except Abbacchio agrees that his fruits are sweeter than the store’s. 
In his room, he has a snake in an aquarium, that he loves dearly. On his days off, he’ll take the time to clean out the tank and provide fresh food. 
Since Abbacchio usually refuses to drive anyone around, Giorno is usually out and about behind the steering wheel because he just can’t say no,  whether it’s groceries with Fugo, dropping Trish off at the mall, or taking Narancia to the game store. 
Narancia is always asking Giorno to play games with him and the other boys, and occasionally, he’ll agree, but he’s always ranking last.
Bruno is constantly worrying about loose-ends around the place during his time off. Even when he shouldn’t be working, he’s organizing paperwork.
If he’s not organizing his own life, he’s out in the common areas organizing everyone else’s life:
He keeps Fugo from getting too hot headed, watches a movie or two with Mista, and occasionally plays a couple games with Narancia. He takes lots of time listening to Abbacchio’s problems, keeps the bottle hidden as best he can, and ensures that Trish isn’t feeling too left out. Sometimes Bruno will even feed Giorno’s snake, that he’s terrified of, while he’s out doing groceries with Fugo.
When the capo finally gets a moment to himself, it’s in the bath, where no one can disturb him except maybe Abbacchio.
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final-girl96 · 4 years
Having A Crush On The Savior Of Humanity
Okay so I can’t not do read more on my phone or my tablet so don’t come at me.... and please do not correct my spelling and shit I can’t catch everything this is also on Wattpad. This is a Murphy x oc but if you’d like to use your name and what you look like please feel free to do so... thank you for reading. I have more chapters if you’d like to read more please let me know and I’ll post them I have up to chapter 38 done
Chapter 1
  Running that's all we did it was all about survival. We were in a damn zombie apocalypse. You had slow zombies, fast zombies, zombies that seemed to have super speed, zombie animals and there were also different blends of zombies depending on how the died and where they were when they died it was crazy and chaotic.
   Hi, I'm Nik I was twenty-three when the world went to shit and zombies took over and my little brother Tommy or as he liked to be called 10k, he says that's how many zombies he's going to kill than his name will be Jeff he was seventeen. We were out with our dad when everything happened. We traveled for a while but then our dad got bit and turned and Tommy had to put him down. He changed after that he wasn't the scared nerdy loner kid anymore. Me, on the other hand, had always been hardheaded, strong, independent. I was overly opinionated, could never keep my mouth shut, I was sarcastic, a smartass got in trouble as a teenager. I learned how to use guns, knives, bows, how to survive out in the wild at a young age the same as Tommy. As soon as I could I left and traveled around. I drank, I smoked, I had lots of sex, got high on the occasion. My dad never approved of anything I did. But after being gone for five years I came home for Tommy. The world ended and zombies took over shortly after.
  After Tommy and I were alone for a year and survived black summer we ran into a group of people at a school, helping them out with the Zs from afar.  When they were leaving they stopped and an older man with white medium long hair and a ling white beard asked us to join them so we did. There was Warren who was in the National Gaurd, Garnett was also in the forces, Doc the man who asked us to join them, Addy and Mack who were a couple, Cassandra was a girl they found in a cage, Citizen Z who was at the North pole at northern light and then, then there is Murphy. Murphy had been a bit eight times and survived. Why? Well because he was given an experimental Vaccine. He had special antibodies in his blood and needed to be taken to California to the CDC. That was our job, keep him safe and get him across the now wasteland of a country filled with zombies.....alive.
  But let me tell you what, it was not easy getting there it took three years just to get to California. Why? You may ask. Well, Murphy was not by any means an easy person to get along with. He was a sarcastic ass, selfish, only cared about himself, thought he deserved to be treated like a king. He kept running off and people kept trying to kidnap him for themselves or someone who was offering them something big. He got on every last nerve of mine and if it wasn't for the fact that he could be the answer to a vaccine to end all this end of the world shit I probably would have killed him. But let me backtrack and take you through our little journey. Starting at the beginning of when we met the group. And how we ended up becoming Operation Bite Mark for Citizen Z.
It's been a year since the world got overrun by zombies. I and my little brother Tom.... sorry 10k were walking up on the hill by the high school when we noticed a black truck pull in. Seven people filed out of the truck and looked to be making up a plan on what to do. While three of them went one way the others stayed near the truck.  They were fighting off the zombies when I noticed an older man with white hair and a white beard struggling with a zombie. "10k," I said and nodded towards the man. He understood and brought his sniper rifle up and took the shot. He, of course, got his mark perfectly as always. He was always a better shot than I was.
   My weapon if the choice was a custom bat I had made way before the apocalypse happened. It was stainless steel with spikes long enough to reach the brain all up and down it. It was red with a black handle. I was always really into zombie movies and figured I'd have a costume bat made just for the hell of it. Never thought I'd actually put it to use in a real zombie apocalypse. I also had a machete, bowie knife, and my 9mm semi-automatic pistol with extra magazines all in my belt. 10k had weapons hid everywhere. The man had looked up and spotted us and then turned to fight off more zombies. 10k helped them out taking down any that got to close.
  After all the zombies close by were mercied me and 10k started walking. After fifteen minutes down the road, a familiar black truck pulled up beside us. The older man with white hair popped his head out of the back window "Hey, hey there. You're that sharpshooter that saved my ass, aren't you?" The man said. 10k just looked at him. "He is, yes," I told the guy. "Oh man. I want to thank you," he said. "It's no problem," I told him. "Do you need a ride?" He asked. I looked over at 10k and he shrugged his shoulders and nodded. "Yeah, thanks that would be great," I said. 10k got in the back and the man got out and I got in the back with him and another guy.
   "I'm Doc," the man said. "Nik," I told him. "This here is Warren and Garnett, in the back is Addy, Mack, and Cassandra and this here is Murphy," Doc said. "It's nice to meet you Nik. Thanks for saving Doc," Warren said. "Oh, that was actually my brother. He's an amazing sniper always hits his mark," I said. "So where are you guys headed?" Warren asked. "Um.. nowhere really. We just keep moving," I told her. "Well, you can come with us. We're going to California," Doc said. "California? Why there?" I asked. "Murphy here is our cure for the zombie apocalypse," Doc told me.
   I looked at Murphy "That So? And how so?" I asked. "He was bit eight times and survived," Doc said. My eyes widened and I looked at Murphy, my mouth hung open. "Don't look so surprised princess," Murphy said. "One doesn't call me princess and two it's hard to believe someone could be a bit eight times and survive," I said. "Well you're looking at the one and only princess," he said. "Call me princess again and I'll kick your ass zombie boy," I said. Just as he was going to say something we started speeding up and ran over zombie after zombie.
  Eventually, we pulled over because we were running out of gas. "Out of gas," Garnett said. We got out and stood on the side of the road. "Hey Warren we got a problem," Doc said. There was a zombie stuck up under the wheel and axle.  "That explains the pull to the left," Doc said. "What you waiting for? Kill it! Kill it!" Murphy yelled and walked away. I walked over to Murphy and stood beside him. I had to admit he was sexy probably twice my age but I always liked older men. I stood there twirling my bat in my hand. "What do you want?" He said. "Nothing just thought you looked lonely zombie boy," I said. "I'm not a zombie," he growled. "That you know of," I replied. That's when we heard motorcycles coming up the road and I noticed Cassandra turn away to hide. As they went by they looked us down "that's right to keep rolling and we all live to see another day," Warren said.
We stood on the road looking down at New York City. "Even after all this, it's still beautiful," Warren said. We turned around and headed down the road to an old junkyard and started going through the cars for gas but there was not a drop in any of them. "All these cars and there's not a drop of gas," I said.
Addy pulled put a cam and started recording. "What ? you on vacation?" Murphy said. "Someone has to record," she said. "You know we're probably the last generation of humans on Earth," he said. "To us, it's the apocalypse, to her it's the memories,"  Mack said. Murphy scuffed and rolled his eyes. "Would it hurt the antibodies if I kicked him the nuts?" Addy asked. "We could find out," I said.
  Doc laughed and looked at 10k. "So kids what's your name?" He said. "Ten thousand," he said. "That's bot a name. That's a number," Doc said. "It's my name. I made it up myself," he said. "Well supposed you have to. Does it mean anything," Doc asked. "That's how many zombies I'm going to Kill. Already on 1,055," 10k said. " damn so what happens when you get to 1o,ooo?" Doc said. "Change my name," "to what? Twenty thousand?" Doc asked and I snorted. 10k looked at me with a bitch face and looked at doc "Jeff. I like the name Jeff," he said. "I like your real name but okay little brother," I said and walked off.
    I found Murphy and walked up to him "I don't think you should be alone," I said. "I'm not alone Warren is over there," he said. "Do you even know how to take a Z down?" I said. "Don't need to. I have all of you," he said. "You sure about that?" I said walking closer to him so we were only a few inches away from each other. He is at least a foot taller than I am and I'm only 5'4. I looked up at him and smirked. "Would be threatening my short stack," he said. "Oh you really don't want to make it to California do you," I said look into his blue eyes. He looked back into my own blue eyes and stepped closer. "Now you wouldn't want to kill the only hope for the human race would you princess?" He said. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down to my level. "I told you not to call me princess," I said.
  We stared each other down when 10k stepped up beside us "You're not going to kiss him, are you? You don't know where it's been," he said. Doc, Mack, and Addy started laughing. Murphy grabbed my wrist and I let go of his shirt. We started walking back to Warren and I noticed a new guy one of the guys that passed us on the road. "He knows where we can get gas," Warren said. With that, we walked back to the truck and I was stuck in the middle of Doc and Murphy. I purposely say a little closer to Murphy just to annoy him and because it's how I was with guys I found sexually attractive. "Do you mind," he said in my ear. "Do I mind what?" I said. "Getting out of my personal space," he said. "I'm sorry Murphy but there's not much room," I said and he groaned.
  We had arrived at a refinery that was crawling with Zs.  "This place is full of Zs," I said. We got out and Warren went over the plan and gave everyone jobs. "Nik, Doc stay here with Murphy," she said. 'Yeah sure," I said. "Hey, I'm going to go up high and keep an eye out," 10k said to me. "Alright, be careful do you understand me?" I said. "Yes, Nik I'll be fine," he said and walked off. Doc, Murphy and I all got back into the truck and doc and Murphy played go fish. "Eights?" Doc said. "Go fish," Murphy told him. "You cheated! At fucking go fish!" I said. "That's life princess," he said. Before I could say anything a few Zs started banging on the Windows. Doc got out to try and drawl them away and Murphy started freaking out. I climbed into the passenger seat.  "Murphy! Calm down!" I said. He wouldn't stop and got in the driver's side and took off. "Murphy! Look out!" I yelled but it was too late and he ran into a pole.
  "Fuck!" I yelled after hitting my head on the dash. I put my hand up to my forehead only to bring it down to see blood. "Great! Now I'm bleeding because you freaked out over a couple of Zs!" I yelled at him. Doc came running over and opened the passenger side door. "Nik! Are you okay?" He said. "Oh I'm fine don't worry," Murphy said. "Shut the fuck up before you become zombie food again!" I growled. Warren and Garnett ran over and Doc helped me out if the car. "We have to get out of here that tanker is going to blow," Garnett said. We all piled into the black truck "wait where's 10k?!" I asked. Before anyone could answer he jumped in the back and we took off.
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part thirty three/
Word Count: 4.1k
A/N: Tommy’s part where he goes through his day inspired me to write this chapter! Wish I could’ve partied with him :( enjoy tho! Let me know what you thought!
Warnings: drugs, alcohol, language
Taglist: @brideofdraculana, @xstarryeyes, @aryssav, @miserablecunt, @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol, @inthebackofmycarlaytheirbodies, @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless, @venus-calum, @justjodeye, @supernaturalvikingwhore, @are-we-real, @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @awkwardblackgirls, @countrygirlswonderland, @dillightfulpickle, @baiabouk, @awesomealmostdopestudent, @martabastic, @romanticvengeance, @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill, @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @motlycrue, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1, @swoopygorl, @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @nikkisixxsixxsixx, @iluvmesomemarvelndc , @marvelismylifffe, @zoenicoles, @pfft-halsey, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer, @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe​
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I stumbled into the hotel room, practically falling to my knees, “Okay, let’s get you in bed.” Nikki said, helping me up as I was full of laughter, “I’m fine, it’s all good.” I slurred, as I watched his eyes close so the irritants of the alcohol wouldn’t burn, “Can you fuck me?” I asked Nikki, he chuckled, shaking his head as he turned me around and unzipped my dress, I stepped out of it as I tripped on the fabric, “What’s my rule?” He asked, as he helped put a shirt on me.
I whined, “Nikki.” I stomped my foot like a spoiled brat, “What’s my rule, Vanity?” He repeated himself as I plopped down onto the bed, “We don’t have sex when I’m really fucked up.” I breathed out, “And why don’t we have sex?” He asked, “Because you hate me.” He laughed, “C’mon babe, one time won’t hurt.” I said as I propped myself on my knees, getting dizzy all at once. I put my finger through the belt loop of his pants and pulled him to me.
Nikki looked down, moving pieces of hair out of my face. He smirked the moment all color left my face, “I’m gonna throw up.” I said pushing past him and running to the bathroom, getting there just in time.
“And that’s why we don’t fuck when you’re drunk.” Nikki said with a chuckle as he walked into the bathroom to hold my hair back. “Your fault. You feed me all the alcohol.” I said as I wiped my lip, and he helped me to my feet, “Doll, I don’t do anything you don’t want me too.”
“Except heroin.” I mumbled, “I didn’t mean that.” I quickly tried apologizing, Nikki sighed, “Brush your teeth and get in bed.” He ordered as he left the bathroom.
As I’ve been touring, this has been my life for the past three months. So you wanna know what life on the road is really like? And what it’s like to hang around Mötley Crüe, well let me give you a rundown of my day.
Seven A.M: I wake up before everyone else to try and take a shower before Vince can use up all the hot water. He’s already awake and trying to get his stuff together, we reach for the bathroom door at the same time.
“Vanity common! You know I have to deep condition my hair! Or the humidity will fuck with it!” I rolled my eyes, “I get the first shower of the day before you guys dirty it up! That’s if you four even shower!!” I shouted back at him, “And at least I have the decency to leave hot water!” I shout at him before slamming the bathroom door, waking everyone else up.
Nine A.M: Get upset because the boys don’t keep food in the fridge of the tour bus.
I groaned again, looking into the fridge hoping something would appear. But to my dismay, there was still a moldy block of cheese, left over McDonald’s from god knows what town, and bottles on bottles of alcohol. It was a rule with Nikki: the fridge had to be stocked with Jack Daniels for him and Vodka for Mick.
“Can we please stop and get something to eat.” I begged Nikki, “Doll, we’re gonna be late.” I rolled my eyes, slamming the fridge door shut.
Nine Thirty A.M: Have my first fight of the day with Nikki.
“Well maybe if you planned things a little bit better we could actually eat!!” I shouted at him, he put down the notepad and glared at me. “Well maybe you could have gotten stuff yesterday before we left!!!” He shouted back, as the boys groaned.
“Maybe if you weren’t a control freak and wanting to leave at a certain time and having everyone waking us up and taking our shit I could’ve!!” I said walking closer to him as he was laying on the couch, “We are stopping at the next town so I can eat!! I can’t live off of booze and drugs like you guys!!” Nikki sighed angrily.
“Yeah man, I’m kinda hungry too.” Tommy quietly butted in, “And that is why T-Bone is my favorite.” Nikki groaned, “Maybe you should fucking sleep in his bed then!!” He shouted before storming off to the back bedroom.
“Such a drama queen.” Mick added on, taking the first sip of vodka of the day.
Ten Thirty A.M: I finally get something to eat, as Vince takes a local girl to the bathroom of the establishment so we can get half off. What a cheap bastard. Nikki says sorry for being an asshole, admits that he’s hungry too, and that he should of just listened to me.
“Stop taking food from my plate.” I said as I smacked Nikki’s hand when he tried to grab a French fry. “That looks good, though.” He shrugged, “Sixx, you literally got the same thing.” I said with a laugh, “I know...but yours look better.” He said before stealing a fry and popping it into his mouth.
Vince slid back into the booth, pushing his hair out of his face, “We got half off on the bill.” He said with a smirk as the boys laughed, I rolled my eyes and continued eating.
The girl gave Vince her number, thinking that he would actually call. I always wonder when these girls are gonna learn.
Mick and I are walking back to the bus so we can smoke, as I notice Nikki flirting with a girl. I see him look over to me, giving me a ‘hey look what I’m doing and I hope you get jealous’ smirk. I laugh it off as he always comes back to me.
One P.M: I’m rudely awaken from a nap as Mick and Nikki are strumming away at their instruments.
I groaned, knowing that I can’t even get mad because they’re working. But fuck man, shut the fuck up for once. We’re in a closed, confined space and everything is louder. I turn on my side, covering my head with the pillow as Vince begins to sing. It only gets worse as Tommy starts banging his drum sticks on the table.
Two Fifteen P.M: I get a phone call from mom.
“Pass the coke!” Vince yells, “Shut up!” I quietly yelled back, holding the end of the receiver, “Yeah mom, that’s amazing Sage is finally figuring out where she wants to go to college.”
Tommy then begins to mimic a woman’s moans, and when I mean a woman’s moans...I mean mine.
“‘Oh Nikki, don’t stop, don’t stop.’”My face turns red with embarrassment, I quickly turn around, smacking him against the chest.
“No, that’s just Tommy...yes he’s the drummer.” I say, trying to play it off. “Yeah, We should be in Dallas for my birth-“
“Hey, Mrs. Blackwood, it’s Nikki.” My eyes went wide as he snatched the phone from me. “give it back.” I told Nikki but he put his hand on my shoulder, trying to keep me away.
“Oh yeah, I’m doing good, thanks for asking. Do you want to know what your sweet, innocent little daughter did last night?” My eyes went wide, “Nikki!” I yelled, as he turned away from me, and I jumped on his back but he kept moving the phone from one hand to the other.
“So get this, she let us run a train on her.” He said with a laugh as I scoffed, “Um, ew!” I yelled in his ear, “Oh? What does that mean? Well let me tell you...it means-“ I grabbed the phone out of his hand finally, “Bye Mom! Love you!” I said then quickly hung up.
“You’re such a dick!” I yelled, as I tightened my grip around his neck, making him laugh more, before he flipped me over his back and put me on the couch
“Vanity, is your mom hot?” Vince asked, “Dude.” Tommy said as he laughed, “I mean, I know she’s a widow...and I know she’s probably lonely, I would just be doing a good deed for society.” I rolled my eyes, “You are not fucking my mom!” I shouted, “Fine, how about your sister, she just turned eighteen right?”
I quickly got up, “Easy..” Nikki said, quickly grabbing me, and pulling back to him, “No one is fucking Vanitys mom or her sister.”
Four P.M: arrive at the hotel. Nikki, Vince and Tommy immediately let everyone know Mötley Crüe has arrived.
The boys had their asses pressed against the glass wall of the elevator, banging on it and letting everyone in the lobby see, “Hahaha, fuckers.” Tommy said as he flipped everyone off. I rubbed my face as I let out a groan. “Join the fun!” Tommy said, nudging my arm, “I bet she won’t!” Vince added, “Bets a bet, doll.” Nikki says, a devilish smirk on his face.
I rolled my eyes. ‘Bets a bet, doll’ has gotten me into a lot of trouble last few months.
I quickly pulled up my shirt and pressed my tits against the glass as the boys began hooting and hollering, Nikki then starts getting mad that the guys saw my tits.
Five Thirty P.M: have my second fight with Nikki of the day.
“God! At least lock the fucking door if you’re gonna start shooting up already!” I yelled at him, slamming the bathroom door as I walked in on him sticking a needle into his arm.
I hate seeing him do it, and I hate it even more when he’s slumped over, basically drooling all over himself and I have to get him presentable.
“Maybe don’t fucking barge into my room!” I rolled my eyes when he followed me out, as he bumped into the wall.
“Your room?! It’s my room too since you refuse to let me have my own or let me share one with the others!!” I yelled back at him, annoyed that he’s always in my fucking face.
He doesn’t let me ever have my own hotel room! And he freaks out when I try to sleep in anyone else’s bed! Like the last concert back in Ohio, I was really drunk and was banging on the door because I left my keys in the room but he was in there freebasing and wouldn’t let me in, so I slept in Vince’s bed and that itself was a huge fight.
“Well fucking knock for once in your life!” He defended himself, “Whatever, get yourself cleaned up, we’re going to dinner.”
Six P.M: have dinner with all the producers and radio creeps.
I was siting in between Mick and Tommy, as Vince and Nikki sat across from me. Nikki was now mad that I wouldn’t sit by him. But why would I when he’s just gonna be talking out of his ass and talking about nonsense when he’s higher then a fucking kite right now?
“Vanity, did the guys really run a train on you last night?” I started choking on my wine, “Yeah, man we did.” Vince added with a laugh, until Nikki punched him in the chest, “Dude, only Sixx is allowed to touch her.” Tommy chimed in, telling the man who asked the question, “Its like a standing rule.” He continued, “T-bone, shut up.” I said, nudging his side. I continued to eat dinner, not bothering to look up at anyone, including Nikki because I could just feel the smirk he has as he knows how flustered I get when someone brings up the fact that I’m off limits to every guy, except for him.
Six Fifteen P.M: Nikki quickly takes me to the bathroom and proceeds to screw my brains out. All while the manager of the restaurant and Doc are banging on the bathroom door, but Nikki doesn’t care.
“Fuck off, man!!” Nikki yelled, continuing his thrusts into me, “Sixx, Vanity! let’s go!! They’re about to call the cops!!” Doc was then yelling at us, “Alright!!” Nikki yelled as I wrapped my arms around his shoulders placing soft kisses on his skin, “Fuck you Sixx! Let’s go!!”
I went limp in his arms as I felt my moment of bliss, “Fuuuck.” His moans were dragged out as he released himself into the condom. He pulled himself out, quickly giving me a soft peck on the lips before pulling his pants back up.
I adjusted my dress, checking for any make up that was smeared, “Ready?” Nikki asked, I nodded as he grabbed my hand, “What, man?” Nikki said, a smug smile on his face as we walked out. Both the manager and doc were fuming in anger.
Seven P.M: every line of coke is snorted and every bottle that is handed to me is not passed up, because that would just be rude if I said no.
“Here lets do some dust!” Tommy said shoving the silver tray into my hand, I quickly snorted up the line before passing it to Nikki. He finishes it off, while licking the residue off the tray.
Nikki then hands me a bottle of Jack, followed by a bottle of tequila. And he wonders why I’m so fucked up by the end of the night.
“After the show, we’re chugging and I have a bet for you tonight.” Tommy said, opening up a bottle of beer and handing it to me, “What’s the bet?” I asked him, “You’ll find out later.”
Eight P.M: Have my third fight with Nikki as I again find him after shooting up in his dressing room.
“Right before the show! C’mon!” I yelled as he was slumped over on the couch, “Wake up!” I shoved his shoulder, “I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s all good.” He said, not seeing the problem.
“You’re gonna be a mess out there.” I expressed my concerns as I fixed the now smeared black lines on his cheeks as he was continuing to nod off. “Nikki! Wake up!!” I yelled, “God damnit, alright!!” He shouted back, pushing me away from him as he stumbled up to his feet, tripping over the table that was in front of him and falling onto it.
“I’m sorry.” He grumbled as he got himself up. “Shit.” He said, picking up a tray that use to have coke on it before he spilled everything on the table.
He walked over to the mirror and looked at himself, his eyes slowly moving to the reflection of me, “I’ll get help.”
I rolled my eyes knowing that was a lie, “Okay.” I said, standing up from the couch and walking to him, “You don’t believe me?” He asked, I ignored it while picking up a comb and teasing his hair, “Vanity.” He replied, as I looked into his eyes. Dark, cold, and his pupils were blown. “I don’t think you want help.” I confessed as his eyebrows furrowed, continuing to fix his hair and trying to make the mess less messy but still keeping that famous look.
He didn’t say anything in return, he just continued to let me fix him up. “There.” I said, wiping my nail under the black line on his cheek, getting the last of the smear wiped off.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, I nodded before he took my hand in his and we walked out of his dressing room.
Nine P.M: Show starts, as Nikki always has a spot saved in the front row for me. I’m surrounded by drunk men who want to touch me and angry groupies who get upset when Nikki reaches down and touches my face.
“I said, leave her alone or I’m throwing you out.” A security guard approached a man that was trying to grab me, “Back off.” The guard warned him yet again. The guy who was harassing me was pulled back to his group of friends that were a row or two behind me.
I turned my attention back to stage as Nikki rolled around on the ground with his bass, “Sixx!!” I yelled for him over the blaring drum solo Tommy was currently in the middle of.
Nikki propped up on his knees as he crawled to me, trying to get as close as he could without falling off the stage. I stepped on the railing that divided the stage and the crowd, leaving only enough foot room for security. I leaned over, reaching my hand out for him, thinking he would give me the pick for the bass.
He licked the tip of my finger, before gently biting it. I bit my bottom lip as he brought my finger into his mouth and sucked on it. I laughed as I took it out of his mouth and caressed his jaw line. He gave a wink before jumping back on to his feet and beginning to play again
My shoulder was tugged on as I saw a fist flying my way, making me stumble down to the ground, “Dude! What the fuck!” I yelled out, clutching my nose as I tasted the blood dribbling into my mouth.
“I’m going back with him, not you!” A groupie was standing over me. I quickly got up, tackling her down to the disgusting floor, “Whoa, whoa, cat fight!” I heard Vince yell into the Mic as the stage light moved from them and onto me and her.
“Stupid whore! Get her out of here!” I yelled at the security guard who pulled me off, “Fuck!” I yelled out, bending over in pain as I held my face.
Eleven Thirty P.M: the shows over as I am sitting in the back getting checked on by a super hot paramedic.
“Doll, are you alright!” Nikki said, throwing his bass to a roadie before coming to me, “I’m fine, right, Diego?” I asked rather flirty as I touched his arm.
“She’s all good man, no breaks, just a simple bloody nose.” He smiled at me, not even bothering to look at Nikki, “Great, thanks man, you can go.” Nikki ordered, “Thanks for taking such good care of me.” I smiled at him as I bit my lip, continuing to check him out.
“Anytime love, hope I can see you again.” Diego responded, “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen. Thanks for helping.” Nikki snapped, grabbing my hand as he dragged me to his dressing room for our post-concert quickie.
Twelve Fifteen A.M: Find the nearest strip club for the boys. It doesn’t last long as Tommy throws up on one of the strippers as she dancing. It also doesn’t last long as I am not a fan of strip clubs so a quick trip to the bathroom with Nikki as a way to convince him to move the party back to the hotel works.
One A.M: Tommy and I have our annual chugging contest with a bet that ends all bets.
“Alright here’s what I got.” Tommy slurred his words as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder, “I-I I’m gonna tell you the bet.” I listened as I leaned into his chest, “Looser....has to get a tattoo of the winners choice.” Those words sobered me up. “Tommy, I don’t know man.” I said hesitantly as he put the beer in my hand.
“C’mon! The guy is sober as hell and he’s almost done tattooing Vince!” Tommy egged me on, giving me the puppy dog eyes making me give in.
“Ready, go!” Tommy said quickly, immediately getting a head start in cracking open his beer. I started choking on the beer, trying to force it all down. I’m fucked up and there is no way Tommy fucking Lee is making me-
“Done!!” He yelled, crushing the beer can and throwing it to the ground. “T-bone.” I said in defeat as he took the can, shaking it as he felt I still had half left, “Again! Let’s go again!” I shouted. He laughed, shaking his head “You never, ever once let me have a do over, so why start now? Hm?” He replied, lowering his head down to my height and smirking in my face.
“Nikki, baby, tell him I’m not getting a tattoo.” I turned my head to the side, watching his face leave the mountain of coke on the table. He wiped his nose, “Sorry Princess, that’s your guys thing.” He shrugged, as my lips parted in shock.
“So because I love you, I’ll let you get it where it’s always covered.” Tommy said, motioning for the tatted up guy to come over, “It’s going on your ass.” T-bone slurred, “Oh c’mon!” I groaned, “So what are we doing?” The man with the tattoo gun in his hand asked, as he turned it on so it would buzz.
Tommy whispered into his ear. The guy looked up at him snickering, “Alright, lay down on the couch sweetheart.” He said, patting down the couch before putting gloves on. I sighed, pulling up my dress and laying on my stomach as the guy began to tattoo me.
“What is she-“ Nikki stopped talking as he stood over me looking down at what was permanently being left on my body, “Is it bad!?” I asked, as he he cupped his hand to his mouth, trying to keep his laughter in. “It’s technically not a bad tattoo.” Nikki said, “Here. You’re gonna want this.” He added, shoving a bottle of Jack into my hand as I began to chug it, feeling it burn all the way to my soul.
Two Thirty A.M: I disappear from Nikki’s sight as I go and find a random guy to fuck, but in the middle of it, I start feeling bad because he isn’t Nikki.
“I’m gonna get us a friend.” I said, wiping my lip and getting up from sitting on my knees in front of him. His eyes light up as I give him a teasing smirk and leave the bathroom.
I drunkenly stumble over to Nikki and sit on his lap, “Where’d you go?” He asked, kissing my neck, “To the bathroom.” Nikki glared at me, not buying my lie for one second as he smelt the cologne that wasn’t his.
Two Forty Five A.M: We have our final fight of the night.
Nikki shoved me off his lap, “Go back and fuck whoever you found.” He growled, “Oh Sixx, relax for once, you aren’t my boyfriend.” He hates when I say that, especially when I’m fucked up on his drugs and alcohol.
“Alright, so you won’t mind if I fuck a bitch in the bed tonight, right?” I rolled my eyes, “You’re being over dramatic.” I slurred my words, shoving his shoulder, “It’s not like she’ll suck your dick as good as I can.” I retorted, “Can I watch?” Vince butted in, “No!” Nikki and I said in union.
“Go ahead, you’re right I’m not your boyfriend, go fuck whoever you want, but give me your key to the room cause you aren’t sleeping in my bed tonight.” Nikki also slurred his words, I scoffed. “God, go fucking shoot up in the bathroom and do us all a favor and shut the fuck up for once.”
Nikki sighed, knowing it was time for me to go to bed. “Lets go.” He said grabbing my hand, and pulling me up to my feet, as he begins to walk us back to the room
“Goodnight Vanity.” The other three said as Nikki wrapped his arm around my waist, helping me walk on my own two feet as the whole world was spinning around me.
Three fifteen A.M: Stumble in drunk, Nikki helps me get undressed, throw up before going to bed. Watch Nikki rummage through his bag, grabs a small cherry oak box and takes it to the bathroom. He doesn’t come back out for at least an hour.
Eight A.M: wake up to a call from Doc. Sit up and examine the room. It’s a fucking mess. Why is my bra on the lamp shade? And why the hell is my ass hurting?. Leave the bed as Nikki is hanging off of it snoring, he only snores if he shoots up before he goes to bed.
I went into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was a mess, I had a bruise around my nose and my make up was smeared everywhere.
I strip out of my clothes and take a shower with the highest temperature I can withstand. Nikki joins me shortly after. I get out of the shower before him, “Did you see your tattoo?” My eyes went wide as I looked down my body. I turned around to see cursive in black ink surrounded by red, irritated skin on my left butt cheek:
‘Property of Mötley Crüe’
I crack up laughing, “No, No, is this real!?” I yelled, pulling back the shower curtain and showing him. Nikki smirked as his finger ran across it, “It’s very real, doll.”
Nine A.M: get on the tour bus after being able to eat breakfast for once, immediately start yelling at Tommy for making me get a tattoo. He just laughs and asks if I want to have a line, I say yes. The cocaine immediately gets rid of the hangover.
I wake up, try to sober up before the next town. I start partying right after eating, pass out and then do it all again the next day.
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izzy-b-hands · 4 years
Dancer Chapter Four
We’re getting into the spy bit of things now! Violence and a bit of what Boniface’s other business is like, and how it effects the club. More concerning: how will it affect Eggsy and the mission, if things go sour now? And can Eggsy really fall for someone like Boniface, and not have that all go wrong considering the mission? 
Read on to find out!
Also, backstory for Boniface time! Which means huge ass TW for violence, rape mention, and death. Boniface has had a rough time, putting it mildly. 
My love to all who read/like/reblog!
Boniface’s hands twisted into fists as he moved away from Eggsy and stood, haphazardly tossing his suit pants and shirt back on. “Wyn, you stay here, stay safe. I’ll be back-” 
“No,” Eggsy said before he could think to stop himself. “I mean, I want to help, if I can. My dad uh-” 
He rooted through his brain for a backstory that wouldn’t blow his cover, but would be plausible enough to allow him to come with. “He was military. Wanted me to go into it as well, so he taught me everything he could, legally and illegally. I’ve never had any need to use any of it, but...” 
Boniface stared hard at him, but nodded. “Come on then. You can handle a gun?” 
“I can.” 
Boniface strode across the room and opened a drawer of the dresser against the wall. “Pick something, and be ready. This could get bloody. Not the first time, won’t be the last...we’ll have to pay off the damned patrons again not to talk to the police.” 
Eggsy rushed to put together his shorts again, tossing his mesh shirt back on, ignoring the cum drying on his stomach. “It’ll be okay.” 
He couldn’t even say why he’d said it, it just came naturally. Boniface seemed to like it though. 
“Thank you. For your positivity, and your trust in me. Now,” Boniface handed him a shotgun, a pistol in his own hand. “Let’s get going before they kill someone.” 
The club was dead silent as they strode in, too late Eggsy realized he’d forgotten to put on his platforms again in their rush. 
But it didn’t seem it would matter. Only three henchmen, with semi-automatic weapons, but no visible extra ammo on them. 
The older man who had to be leading them was garish in appearance, with a white linen suit and light blue accents all over it. It was hard to read, but they appeared to be the word ‘baby.’ “Hello, Bonnie.” 
“I’ve asked you not to call me that,” Boniface said curtly. “What do want, Barrett? Because as far as I’m concerned, you’ve either come here to pay me for the formula, or you’ve come here because you have a death wish that you’d like me and mine to fulfill for you.” 
Boniface strode closer to Barrett and grinned like a shark, his canines glinting under the club lights. “And we would be happy to oblige.” 
That seemed as much a cue as anything, and he walked up beside Boniface, brandishing his shotgun. “I think Mr. Gagneux has made your options clear enough. What’ll it be then?” 
Barrett’s eyes sparked, and he smiled. “Oh who is this? Your new toy? He is a pretty one.” 
Barrett’s face was up in his before he could step back, the man’s breath rank. “Be careful he doesn’t ruin those delightful features of yours, darling. He’s a biter, and after he’s chewed up his toys, not much tends to remain.” 
“I bite too,” Eggsy spat. “Think I’ll be just fine. Unless you’d like a demonstration?” 
“Like a little angry chihuahua,” Barrett smirked as he stood straight again. “Has he had you already? Hopefully you performed well, or you might be tossed out before your natural expiry, love. Another habit of his.” 
Barrett batted his lashes at Boniface. “Never throw out your own trash though, do you, Bonnie? Not one to get your hands dirty, otherwise you’d use the damn formula yourself.” 
“I’m not interested in dealing out death like that,” Boniface replied, his glare icy cold. 
“That is hilarious!” Barrett shouted, and motioned for the patrons and dancers, frozen crouching on the floor, holding each other on the couches, to laugh with him. “It isn’t that simple, and you know it. You still have blood on your hands, once someone uses the formula. If you really weren’t interested in death, you’d never have made it to begin with.” 
Boniface sighed, and looked down. “Let the patrons and dancers go. Except for Wyn, he stays with me. Then we can talk some more. Like proper men, without guns at the ready.” 
“Fine,” Barrett smiled sugary sweet. “Your bouncers will pay them all off at the door not to go to the police as usual, I assume? You hear that, everyone? You’re getting paid to come to a strip club today, what an interesting thing to have happen to you! Aren’t you ever so lucky?” 
The smile dropped. “So get the fuck out!” 
The patrons and other dancers fled towards the bouncers at the front door as Barrett’s shout echoed through the silent club. Once they were all out except for Eggsy, Evan, and Tony, the stand off finally broke. 
Barrett sat on the nearest couch, and motioned to some chairs across from it. “Go on. You and your boy, sit.” 
Eggsy followed Boniface as he sat, and looked over quickly to Evan, who looked fairly calm. Clearly, this wasn’t any new happening for him or for Tony, who looked almost bored. 
“I don’t see why I should have to pay you for something you don’t even really want to have invented,” Barrett said. “Just give it to me, and then all you have to worry about is sleeping with your guilt at night when I use it in a weapon that will kill millions. Might even kill you, and wouldn’t that just wrap it all up in a neat package for you?” 
“The money isn’t for me,” Boniface replied. “And you know that; I’ve told every potential buyer what it’s for-” 
Barrett rolled his eyes. “Right. Your ‘Home for At-Risk Boys.’ I know you don’t like them that young, so at least you aren’t that disgusting, but you can’t tell me you wouldn’t poach them for your club as soon as they turn eighteen. A case of fresh meat, that can’t turn you down after you’d spend years of money on their care, right?” 
“Absolutely not,” Boniface said, his teeth gritted. “The club would go to Evan and Tony to run. I’d be done with this business, and focus on the philanthropy, like I wish-” 
“Oh. My. God!” Barrett faked a gag, and rolled his eyes again at Eggsy. “This old shit again. Has he told you this story yet? How his parents died, and no one could take him in or would take him in, because he was a nasty little shit, so he sold himself all across the streets of Europe until he ended up here and made something of himself?” 
Barrett scoffed. “Well. ‘Something’. Maybe not a something your parents could be proud of, but-” 
“Are you here to pay me for it and get it and go, or be the fucking purity police?!” Boniface shouted, standing up so fast his chair fell backwards out from under him. “As if you haven’t done worse. I run a strip club, yes, but I abide by all the laws regarding it. Yes, I’ve slept with employees, but with their consent and mine. I don’t employ anyone underage, and no actual sex happens here among my patrons and my staff.” 
Boniface’s pistol had been loose in his hand, but it wasn’t now as he pointed it straight at Barrett. “Unlike you, you fucking scum. If you’re so interested in making sure everyone here knows the full story, why not tell them how I worked for you when I was only fourteen, and you sold me day in, day out, until my ass fucking bled.” 
Eggsy tamped down his reaction, even as he wanted to stand up and smack Barrett across the skull with the end of his shotgun. 
Barrett only shrugged. “I never said I was the purity police. Sure, Wyn, is it? I don’t check ages on the boys in my employ. I give them a roof to return to at night, and they give me a cut of what they make letting people fuck them senseless throughout the day. They know the deal though; I’m no father figure. They get the roof only. Food, protection, anything else...they’re on the hook for that. Personal responsibility is a virtue, you see.” 
Eggsy’s hand twitched to shoot, though he knew he ought not to unless Boniface said. But it was extremely difficult to resist the urge. 
Boniface lowered his pistol, and pointed it towards the front door. “Take your goons, and get out of my fucking club. Don’t come back unless you have money to pay for the formula.” 
Barrett stood, and brushed imaginary dust from his suit. “See what happens if you don’t learn that virtue, Wyn? You end up a sad, lonely man, dealing death and bloodying your hands, and for what? For a stupid dream that won’t come true? For some naive wish based on mommy and daddy issues? Try a fucking therapist, Bonnie, and stay out of my fucking backyard. You’re only going to get yourself hurt.” 
Barrett motioned for his guards, and they trotted after him and out the front door without a word. 
Eggsy stood slowly, setting his shotgun on the now-empty couch, and reached for the pistol Boniface was still white-knuckling. 
He took it carefully from his hand, and set it beside the shotgun, then took Boniface’s hand in his. 
He expected anger, but instead Boniface dropped into his shoulder, weeping. 
“Okay, alright,” he fussed as he tried to navigate them to the couch as Boniface crumpled. 
Evan, ever the mother hen, raced over and moved the guns so they could sit, his face a mask of worry. 
“I’ll make sure they’re gone,” Tony said gruffly. “You lot stay in here.” 
Evan moved the guns to the floor, then sat in the remaining chair opposite them, trading worried glances with Eggsy. 
“It’s okay,” Eggsy tried, rubbing Boniface’s back gently. “Do you want to talk about it, I mean, I’m just stepping into all this, but-” 
Boniface sighed shakily, and moved up off of Eggsy’s shoulder, rubbing at his eyes. “Oh god, you are. And you’ve done so well. Where did we find this one, and how did we get so lucky?” 
He blinked away more tears, then turned to face Eggsy better. The blueness of his eyes was as bright as Eggsy figured it could get, standing out against the redness from his crying. 
“Everything he told you is true. I lost my parents to a car wreck, of all things, when I was thirteen. I was already struggling some, just the usual kids things, puberty and bullying and whatever. But I acted a right ass because of it, running away constantly, skipping school, screaming at my parents as if it was their fault-” 
Boniface’s voice cracked. “And I shouldn’t have been. Had I known they’d be gone...I’d never have said any of what I said to them. I didn’t mean any of it, I was just an angry scared kid. But it meant none of our relatives wanted to deal with me, so before they could put me into the system or force me into someone’s house, I ran. I didn’t intend on selling myself, but...it worked. People thought I was pretty, and they liked that, and that was almost like them liking me.” 
He sighed, and shook his head. “They didn’t really like me, of course. I’d be an idiot to believe that. But I could pretend, for the nights I had a bed to sleep in, using their money to keep my belly full and wear decent clothes. Even got a night in a hostel every now and again, so I could shower. And I’m not telling you all of this as a pity party, so you’ll pretend what I’m doing now is somehow justified. It isn’t, and I know that.” 
Eggsy nodded. “And Barrett?” 
“I was fourteen when I met Barrett,” Boniface replied. “It was my birthday, in fact. Third of April. I thought he was a proper brothel owner or something, that’s how he made it seem. Then he dragged me to the shit stain of a building, left empty except for camp beds and a few bathrooms that barely ever worked right. I tried to run, and he-” 
Boniface’s face dropped into his hands, and he curled into himself on the couch, his fancy dress shoes getting scuffed as he moved. 
“I think we understand what he did,” Evan said softly. “And it was wrong. I know I’ve told you that before, but I’ll remind you a hundred times over, and then a hundred more. You didn’t do anything wrong, and it wasn’t your fault, that he...” 
Evan looked to Eggsy, and mouthed the word ‘rape.’ 
Eggsy nodded, and wrapped an arm gently around Boniface as best he could. “I’m so sorry. That isn’t saying nearly enough, but-” 
“It’s okay,” Boniface shuddered as he moved again to sit properly, his feet back on the floor, tears dripping down his face. “What can you say about it? It happened, and from there I was too scared to leave him. I worked for him until I was sixteen. I skipped meals, let my clothes get threadbare, did whatever I could to save money so I could get away. Wasn’t like I could go to the police; my luck they’d somehow have managed to get me back to Scotland and I’d have been stuck with a family member who didn’t care if I lived or died.” 
Eggsy nodded. He’d wondered about the slight accent Boniface had, that explained it right there.
“So, I ran as soon as I figured I had enough to work with, and I ended up here by the time I was eighteen. I inherited this club from the previous owner, who took me in, taught me to focus on running a successful aboveboard business. However...he had other pursuits. And I inherited those as well.” 
Evan stood and went towards the bar, but motioned for Boniface to keep talking. 
“A lab in Switzerland, hidden away, working on biochemical weapons and formulas for them. I never wanted that, I begged him to give it to someone else, or get rid of it. But he told me-” 
Boniface paused to take the glass of whiskey Evan handed him. “That you need assured income, and that as long as you aren’t the one using the weapons, it isn’t as bad a thing to be doing. But he was wrong, and I knew it, and I still took it over. I never should have.” 
“If you could get out of it,” Eggsy said. “Somehow. Would you?” 
Boniface nodded. “I’m only selling this stupid formula to try and do just that. It’s...what it can do, is pure evil. I’ll never be able to reconcile selling it to someone and watching it be used; I’ll burn in hell for that. But it would give me more than enough money to fund the home I want to start. The home that I wish there had been for me to go to, when I was young. Not stuck in the government system completely, but following all laws, of course. A safe place to grow up, have decent schooling, and be taken care of.” 
“You’re a good man,” Eggsy heard himself murmur, before he was even aware of what he was doing. “I want to help you achieve that, if I can.” 
Boniface nodded, and downed the rest of his drink. “Thank you. I’m not a good man, unfortunately. Not for what I’m going to do with this formula. Doesn’t matter if I sell it to Barrett or anyone else. They’ll kill thousands, maybe millions, and I’ll know it was all my fault.” 
“Maybe there’s another way out there,” Eggsy said carefully. “Maybe we just have to find it.” 
“I’d like that,” Boniface replied. “I don’t see how there could be, but if there was, I’d happily go down that avenue.” 
“Why don’t you and Wyn go on to your apartment?” Evan interjected as he took the glass from Boniface. “I’m sure you wouldn’t mind spending the night, would you Wyn?” 
“I’d be happy to, if you’ll have me,” Eggsy said. “I can just go grab my things from my room, and then we could go?” 
Boniface’s lips were truly just the softest thing in the world, he thought, as they kissed him slowly. 
“I’ll be waiting right here,” Boniface replied, and Eggsy could feel him watching as he walked quickly off to get his things. 
Maybe this mission could be solved easier than he thought. If Boniface was as good a man as he seemed, it looked like that might be the case. 
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evakviigmohns · 6 years
punk chick [richie tozier]
request: hey could I request an aged up Richie x reader where Richie is transitioning into his bad boy style because of the reader because to impress her because she's a badass punk chick.
A/N: i!! had!! so!! much!! fun!! writing!! this!! I hope that the anon who sent this doesn’t mind that these are headcannons¿¿¿ cuz I just thought it was easier & im trying to get my shit done LMAO,,,,, soooooo hope u guys enjoy this!! don’t forget to send me request or such cuz i still have time until school begins & I want to write as much as I can before it does. i hope u have a great day!
 -okay so let’s say you are the new girl in school at 11th grade (i would say freshman sophomore or whatever it is but I have no fucking idea how that works lol) & u came in with all of this bad punk chick vibe and everyone just went nuts
-bc its fucking derry, here everyone is just kind of average and the cliques are not really empathized or anything so seeing someone just look so much like a character from a movie and all of that is just different, u know what I mean?
-soooooooooooooooo, it’s your first day at school, you walk in and you literally feel how everyone turns around to look at you, which you just kind of brush off cuz just fuck it, you know what I mean?
-okay so you go into your first class and you just sit like in the middle of the classroom cause even though you are interested in this subject, you are not interested enough to sit in the front seats and wait to until the class starts; everyone is sitting with friends or such and you are still alone but you really don’t care cause you might as well just turn around and make a lil chit chat with the people sitting behind you because for fuck’s sake if you aren’t charming
-sOooOo as I was saying, people keep walking into the room and you see a guy with such an adorable smile and just looks like a real-life bunny and he gets closer to the seat where you at and he just smiles directly at you and nicely asks if he can sit next to you and you reply yes.
-It turns out that his name is Ben Hanscom and he is the nicest boy you’ve ever met. The conversation between you two floats easily and right before the ring bells, he invites to hang out after school with his friends and you immediately agree; everyone could use some new friends and even more when you are the new girl at school/now.
-your day just floats normally, until you reach your final period, but you decide to skip it because who fucking needs to P.E
-so you are just hanging out behind your school, smoking a cigarette as you just look around waiting for the final ring to make its appearance and you see a couple of boys who are walking around and you just follow them with your eyes as you keep inhaling and exhaling smoke (out of context but if u smoke pls be careful bc of fucking cancer) apparently one of them notices you.
-and they just pull the shirt of the other as they keep staring, talking about being lowkey, the other guy who is wearing glasses and is just fucking tall smirks at your direction and tells something to the smaller one and he just starts walking in your direction as his friends follows him.
-once they reach you, your halfway trough your cigarette and you just look at him until he says something.
-“well, hello there” the glass-wearing boy tells you and you just nod your head at his direction “uhm, my name is Richie and this is Eddie” he said as he looked at his friend next to him “and I was just wondering what is doing a lady like you out here all by herself” “what you think im doing?” you say as you put the cigarette in your lips “to smoke? Yeah, well, im here to take a smoke too.” As soon as he said that, eddie looked at him just shocked bc for fucks sake Richie doesn’t smoke¿ wth is he doing¿
-but you have no fucking idea and you just take the cigarette off your lips and give it to him, so he can take a hint of it, to which he just opens his eyes and grabs it and puts it in his to give a big blow of smock and not even five seconds in he just starts coughing
-you just start laughing and so does eddie, you look up to Richie and he is still coughing a little bit and he is just blushing like a bastard
-you quickly look at the watch in your wrist to see how much time you had left until you and ben were going to meet up, 2:55 pm; since your school day ends at 3 pm you just grab your backpack from the floor and start walking away
- “bye eddie, see you later smoker-boy” you say as you leave bc yeah you might a badass chick, but you are also really fricking polite so
-you walk slowly and once you reach the entrance of your school, ben is already there with his friends and he just waves at you as he smiled bc ben is a fucking ray of sunshine
-so, you stand next to him and all of his friends just stare you, maybe because you are wearing all black, maybe because of your eyeline or probably just because ben aka cutie managed to talk to you aka punk chick
-ben clears his throat and starts introducing you to his friends: bill, stan, mike and bev, his eyes showed such an adoration as he introduced Beverly and you immediately realized how lovestruck he was for her, and he introduces as (Y/N) (Y/L/N), the girl on his history class who is super sweet when she wants to
-hardie outside softie inside TM
-but it turns out that they still have to wait for 2 other guys, so they can go to a little forest that it’s pretty much theirs by now
-the conversation between all of you floats so fucking easy that you are shocked like ??¿¿ beverly even asked you if you can give her tips on how to do her make up and you immediately agree bc she is just so great smh
-just imagine punk chick!reader and softie!beverly teaching each other to do their make up JNKJVDNVKDFNVKJFNKD, im so fucking gay im SORRY
-let’s get back to it
-so, you hear stan say that the guys who you were expecting are already coming and you turn around to see the infamous smoker-boy and eddie getting closer.
-once they’ve settled in, ben goes “okay, (Y/N) these are-“ “Richie and Eddie, I’ve met them before” you interrupt him “and Richie trying to make himself look cool or something just chocked in my cigarettes smoke” you say with a little smirk as the rest of the group just starts laughing at the brown-eyed boy.
-“well thank you for embarrassing me, princess” “suck it up, dickhead”
-also, you swear like a freaking sailor and literally 20 minutes in, everyone already knows it
-so you and your new gals are walking towards the forest and you are just amazed because everyone is just so nice¿¿
-you feel really welcomed and you are happy that ben spoke to you in the first place
-OKAY SO, the weeks pass by and you keep hanging out with them and you’ve gotten insanely close to ben, bev, mike and richie
-you keep showing Richie your favorite bands and you just kind of ignore the fact that he gets really fucking red when you get close to him
-because he is really fucking cute when he wants so he get’s a free pass at being lowkey flustered around you
-so, one day you are all hanging out waiting for classes to start but Richie hasn’t arrived yet, which is not weird because he is usually  late
-but then he does, and he is not wearing his usual stuff, but he is wearing a sex pistols shirt and you are like ?? since when does Richie like sex pistols??
-and he is just smirking like an asshole and just winks at you when he realizes you are staring him and you just reply by flipping him off and then the bell rings
- so, you have physics now and you share this class with Richie, and you just walk to the classroom together and he keeps making remarks about how cool you two look all punkie and stuff and you just wink at him and all of his coolness is long gone bc you never wink at him????????
-physics just go by very lowkey because you really like this class and in middle of it you feel Richie pull your arm
-“hey, (YN), look down” “for what” “just do it for fuck’s sake”  and you do it, and guess what
-Richie Fucking Tozier is holding a box of cigarettes under the table and you are just shocketh
-because like two months ago he almost chocked to death for smoking and now he does it
-like what the fuck Richard
-and you ask him what the hell is up with him
-and his explication was that it looked fun
-but in reality it was just because he had a silly crush in you. I mean, he is Richie fucking tozier, he doesn’t need to change to be liked by girls but he wants to be liked this girl.
-he even asked bev about it
-because he realized that you two became really close
-and she explained to him that you never really spoke about boys and such but that you were single but not lonely
-u know what I mean 😉
-SOOOOOOOOO, he is like fuckfuck what do I do now, so his best idea is to turn into a bad boy version of himself
-cuz that’s what all punk chicks want, right? -in reality, you knew about richie’s plans and you found it adorable and you also didn’t really have a type bc life’s too short to think about having types so
-but you also had a crush on him HDFJHFKJDJN, ben, bev & mike were the only ones who knew about it because even though you liked all the losers you trusted them the most
-soooooooooo, let’s say its Christmas break or something
-and there’s a party where everyone is invited but you reach there earlier because you weren’t in the mood to wait and you just wanted some alcohol because life is stressing oKAy
-and it’s like 11 pm when you see the rest of your friends getting to the party and you are really happy bc you were tipsy, not drunk, tipsy
-everything is going super great and then you hear someone say something about Beverly and you are like ??? protective gf activated
-it turns out someone was calling her a whore bc apparently she slept with someone named Patrick
-but you know it aint true and you also know that the girl who is talking trash about Beverly has done it for some time
-so you walk up to her and you ask her what did she say
-she says without looking ashamed any second that Beverly was a disgusting slut and that  it made sense that you were her friend
-and wait?? Is that your fist against her cheek?? What is she doing on the floor?? Yeah you just punched her cause she deserved it
-so, you kneel down next to her and softly say: “say anything about Beverly or my friends ever again and I will make your life fucking impossible, understood?” the girl just nods, and you go to your group of friends and everyone is just in shook and bev just hugs you and you just hug her back bc awe <3
-richie’s brain kind of stopped working and it’s insanely cute
-like, he is just staring at you, with his lips partly opened and his hair is just a big mess and wow, is he wearing a leather jacket??
-“Richie, can we go to talk outside?” “what? Oh, okay, yeah, sure” talking about being flustered
-the moment of shook is long gone and as soon as you walk off with Richie everyone is just freaking out because you two have been pinning for the each for a long ass time now and everyone knows it except you two, like how stupid is that?
-they had bets and all of that going on to see how long it took you two to date LMAO
-so you and Richie are outside of the house and you just look at him and he looks like a damn mess but you need to get this out of your chest
-also Richie + leather jacket is a combination made by the gods
-“Richie, I like you” and before you even manage to say something else, his lips are already on top of yours, his hands are on your waist and at first you are kind of shocked
-but a few seconds in and one of your hands was on his chest and the other one was in his hair and if this wasn’t one of the greatest kisses you’ve gotten in a while
-so after a while you pull away from each and you just smile at him and he just smiles back nsjkfd
-“I like you too, princess.”
-“yeah, you’ve kind of made it clear” you say scrunching your nose a little bit
-“I’m trying to have a moment, for fuck’s sake YN”
-you just laugh at him and kiss him again and he doesn’t complain
-because your lips are really fucking soft and he just wants more
-so by the end of the party you two are officially A Thing and everyone is really happy for you
-also make out sessions as you listen to The Ramones? SING ME UP
-so yeah, lol, you and Richie re just a happy punk couple who smoke together and are just really fucking happy with each other
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deadlockedfanstory · 7 years
Deadlocked Pt 2: Comfort Chain
[Two Weeks Earlier]
Gabriel Reyes had just finished shaving his face, it had been a while since he had been without his goatee.  It had certainly taken at least ten years off his appearance and he didn’t appreciate it too much.  His brown eyes stared at the mirror for a moment long before he went back out into his small room.  He was glad he was able to have his own space given his position, he didn’t need much more than this.  Besides it’s not like he spent a lot of time here anyway.
His bag was already packed with the few things he would actually need on this mission.  He was to infiltrate the Deadlock gang in order for them to bring them down entirely.  Reyes knew he was the man for the job and volunteered for it immediately.  He put on his hoodie and sat on the edge of his bed, he wasn’t nervous about the mission though.  The man didn’t want to be away this time around, things had changed since the last time he had gone undercover like this.
That was when a knock came on his door, Reyes had been slightly expecting it but not quite this close to his leaving.  He sat there silently, just watching the door.
“Reyes, can I come in?”
“You’re not a vampire, Morrison, you don’t need permission.”  Gabriel said, he watched as the blonde haired man entered the room and closed the door behind him.  “What do you want, Jack?”
“Just to touch base and go over last minute details before you leave.”  Jack said, his blue orbs watched as Gabriel got up from the bed  and sauntered over to the Commander.
“No need to be so formal, boy scout.  We’re behind closed doors.”  There was that mischievous smile on Gabe’s face that Jack had a bit of a weakness for.
“Hey without your goatee you look like a boy scout too.”  Jack said with a small grin on his face
The Latino man shrugged, “It’ll grow back.”
There was a pause for a moment between them, they had been working together for so long, Jack was still getting used to this thing between them.
“Why are you staring at me like that?  Don’t tell me you’re worried.”  Gabriel growled a little.  “Nothing has changed, I’ll be fine.”
“You’re right, I will miss you though, Gabe.”  Jack said as the gap closed between them, their bodies only a hair apart from each other.
“Nothing has changed.”  He said with a smile  as his hand cupped Jack’s face and pulled him in for a kiss, his tongue flicked out and touched Jack’s lips.
The blonde man opened his mouth and allowed the kiss to deepen.  A small gasp came from his lips as Gabe pressed him against the wall.  Reyes’ tongue pressed the attack and then tangled with Jack’s.  Gabe took in the sweet taste of his lover’s mouth, he pressed his hips against Jack’s.  It had been too long since they had the chance to have sex and it would be even longer after today.  Gabriel’s hands found the bottom of Morrison’s shirt and pulled it over the blonde man’s head.  The Latino man’s hands traced over the toned muscles of the man in front of him, his lips moved down to his neck and started to blaze a trail down his chest.  He was going to enjoy every single moment of this, Gabe wanted a good memory to take with him on those extra lonely nights.
Reyes’ fingers had just started to unbuckle Jack’s pants when a pounding on the door came.  “Your transport is ready Reyes, leaving in ten minutes.”  A stern voice came through the door and boots echoed through the hall as the person who interrupted them walked away unaware of what they had done.
Gabe got that grin on his face once more as he continued to unbuckle Morrison’s pants, “We can do it in five.”
Much to his surprise Jack shook his head and stopped Reyes.  He had felt how hard Jack was, and he knew that they both needed this before Gabriel left, he just wish Jack had been able to get away sooner to do this though. “We’ll have something to look forward when you get back.  Maybe extra incentive for you to finish the job quick.”
“You’re a goddamn tease, you know that Morrison.”  Reyes grumbled as he watched Jack put his shirt back on.
Reyes sat in the hotel room he was now sharing with that snot nosed brat that was supposed to get him integrated into the gang.  Though here was Mateo Rodriguez, he had no problem adjusting to the name change but taking orders from Jesse McCree had been something he hadn’t  taken kindly too.  The young man had at least helped him get his own motorcycle so he wouldn’t have to ride on the back of McCree’s bike.  It was a older black motorcycle, it wasn’t the greatest but it certainly ran well enough.
Jesse was currently sitting at the small table cleaning the six shooter pistol that he carried with him.  That was something that Reyes noticed that while Jesse didn’t have many possessions what he did have he took great pride in.  He quietly put the gun back together and grinned to himself before he holstered it back on his hip.
Reyes had his two shot guns that he had already cleaned that morning, his eyes narrowed a little at the young man before he moved to his bed.  “So tell me, you said we had something planned for tomorrow, what exactly is it we’re doing?”
“Pretty basic house keeping stuff, collecting money and selling some basic weapons like handguns.  After that I plan gettin’ me a bottle of whiskey, maybe findin’ a lady to share it with, then sleep.  Pretty simple day.  Might hustle some pool while I’m lookin’ for a lady, they love a man who can find the pocket.”  Jesse said with a grin on his face.  “You just need to be there for the first two things, everything else is my own personal plan.  ‘Sides I have feeling you’d just get in the way for the second half.  Your old ass will scare away all the pretty women.”
Mateo snorted, “No, I think you’re afraid I’ll steal any girl you set your eyes on.”
Jesse laughed, “Fine!  You can come with, but don’t be mad when I prove you wrong.  Let’s make a wager out of it, if you win you’ll get my respect and I might even teach ya a few of my secrets.  If I win, which I will, you sleep outside for the week and I get the room to have my fun with that lucky lady.  How’s that sound, deal?”
Reyes couldn’t help but laugh at the bet, “Sure thing.”
The pair shook on it and resumed what they had been doing to unwind before sleep that night.  Gabe’s thoughts couldn’t help but wonder to Jack and how he was doing at Overwatch.
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gospacegay · 7 years
Dreams and Possibilities
So... This thing started out as a rusame short and grew like crazy! There is swearing. Get over it. There is mentions of suicide but It’s a very fluffy piece otherwise. Kinda smutty. Enjoy the alternate universe cuteness!
The argument during the world meeting had spiraled out of control so fast. Alfred had something, or possibly lack of things that were wrong. Then Russia was on his case, completely angry beyond reason. Totally surprised, the always armed American whipped out a pistol. That was when Ivan took out his pistol, whispering “Nothing but broken promises.” Shocking everyone, he shot himself through the mouth. He then fell to the ground, limp and dead.
Alfred ran over but he knew it was far too late. The angle of the bullet was just too good. It ripped out so much brain matter on the way out, the guy would be retarded as all hell when he inevitably recovered. The living nations were not invulnerable, after all. “He killed himself because of me.” the freckled blond grieved, Ivan's blood still staining the carpet. “I thought you'd be happy, boy.” England replied coldly, having the nerve to kick the corpse on the floor of the meeting room. Everyone gasped at his rude behavior.
“Why would I be happy a defining part of my culture is dead?” America hissed, training the gun on his terrible father figure. “It's just Russia, lad. No need to do anything regrettable...” the English man begged, backing up from the lifeless body. “He taught me how to skate, and ice fish, and sail a boat, and cook pies. He visited me all the time when I was a lonely colony. He was a better role model than you. He knew how to make love, not rut like a sick goat. He was mine.” Alfred spat, advancing with the gun safety off. “But you said, but he just...” The emerald eyed Brit sputtered, crumpling as he was shot between the eyes.
Despair and loss shredded his rational mind. His long time crush and former nemesis had killed himself. Alfred had been so sure they could be friends again. It was nothing like being lovers, but it was better than total deprivation. Then Ivan killed himself. This was all Alfred's fault. The arguments, the bloody cold war, the bombs, the deaths of children in gulags... it was all indirectly Alfred's fault. He always had to be so stubborn and proud. A world without Russia was meaningless, no one to rival Alfred's light with shadow. There was only one solution now.
Not waiting to be stopped, Alfred put the gun to his own temple. Pulling the trigger, everything faded painfully to black. Death was a funny thing. Before this point, dying had been like falling asleep painfully. This death was different. For one thing, it hurt way less on the way out. He had never seen anyone after the fact. Even recovering and waking up, there had been no one there. He was always alone forever.
Yet Alfred was wearing white, in a bright white room, with Tony seated beside him. The short red eyed alien just stared at him. It was hard to tell if he was disappointed due to lack of eyebrows or notable mouth. “Hey cool space buddy. I haven't seen you since the 90's.” Alfred greeted. “So you had to fucking kill yourself. I stop paying attention for two decades and you fuckin' kill yourself.” Tony cursed, clearly not impressed. “You, don't understand... he killed himself because of me, and... I thought... were...” Alfred attempted to explain with watery eyes, the event still overwhelming. “The Russian dumb shit killed himself too.” Tony summarized sourly between Alfred manly not-sobs. Giving the distraught nation a pat on the back. “Don't worry about it idiot. Your space buddy will fix this. Don't fuck it up.”
“What?” Alfred squeaked, confused and distressed.
Alfred sat up sharply in bed, heart racing. He instinctively reached for a reading lamp he couldn't recall owning. God, what a horrible dream. There was guns... and some kind of court room... and Russia died? The details were falling apart the more he recalled them. Everything felt super surreal right now.
He was Alfred Foster Jones. But that wasn't accurate either. His mind kept pronouncing Alfret, then a very unfamiliar jumble. It was just the fog from waking up, confusing him. It was time to get dressed quietly and make breakfast. He didn't want to wake people so soon. What people was he edging around again? Stretching his arms a little, an elbow bumped one of said people.
It was a big sleeping somebody all cuddled under warm morning blanket. The covered up somebody was taking up slightly over half the bed, sharing the blanket Alfred was trapped in. The freckled blond was terrified to look under. The physical urge to squeeze and tickle the half asleep bundle was stronger, and Alfred had always been impulsive. He gave the mystery person a big morning hug. Hearing a happy sigh, the nation was pulled back under all the blanket. Alfred nearly had a heart attack.
It was Ivan, sleep tousled in sleeping pants. He had been shot, he had been dead in the memory. He killed himself because of Alfred. Maybe it was a dream. It had to be, otherwise life was even more terrible than ever. With trembling hands, Alfred grabbed the Russian’s face and peppered it with kisses. That big nose, that brow, that sexy jawline, nothing was missed.
He was stopped mid neck. “Dearest, calm down. It's a Sunday.” Ivan grumbled in Russian, draping an arm over Alfred to pin him lazily. “I can't help it. I saw you kill yourself, and I don't know if it was a dream or real. Maybe it was a prophecy, it was so bad.” Alfred rambled, scared. Ivan freed the tanned blond's hair from it's scrunchy prison. Alfred eventually calmed, allowing his surprisingly long hair to be disentangled. He had never had it long at all, yet it had been long for over a century. The conflicting memories were both right.
“I suppose this nightmare had England in it.” Ivan soothed sleepily, now the bigger spoon and holding Alfred close. “It did, I shot him in the face. But it didn't make you alive again.” the younger nation admitted. “When I killed England for mistreating you, I promised you he was dead. I made absolutely sure of it sunshine. I even crushed the bones into dust and put the dust in a jar.” Ivan promised casually, clearly having made this oath before. Alfred remembered such a thing. It had been a first year anniversary gift along with a nice boat ride.
“It just felt real.” the younger nation whispered, still uncertain of reality. Ivan kissed that last shred of doubt away, snuggling slightly closer. “My god, how can you be so handsome and rugged at the same time?” Alfred flirted blatantly. Ivan blushed the slightest shade of pink, giving Alfred a squeeze. “I'll dress the kids if you make breakfast.” the ash blond volunteered, clearly not fond of cooking.
Alfred seemed both reviled and joyful over having to cook. An angrier short haired version of himself wanted to tell Ivan to shove a frying up his arse. His kinder souled self was faster, answering “Of course. I was thinking fluffy western omelets.” The additional statement of children, as in more that one was a bonus. He had always wanted a son, or a daughter. He would even be fine with anything in the middle.
He forgot about words when Ivan dragged his lazy ass out of bed. The Russian was fit, like underwear model fit. He could probably punch a hole through concrete or scare physics into letting him walk to the moon. Alfred drooled, raking into those sexy back muscles with his eyes. Then Ivan dumped an ugly university sweater over a carved body of god's finest marble. A low whine came from the freckled blonde. Ivan swiveled to look, just noticing. “What?” he asked, adjusting the drawstrings on his hooded sweater. “It's a Sunday. We should have crazy sex.” Alfred ordered more than asked.
God could Ivan blush when he had the tan of a snow man. “They're down the hall! They'll hear everything!” he whispered hoarsely. “I'll be good and quiet, We can do anything!” Alfred tempted, already tugging at the sweater impatiently. Ivan looked at the door, then Alfred. Like any other sex deprived overworked parent, the Russian jumped at the opportunity.
Alfred was face first getting ground into the mattress, a moaning mess. “This... was.... good idea.” Ivan panted, thrusting deep like a wild man. “More! Don't stop for anything.” Alfred ordered lowly, a bruising grip on his hips. The rhythmic fucking was amazing but Alfred had already come. It was all about Ivan now, for he always took a while to push over the edge. The ash blonde was easily the more sexually frustrated of the couple because he couldn't get out a quick orgasm in the shower.
Ivan's breath hitched as his pace turned erratic and rough. Finally he gasped, thrust deep inside, and came loudly. “Oh fuck, oh, your my angel.” he uttered, both men turning into a pile of blissful nudity. Not even a second later, there was knocking on the door. “Mama, Papa. Are you practicing fighting bears again?” a small boy asked. “No.” Alfred lied sheepishly, blushing as well. Still inside Alfred, Ivan stammered “I'll be right down. Go brush your teeth with your sister.” “Okay Papa.” the boy cheerfully obeyed, heard skipping away.
Ivan was quick to shower and leave, making Alfred suspicious. After languishing in the heat of the bed a few more minutes, he felt his used hole. There was a pearl of cum on his finger. That bastard never put his condom on. If Ivan made him pregnant again, he was getting shot. The last child had been ten long months without coffee, chocolate, or rum. Alfred damn near lost his mind. Between all the former British colonies giving him bad medical advice and Ivan treating him like glass, it was a miracle no one was murdered.
After spermicide type products strong enough to kill, Alfred washed, and cleaned some more. Not a single Russian swimmer was getting anywhere near his uterus this time. Hastily dressing, Alfred stomped downstairs while loading his pistol. Ivan was hiding behind his daughter, Alaska, at the kitchen table. “Annika, my little darling, lay flat so I can get a clear shot at your father's throat.” Alfred asked sweetly. Obeying, the platinum blonde batted sky blue eyes at him while climbing off the chair. It was normal for her not to talk much, despite having the appearance of an 11 year old.
“Don't kill Papa! He didn't build the pool yet!” Oregon protested with a mouth full of cereal. Ivan looked at his son with a disapproving frown. “You tried to make me pregnant again you sneaky rat!” Alfred hissed, the pistol only a foot away from Ivan's handsome face. “Just one more child, maybe it'll be Moscow!” Ivan cheered, having been at gunpoint over this before.
“I will not live without coffee or chocolate for nine months. I need them.” the freckled blonde threatened, slowly holstering his weapon. After a sigh, he kissed Ivan on the nose and began cooking. “New plan babies. Mama's gonna make you chocolate chip pancakes. Papa was bad, so he's getting one plain pancake with no toppings.” Alfred announced. The children were quick to turn on their father. He put on a pout, replying “Now I will starve!” Alaska was back in her chair, leaning in to whisper “I'll feed you some of mine, Papa. I love you more than Nikolai does.” The younger Oregon, appearing seven years old by human standards, snorted. “You want the pool too.” he muttered. Such loving children.
As breakfast progressed, Alfred sipped his coffee while watching his babies eat. “So, what are you all doing today?” he asked. “Papa said we're gonna play with Catalonia while he's working. Spain's house is huge, Mama. Catalonia has an air hockey table!” Oregon explained excitedly, making a mess of his breakfast. “Work on a Sunday?” Alfred asked with a pout.
Ivan shrugged, then rubbed his temples. “A very big problem has not been solved.” he said flatly, not keen on going himself. “I'll come. Maybe I can help, motherly wisdom and all.” the freckled blonde replied. With a tired smile, the paler nation nodded in silent agreement. The adult topic of politics was never discussed in front of their precious young states.
After breakfast clean up, Alfred combed and braided his hair into one large rope. Putting on his best Russomerican colored Hello Kitty sweater, the braid was made to match with a navy blue ribbon. He took the time to admire the silly shirt. A white eagle with red wing feathers was on Hello Kitty's clothes, while all 136 stars of the Russomerican flag were displayed in layered rings. The rings were centered around the cute kitten's silly dance. The sweater was a birthday gift from the Japanese Empire, a good friend of the couple and old wartime ally.
Once the children were picked up by Spain, Alfred and Ivan departed. The drive was not very long, since it was hosted not far from their Washington home. Since the Russomerican Republic was so huge and powerful, most nations had regular places to stay for the monthly meetings. They would never dare complain how far Washington was from their actual homes.
Alfred was already not impressed as soon at the couple arrived at the meeting building. “What?” Ivan asked, knowing every look of his partner. “This is a dump.” the tanned nation muttered. “No, its cheap and efficient.” Ivan countered stubbornly. It was a dump, an old brick building with a lazy government sign at the front. Not a single flower bed or wall mural spiced the place up. They could have easily taken a wrong turn and ended up at a mortuary.
The inside was just as bad, with whitewash walls and scratched up wooden floors. The long meeting table was dimly lit, due to one light being burnt out. “How much time until people arrive, dear?” Alfred asked, running a finger over the table. It came back thick with dust. “Twenty minutes, maybe.” Ivan answered absently, pouring over papers in his briefcase.
Accepting the impossible challenge, Alfred tackled the dinghy meeting room. After changing the dead light bulb, The table had a soft white cloth cover. Snacks and potted flowers were stolen from another meeting in progress down the hall. Alfred longed to dust and mop the large space, but nations were already beginning to show up early. Resigned to living in dusty filth, the north American dropped next to his husband. Ivan was still brooding over a peace treaty proposal for Syria and Turkey, putting a grouchy expression on.
“If you frown too long, your face will get stuck.” Alfred teased, edging his chair closer. He gave a few kisses, nothing graphic. It was enough to make Ivan's cold mood melt to a dopey expression. An unfamiliar chuckle was heard as a stranger approached. Alfred tensed until he recognized the long wavy locks and flirtatious blue eyes. The nation was an old one, suspected to be Alfred's illegitimate father by most. They shared too many physical qualities for it to be a coincidence.
“France, long time!” Alfred greeted with traditional kisses on each cheek. Welcomes aside, the french man looked over Alfred's currently strong but trim figure. “You look great. I haven't seen you in years.” the man complimented, his pronunciations butchering the Russian language. “You still strangle my language like a boa, dear Francis. You always look so good in your suits as well.” Alfred replied in kind. Ivan glanced up at the overtly friendly chatter, jealously threatening “Alfred is mine.”
“Of course, sunshine, and you are mine.” Alfred finished the possessive sentiment with a smile. “Forever.” Ivan whispered lovingly, losing his dark edge again. France grinned and took several pictures with his phone. Several others were arriving, sitting at the table. France bid Alfred farewell with a kiss on the hand, then took his seat at the far end of the table. The second the last nation sat his bottom to a chair, the low chatter began.
“Thank you for coming to this... emergency meeting...” Ivan faltered despite his loud introduction, completely unheard. Alfred analyzed the seating arrangements quickly, years of raising tempestuous young honing his instincts. Ivan was about to start again, when he was hushed by kisses. Alfred then stood, and whistled so sharply it made the whole room twist to look at the source. Without a word, he forcibly picked up each guest and shuffled the entire table.
The result was a mildly confused group of nations that had nothing to say. Several nations murmured while snacking on the stolen plates of cookies. Admittedly, Alfred had been overly sheltered in his colony days, only picking up Russian and English. A happy brunet nation directly addressed Alfred. “We are wondering who you are.” the cute nation said in decent Russian, heavy Italian accent coloring each vowel.
Relieved to understand, the freckled blonde replied “I'm Russomerica, or part of it.” “I don't understand. He's supposed to be Russomerica.” another Slavic nation protested, gesturing to Ivan. Flashing the simple wedding band on his right hand, Alfred silently answered the question. “He's my beloved. We share the responsibility of monitoring all 136 states and territories.” Ivan added seriously.
“Think of little brother as Russ, and his wife as Merica.” Ukraine said, loving to dote on Ivan in public and make him squirm. Alfred personally didn't care if he was called a wife, for he did many wifely things. A few chuckled at the joke, and the meeting finally began. Due to the odd new seating arrangements, no one felt comfortable enough to talk over Ivan.
Still, others eyed the docile Alfred fearfully. A few were unlucky to know Alfred as the bloody Valkyrie of Russomerica, always alongside Ivan in battle. He was no stranger to war and death. Alfred had only lost a few battles since the Russomerican Republic had initially formed. That was almost three hundred years ago.
After watching Syria and Turkey bicker with Ivan over border reassignments, Alfred felt tense. Being so close to his husband, the freckled blonde could almost feel Ivan's internal anger as it built. “Accept these new terms or we will enforce them. Everyone is tired of your petty war.” Alfred ordered. Both warring nations looked at him dubiously with his Hello Kitty sweater and adorable blonde braid. Syria laughed mockingly, having to adjust her partial hijab. Turkey smirked, asking “Does your whore wife speak for you now?”
Instinctively, Alfred rose in anger. “Take that back.” he growled, glaring holes in the man. “I would take that back unless you want to die.” Ivan warned lightly. The fool laughed at Alfred, laughed. Upset, the freckled blonde slammed his face into the table hard. “I'm loyal and cute, and I look good in sweaters. You don't know anything about me!” Alfred roared, slamming Turkey's face two more times. Letting the nation go, Alfred retreated to his husband's side. A consoling arm was draped around his shoulders.
Syria paled, quickly signing the peace treaty and returning to her chair. Spitting out several broken teeth, the bloodied Turkey grudgingly added his own signature. “I'm not a whore.” Alfred whispered softly, upset. “Of course you aren't darling. You're perfect.” Ivan assured with a chaste kiss. With that little war out of the way, there was still a lot of time left. A few constructive dialogues managed to play out. Global relations seemed improved by the end, with several trades proposed between the forty nations attending.
The meeting ended, with a few stragglers the last to leave. Alfred could hear a conversation in rapid fire English down the hall as he cleaned up. “Wales, you can't. You were my ride home!” a young voice whined. “I don't care. I can barely afford to attend as it is.” an older male voice dismissed. “But, I need you!” the younger appealed, no avail. There was a slamming of doors, then stifled crying. Unable to ignore a child in distress, Alfred peeked into the hall. A boy, almost a teenager was slumped against the wall.
Clearing his throat, Alfred attempted conversation in English. Due to not using it everyday, it was quite rusty. “Hello child. Why you cry?” he asked kindly, Russian accent thick. “Oh, oh, Mr. Russomerica. I'll leave now. I didn't mean to be so upset.” the boy answered quickly, fiercely wiping tears with his ragged looking shirt. The child was too thin for Alfred's liking, arms like twigs. “Nyet, you come with me.” the taller nation insisted.
“Um, that's nice. But I still need to find a way to get home. I live really far away.” the child noted. Alfred ignored this, scooping the child off the ground. He was a light little thing, almost too light. “You see, I'm Sealand. I'm the best little country ever, but it's really hard.” the boy prattled on. “Child of England, da?” Alfred asked, seeing the same sandy blonde hair as his own abusive mother. Sealand shrugged, shivering and snuggling into Alfred's fluffy sweater. “I don't know. I've always been alone.”
“I alone too, once. Was very unhappy, until I meet Russia. Ivan, good man, best comrade. We will talk with him.” Alfred conversed awkwardly, wishing the child knew Russian. A minute later, Ivan returned to the meeting room. Coats in hand, he clearly wasn't expecting a rail thin child clinging to Alfred's leg as it ate cookies.
“Honey, no.” Ivan refused prematurely in Russian. “But, he's stranded here, and he's so cute and little. Can I please take him as a state?” Alfred begged. “He's a principality at best, off the shore of Wales. Wales. It's too far away.” Ivan reasoned. “He is so skinny and sad. You said our navy didn't have enough influence there.” Alfred argued back. Ivan rolled his eyes, retorting “He doesn't even speak Russian. He's just another mouth to feed.” “Hey. You keep trying to get me pregnant every chance you have. I though you would want another state.” Alfred bristled verbally, still mad about the early morning sex.
“I suppose he would be a suitable navy base. Ask him then.” Ivan sighed, giving up. “Sealand, you hungry and poor, da?” Alfred asked in clumsy English. “Maybe. What's it to you?” the boy stammered defensively. “I wish keeping you for my own. Little son.” Alfred said proudly, realizing after just how fucking creepy he was being. Ivan was right after all.
Sealand was being surprisingly positive about all this. “Like you're the mom and he's the dad?” he asked, pointing at Ivan across the room. Alfred nodded, explaining “Da, but many rules. Must learn Russian like other little ones.”
“You can't get bored of me and return me to the sea. And you can't beat me or tell me I'm worthless. And... you can't touch me... down there.” Sealand grew more quiet at he continued, shielding his groin fearfully from sight. Poor child of the sea, what trials and tribulation had he already faced? Likely many since he was English offspring. The late nation had a habit of abandoning his children in fields, or in this case, at sea. “Nyet, malchik. I love my children. Fight for them, da.” Alfred assured, offering another stolen cookie. After eating the treat ravenously, the boy smiled. “Okay. I'll be your kid. I've never had parents before.” he replied casually.
Alfred crowed with joy, twirling the child around. “I Mama, or Alfret Arturovich Braginski. He your Papa, or Ivan Zimavich Braginski.” he instructed, letting Sealand down. “I'm Peter Lawrence Kirkland.” the boy introduced. Alfred pinched the sandy blonde sharply, correcting him “Nyet. You are son, Peter Arturovich Braginski.” “Ow! Fine I'm Peter art pants Braginski.” he grumbled, rubbing his sore cheek. And so the family grew a little larger.
A few years passed by, and the strange white dream never returned. Peter quickly learned Russian, becoming one of the family. Meanwhile Sealand's actual infrastructure was repaired and improved. The former principality with a population of four was transformed. It was now a notable Russomerican navy base, with twenty people living there full time to maintain machinery. Oregon was pleased to have a big brother he could play games with. Even Ivan tentatively bonded with Peter, taking him fishing and taking time to help with homework. The boy would never be blood, but he was just as close.
After making Alfred heavily pregnant, Ivan managed to avoid getting beat to death in the hospital. Still, California was a cute little baby. She had her mother's deep tan and freckles. It took a year, but the baby aged enough to sleep normally. After a month of being horrible to everyone, Alaska realized she wouldn't be ignored forever. A few trips to the mall later, the girl's head seemed screwed on straight. Alfred's crazy life finally started calming down.
That was until he woke up one night, discovering himself propped up and thoroughly mounted. Ivan was thrusting in frenzied fashion, panting hard. Enjoying the motions, Alfred could feel his own sticky excitement spilled beneath him. Suddenly Ivan pushed deeply and came with a cry. Hot release filled Alfred's hungry insides, his ass forcefully tilted so none could escape. Riding out the bliss, something came to mind in the groggy nation's head. If the cum wasn't going out, it could only go his... no.
“You worthless bastard! Get out of me! I don't want to be pregnant again!” Alfred growled angrily, bucking and trying to roll. “Oh just... oh, a minute.” Ivan whimpered, his still hard cock giving a mighty throb inside that stuffed passage. Oh hell no, he was still pumping seed inside. It wasn't much, but even one little swimmer was enough to ruin the rest of the year. Resisting, Alfred rocked violently and clenched his anus for all it was worth. He only succeeded in fucking thick seed deeper into himself.
Crying hot tears, Alfred felt the cock swell slightly. “I thought you loved me. I thought you respected me. All you want to do is use me.” the mounted nation wept in frustration. Ivan paused, panting as he rode out the last shots of cum. Alfred could feel every bit of it, his insides swelled with the stuff.
“That's not true. I care for you more than anything else. I love you so much I need to touch you constantly. You fixed my heart, and you're raising four perfect states. You're eyes, your hair, your cheerful optimism. Everything about you is so perfect. It makes me want to make you so full of our children, make the world a better place. We could save the world, with our happy perfect children. We'd love everyone of them.” Ivan gasped between thrusts, clearly starting another round.
The love behind every word was palpable. Heart fluttering, Alfred asked timidly “Do you really mean that? You don't think I look hideous when I'm pregnant?” Ivan started roughly fucking the filled anus, making Alfred melt into a puddle. “I want you more pregnant. I want so many children we need a van.” he ground out, hips rutting rhythmically. Alfred's body rocked in sync, so completely in love. Ivan did love him, even as a whale bloated with unborn young. Ivan loved him in his grouchy day pajamas and wild hair. He even loved Alfred during his Japanese cartoon obsession phase. To give another child didn't seem like a high cost if this cosmic love was the prize.
Six. The agreed limit was six children including Peter. Until the limit was reached, Alfred gladly let himself be filled and stretched. After rigorous secret midnight sex, he agreed to butt plugs that would keep every seed inside. Eerily enough, seed from that first night vanished before the plug was removed. There was absolutely no doubt he would be pregnant. Even so, Ivan wanted to keep up the act until the womb had completely sealed. Taking vacation time, the couple visited Saint Petersburg. Visiting was a loose term, since they were locked together in lovemaking usually. That few days turned into a week. Alfred was so delirious from all the mind blowing sex, he didn't much care what the excuse was.
They only stopped so Alfred could clean out over a week for his doctor's visit. The poor children were probably tired of hearing them “practise fighting bears” at unusual hours as well. Alfred had a very special doctor, one that had helped him through all the other pregnancies and troubles. There was so few doctors trained to deal with nations in the world. Admittedly Alfred only shared the talented physician's existence with former British colonies. Lord knew there was enough of them. If the European union got hold of the man, Alfred would never get medical care again.
Sitting in the stark waiting room, Alfred felt confident everything would be fine. With Alaska, Alfred had discovered he was pregnant while drunk off his ass at a New Years party. The girl turned out alright, if quite nonverbal. Oregon's pregnancy had been a nightmare of nutritionists and nurses. He didn't eat a single drop of anything tasty for ten painful months. It basically ruined child rearing forever. California had been okay to birth, but Alfred dodged food specialists like they were assassins.
“Braginski?” A nurse called out from an open door. The couple stood, escorted to a small office. The doctor was an ageing human, followed by a woman in a lab coat. “Doctor Varkins. A pleasure as always.” Ivan greeted warmly, for the doctor was one of the few he trusted. He eyed the young protege acting as the old human's shadow. “Why is she here?” Alfred asked, holding himself and clenching his legs closed.
“Relax, this is my replacement in training. Her name's Tiffany, or doctor Kinley.” the older man introduced. “But I just got you. Annika just shed her last baby tooth. What if she needs braces?” Alfred protested. “It's been forty years. I have a family of my own, and I want to enjoy my golden years.” the doctor explained patiently. Alfred nodded uncomfortably, sorely reminded of human fragility. It had taken Alaska forty five years to physically age to preteens. Oregon grew slightly faster, taking fifteen years to reach his current state. California would likely grew at the same rate, representing a warm state.
“Tell me about your kids, they looked cute.” the younger doctor said kindly, her Russian carrying a distant Irish tinge. Alfred nervously glanced at Ivan while Doctor Varkins checked his vitals. With a nod, the pale ash blonde put a comforting hand on his husband's leg. “Well Annika, she's my little snow princess. Then there's Peter. I adopted him. He's my little sailor. Nikolai is second youngest. He wants to be a farmer when he grows up. California is just a babe, but I knew she'll do great things.” Alfred rambled, proud of his offspring.
“California... like the state?” the woman asked dubiously. “Well, for now. We can't seemed to agree on a first name. Ivan wants Katyusha, but I want Nadia. It's fine. We have five more months before she figures out things beyond pooping and sleeping.” Alfred explained casually. “I told you. Nations. States. All that.” the older doctor mentioned while listening to Alfred's insides with a stethoscope.
“Well your vitals are good, why visit so soon?” doctor Varkins asked curiously. Blushing, Alfred revealed the good news. “Well, we're trying again for another little one. I wanted to make sure things were alright. And Ivan needs a check up. He keeps coughing.”
Ivan looked shocked that he had been tricked into the doctor's office. When he tried to flee, Alfred's steel strength kept him trapped by the arm. The stubborn Russ was inhumanly strong, but his husband had always been able to match him. “I'm fine. I don't need help.” Ivan hissed stubbornly. His heart beat, blood pressure and other lesser things were measured and noted.
“Well there's your problem.” Dr. Varkins said confidently, pulling out a series of stock market charts. The dips in Ivan's health were still too closely linked to the price of oil. “You need to diversify your exports, so you stop getting these coughs. And you haven't been eating enough vegetables.” The ancient nation pouted as he was scolded like a child. Alfred grinned, with a pleased 'I told you so' attitude.
“Does this mean these folks are Russomerica?” the trainee asked. “He's the Russo, and I'm the Merica. But yes, we are Russomerica.” Alfred patiently explained, remembering when Dr, Varkins first freaked out over this. “Oh wow! I worked with Ireland, but I never though I'd meet my own nation.” the girl gushed. Alfred shied away from the attention, nervous around humans that could recognize and extort him. Playing nervously with a braid, Alfred's fidgeting was stilled by Ivan's arms. “He's shy, you can't be so direct with him.” Varkins corrected, approaching Alfred slowly. “Do you need anything else checked?” he asked courteously. Alfred shook his head, unnerved by how the younger doctor stared at him intently. They fled the office soon after.
Officially two months pregnant, Alfred was feeling exhausted on the living room couch. Ivan and Alaska were enthralled in a show about big game hunters. Sealand and Oregon were on the floor, designing amphibious cars. Baby California was finally sleeping upstairs after wailing like a siren for an hour. Lazily dragging a couch quilt over his tired form, Alfred could afford to close his eyes for a second.
The dream was vivid and white. It was a white room with white tile and white benches. It was all so white and painfully familiar. Three gunshots, and one wrist cutting. Suddenly Alfred could recall being red haired, having killed himself in a bath tub by cutting his wrists. Blonde and shooting himself in the temple many times. Long haired and jumping to his death. It all felt frighteningly real. A short grey figure entered the room, using some sort of hologram device ripped right out of a movie.
Knowing and not knowing, Alfred had five confusing memories over lapping of this creature. It was safe, it was his space buddy, his confidant. Excited, he scooped the short figure up and swung it around the room. Despite never having met this creature, Alfred felt relieved to be reunited with it. It squabbled at him in a language he couldn't comprehend, until it was sharply changed to Russian.
“-ing Christ. What language is this time line in anyway?” the grey man cursed. “Who are you?” Alfred asked, refusing to let go. “You understand now?” the grey figure asked, resisting being cuddled. “Yes, little space buddy.” Alfred confirmed, the affection slipping out of him. “God fucking christ, you're going to ooze sugar if you keep this up. So, how's my favourite US of A?” the grey man asked, giving up on escaping Alfred's hugs and snuggles.
“I don't understand. Who is yuss of ah?” Alfred wondered, head cocked. Browsing alien symbols on his device, the short figure shook his head. “Wow, okay. Forget whatever I said. This line is damn confusing. What happened after 1776?” he asked bluntly. Absently petting the bald bulbous head of his friend, Alfred felt a name spring to mind.
“Well Tony, I was my own country of Americana. But it was really hard. England kept blockading my ports to starve me. Spain kept pressuring me. Ivan was courting me at the time, and became really mad. He fought off England so I could focus on Spain. After a while Ivan proposed to become a republic with me. Oh, it was so romantic. You should have seen the roses and the moonlight. I couldn't say no to that charmer. We've been married as the Russomerican Republic since 1889.” Alfred explained warmly.
“Was just checking. Normally I leave you idiots alone twenty years and you both end up killing yourselves. My boss wasn't happy about that.” Tony replied, still browsing his miniature projector. “Oh cute. Congrats on the twins. Fuck you have a lot of children. Breed like goddamn rabbits in this time line don't you?” he continued, browsing pictures of things that looked unfamiliar.
“Twins?” Alfred asked, confused. “Those things in you right now. Yeah. Fraternal twins.” Tony explained. “Why we would kill ourselves? I love Ivan too much to kill myself.” the freckled blonde protested, nothing cleared up at all. “Don't worry about it. I'm just happy that you're happy. Oh and by the way... The twins are Moscow and Washington, so Ivan can stop riding you like a used dirt bike.” Tony informed dryly.
“What?” the blonde sputtered, surprised.
Alfred woke sharply, aware he was holding a napping Oregon and not a grey alien man. Ivan too had passed out on the opposing couch, the wildlife show still playing. Alaska and Sealand were long gone, but that was normal. The older states were becoming teenagers and highly independent. Looking fondly at his husband, five gruesome memories flashed by.
Ivan, throat cut and bleeding onto the cushions. More memories, his head with a variety of gun shot wounds. Another, his eyes lolled back in death, mouth foaming from poison overdose. Panic gripping Alfred's heart, the snoozing Oregon was nearly dropped on the floor. The anxious nation scampered over Ivan's still form. Checking for a pulse, he went giddy with relief when one was found. Clinging to the splayed man, Alfred kissed that pale skin, licked it, cried with joy to touch it. Ivan wasn't dead. Thank God Ivan wasn't dead. Sealand and Alaska strolled in on the odd scene, both eating three ice cream bars at the same time.
“Sex on the couch? Really?” Alaska snorted derisively. “Your papa isn't dead. I touched him. He's alive.” Alfred whispered loudly, still sobbing as he squeezed Ivan's rib cage. The older nation woke with a cough, surprised. “What?” he gasped, lacking air to make real volume. “Mama's losing her marbles.” Peter replied, in no rush to rescue his adoptive father. Finally taking a breath, Ivan forced himself to sit up. After Ivan rubbed Alfred's back and fed him the rest of the ice cream bars, the grieving nation calmed down.
“It's the hormones, Alik. Nothing bad happened to me, and nothing will.” Ivan promised, wiping a mess of melted ice cream off Alfred as he sniffled. “It felt real, and there was a white room. I died, you died. It was terrifying, Vanya.” the upset nation whimpered, clinging to his muscular husband. “It was just a dream.” the ash blonde soothed with a kiss.
Alaska and Sealand were gone again, probably off to play video games. Oregon was still sleeping like a rock on the couch. In the rare moment privacy, Alfred relaxed and sagged into the soft touches. “Marrying you was the best decision of my life. I can't even imagine the madness the world would suffer if we hadn't.” he murmured, lacing Ivan's collar bone with gentle kisses. Ivan returned the kisses with one of his own, reducing both of them to lovesick lumps on the furniture.
It was true. Alfred was so lucky fate hadn't dealt him a worse hand. He would continue to cherish his blessed life, and his happy family. No matter what war or ecological disaster befell him, Alfred would always be thankful for true love.
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noodlecupcakes · 7 years
The Other Woman Chapter 1
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Warnings for this chapter: Negan being Negan, Negan being a perv. 
Roxy’s P.O.V
I continued through the thick woods. I knew that I was losing light and I had two options. One, find somewhere to hide and set up for the night while the herd passes. Or two, keep running. I glanced behind me, the herd still following. Fuck this, keep running. I wasn’t risking trying to climb a tree with that lot around. My heart was pounding painfully against my chest and my legs were just about ready to give out. But I couldn’t give up, I’d survived this long.
I forced myself to keep going, running only on adrenaline now. The woods began to thin out thankfully. Now I wouldn’t risk tripping other anything. I turned back once more to see how much distance I had between the heard and I only to barrel straight into someone. Let’s hope they were alive...and friendly. I fell to the floor, finally feeling just how exhausted and hungry I was. I focussed on the person in front of me.
Boots, jeans, a black leather jacket. They were alive which gave me a little relief. But were they friendly? The man stood over me was older, maybe in his forties, with slicked back hair, hazel eyes, a strong jaw and stubble. He was carrying a baseball bat, with barbed wire wrapped around the business end. My vision began to go black around the edges. “Jesus sweetheart, you look like shit,” he spoke. And with that I passed out, finally succumbing to the exhaustion.
Chapter 1
Negan’s P.O.V
The blonde passed out and I called Simon over. I crouched down and checked for any bites or scratches. She was clean…well injury wise. Otherwise it was pretty obvious she had been out here for a long fucking time. I handed Simon her pack and weapons before picking her up and carrying her to the truck. I placed her inside and grabbed the walkie talkie that sat on the dashboard. “Alright boys, it’s time to head back. We’ve got a yellow situation so let’s treat the newbie with a little respect,” I spoke. “Will do,” came Joey's voice.
Simon and I got back in the truck, not really worried about the oncoming heard. Simon drove us back to the compound, leaving the truck with the rest. I told him to await the arrival of the others to make sure they got back and turned to our guest. She was out for the count. I carried her to the infirmary and placed her down on a bed, the doctor coming over and going to work. I had Simon bring me her belongings and I emptied the contents of her camping bag. Sleeping bag and tarp, some food, very little water, spare clothes. Nothing of interest.
The machetes, pistol and revolver on the other hand would come in handy. Either way all her things were now mine, only fair payment for saving her life and patching her up. I decided to head back to my room, Lucille needed to be cleaned. I sat down in my chair and carefully removed her barbed wire, setting it aside and grabbing a wet cloth. I cleaned off the blood and disposed of the cloth before replacing the barbed wire. I’d have the guys at the infirmary inform me of when our new guest work up.
A few hours later, a little before dinner Simon came and got me, letting me know the female was awake. She had been allowed to shower and was waiting for some food. I let him know I’d sort that out and headed down to the kitchen area, making a sandwich. I took the tray of food and water to the infirmary and sat down opposite her. Oh man, now that she had cleaned herself up she was super hot. Blonde hair, blue eyes, exactly my type. She had changed into a plaid shirt and jeans. I spotted a small silver locket around her neck.
I slid over the tray and she looked at my hesitantly as if unsure to accept the gesture. She clearly hadn’t had a good fucking run in with humans previously. “If we wanted to hurt you then we would have left you in the woods sweetheart,” I said matter of factly. With that she ate, the sandwich quickly devoured. “I’m Negan,” I introduced. “Roxy.” “You been out there long?” “Long enough.”
I sighed, “look I understand you’re a little tense but we’re not monsters. You can relax.” “You’re the man in charge?” “Yes I am.” “Where’s my things?” “I’m glad you asked that because now it gives me a chance to explain the rules. You’ve got three doors to choose from. Behind door number one, you don’t play nice and I have to put you to work on the wall making your life very fucking short. Door number two, you work for points, those points are then exchanged for things like food. But choosing that you’ll wish you were fucking dead. Door three, best door in my fucking opinion. You live like a queen and let me take care of every need you have,” I explained.
She frowned, “What’s the catch with door three?” “You ever been married sweetheart?” Roxy sat back in her chair as if recoiling from me. I guess that was a no. Shame, she would have been a nice addition…and now I was stuck with the mental image of her in red lacy underwear. “I’m not going to marry a man I just met. I’ll take door number two,” She snapped. “Alright. You can keep your things. We’ll get you set up in a bunk.” “How does the point system work?” “That all depends on what you're good at.”
I had an idea of what she could be good at with those lips. “I’m good at taking out walkers-“ she began. “I won’t have women doing that kind of work.” “Why? You don’t think I’m capable?” “I never said that. I would just prefer it if the women were out of harm’s way. Can you cook?” “Sure.” “Good, we’ll start you off in the kitchens then. The more you work the more points you get, certain items like meds cost a lot of fucking points so try not to get ill, that shit is hard to scavenge.” “I’ll bear it in mind.”
I got to my feet and led Roxy to the kitchens, introducing her to the others that worked there. I left her too it, heading back to my room. I placed Lucille in the corner and sat down on the edge of my bed, turning on my TV. It was nice to have this luxury even if it was the same shit over and over again but it gave the world a sense of normality once again. And normal was what these people needed and they got it as long as they worked for it. Still was a damn shame Roxy had turned down my offer but then again I wasn’t one to back down from a challenge.
Later there was a soft knock at my door. Maybe it was Amber and she was lonely so she wanted my company, which I was more than happy to give. I opened the door to find Roxy carrying a tray with my dinner on it. I stepped aside, letting her in. She placed the tray down on the small corner table, taking a good look around my room. “Sorry if it’s a little cold, I struggled to actually find my way here,” she spoke. “That’s alright.” “I wanted to say thank you for saving my life and patching me up. A lot of people wouldn’t have done that.” “I’m not like a lot of people.” She smiled softly and left me to it.
Dinner consisted of a simple omelette. But holy shit she wasn’t lying when she said she could cook. She was definitely staying on cooking duty from now on. I soon finished dinner and decided to pay the wives a visit. I opened the door of their lounge and they smiled, offering ‘hellos’, drinks and cigarettes. I took the drink and sat down on the couch. Who or more to the point what kind of sex was I in the mood for tonight? Sherry wasn’t an option, I respected her boundaries and that she would rather not have sex with me. Amber wasn’t always willing to put out and was pretty simple in bed which got boring after a while.
Grace may look innocent but she was anything but that. Sabrina was nice and flexible which always came in handy. And Ruby acted one of the filthiest fucking porn stars out there, she was willing to do just about anything I asked. But tonight I felt in the mood for Sabrina tonight however. I caught her gaze and smiled. She grinned and curled up next to me on the couch. She took my hand and led me to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.
Taglist: @astrangegirlsmind, @ladylorelitany, @grungedaddykinks, @mypapawinchester, @negandarylsatisfaction, @mwesterfeld1985, @warriorqueen1991, @isayweallgetdrunk, @jungle-feeveer, @negans-network, @fuck-yeah-lets-do-negan-ff, @slothdoll, @genevievedarcygranger, @shadesofarrogance, @jessie-cake1994-blog, @flames-bring-a-ton-of-ash
Please come shout at me if you want to be added to the taglist!
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frop · 7 years
do all of them you mother fucker
not Once but Twice u have done this to m 
Star Platinum – Your thoughts on the stars? i always did like then when i was younger but now they just make me think of jojo so now i especially like them 
Magician’s Red – Do you know any magic tricks? no but im gonna say what u said and i can bend my fingers waay way farther than most people
Hermit Purple – Show a photo of yourself! I HAVENT taken a selfie in forever i’ll do one later 
Silver Chariot (Requiem) – How much sleep do you need on average? i would love a good 10+ but i only get that much on saturday now boo but on average its like 6-7 
The Fool – Tell us a joke! Is your refrigerator running? Because i’m gonna suck your dick
The World -  A place you want to visit? canada like you would not believe 
Crazy Diamond – What do you treasure the most? hmmmmmmm my friendships with my friends 
The Hand – Do you like your hands? nnnot particularly bc i spent a good portion of my life and still do sometimes where i bit my nails til they bleed so they dont look as nice as i’d like them to be when they grow out 
Echoes – Your favourite sound? The world’s time stop sound, but not jotaro’s version, dio’s specifically
Heaven’s Door – Share a secret! my parents’ divorce has made me scared for the future of my own relationships to the point where i can see myself not ever wanting to be in a relationship ever again bc it would be easier than my partner getting tired of me or hating me. on top of the fact that i’m almost exactly like my father and my mom’s ex fiance in every single emotional department which is what caused their divorce/breakup respectively in the first place and that leads me to believe that in the long run i am Romantically  Unlovable 
Killer Queen – How would you like to die? preferably quick and painless 
Bad Company – What kind of character trades do you dislike? any character that is like ‘waahh wah no one understands me bc i enjoy [’highly advanced’ niche series/book/etc] and they all read [popular series/book/etc] like whatever the fuck his name was in aku no hana, it got so obnoxious i had to drop it lmao 
Red Hot Chili Pepper – Can you handle spicy food? cat’s out of the bag guys im actually a Fake Mexican bc i only like mild stuff and hot chips 
The Lock – Anything you feel guilty about right now? ya but thats for another day 
Love Deluxe – Are you secretly in love with someone right now? its absolutely no secret that i am in love with jonathan joestar 
Pearl Jam – Your signature dish? i can make some mean ass rice apparently 
Achtung Baby – Do you want kids? nnnope no thanks never ever i have my cat and thats enough for me 
Harvest – Do you pick up coins in from the street? no bc u dont know where thats been and money is super dirty already 
Cinderella – Which part of your body do you like the most? dang, i guess my thighs? but lately i’ve been a lot easier on myself abt my stomach and how soft it is 
Atom Heart Father – How is your relationship with your father? pretty good bc we’re really alike in temperament too but sometimes it gets pretty awkward bc he can never see me as anything but his little baby daughter who Never Grows Up
Enigma – What is puzzling you currently? when is davidpro gonna drop the part 5 teaser 
Earth Wind and Fire – What’s the best classical element? i personally have always liked fire 
Stray Cat – Cats or dogs? i love both but man im more suited for cats 
Gold Experience – A precious experience you have not shared with your followers? oh man over this summer my dad his gf and me and my sis when on a trip to her dad’s place in this really small town that was like 3 hours away from our city and it was so nice and quiet and peaceful and i felt so clean and happy there, we were only there for a couple days but ever since i’ve really been wanting to go back
Sticky Fingers – Zippers or buttons? zippers are so much faster but they get caught sometimes so Really, pros and cons of each 
Moody Blues – A song that makes you sad? OOO man i was gonna say epitaph bc Of Course but as i was writing this down melancholy man by moody blues came up on this playlist and now im thinkin abt abba and crying 
Sex Pistols – Have you ever shot a gun or riffle? no im tiny and a weenie and i would probably die from the recoil
Aerosmith – Are you afraid of flights? ive never been on one but i am scared of heights so i cant imagine thats any better 
Purple Haze – What makes you really angry? it used to be not being listened to but now i just let it happen bc Why bother but now its more whenever my mom makes a big deal out of simple mistakes of waiters/waitresses or when shes being obviously racist 
Spice Girl – Your favourite spice? idk what its called but theres this one i like to put on fruit before i eat it to make it Spicy 
King Crimson – Is it possible to predict the future? man idk my mom says yea but who knows 
Black Sabbath – How easily do you trust people? like stupidly easy 
Man in the Mirror – Do you like looking into the mirror? nope lol im ugl. ALSO bc i have a bigger than average fear of reflective stuff in general bc what if i see somethign behind me u kno,,,, 
Beach Boy – Have you ever been fishing? nope! the one time my dad went that i knew abt i was in mexico 
The Grateful Dead – What do you want to be remembered for? honestly, anything else that being the ‘way too nice one’ or the doormat 
White Album – Your favourite CD? aaaaa i dont have one i dont really listen to albums 
Talking Head – Are you a good liar? i guess ? i can keep a pretty straight face but its harder to lie to someone i actually know really well bc they can probably tell what my tics are 
Baby Face – Your thought on babies? theyre cute but i would greatly prefer to never have any 
Metallica – Do you like listening to metal? yea
Green Day – Ideal way to spend a day off? sleep, Sleep, stream with friends and lay in bed
Oasis – Best place for a holiday? hhhhh anyplace that relaxes u tbh 
Stone Free – Are you a indoor or outdoor person? i n d o o r i dont like bugs 
Kiss – Who would you like to kiss or get a kiss from? jonathan joest
Burning Down the House – Ever destroyed something and then regretted it? nah, once again im a weenie and im too worried abt consequences to ever do smth like that
Foo Fighters – Your favourite drink? god damn i fucking love raspberry iced tea 
Diverdown – Your thoughts on diving? the ocean fills me with the fear of god. no thanks 
C-Moon – What would you do for your friend’s sake? put myself in bodly harm 
MadeinHeaven – What do you believe happens after you died? nothing tbh you just end up in a grave or urn or wherever u wanted to be put 
Weather Report – Your favourite weather? man i looove love stormy weather 
Whitesnake – Your thoughts on snakes/reptiles? i love them theyre all gorgeous and beautiful
Tusk – Tea or coffee? coffee
Ball Breaker – Your favourite ball game? to play? its basket ball but to watch baseball 
Oh! Lonesome Me – Do you feel lonely right now? no not right now but im sure it’ll happen soon 
Scary Monsters – Your favourite dinosaur? i love velociraptors and also triceratops !!
Cream Starter – Do you usually wear make up? nope and if i do its only ever lipstick
Catch the Rainbow – Your favourite colour in the rainbow? blue and green!! 
Ticket to Ride – What was the last ticket you bought for? i didnt buy it but the last one i had was for the rogue one like. 2 weeks ago
Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap – Do you believe in the multiverse? i dont think abt it too often but sure
In a Silent Way – Do you enjoy complete silence? yes!! besides some music, i cant concentrate otherwise 
Soft & Wet – Shower or bath? shower bc its easier but i havent taken a bath in forever 
Paisley Park – How good are you with reading maps/directions? Terrible God Awful
Nut King Call – How good are you at assembling/constructing things like Ikea furniture? hmm it depends if i have the manual for it and if i have time to really think on it and im not in a rush or anything
Paper Moon King – Can you do any origami? nope 
King Nothing – Your favourite smell? i really like the smell of cinnamon 
BornThisWay – A strange habit you have? i crack my fingers all the damn time and i like to take off the little plastic circle off of soda bottles and chew on it 
Les Feulies – Your favourite plant? oh damn hmm i like lavenders 
Fun Fun Fun – Something you really enjoy doing? man. i could watch jojo a million times over and i’d never get bored of it 
California King Bed – What size is your bed? currently i sleep in a queen size bc my mom and sis and i share a bed bc we only had one room in our old apartment but now that we moved im sure i’ll be kicked off into a twin soon enough 
JESUS christ ok its almost midnight i hope ur happy you mother fuckre 
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