#like there can be an argument made for the chimera ant arc having more blood and gore
shalnarkonice · 7 years
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BASED ON THIS POST ABOUT COLD BLOODED OR WARM BLOODED MERUEM: http://dailymeruem.tumblr.com/post/158567564707/poll-time
Alright so a very important question was asked by @dailymeruem over meruem being cold blooded as his ant dna or if he is warm blooded as his more humanoid looking form implies.
In this mini essay my points will be as followed: locational differences, geological horticulture (plants and vegetation), local species, migration, as well as ant broods will be placed into consideration. My argument in regards to the issue noted is in favour of Meruem (king of the chimera ants) being a warm blooded, humanoid creature/individual with traces of an ant/insect exterior physique.
It is important to note the initial differences between cold/warm blooded creatures, as I will be regarding them as such.
Warm blooded will be defined in this study as: “Animals, such as mammals and birds, that maintain a constant body temperature regardless of the temperature of the surroundings” (www.dictionary.com)
in comparison, cold blooded will be defined as: “designating or pertaining to animals, as fishes and reptiles, whose blood temperature ranges from the freezing point upward, in accordance with the temperature of the surrounding medium. ” (www.dictionary.com)
To specify, creatures of reptile nature as well as insects fall into the cold blood spectrum. This can also be said for many of the original soldier ants of the chimera ant species, but more specifically the Queen. with an exterior form that presents itself with the stereotypical characteristics of an ant (including mandibles, large protruding eyes, a multitude of arms, and the three main regions of the body) it is apparent that the queen IS a cold blooded creature. (SEE IMAGE 1).
As seen within the introduction of the queen, she manages to appear on a remote island that she finds suitable for her to live on. that location is within the southern hemisphere, located beneath the yorkian/ yobian continent, known as the Balsa islands. in addition, “The Mitene Union is a federation formed by 5 countries in the Hunter × Hunter world: the NGL Autonomous Region, the Republic of Rokario, the Republic of Hass, the Republic of West Gorteau, and the Republic of East Gorteau.” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Mitene_Union). These are warm waters, reasonably so seeing how each island is divided and due to its harvesting season, it is apparent that these temperatures are a reflection of the islands as a whole. (SEE IMAGE 2 FOR MAP).
NGL becomes the ideal location for “The Chimera Ant Queen finds a suitable home here and begin the mass production of ants.” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/NGL). Considering how “The people of NGL reject any form of modern technology and prevent anything created from synthetic materials from entering their country” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/NGL), there are no heaters for warm climates (implying that the temperature never drops below frigid), or that there are no air conditioners (implying that the heat does not exceed a lethal temperature that would cause mass death or severe migration).
For a cold blooded species, NGL is an ideal location to create a nest, feast, reproduce, and expand a colony. This is seen when the Queen, “driven by her reproductive instincts…immediately begins to feed on small mammals and aquatic life[2] in order to give birth to soldier ants, which she uses to gather larger prey in greater amounts” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Chimera_Ant_Queen). As seen, the queen, weak from her journey (presumably from DC), is only able to muster the energy to eat small, cold blooded prey (IMAGE 3).
Hence, majority of the Queens initial offspring are mindless, simple, order following chimera ants, modified versions of the lackluster meals she has consumed. it is then, “by chance, one of the soldier ants gathers two human children and feeds them to the queen; she finds this food more delicious and nutritious than prior prey and subsequently orders her soldiers to concentrate on gathering humans.” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Chimera_Ant_Queen). From this moment on, the queen is exposed to, and continues to consume, warm blooded prey, changing the biology of the soldiers that she is birthing.
The queens “abilities in producing soldiers apparently evolves after eating humans. In the first stage, she was able to give her offspring intelligences when they are born, then later she began producing clothes to each soldier as they are born, and then later her offspring, such as the Royal Guards, were born with Nen.” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Chimera_Ant_Queen).
So why is heating so important to this theory? Other than emphasising the fact that the queen is cold blooded (which some who are pro cold blood may be saying ‘so what’s stopping meruem from also being cold blooded?’), it is important to note that the chimera arc occurred over an extended period of time (over a month of time min, a year max, from chaps 186-318). I would like to state that the changing of seasons, making the weather colder and forcing the queen to go inland, occurs throughout the queens ‘hxh lifetime.’
This can be seen through the mass placed gardens/fields inland that hold local plantlife, including the presence of hay (IMAGE 4). Hay, as one of the largest components of the homes and meals of the NGL civilians, it appears to be in stage 2 / 3 to be at the growth as seen. This is only important because that is the “Germination stage which may occur between 4° and 37°C, optimal temperature being from 12° to 25°C” (http://www.fao.org/docrep/006/Y4011E/y4011e06.htm). Germination occurs after seeding, leading to the second stage. Essentially, the temperature is low, or lower than a cool blooded species needs to have to live.
The birth of meruem in NGL leads to one major concern, is meruem’s appearance an indicator of his blood temp? “Meruem appears to be rather humanoid for an ant. Meruem is muscular and toned, despite his relatively small frame as compared to his ant servants. He has two long antennae on his ears, and a large shell-like armor over his head that resembles a helmet. There are dark pigmented areas on his arms, legs, chest, and head. Meruem is always barefoot. He also possesses a powerful tail equipped with a stinger that serves as his weapon. It is worth noting that both his hands and feet have only four fingers each.” (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Meruem). Compared to his mother, meruem appears to contrast entirely, from limb count, pigment colour, facial structure, as well as chimera - ant - human ratio biology. (IMAGE 5)
To assume meruem is a reptile, then the heat would help regulate his “metabolism and to gain energy. Natural increases or decreases in heat can trigger hunger, mating habits, successful births, the beginning or end of a sleep cycle.“ (http://www.instructables.com/id/Reptile-tank-heating-and-lighting-guide/?ALLSTEPS)
To continue on the topic of external heating, under the impression that meruem is a reptile, reptiles "are cold-blooded animals, so they are unable to regulate their body temperatures on their own. This is why a heating source is critical. Most reptiles need a constant temperature between 70 to 85 degrees F with basking areas that reach over 100 degrees F. This number is different for each species, time of day and season.” (http://m.petco.com/content/petco/PetcoStore/en_US/pet-services/resource-center/new-pet/reptile-remodeling-proper-habitat-setup.html). For those who use Celsius is 21 degrees to 29, with basking areas of 37. Based on the type of clothing that Komugi wears (dress, long, as do other civilians) there is no indication that the temperature is exceedingly hot, in comparison to the temperatures seen in the desert region of meteor city where civilians are covered head to toe in garbs (especially with the removal of their sweltering dead) (IMAGE 6).
Because there was not ample heat, meruem should have suffered while in the womb due to the lack of warmth, slowing his growth and extending his time as a ‘fetus.’ instead meruem, the last ant who was composed of the most concentrated human/nen “was born prematurely, forcibly birthed through rupturing through her abdomen.“ (http://hunterxhunter.wikia.com/wiki/Meruem). Not because he was ill, but rather because his warm blood gave him the optimal temperature to grow more rapidly.
In regards to ant colonies: "An important factor in the success of an ant colony is its ability to regulate climate and temperature. Ants love heat and they often go to great lengths to achieve higher temperatures. But there are also species that work towards lowering it, often situated in very warm environments…The gigantic anthills made out of forest materials such as twigs and needles are incredible constructions, protecting the ants from the outside as well as preserving temperature and moist inside. The roof is impenetrable to weather and wind, and have lots of small holes that can be opened and close to regulate temperature. The idea of a large dome is simple: the more surface area that is exposed to the sun, the more heat it will generate. And this is great for ants, considering their brood and queens love warmth” (https://www.antkeepers.com/facts/ant-colony/climate-temperature/). One thing that should be noticed is the formation of “ant hills” between meruem and zazan, two individuals who exhibit very different behavior.
Comparing their nests (IMAGE 7), it is apparent that even in a heated, almost smoggy location, zazan continues to create a large dome like structure that sucks in more heat, perhaps exhibiting her cold blooded status (even feitan’s heat is a comfort to her before she shrivels and burns. Also her reptilian alter ego the crocodile is a large indicator of this.) (IMAGE 8). meruem however lives in a castle with open windows, with an underground element for him to stay cool, and often finds himself in the highest tower where the chill would bother any other cold blooded species, who would seek solace closer to ground.
As a final note, if meruem is cold blooded then essentially you are saying Kite reborn, meruems practical twin, is also a cold blooded creature despite being the most humanoid and having rat like elements. (Image 9)
Conclusion: meruem is warm blooded yeee boi
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