#like why are they shipping cosplayers and interviewing each other for their fanfilms that they haven't even got a script for yet
atlasdoe · 4 months
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how about we stop treating fanpages as if they're celebrities
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atlasdoe · 4 months
would u like to go on a rant about how much u hate marauderstok so that i can give it a like and reblog it cos u are very very right in ur opinions about it
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Don't worry i didn't read it that way and yes i would love to go on a rant
i try to give the tiktok fandom grace because it's a fairly new way to be in a fandom as tiktok hasn't been around for as long as other apps such as tumblr, instagram and twitter. I have my own tiktok account and accounts that i follow and love so it's not the entire fandom that i have a problem with but more so just throw attitude of a large amount.
I think it's because a big majority of the fandom from there joined through reading atyd and while i won't go into my own thoughts on the fic itself i really dislike how people have treated the fic and how it has effected how they treat others
One fic blew up and "everyone agreed that it's cannon" (everyone did not) so now suddenly i get the vibe that everyone on tiktok (and twitter tbh) have this idea that we all have to think the same and they all want to be the person to give out an idea that sticks.
It's like this whole Darryl Crouch thing that's going off on there currently and how every now and then you see a tiktok saying "i came up with this ship" "i convinced everyone to read this fic" "i came up with this headcannon" like anyone cares.
It's another reason why i dislike all of the fanfilms that the tiktok fandom love to start but never finish. There's like five of them and all of them are asking people for money to fund their film that they havnt even written a script for and then they interview their own cast as if they're celebrities. I love a fanfilm as much as the next guy but all of those popular ones on youtube did just fine on their own without an entire tiktok account dedicated to promoting it.
And then you have how they treat each other as if they're all celebrities. They'll be shipping cosplayers together and making tiktoks talking about other people while using their first names and nothing more as if I know who tf that person is.
Idk. Idk if i just don't get tiktok but i've been in fandoms since I was 12 years old which was 9 years ago and never have i been in a fandom that so big headed as the marauders fandom on tiktok and a big part of that is the vibe that they're all hoping that WB calls them up and offers them a job working for a new marauders era project based off their tiktoks. Like it doesn't feel like it's just for fun it feels like everyone is an inspiring actor or writer and they're all in competition to see who will get a big job. idk i just hate it so i try to stay out of it while also keeping the part that i like around which are mostly just the edits
that was fucking long and unedited. im sorry to anyone who had to read all of that
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