#like with kate and uhhh peppermint i guess? im not sure. kill bill? that's not her name.
the-acid-pear · 2 years
I recently was rewatching the start of the movie Vendetta (gotta really rewatch that soon) and it made me realize something pretty relevant and that is that women RARELY are shown all beaten up and shit like men are on screen. Women dead and bleeding yeah but... There was something about how the protagonist's wife looked like in that movie that was simply pretty disturbing even for me.
And that did make me think, is this a good or a bad thing? Because on one hand, you could argue it's bad because people refuse to show women on screen as anything but sexy and desirable and just beautiful even when dead; yet you could also argue it's good because it doesn't fullfil any sick fucker's fantasies.
Though thinking back on it now, as i write this, I'm inclined to think it's more of the first case, because the second demography gets a lot of what they want pretty easily anyway so 🤔
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