#like yeah the Danny Elfman concert was fire BUT THIS ONE!?
thenightling · 11 months
To the "very smart" (sarcasm intended) people using the OIngo Boingo song "Little girls" as proof that Danny Elfman is a perv let's make a few things clear.
1. He's being accused of sexual misconduct / harrassment against grown women. Not child molestation. DO NOT infentilize grown women. It's very disrespectful. Also there IS a difference between harassment and rape. Do NOT conflate the two. It diminishes actual sexual assault. He is NOT being charged with assault. He is being accused of harassment from over twenty years ago.
2. The song you are using as "evidence" against him is literally meant to be an ANTI-sexual predator song. The music video for it has the character get his comeuppance at the end. It's a call out song to shame the predators in Hollywood. The ending of the song is the guy getting caught.
Danny Elfman was a bit of an edgelord at the time and he would write from the point of view of people you were NOT supposed to agree with or like, including serial killers. He has told people, in concert, that the character in this song is the sort of person he despises. And you are supposed to hate him.
It's supposed to be like when Mel Brooks plays a Nazi in The Producers musical. He's making fun of the Nazis. He's not actually one.
You didn't find a smoking gun because you discovered Danny Elfman wrote a parody song forty-years-ago mocking and showing disgust for child sexual predators in Hollywood.
That's like thinking Pat Benatar's "Hell is for Children" is pro-child abuse when it's literally meant to do what "Little Girls" does. shame and call out those that abuse children.
Oh, yeah, and Queen's "Put out the Fire" isn't pro-Gun either, in case you missed the point with that one too.
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zooweemiya · 4 years
Take Flight! (Haikyuu Band AU) Ch 1: Do you believe in fate?
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/26755042/chapters/65270758
The room was filled with a dim, yellow light. Its atmosphere was warm with idle chatter and the smell of freshly brewed coffee. As Hinata walked through the group of small, circular tables, he looked around the quaint coffee shop. The café was busy, especially considering it was 8:00 on a Friday night in a small corner of Tokyo. Hinata smiled to himself, weaving his way to the other side of the room where a small stage was set up. He plopped his bag down at the foot of the steps as he walked up onto the stage. His eyes landed on the electric piano situated behind a small mic stand. Hinata perched on the small stool behind the piano, facing out to the crowd in the shop. He ran the tips of his fingers lightly over the black and white keys. His chest filled with warmth as he thought about the music he was about to play.
One day, when Hinata was in middle school, he sat in his small living room in front of the TV. His mother had been watching some award show or whatnot, and young Hinata felt that watching the show would be a lot more interesting than doing the homework that sat in his schoolbag. After about 15 minutes of the same boring acceptance speeches, the lights of the stage dimmed. Hinata’s breath caught in his chest as a spotlight appeared, illuminating a sleek, black instrument. A few pregnant moments passed, when all of a sudden, the man seated behind the piano clanged onto the keys. It startled Hinata, and the following chords that poured out from the performance were no less frightening. The song was erratic with a haunting melody. So much emotion spilled out of the mans fingertips, reaching Hinata even in the comfort of his own home, behind a TV screen. The notes reverberated in his bones and wrapped around his chest like vines. That was the day he fell in love with music.
Clearing his throat into the mic, Hinata grabbed the attention of everyone in the room. A hush fell over the audience as Hinata began with a bright smile, “Good evening everyone! I’m Hinata Shouyou, a university student here in Tokyo. If you’ve been here before, welcome back! And if it’s your first time, thank you for choosing to spend your Friday night here with us!” He gave a little spiel about the shop and how The Little Crow had small concerts every Friday. He voiced his appreciation for the owner of the shop, Ukai Keishin, who raised a coffee mug from behind the counter in response. “Well, without further ado,” Hinata cheered into the mic, “let the show begin!”
**Victor’s Piano Solo - Danny Elfman**
Hinata placed his hands on the keys. He took a slow, deep breath, and pressed into the first note as he exhaled. He slowly played the first few chords. His hands flitted over the instrument with ease, his eyes closing shut as he felt the music. This first song was a short instrumental, and Hinata allowed himself to be carried away by the melancholic song. He swayed his upper body with the music as the song grew in intensity and volume. He pressed into the keys a little rougher as he neared the end of the song, ending with an abrupt hit of his last chord. A small murmur erupted from the audience as rounds of applause and snaps echoed through the room. Hinata smiled to himself and began his next song.
After that day Hinata had discovered his passion for music, he had asked his mom for weeks to buy him a piano. She eventually caved due to Hinata’s unwavering persistence, and Hinata taught himself how to play on a second-hand electric piano. He remembers studying how to read sheet music more than his actual homework. In high school, Hinata had saved up enough money to buy himself a better electric piano, one that he wasn’t afraid to break with the slightest of increased pressure from his hands. He began writing and composing his own songs, and in the blink of an eye, music had taken over his life. Around that time is when he had discovered The Little Crow. He had noticed a flyer for the Friday night concerts at the little coffee shop and practically begged the owner to let him play. With great annoyance, Ukai had allowed him to one Friday night and was utterly blown away with the natural talent the orange-haired boy had for playing the piano. Sure, his hands were small, much like the rest of his body, but Hinata could move his hands over the keys with a speed Ukai had never seen before.
Playing at The Little Crow had become a regular for Hinata. He’d play there as often as he could, which was almost every other week. People seemed to enjoy his music, and he’d grown a little following over the past couple of years.
After graduating high school, Hinata had applied to one of the elite music schools in Tokyo. However, during his audition, he had barely gotten halfway through his piece when he was interrupted. One of the judges on his panel, a short old man, had stopped him from continuing his song. The man had told Hinata that he had no discipline in the way that he played. He explained to Hinata how his posture was always slouched and even the way he positioned his hands and wrists were all wrong. Hinata tried to explain to them that he was completely self-taught, but this had displeased the man further. The orange-haired boy was kicked out of his audition with his self-esteem at an all time low and dreams crushed.
Hinata had cried for what had felt like weeks, but as he looks back on it now, it couldn’t have been more than a couple of days. He would have given up on music completely if it hadn’t been for his sister. He could still hear Natsu’s condescending voice telling him how pathetic he had been for crying over the audition. It had surprised him to hear her talk to him like that. But then she continued, saying how she’s never seen him back down from a fight before. It was just one school, one audition. There’d be other opportunities. And she was right, he wasn’t one to give up. So, he took that horrid and bruised memory, and used it to fuel the fire within him, making his passion for music just grow even more.
Now in his second year of university, 20-year-old Hinata couldn’t be happier. He was double majoring in Music and Business, and he was able to play music every week at the shop. He was content with how things had gone, as he was slowly making his way into the music industry.
After about a half hour of playing, Hinata began his final song for the night. The joints in his hands were beginning to ache, but he welcomed the feeling. He loved absolutely everything about playing piano. He huffed out a breath through his grin as he began to play.
**Someone You Loved - Conor Maynard** ( Italics - Hinata)
I'm going under and this time I fear there's no one to save me
His voice flitted through the speakers over the crowd. All his songs had been instrumentals so far, and a new hush fell over the café. Everyone had ceased whatever they were doing to watch the young boy sing with a constant grin plastered to his face.
This all or nothing really got a way of driving me crazy
I need somebody to heal
Somebody to know
Somebody to have
Somebody to hold
Hinata had written the lyrics to this song when he was still in high school. It was a song of his past, and he had never really liked it, until about a week ago when he had finally figured out was what missing from the composition.
Now the day bleeds
Into nightfall
And you're not here
To get me through it all
I let my guard down
And then you pulled the rug
I was getting kinda used to being someone you loved
Although it was a solemn song, Hinata was still smiling. Just the act of playing music could put him into a trance of everlasting happiness. Even as memories flitted behind his closed eyelids as he sang and emotion poured into his voice, Hinata was content in this moment with his life. He hopes that he will make it big someday, become a musician that people will recognize. But right now, just playing his music, he was happy. Hinata finished his song off with a single elongated note. He opened his eyes to an elated crowd. Everyone was clapping, a few tables whooped and cheered for him. He chuckled as a smile crinkled his eyes.
“Thank you everyone! Please, welcome to the stage The Little Crow’s next performer, Michiko!” As Hinata took his leave and the next person climbed onto the stage, he grabbed his bag and made his way over to the counter.
“Oi, Hinata! Great job up there, kid,” Ukai called out to him in greeting as he dried off a mug. Hinata leaned his forearms onto the counter top across from Ukai. The man was tall, at least taller than Hinata, with blonde-dyed hair and piercings. Ukai’s appearance had intimidated Hinata when he had first met the man three years ago, but now he knew better. While he did have his scary moments (Hinata internally shivered as he remembered the time he had accidentally bumped into a table and caused four mugs to fall and break– yeah he thought he would lose his life right then and there to the hands of the bottle-blonde), Ukai was very supportive and an overall great person to be around.
“Thanks Ukai-san! It was great to play again. And we’ve got a pretty good crowd tonight!” Hinata chirped cheerily to the older man.
Ukai chuckled lightly as he began making a drink. “Yeah, kid. You’ve been getting popular. Great to see you getting some recognition.”
Hinata’s chest filled with pride and his eyes twinkled. “Thank you, sir!” he practically yelled. A vein popped up on Ukai’s forehead and he slid Hinata a glare. Hinata just chuckled nervously in response, feigning innocence.
Abruptly, someone cleared their throat behind him. Hinata jumped and twirled around, nearly knocking himself off his feet. He straightened as he noticed they were two customers, and gave a quick apology for blocking the counter.
Before he could fully turn away, one of the customers spoke. “Oh! Wait, Hinata-kun. We came over to talk to you, actually,” the man with silver hair said as he rubbed a hand on his neck and chuckled. Hinata decided right then that the man must have been an angel. Hinata couldn’t help but gawk at the beautiful man. He even had a cute beauty mark under his eye! And his voice sounded so smooth. Mr. Angel chuckled again at Hinata’s staring, “Um, Hinata-kun?”
“Yes!” he replied maybe a little too forcefully. “Yes,” he repeated, “Hi, I’m Hinata Shouyou. Nice to meet you!” He gave a small bow.
“Nice to meet you as well,” Mr. Angel said sweetly. He smiled and Hinata felt he could faint. There's no way he’s real, Hinata thought as Mr. Angel continued. “My name is Sugawara Koushi, but you can just call me Suga. And this,” he said, jutting thumb to the man with brown hair and broad shoulders standing behind him, “is Sawamura Daichi. This was our first time coming here for the little concert, and we were quite impressed with your performance.”
Hinata felt like he was floating. “Thank you, Suga-san, Sawamura-san,” he exclaimed with another bow.
The two men chuckled. Hinata straightened as Sawamura spoke, “Just Daichi is fine.” His voice was deep and velvety, and Hinata couldn’t believe how perfect these two people in front of him were. “We actually wanted to talk to you about that last song you just played. Did you write that yourself?” Daichi asked.
Hinata nodded his head excitedly. “Oh, yeah! I wrote the lyrics a couple of years ago, but just finished the composition, so that was my first time playing it!”
“Wow, for that being your first time performing the song, it was very good,” Suga complimented him. Hinata thanked him with another bow, and Suga snorted. “You’re cute Hinata-kun,” he said with a wink, and Hinata could feel the blush creeping up his neck. Suga outright laughed at the sight. “Daichi, he’s so cute! Can we please keep him?” Suga asked the other man.
Daichi elbowed Suga in the side, lightly. “Quit patronizing him,” he muttered to the laughing man, then turned to Hinata. “I apologize for his antics, he likes to use his beauty for evil.” This comment made Suga laugh even louder, causing a few people from the near tables to peer at them. Daichi gave an exasperated sigh, “Anyway, we wanted to talk to you because the two of us are in a band together.”
“Wah, that’s so cool!” Hinata exclaimed before he could stop himself.
Suga recovered from his hysterics to reply to the boy, “Isn’t it? Well we’re still a relatively new band, only been together for a little over a year. And we’ve been scouting around trying to find a new band member! We were looking for a songwriter who could also be our second vocalist, and we think you’d be a perfect candidate.”
Hinata stared at the men before him, wide-eyed. His brain chose that moment to malfunction. “Wait what,” Hinata asked incredulously. “You’re offering me a spot in your band?”
“Well, we want you to come and try out,” Daichi replied. “We have a gig tomorrow night if you’re interested in seeing the kind of music we play, and then we can hold a little audition for you in front of our other bandmates right after.”
“Oh, but we do hope you’ll come! I’m sure you’ll enjoy our music, and our bandmates–,” Suga began excitedly until he stopped himself, and gave a nervous glance toward Daichi. Hinata looked between them, confused as they had a seemingly telepathic conversation. “Well,” Suga continued with a small sigh, “I guess they can be enjoyable.” He gave a small laugh at Hinata’s sudden look of concern. “Don’t worry they’ll love you, you’ll love them, it’ll be great,” he said with a small wave of his hand.
“We hope that you’ll just come and give it a shot. We really do think you’re quite talented,” Daichi finished with a genuine smile.
Hinata couldn’t process anything that was happening. This had to be a dream, right? Hinata just swallowed thickly, and gave a small nod.
Suga cheered a small squeal. “Yay! I’ll get your number, and then text you the details for tomorrow!” They exchanged numbers, and then the two said their goodbyes and walked out of the coffee shop. Hinata stayed in that spot off to the side of the counter, staring at the door Daichi and Suga had walked out of.
The weight of his phone in his hand seemed to have doubled with the newly added contact under the name “Suga-san ;)”.
This had to be a dream, right?
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It shouldn't be news to anyone that Vancouver has an abundance of musical talent. Indeed, for that reason alone you could be forgiven for being unaware of local metal band 2 Shadows, who are carving a unique place for themselves in the scene with solid tunes and a welcome brand of visual showmanship.
Tracks like “Ill Treatment,” “We Bleed the Same” and “Like a Revolver” are perfect examples of 2 Shadows at their songwriting best – clean vocals and melodic riffs skillfully intertwined over a layer of grit. With members whose influences range from Five Finger Death Punch, Motionless in White and Pantera, all the way to the cinematically evocative stylings of Danny Elfman, this is a band to keep your eyes on.
We chatted with the band – lead vocalist Dana Kempf, lead guitarist Tryst Germaine, rhythm guitarist Broden Eagles, bassist Mike Horvath and drummer Wade Nicholl – about growing as musicians, connection with lyrics, and differing eras of music.
In your video FAQ from earlier this year you mentioned having sacrificed a lot in choosing this path for yourselves; what would you say is the single most positive moment each of you have had as a result of becoming a musician?
Dana: Nobody has peaked, there's still so much room to grow.
Tryst: As a kid just learning how to play guitar, I never would have thought I would of ended up where I am with band mates from all over the countryside that have become my best friends and brothers, and as a collective would stop at nothing to make our dreams become a reality.
Mike: Being able to stand on a stage and see all of you hard work finally being appreciated and having people react positively to everything you've worked for.
Broden: Finally growing to see that I have more potential in music than in anything else, and more potential then I ever knew I had.
Wade: Getting to talk and interact with so many different people in and among the music scene. As someone who's always been pretty shy, becoming a musician sort of forced me to talk to and meet all sorts of neat and interesting people, and really pushed me into being a lot more social.
What is the biggest obstacle you've had to face as a band?
The financial burden that is always hanging over our heads, as it is very costly to run a band.   Is there a personal favorite 2 Shadows song that each of you have, and is there a reason for it?
Dana - '1975.' It's love and hate for me. The lyrics are so haunting. It deals with an emotional scab that I have never gotten over so I can honestly give the most honest performance and truly feel the lyrics live.  
Tryst - 'We Bleed The Same.' Coming from a small town and looking like I do, isn't a very good mix. The song really hits and reminds me that is doesn't matter what people think of me because we all bleed the same.
Mike - 'We Bleed The Same.' It's got a lot of energy, it's fast, it has good lyrics, the chorus is really catchy and it is just a lot of fun to play on stage.
Broden - 'A False Awakening.' It's fun to play live and the melody, I cant resist.
Wade - '1975.' I love the energy and the flow of It, I love how tight we play it, and I love how hard the breakdowns hit.
You guys are doing something very unique and refreshing as far as the local scene; why do you feel Vancouver bands haven't really touched upon the visual aspect when so many have been inspired by musicians who do exactly that?
We are just the band we always wanted to be. The whole package, musical with visuals.
Is there a moment or lyric in any song, by any artist or composer, that never fails to hit you every time?
Dana: Probably the break to ‘Faget’ by KoЯn. There's just something about the raw and emotional ‘fuck you’ to everyone who doubted, or mistreated you. "To a world that never appreciated shit, you can suck my dick and fucking like it!" Every time I hear it I think, Fuck Yeah! You said it JD.
Tryst: "I've been to hell and back, with no promise of return. So I made friends with fire, to keep from getting burned. No money, no sleep. Dedication 10 years on the road this is sacred. And when I’m facing a wall, I do not quit.... Cause if you mean it, you will make it."
Mike: "It's like there's cancer in my blood, it's like there's water in my lungs, and I can't take another step, please tell me I am not undone, it's like there's fire in my skin, and I'm drowning from within, I can't take another breath, please tell me I am not undone." As someone who struggles with anxiety, I can't think of any lyric I relate to more.
Broden: "Lets go honey, One last time, One more fight before we say goodbye, This is how it's gonna be (How you wanted it)."
Wade: "Just open your eyes, Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful. Will you swear on your life, That no one will cry at my funeral?
If you could have been born in a different generation and witnessed a particular era of musical history, which would it have been and why?
Dana: I don't think I would rather grow up in any other time. Sure you have your influences, but I have always wrote lyrics about my life and that's what is so great and special about it. I've always been a leader, not a follower.
Tryst: It would have been cool to live through the 80s from what I hear, but to be honest I am happy in current times being a musician.
Mike: I would have loved to have been around for the 80's. Motley Crue is and always will be one of my favorite bands, and to be able to witness tours like Shout At The Devil, Theatre of Pain and Girls Girls Girls would be absolutely legendary. As well as being able to see Metallica in their prime.
Broden: I love the generation of music we have nowadays, but living the 70"s and early 80"s life style would have been where I fit in most. With how the lyrics flowed and actually told a story, will always be something I wish I could have lived through. Music speaks to people, but back then that's all somebody like myself would of had.
Wade: I'll go with early 90s. I really would have enjoyed witnessing real grunge first hand, and rhcp put out One Hot Minute, which I would have loved to seen toured.
What are you currently working on, and what can everyone expect to see from you in the near future?
When you’re a musician you never stop writing and working. We always put in the effort to improve and outdo ourselves like any artist should. We have lots of touring coming this summer and for everything else, you'll just have to stay tuned!
The band is slated to play at VENUE in Vancouver on June 30th (with This Gun For Hire, Riftwalker and Truent), followed by a string of dates throughout British Columbia and Alberta in July. Their album, Transference, is available on all major online music stores.
Purchase your tickets for their upcoming show at the link here, and visit 2 Shadows’ official website to stay updated with the band’s new projects. 
Written by: Aishath Boskma
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