#like…haRDcore arguing.
ronnyraygun · 2 years
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To me, these two are those brothers that just kind of argue all the fucking time…
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cali · 7 months
a lolcow is obviously a bad and harmful thing but studying weird people online is a wonderful and soul enriching experience. but if u treat the fun of it as a product and engage with them to get more of this product, if youre "milking" the "lolcow", youre fucked. youre going down the path of darkness. it needs to be aetherial and loose. the better alternative is looking at lolbirds instead which is quite beautiful cuz, like birdwatching, its a process where u do not enact power and force over ur subject to make it show u what u want, you just let them naturally come by and show off their plumage (10000 near identically composed deviantart illustrations of different kids show character crying while getting knead into dough and baked[this happened in a single episode of a show the artist saw when they were 4]) and then u maybe show some of ur favorite feathers of theirs to your close group of friends and then let them pass on with the wind and u keep them as a sweet memory ❤
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laughable to imply that mcr put emo on the map when fall out boy quite literally gained mainstream success at the exact same time and in fact at the exact same music festival. like. they both put emo on the map. together. at the same time.
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
Something we never talk about, is how when Cali gang arrived to Hawkins, they were shocked and speechless. They did not expect to come home to Hawkins decimated. It wasn’t until Dustin informed El and Will at the Wheelers that Lucas was at the hospital, that they found out the truth.
And so, to insist that the sole reason Mike and El only talked once in those two days after his monologue, was because she was upset over Max’s condition, isn’t accurate. She didn’t even know about it yet.
Why not let us see the aftermath of that grand love confession anyways? Why make it anticlimactic as hell with that two day time jump? Unless something incriminating happened, that would give away the surprise in store for s5, which is said to start off right where s4 ended?
That monologue was supposed to be this romantic love confession, and so why have Will interfere with all of those shots, making them inherently less intimate (as he has done all season)? Why have the lighting create a feeling of uncertainty, when this is supposed to be a certain moment? That’s not how you film an intimate moment, that’s how you film a conflicted one.
Why have the one conversation Mike and El had in those two days, be off-screen and completely unrelated to their romantic feelings? Why make a point to end the season with El looking in Mike and Will’s direction almost knowingly annoyed, with Mike returning his own expression of accepted defeat?
Why not show him going to comfort her and give her reassurance like a partner does bc they’re supposed to be a team? This is the so called main endgame couple fans are vouching for almost violently as being couple goals? But all I’m seeing is Mike instead prioritizing heart to heart #? with Will in these last moments?
Rewatch value wise, foreshadowing wise, what is being prioritized here?
Did we all see the same last shot for that season finale??
S4 cost $35 million per episode. They’re not doing this for shits and giggles. They’re nerds and they believe in the most common technique in storytelling: show don’t tell.
The reality is they had to do it like this for a reason. And they literally told us why: S2EP5 RT 40:37-44:05
Whether or not fans are ready to look ‘behind the curtain’ is up to them.
#byler#reddit rambles#I commented this on Reddit and I’m actually getting upvoted…#also getting downvoted bc it keeps fluctuating#but this is still a first for me…#like that comment was hardcore implying byler endgame is the only thing that makes sense#and no replies??#no one’s got anything to argue against what I’ve said?#like that is unheard of..#it’s getting serious over there…#what I think we could see happen#is people that have been denying byler#who have common sense#are going to start realizing they might in fact be wrong#like I sense that shift happening as we speak#and as we get closer#I think a lot of fans are gonna flip flop and act like they have always felt this way#bc no one likes being wrong least of all humiliated over it#I think a lot of ppl are gonna finally crack and start looking at evidence and go holy shit#and jump ship#not saying hardcore milkvans wont always be present#but I think ppl that tended to side with milkvans on default#without looking too much into the details themselves and just assumed there was no evidence#they’re gonna want to be right once they finally accept it’s the obvious direction the show is going#I also think that even if mods hate byler…#hearing some of these arguments over time has to impact them…#especially seeing the same tired milkvan arguments#they of all people know a shift is happening#now it’s just a matter of them not being homophobic and being willing to look behind the curtain at all#the shift is upon us as we speak
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caitlynmeow · 7 months
Modern AU
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Cassandra has a death wish with the drinks she makes. Bela is surprised her sister didn’t get a heart attack. But that is only Bela, what does she know when it comes to the things that her sister does. As long as she’s handling this madness just fine, Bela shouldn’t have any reason to complain.
But the eldest daughter feels obligated to mention what is mixed with the vodka. Because different people like different things right? Some prefer cranberry, others prefer cherry soda, and then there is Cassandra’s mix which is vodka and red bull. Of course, it isn’t for show, Cassandra does drink that monstrosity and thinks most people are okay with this thing.
It isn’t only vodka. On occasion, Bela saw her sister mix espresso with red bull when she needs the extra burst of energy after staying up very late. How her sister didn’t drop dead after drinking that is still something Bela wonders about to this day.
Cassandra never listens though. She thinks it’s okay and as long as her body isn’t rejecting this then why should she stop?
On a morning while the girls were staying over at their aunt Donna’s house, Cassandra did toss espresso in a glass full of the energy drink. It was then that the three sisters saw their very kind and very soft-spoken aunt snap.
Donna is very against energy drinks. To the Italian woman, if you need energy you get it from caffeine that’s either in tea or coffee, and that’s about it. Energy drinks are a huge no in her book and she often speaks about it. To see her niece nonchalantly mix two things that have no business mixing together, the woman was sent over the edge.
Donna might have over-dramatized it. She didn’t have to go as far as to mention how she would tell Alcina that she stood by while her daughter killed herself. Because the woman is convinced that the second Cassandra drinks the beverage, her soul will depart from her body.
Daniela, trying to help her aunt calm down, mentioned that she should relax because “Cass does this a lot you really don’t—“ But she was interrupted because what do you mean she does this frequently?
Donna wonders how Alcina allows this. To which the daughters gulped because their mother doesn’t really know and they figured that what Alcina didn’t know wasn’t going to hurt her. But of course, Cassandra is cocky and thought her aunt wouldn’t even know what red bull is which is apparently not true at all.
#house dimitrescu#cassandra dimitrescu#daniela dimitrescu#bela dimitrescu#headcanon#alcina dimitrescu#house beneviento#donna beneviento#resident evil village#resident evil 8#re8#Cassandra is so hardcore she’s downright a hazard to herself#but she claims this is what she needs to get through a day after only getting three hours of sleep#but her mom doesn’t accept it because 1) WHY DID YOU ONLY SLEEP FOR THREE HOURS???#like Alcina really lost it there and cass just—brought this on herself#because now Alcina makes sure her middle daughter is going to sleep early#she literally is like ‘now I can’t trust your judgement so I have to make sure you’re getting enough rest’#which is followed by Alcina literally hovering over her middle daughter and literally forcing her to stop everything she’s doing and go to#bed. Cassandra hates it and always argues that it’s not even 10 pm no way she’s going to sleep now#but it’s her mama so she really can’t win that argument#it doesn’t stop her from trying tho#but she ensures a long period of forced early bedtime which she hates but can’t really get out of#because when Alcina is your mom there isn’t anything you can get past her#Alcina is like ‘if u don’t know how to manage your time so I will manage it for you’#and Cassandra hates it because she loves the night#but decides to milk it since her mama isn’t budging#so she gets dramatic and demands more attention#to the point of spending some nights with her mother in her room#but really she’s just being a stupid needy baby because Alcina LOVES having her daughters around#and having Cassandra spend some nights with her is actually something she loves
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cuddlytogas · 3 months
Fyre sent me an article that made me Lose My Mind, so instead of sending 800 tweets about it, I decided to just write up my thoughts here
so, in re: ET Fox, 'Jacobitism and the Golden Age of Piracy' --
Fox is definitely exaggerating. His logic jumps from 'ship names and alleged toasts', to 'every pirate was one contact away from a confirmed Jacobite', to "a Jacobite maritime community" (296), with little evidence beyond each previous assumption. He does demonstrate a link with popular Jacobitism, but overstates pirates' political commitment by far.
There's one letter to George Camocke, a Jacobite naval officer, suggesting that the pirate fleet should unite under his command and take Bermuda as a Jacobite base, but the source is shaky, and it went nowhere once Woodes Rogers ousted the pirates. (It's I think from 1718 and unsigned? Possibly from Charles Vane and his crew? Fox only says that, "Through these contacts [unspecified, between Vane and English Jacobites] a letter reached George Camocke" (286), which is suspiciously vague, and I can't access the original to check. Either way, it would still only prove the committed politics of one crew.)
Fox also makes a lot of Archibald Hamilton, governor of Jamaica from 1710-16, who commissioned and profited from the anti-Spanish privateers who turned pirate and made up some of the original Bahamas pirates c. 1715. Since "it has been suggested that [Hamilton] was a Jacobite supporter" (283), Fox claims that these establishing pirates were also committed Jacobites, and therefore the whole pirate community that grew around them must have been. (Which leads to Fox then being baffled when there's no direct evidence of Jacobitism among some of them, such as the crews of Anstis, Fenn, or Rackham.) He relies on these assumptions, and then claims that every connection between pirates proves their mutual Jacobite sympathies.
It's much more likely (and in line with the historians I've read so far) that the Jacobite toasts and ship names speak to a broader anti-authoritarianism among pirates, with no evidence of committed Jacobite actions by them, eg, specifically targeting Hanoverian ships, or materially supporting or trying to support Jacobite rebels beyond that one letter. Indeed, the 1710s/20s pirates are generally agreed to be distinct for not adhering to religious/national loyalties like the C17th pirates usually did. (I'm so sorry, I haven't consolidated my notes yet, but I know Marcus Rediker goes through this, as does Kris E Lane, and I think Tim Travers and David Cordingly.)
Fox does identify a correlation between the rise and fall of Jacobitism and piracy over the mid/late 1710s, but attributes a pretty shaky causation: pirates ceased their Jacobite loyalties due to the suppression of Jacobitism in Britain and Europe. A much more obvious explanation is that both anti-authoritarian movements simultaneously flourished in the post-war, post-succession instability, then were both quashed as the new regime established itself and cracked down on rebels.
So, did many pirates espouse Jacobite sympathies? Yes! They named their ships in favour of Jacobite causes and rulers, and there are plenty of reports of them toasting to King James / the Pretender. (Which it must be said, although the sheer volume lends a ring of truth to the trend, individual claims should be taken with a grain of salt, as Jacobitism was a common accusation against criminals at the time, with or without a basis.)
Does that mean that the 1710s Caribbean pirate community was centred around a heart of politically committed Jacobites, as Fox argues, or largely motivated by Jacobite sentiments? Yeah, probably not.
Anyway, I am SO sorry that this article got me riled up XD the whole point of this is to say, I've never read anywhere that "many pirates were Jacobites driven out of Britain", which I KNOW wasn't even your main point, but I am unfortunately Insane. We can and should talk about expressions of pro-Jacobitism and actual political engagement among 'Golden Age' pirates, but what we know of their actual actions and espoused ideals doesn't speak to a trend of committed Jacobite politics beyond a general loyalty to rebellious causes.
#history#pirates#pirate history#Jacobites#Jacobitism#Togas does meta#this article annoyed me so much omfg#at every step Fox makes a sort of shaky assumption and then bases his next assumption entirely on that as if it's a proven truth#it's like IF hamilton was a commited jacobite and IF that loyalty was shared with the privateers and IF those privateers#retained and spread that belief among the growing pirate community and IF that was the belief that held the community together#then yeah sure i guess jacobitism was a core cause and concern for the golden age pirates#but that's a lot of fucking 'if's among a situation with a lot more obvious explanations#Fox is right that historians so far are probably ignoring the influence of Jacobitism on golden age pirates a bit#it really hasn't come up in all my reading so far and I've done... a pretty fair amount lol#but he goes so far in the opposite direction that it's kind of embarrassing#very BR Burg coded tbh XD (i say as if i've actually read burg >.> but all the reviews are forming a picture for me...)#EDIT: it's also worth noting that Jacobitism was rarely (never?) a charge laid against pirates in all the trials and moralising against them#which you'd think - if they were actually hardcore individual or broad-base supporters of the cause - might've come up more often#but anti-pirate arguments basically always revolve around the threat to trade and property therefore nation/empire#if lawyers and reverends wanted to argue that pirates were traitors - and they did! - you'd think they'd mention any actual treasons#EDIT EDIT: N: Harry M. Lewis (2021) George Camocke’s 1718 Proposal of a Jacobite–Pirate Alliance#The Mariner's Mirror 107:3 pp366-370#has better detail and context for that letter
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del-tenna-rune · 2 years
toby could literally draw jevil and spamton at the divorce office and some people in this fandom will go "b-b-but!! it has to be a joke!! surely this can't mean anything! 🥺"
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weedsmokinggf · 3 months
so mad at oomf like for real but am i gonna bother getting into conflict about this? FUCK no
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boy-armageddon · 4 months
god I hate how people stereotype metalcore as “just bmth” where it’s poppy and not “hardcore” or whatever. like shut up!!!!!!
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crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
heyyyy rat whats up ^-^ feeling a little insane about the philza today? do you think hc phil does art? I think he'd definitely draw a bunch but I'm wondering if he would do other art stuff as well
hiiiiiiiiiii ^v^
i am about to throttle tumblr bc i answered this ask extensively and it all disappeared.. so The Insanity is truly getting to me now. so it is now time for my favorite kind of response where i say “source? i made it the fuck up.”
NE WAY yesyes i think he does Tons of art including drawing. the entire base is always crowded in incomplete art projects and ideas for future ones. hardly any free space along his floors.
and i think he’s tried all sorts of art. doesn’t mean he Enjoys all forms of art, but he’s definitely tried a Lot. i mean, he’s got a lot of free time, a lot of time alone… what else is there to do but create? not only is it time consuming, it’s also Fun :D
a small list of art related things he consistently does/enjoys (other than drawing):
- sewing/embroidery
- photography
- specifically watercolor painting (he doesn’t Hate other mediums, it’s just his preferred one)
- pottery/ceramics (he’s honestly not even great at it, but he enjoys it still)
basically… i think the art stuff he enjoys Most are things that are practical and useful as something other than just art (the biggest exception is painting as he can make arguments for photography being useful for memory purposes)
aaandddd a list of things he’s attempted and decided never again:
- writing (he’d rather stick with his field notes, thank you very much)
- glassblowing (he somehow managed to burn himself Multiple times and then shattered what he was making)
- crocheting (although he enjoys the process of making yarn like a freak /affectionate)
And there’s Tons of other stuff he’s tried for sure, gods he’s got so much time to do it. but those are the things he has the strongest opinion on.
and most of the stuff he makes is Definitely drawn from the inspiration he gets from the builds he uncovers. since we’re talking about more canonical hc phil, our beloved traveler discovering all of this history.
he’s just a very artsy guy with lots of time to create :]
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monstriiss · 2 years
abrasive reminder that there is a very BIG difference between writing a story by yourself and roleplaying with people. you write a villain for a story with shitty morals it's okay because they are a tool for the plot, they are antagonistic, they are supposed to be hated. but when you are rping this kind of character you are having them engage with other people that have to read and respond to it. when it's rp you are humanizing, giving depth, even romanticizing harmful behaviour that??? really??? shouldn't be??? the big question is why would you even want to write a character with those kinds of prejudices in the first place bro.
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llycaons · 1 year
the funniest thing about that poll was how utena/anthy trounced sasunaru and because of the difference in popularity for the two ships, op hypothesized that sns fans were abstaining out of respect for iconic lesbianism
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ayrennaranaaldmeri · 8 months
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this is the worst opinion anyone has ever had ever
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wolfsplosion · 1 year
remember when in s1 they said Mike and Lucas were best friends and then never brought it up again
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#why did they do that.#I mean I fucking know why they did that. they sideline Lucas hardcore all the time . it's racism#I just think we deserved seeing them be best friends..#and also I know the point of that s1 scene is Mike being a sweetie and saying Dustin is also his best friend and that he can have multiple#and I KNOW we don't get to see much like. slice of life. in the show itself because well. there's shit going on#but I just want them to be actual besties..#in s2 they're separated most of the time#s3 they're in the same group but like. Mike is extra stupid that season (<- I am a Mike apologist don't come for me for this I'm right)#and s4 is a greatest hits of prev like they're arguing and then Mike is stupid and then they're separated again#I just want them to be actual besties in s5. please#if the ST writers won't provide it for me I'll have to do it myself (opens google docs fanfic folder)#also Mike needs to fucking apologize to Lucas for the Hellfire nonsense. I know Lucas was also a little in the wrong but like.#Lucas experiences racism of course he'd want to blend in better at school..#I have so many opinions about this btw. Mike wouldn't understand what Lucas goes through at school#nor would he understand Dustin experiencing ableism nor Will experiencing homophobia#I mean I have my thoughts about Mike's sexuality but no matter what they may be; Will is the one we see getting called a fag and fairy#and Mike wouldn't understand the classism Max experiences! Mike is a little privilege boy. sorry I don't know why I said that#what was I talking about. oh yeah Mike and Lucas bestieism in s5 or we riot#stranger things#mike wheeler#lucas sinclair
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leatherbookmark · 2 years
as funny as the wen ning falling apart stuff might be for some people, personally it Stresses Me Out because -- excuse the comparison, mr ghost general sir -- when something keeps on breaking, at some point it’s just wiser to replace it rather than keep on fixing it. wn isn’t made of metal or some other sturdy material that you might just, idk, use glue on; he’s more like a bag prone to tearing, and yes, for a while you can mend the tears and even reinforce them, but if the bag generates new holes every time you carry something heavier than a small book, it’s! not a good bag! time to throw this one out and buy a sturdier one!
and i mean, a fic like that would be interesting! although rather painful for everyone involved, i suppose. but i really prefer the cql (?) version (the “technically they’re not dead” thing aside) where they’re super strong and fast and the “corpse” part is basically being pale
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that post blowing up has showed me once again that haters are just simply more fun than people who want to be the bigger person
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