#like. around kirby's..... fourth???? fifth???? birthdays?? before they turn seven
darth-sonny · 1 year
You said that the family would have treated Kirby better if he hadn't been born from rape, but what about Leo's mental health, would he have gotten better faster if Kirby had been born a different way?
in all honesty??
Kirby wouldn't have been born at all if Leo had the choice to have kids
maybe if everything that happened hadn't happened, then yeah. Kirby probably would've been "born" from some sort of cloning accident or a mystic mission gone wrong (in my mind, wee little Kirby would've never been 100% turtle. they're always half something else to me forever and always)
if they had been born in any other way, Kirby's life would've been incredibly different
but to answer your question, Leo's mental health would've progressed much... well, it still would've progressed the same way, but he would've kicked himself into gear much faster than in "canon"
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