#like. that woman was a vigilante before she had sonic. she was kicking bad guys' butts and sticking it to tyranny
timewontwait Ā· 9 months
hero's mom is the coolest mom ever actually
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thelastbertinelli-a Ā· 3 years
Old Friends. New Enemies || Discord
Events: Helena and Sharon oversee a weapons deal and Dinah interrupts Date: 19.06 Involved: Helena Bertinelli, Sharon Carter @sharcarters and Dinah Lance @heartheblackdamncanary Mentioned: N/A Trigger warnings: guns tw, violence tw, gun shot wound tw Word count: 2,363
DINAH: Kicking ass and taking down criminals was the best kind of stress reliever, only trumped by sex in Dinah's book. But she was trying to avoid thinking about sex at the moment because that made her think about Ollie and the line they kept toeing closer to and how much she wanted to just jump across that line every second of the day. So, kicking as was the night's plan, and she'd followed up on a lead for some kind of weapon's deal going down in Gotham tonight down by the docks. Because of course anything shady was going on down by the docks at midnight under the heaviest fog they'd seen in months.
Watching from a nearby rooftop, Dinah thought again how she wished she had Oliver by her side or Babs in her ear. Or Helena standing by on her motorcycle a block away. She couldn't think about that though; what she could think about was how no one needed to own an assault rifle and that carrying money in suitcases was way too stereotypical.
HELENA: Going undercover in the Mafia was anything but easy, going undercover and taking over the Mafia was even more difficult but Helena had planned this for a long time. She was finally close to bringing down the Cosa Nostra and getting revenge for the murder of her family. Pretending she was one of them was hard though and Helena hated every minute of it, she especially hated it during days like these when there was a deal going down and she had to supervise it when all she wanted to do was break it up.
Fortunately she wasn't alone and she had Sharon's help, but it didn't make her like this side of things though. "I think we're almost ready to finish up here" she said as she turned to Sharon, she just wanted this deal to be over so she could go home and work on her real plans.
SHARON: She fit in too easily with this lifestyle. If asked, Sharon would claim the natural way she moved around a deal like this was just in her training. SHIELD had made fitting into any environment, easy. As if it were her second nature. But there was something about monitoring a weapon's deal like this one that felt just as natural and curling her hair in the morning. Slipping into a life that was all too natural for Sharon. (Tony would have made a comment. If nothing else but to point out that shedding her identity was too easy ā€” Germany was still fresh on his mind. Five years in the past but the silence between them had kept it recent.)
Double checking the weapons, she tipped her head towards the person they needed to pay. "We have what we need," Sharon confirmed, looking towards Helena briefly. A trained glance, one that checked to make sure that she had Helena's approval, as anyone working under Helena should. Sharon buckled one of the suitcases. "Payment," she said simply. "Have we agreed on a price?"
DINAH: From a distance, something about the stance of one of the women looked familiar. Familiar enough to set Dinah on edge in a way that she wasn't before. Busting arms deals was nothing new for the Black Canary, but there was something off about the whole situation. Something that curled in her gut and made her want to look the other way, because she knew that if she continued to watch she might find something she didn't want to find. Some things couldn't be unseen; some truths could not be unlearned.
But she was the Black damn Canary and she couldn't look away, so just as money was starting to exchange hands, she dropped from the rooftop, twirling her batons in her hands as she made her presence known. "Yeah, about that. Should have brought earplugs," she said before letting out a canary cry.
HELENA: If it was one thing Helena had learned a long time ago it was to always be prepared. Hope for the best but prepare for the worst or however that saying went, of course that wasn't always possible but for certain situations Helena tried to be as best prepared as possible. One of the things she had prepared for was the deal being interrupted by a hero or vigilante, Dinah dropping down through the skylight proved her right.
Dinah let out a canary cry and Helena quickly ducked to roll out of the way, then she activated the power dampeners she'd had placed in the warehouse. Once they were on she got to her feet, drawing her gun and aiming it at Dinah. "Should have known it was going to be you, Canary" she said, her voice cold and hard as she looked at the woman she had once considered her best friend, who she had once been in love with.
SHARON: This was a familiar scene in Madripoor, too many times had she been standing in the room with criminals and pretending to share their ideals ā€” pretending that she was an authority in a place she didn't belong. (Five years, she had spent there. Maybe she did belong there.) Sharon looked up, an arm over her face to block the glass that was raining down on them, and frankly she wasn't even a little surprised. This kind of interruption was familiar. The woman dropped down and Sharon looked at her just for a moment before the word registered. Earplugs. Sonic attack. She was unexpected, Sharon hated to admit.
But knowing that Helena and Dinah had been teammates for some time ā€” she hoped that Dinah wasn't going to blow their entire operation. And she hoped that Helena had some kind of plan for this. (Too many hopes and not enough plans.)
Helena was already moving and Sharon ducked behind the men they were supposed to be doing business with, using them as a human shield. Even with the barrier, Sharon's ears were ringing, the man in front of her dropped and she shook it off. "One way to say hello," she commented, glancing at Helena and saw something in the gaze directed at Dinah ā€” the Black Canary. Sharon looked at Helena, a question in her gaze as to what had happened here, but it lasted only a moment. This was messier than she had anticipated.
DINAH: Dinah felt the moment that her powers were silenced and it left her seething and ready for a fight. They thought that her powers were her only weapons? It wasn't even the only one she was born with. She had two fists that could be just as deadly, and she hadn't travelled the world to be taken down by some arms dealers.
Canary. The voice stopped her in her tracks before she'd even registered the gun pointed in her direction. She met Helena's eyes, hoping for some hint as to how to handle the situation. A sign that this was just Babs sending her out on a solo mission without thinking to alert Dinah about a possible run-in. There was none of that. Did she address her as Huntress? Helena Bertinelli? Dinah had sworn to never be caught off guard like this again, but here she was, letting Helena undo all of that progress. Ā "I have a habit of interrupting sketchy shit," Dinah shot back with a shrug, not backing down at the sight of the gun pointed at her. Helena wouldn't shoot her. Dinah had to believe that much at least.
HELENA: "You seem shocked, Canary" Helena commented, tilting her head slightly as she looked at her former teammate. Just a little over a year ago Dinah was someone Helena would have done anything for, someone she would have given her life for and now? Now she was aiming a gun at her and if it came down to it, in order to not blow her cover, she would pull the trigger. She wouldn't kill her but she wasn't about to let Dinah ruin something Helena had worked towards most of her life, not when she was so close to finally getting revenge on the people who killed her family.
"You shouldn't have come here" she said as some of her men began regain their bearings after the sonic scream, aiming their own guns at Dinah. "You know her boss?" One of them asked glancing between the two women. "I thought I did, but I was wrong" she replied with a shrug, still keeping her eyes on Dinah.
SHARON: It was Dinah. Of course it was Dinah. Sharon should have asked Helena right out the gate about Dinah once she realized that Dinah hadn't been invited to this party. Thankfully, Sharon was always prepared. She reached into the pocket inside her jacket and pulled out the earplugs from years ago. (She had always imagined she'd need it if she ever teamed up with Dinah again, to prevent herself from getting hit by the blast. But now she was using it as a real defense against Dinah.)
Pulling her gun from her holster, she set herself up behind the vehicle, gun pointed at Dinah, the shot she was aiming for was nonlethal. But between the three of them? Sharon knew she was most likely to be the one to pull the trigger. "Heartwarming reunion guys," Sharon said, cocking the gun. "But you two are terrible when it comes to timing."
DINAH: If Helena's voice had surprised her, Sharon's voice was a shock to the system. A woman she hadn't seen or heard from in... years... except for when a mission took Dinah to Madripoor and she found Sharon deep undercover in a way that blocked Dinah out of her life. Out of her life until recently in the middle of the city's chaos. Evidently it had been too much to hope for that they could slip back into old habits. Seemed she wasn't the only one who had changed during Dinah's time abroad.
"You know I can't let you do this," Dinah said, trying to ignore the growing pit in her stomach. "It would set a bad example. Something about justice and all of that." She didn't even know what the play was here. Undercover? Likely, but her gut told her it was something bigger than just a single op. "I can't let these weapons stay in Gotham, and there's honestly no damn reason for them to stay anywhere else. So, why don't you just let me do my thing and we can set up a big bonfire for them?"
HELENA: "Let me?" Helena scoffed, she hoped Dinah didn't think that would actually make a difference, like she'd suddenly change her mind. "Last I checked I don't need your permission" she had to be convincing in her act, though she found it wasn't too hard right now, she was already angry at Dinah. She decided to use that. "You're outnumbered" she said, gesturing with her free hand to all the others with their gun aimed at Dinah.
"You don't have your powers right now, and you might be good but you're not invincible, you can't stop a bullet, let alone this many" Helena didn't want to hurt Dinah, she didn't want her dead no matter how angry she was at her. If she had to though, she'd shoot her in order to not blow her cover. She had amazing aim, it wouldn't be a lethal shot but it was still a bullet, she wanted to avoid it if she could. "I'm going to give you one chance to leave, unharmed, but that is as far as my generosity goes."
SHARON: This entire exchange felt like a shit show waiting to happen. Dinah was looking at Helena, and Helena had zero give in her stance. Two strong forces that were unwilling to budge. Sharon didn't know the full story as to why Dinah and Helena stopped talking, but there was a tangible rift between them where friendship had once existed. (A force that Sharon hadn't thought she'd get sucked into the middle of ā€” or even to the side of.)
Going back to Madripoor was starting to look like a dream.
Helena offered Dinah another chance, a last moment to leave. But they both knew Dinah well enough to know that she'd never walk away. Not from something like this. (Even if Dinah knew the plan, she was pretty sure Dinah would never go along with it. She always had a better grasp on right and wrong than Sharon did. Years in SHIELD had numbed her to a lot of things.) Sharon aimed her gun and took the shot, carefully aiming to make sure that Dinah was only wounded. She lowered her gun and glanced at Helena. "You talk too much."
DINAH: She had faced down the Twelve Brothers Silk alone. She'd survived her imprisonment by Creole and Savant. She could spar against Wonder Woman and hold her own. Nothing prepared Dinah for the kind of betrayal that stabbed her in the front -- two hands that she'd once trusted her life in, holding the gun and pulling the trigger.
Crack. Dinah took a step back, not even registering what had happened as a reality until Sharon lowered her gun. In the next second, pain sensors fired through her shoulder and she looked down to see red already spreading from the source of it. She shot me. The thought sent her staggering another half-step back to smack roughly into a shipping container before she slid down to sit in shock. Helena watched and Sharon shot me.
HELENA: Dinah getting shot was something she'd seen before, in fact she'd seen Dinah sustain a multitude of different injuries. It was different this time, she'd never been the cause of Dinah's injuries, directly or indirectly. Helena didn't allow herself to react though, she couldn't, instead she simply lowered her gun and turned to address the other Cosa Nostra members. "Make sure the deal is completed" she said before she looked at Sharon "since you shot her you can make sure she doesn't bleed out on my floor, I don't want the Justice League breaking down my door because one of their so called heroes died." She quickly left after that.
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