#lil stabby murder bby
snuffes · 6 years
1, 4, 7, 9, 12 for all three please and thank you!
jesus bee. aight then, strap in!! 
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
maevin: i wanted to try something not human, but i didn’t know that the city elf origin was such a fun fun time, so while in my head, maevin was a very positive, kind of naive girl, the prologue kicked my door in like dID SOMEONE ORDER TRAUMA?? and made her a stabby punch stab kind of gal. she still remains one of my more cheerful ocs but she can and will throw any motherfucker out a window, don’t test her.i had a fairly clear idea of what she looked like in my mind from the beginning tho, which was good because yikes on bikes that character creator is all kinds of fucked
tetra: tetra was prolly my second or third hawke and she went through a bunch of changes. she was always a purple mage and she was always going to smooch on the broody elf, but it took a while for everything else to crystallise. one day she had just set up camp in my brain, 2 tol, fully formed and rudely taking up all the space on the oc couch
soyanne: my first inquisitor and first dude! woah! absolute trash boy. fun looking, fun having stab boi. soyanne(soya) was put on this earth to do one thing and do that thing well, specifically to do a certain equally trashy mage boi. and by god that son of a bitch done did it. everything about his look is based on honey or cognac tones because he goes down smooth
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts?
maevin: it’s sort of impossible to play as an elf in dao and not have that shape every single interaction you have. maevin was taught how to use a blade by her mother, and practising was her only way of feeling connected to her again. she idolises her mother quite a bit
tetra: i wasn’t totally aware that your fighting class determined which twin survives so i was REAL salty about carver my first time round, playing as a mage. i think it helped shape the general snark in which tetra treats the world
soyanne: i am not… super into the dalish as a concept. they’re kind of the most boring da people in general. like tolkien elves with clunkier leaf outfits. soyanne is my version of the most laid back, shameless and fun elf any dalish clan could possibly produce. he puts the ass in assassin. twice.
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
maevin: she’s a sturdy elf gal that could and has bench pressed a hurlock, but she’s very average height-wise i think. just a lil bit shorter than zevran, perfect for smooches
tetra: have i mentioned how tall she is. because it’s a lot. it’s a lot of tall. basically i have a thing for every shape of woman and tetra is just my love letter to the tolest ones out there
soyanne: uhhh he’s probably on the short side of average. tiny chunk boy
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
hmmmmm….all of my ocs are probably some sort of wish fulfilment fantasy personified… maybe they’re also interpretations of how i see certain friends or people i admire? maevin has a lot of people energy and rushes into action which is decidedly not like me. tetra is a tall, slender magpie of a human being (so v not me), but i def did dump a lot of my own issues on her (sorry bby)soyanne is very observant but prefers to keep everything at a distance. very neutral morality wise… i suppose that could be interpreted as a more murder-y condensed version of me?
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
(i answered this for tetra) i want to draw them all a lot more, but it’s hard for me to justify the time it takes if the art is “just for me”. i’m so used to drawing things for friends or working on commissions and that’s… now that i’ve typed that out, that seems unhealthy. i should probably draw for myself more.   huh. :(
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