#literally do not think I've written anakin since gambit
bedlamsbard · 3 years
For anyone who missed it earlier, some concept writing went up today! New universe, new concept.  (You can always tell my stress level by how much whump I’m writing and I am currently very stressed.)
950 words written today, same concept, character I haven’t written since 2015.  I’ll go back to other side, just wanted to write this bit.  Today was uuuuuhhhhh not a good day, since I have been supremely messing up my sleep schedule the past few days and today that culminated in sleeping in until 3 pm and making myself sick as a result.  So that was entertaining.  Did laundry, didn’t do schoolwork; had been planning to bake but felt too nauseous from too much sleep to do that and basically had to trick myself into actually consuming food with white rice and miso soup. Watched a chunk of my current rewatch show (Vikings).  Mleh, as a day, generally.
Snippet from Ryloth dream AU concept 3.  Behold! some backstory. 
The Jedi arched his eyebrows.  “Well?”
“Well what?”
“No one’s ever said that you make rash decisions, Senator.”
“Then you haven’t been talking to people who know me very well,” Hera said dryly.  She ate one of the shaak kebabs, savoring the rich taste of the spices and meat, then relented and said, “His name is – was – Caleb Dume. He was padawan to Depa Billaba; I met them when they were on Ryloth just before the Fall.”
Anakin bit his lip. “I’m only going to ask this because Mace will ask me, not because I think you’re mistaken.  Are you absolutely certain it’s Caleb?”
“I’m certain,” Hera said, frowning at his tone. “I was sleeping with him five years ago, too, not that it’s any of your business or Master Windu’s.  Why?”
“Because when Mace and I made it back into the Temple after the Purge, we found Depa Billaba’s body, but not Caleb’s.  And there was –”  He flicked his fingers in a gesture.  “A residue in the Force.”
Hera hesitated, then told him what Caleb had told her about the forced master-apprentice bonding.
Anakin cursed in Huttese, then asked flatly, “Is he sane?”
She frowned at him again. “Yes.  Why?”
“Because if a forced bonding doesn’t outright kill someone, it can break their mind – shatter the way they connect to the Force.  It’s why Jedi won’t do it unless every other option has been exhausted, and even then, if we have to, there are ways to lessen the likelihood of something going wrong. They don’t always work.”  He looked down at the plate of flatbread and bean paste in front of him.  “Mace recognized some of the symbols around Master Depa’s body when we found it, but not all of them.  But that’s not something the Sith do normally.  If this master of Caleb’s, this traitor, found a way to mix Sith and Jedi Force techniques – if he did it to break a padawan after murdering his master –”  His gaze was very cold when he looked up.  “He has to die for that.”
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