#literally nobody asked for this but i can't stop thinking about eddie munson with snake bites
vecnuthy · 2 years
Snake Bites
Eddie and his partner/reader hit up the local piercing parlor for some additions. Eddie with snake bites. Eddie with snake bites!!
Eddie Munson x fem!reader (use of "she" literally just once)
Language, slight suggestive language, use of "babe," bit of fluff
Notes: Indiana didn't legalize tattooing until the early 90s, set in late 80s, could be AU Eddie or Eddie survived, but no mention of UD
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Eddie loved to splurge every now and then on a new tattoo after saving for a while. He would pick from a whole slew of rough sketches that he had done over the years, ready to go to give to artists as a foundation to build a design from.
Tattoos, while you adored them on people, weren't your body modification of choice. You preferred piercings, which gave you a broad range of customization that better-appealed to you. You had plans to add to your ears, especially, dreaming about the stacks you would curate, and adding a nose ring to the mix was another goal, but god, the healing time for piercings could be a bitch, and you were just really getting started.
Piercings seemed to get more fashionable in general in the late 80s, which definitely worked in your favor. The trend booming among celebrities had trickled down to the common folk, and now Hawkins had its own piercing studio that definitely didn't have an underground tattoo parlor in the back, absolutely not. Your birthday was coming up, and you decided to take the leap and start adding more as a gift to yourself. The poster on the wall listed the names and placings, and looking at it both helped and hindered you. You wanted it all, if you were being honest with yourself, but you only had a budget to stick to. You settled on an orbital conch on your left and a helix on the right with dreams of another of both and a tragus joining them in the future. And you got the nose ring.
You sat on the padded chair and held up the mirror, admiring the latest additions on your nose and your (very angry and bloodshot) ears.
"Hey babe, look," Eddie said excitedly, appearing from nowhere by your side. The underside of his forearm materialized in front of your eyes to reveal his fresh tattoo, a sensibly-sized and updated version of the Hellfire demon head he had drawn all of those years ago.
"Oh wow, they did a really good job!" you praised, admiring the line work and how intensely the red and yellow popped against the black on the fresh ink. "Demon on the forearm, I love it. Do you like how they di--" You froze when you looked up at him and saw those.
"Eddie!" you gasped out quietly, eyes big.
His face stretched into that signature cheeky grin, which made him wince. "That's gonna be fun to deal with," he remarked dryly with his fingers touching below his mouth. He was visibly pleased, though.
Your brain was buzzing as you took in the sight of the two pieces of rounded metal placed perfectly under both sides of his plump bottom lip.
"You're gonna catch a fly like that," he said, voice low and playful as he mocked how your mouth was hanging open.
"Ohh, oh no," you laughed out, taking in how he looked. "No, this is going to be a problem."
His nose scrunched as he said in faux disbelief, "What, you don't the snake bites?"
Your still-opened mouth stretched into a wide smile, your glinting eyes snapping to his. "Babe."
"Ohhh, she does like them."
You did. A lot.
"Do they hurt?"
"A little pinchy," he brushed off. "What about yours? I've gotta say, that nose ring suits you."
You smiled at him, saying, "Stingy, especially the helix. I kind of want to add a septum to the mix now, but I think I'll save up a little more for it..." You trailed off when your gaze landed back on his lips. "What's the heal time?" Your voice was casual as you stood up. Too casual. He knew that play.
"Four to six weeks, supposedly," smirking again. His fingers found yours when you moved in close.
"Mmm.....that's a shame," you murmured before brushing a feather light kiss on his lips.
"So Mr. Munson, make sure to stick wi -- oh 'm sorry," the body piercer said, averting his gaze when he came on the scene. Your knuckles brushed under your nose bashfully and you pivoted from Eddie, who was completely unfazed, if not slightly amused by the intrusion.
"Soft foods and come back in a month or so for shorter bars?"
"Yep, and, um....be sure to keep the area clean."
Eddie snorted. You mouthed oh my god and shifted awkwardly.
"If you -- either of you have any issues, just come back by. Greg will have care pamphlets and cleaning solution for you guys at the counter."
"Thanks, man, I appreciate it," Eddie said, shaking the guy's hand, shit-eating grin still plastered on his face.
"Thank you!" you added, which he acknowledged with a nod before disappearing into the back of the store.
Eddie snorted out a couple more chuckles, wrapping you in a hug and kissing the top of your head before he realized what he was doing. He winced and hissed out, "Shit!" at the contact. "Yeah, this is gonna be a problem."
"Just wait until you think about the extent of how much of a problem they're gonna be."
He was lost in thought as you approached the counter, and he shot you a panicked look as the two of you paid. There it is, you thought and tried not to laugh when you took the bag of supplies from Greg and headed out the door.
"I fucked up," he whined out as soon as the door closed. You let the laugh loose and slipped your hand into his back pocket as you walked down the sidewalk back to the van.
"Fucked me up more like it, but look at me." He obliged. God he looked good with them. "No. No, you really didn't. Keeping them clean and unbothered, though," you laughed, "is going to be trying, to say the least, because I really just want to tackle you right now."
Eddie laughed at that, repeating "unbothered" derisively, which earned him a pinch from you through the thin material of his back pocket. He jerked forward with "Hey, buy me dinner first" and glittering eyes. "Actually, how about a stop at the diner to kick off this soft food diet of mine with a milkshake?"
"Love it, but you have to sit next to me. I can't look at you right now."
He didn't comply, of course. You should've known -- you did know better, and now there he was sitting across from you in all his Eddie Munson with snake bites glory, his arm thrown over the back of the booth for added effect. He spent the stay basking in a great deal of enjoyment at how you struggled not to smile every time you glanced at him and how the color on your cheeks bloomed when you looked away shyly.
"Babe, what are you going to do when I get little hoops for them?" he chuckled out as he pulled the straw out of his thick milkshake and stuck the bottom of it in his mouth.
A wave of cold then hot rippled through you at the thought and at the sight of what he was doing to that stupid straw. "You'll be healed by then and it'll be fair game."
His face morphed into that devilish grin that drove you insane, and you couldn't help but groan and lean your face into your hand. That contact, however, gave you a sudden, very rude reminder of the fresh addition to your nose, making you gasp out and plead, "Shit. What have we done?"
"What have we done!" he repeated dramatically in his Dungeon Master voice with his arms raised and fingers curled in the air. You laughed into your milkshake and kicked his shoe playfully under the table. "Fair game, huh?" he asked.
You cocked an eyebrow with a pointed look.
"'M looking forward to that." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Shit, me too," you said under your breath, looking off. Judging by the sound of his laugh, he definitely heard you.
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