#literally the only reason i've ever gotten out of attempts is my alters busting their asses to push through & stop me
ozlices · 3 months
speaking very bluntly and candidly from experience, if the note is genuine and he made an attempt after posting it, then i hope it was unsuccessful and he is getting help and is able to recover.
however, i don't think that a. hbomberguy should be blamed for driving him to do anything when he was calling him out for very shitty things he'd happily gotten away with for years. and hbomberguy didn't even highlight ALL of his offenses, either. & also b. i feel like mentioning nick outright in the note shouldn't be like... dismissed. as a person who's had that kinda weight/pressure put on me both from REAL tragedies that occurred afterward & ppl faking shit, that kinda shit is incredibly heavy & outright traumatic to deal with. nick is obviously not innocent, but he doesn't deserve that kinda pressure/weight on his shoulders.
this entire thing, regardless, is a huge mess that never had to or should've gotten this far. and either way it's ultimately just sad nobody can even garner if this is a true attempt or not bc he has such a manipulative history. there's many lessons to take away here, i guess.
i ultimately hope he's okay and just stays off the goddamn internet, for his own sake and the sake of his victims.
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