litpoodle · 3 years
Buy rental properties in florida| What does LitPoodle do?
LitPoodle provides an end-to-end hassle-free solution for residential real estate investing. This includes identifying & recommending good investment opportunities, estimating & calculating investor metrics (example: % return, rental yield, etc.), helping with the buying process, assisting with the property management and finally tracking the investment’s performance.
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litpoodle-investing · 2 years
LitPoodle - How to invest in real estate with little money?
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This is one of the questions that I get asked the most, especially from young investors or people looking to dip their toes in real estate investing for the first time. Well to answer this, first figure out quantitatively what you consider as little money. ‘Little money’ is a relative term. $50,000 might be ‘little money’ for a millionaire but a lot of money for someone who is starting out. And by the way, don’t worry if you are just starting out. There is a strategy for everyone.
Remember that it isn’t terribly difficult to achieve 20x – 30x returns over a period of 30 years. You can easily grow your wealth from, lets say, $10,000 to $0.3M in 30 years when you invest in properties that return 12% per annum (inclusive of rental yield and capital appreciation) or from $50,000 to $1M with 10.5% return per annum. And finding such properties is possible with a bit of due diligence. And with certain clever strategies you can even increase that return by a few more percentage points. I will elaborate more on such supplemental strategies to increase returns in another blog.
Getting back to our main topic, here are some ideas bracketed in tiers based on how much you are ready to invest. Note that as you move on to higher tiers new strategies open up, but these are always in addition to the strategies listed in the previous tiers. For example, even as you are ready to move to tier 2, you can still employ tier 1 strategies in addition to tier 2’s. Best way to invest in real estate with little money
Tier 1: Investment amount $0 – $10,000
Invest in REITs (commercial or residential)
Pool your money with friends or family and invest in rental properties. Most investment properties require investments starting from $25,000 (assuming that the property is going to be mortgaged). So if you have an amount less than that, consider pooling with your trusted friends or family.
Consider investing through crowdfunding platforms that have a low entry bar.
Tier 2: Investment amount $10,000 – $25,000
Consider buying a primary residence property and renting out certain portions while you are still living in it. In many cities you will find that not only is the rent vs buy ratio tilted to your advantage i.e. buying your own home outright can be beneficial for you in the long run. But you will also be able to receive supplemental income by renting out certain portions to pay your mortgage bills.
If you prefer to do so without compromising on privacy, then you can consider buying properties with in-law units (or Accessory Dwelling Units ADUs as it is known in some states) or duplexes and rent out the uninhabited portion to earn extra income.
The reason this idea falls under this bracket is that since the property also serves as your primary residence, you will be eligible for mortgages requiring lower down payments. And as a result, you will be able to leverage your investment considerably to buy a decent property. Also, because it is a home for primary residence, you will have favorable treatment with respect to taxes. If you are lucky, you will be able to snag an attractive interest rate for your mortgage too.
Tier 3: Investment amount $25,000 – $60,000
Remote buying rental properties. You need at least this much amount (with leverage) to own a rental property. You can do it through our website. Litpoodle was built with a focus on satisfying the requirements of the remote buyer.
Remote buying can be a powerful strategy. In many instances, young investors living in big cities like NY, SF or LA find it difficult to afford the local home prices but are often surprised to find how much their budgets can stretch in another city, often not too far away from their originally intended investment area.
Note: Remember that you will need $100,000 to find at least a decent property anywhere in the country. And you might have to put in at least $25,000 down since most rental mortgages require a minimum of 25% down payment. You might be able to find properties less than this price. But just like how there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch, most likely there is something else going on with the property to beget such a low price.
Tier 4: Investment amount $60,000 – $500,000
Good job on saving this much for real estate investment. Being in this tier opens up more opportunities. Not only are most investment-worthy single-family homes and condos across the country within your reach as potential real estate investment opportunities, you can also look at investing in multiple-unit apartments when your investment amount is close to the higher end of this bracket.
Tier 5: Investment amount: $500,000+
If you have made it to this level, then congratulations, you have done well for yourself. Now the world is at your feet. At this level, you will have to start using jargon like ‘portfolio, risk and diversification’. In addition to all the opportunities listed above, Retail, Commercial and industrial real estate investment avenues also open up. You should also consider diversifying your portfolio by investing in multiple properties across multiple states. After all, you do not want to be putting all eggs in one basket, right? Commercial investment properties usually start around $1M+ and are a great way to diversify if your portfolio is heavy on residential real estate.
Hopefully this article was helpful as a rough, quick guide into how you can start invest in real estate with little money and build your way up.
Happy Investing!
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creativelychanel · 7 years
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Spring XV... Legendary 💙💛 #IHCB #ODU #oduhomecoming #sgrho #sgrho1922 #prettypoodles #sigmagammarho #litpoodles #ThetaChi
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litpoodle-investing · 2 years
General Tips for Real Estate Investing - LitPoodle
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LitPoodle provides an end-to-end hassle-free solution for residential real estate investing. This includes identifying & recommending good investment opportunities, estimating & calculating investor metrics (example: % return, rental yield, etc.), helping with the buying process, assisting with the property management and finally tracking the investment’s performance.
LitPoodle’s mission is to democratize the real estate investing process and alleviate the stress points so that more people get on this wealth ladder. Real estate is one of the primary mechanisms for building wealth and unfortunately there is a sizable section of our society that is missing out due to the lack of awareness. LitPoodle aims to address this gap by educating people on the opportunities and offering unique insights, providing transparency and making the investing process as simple and efficient as possible. Investment Properties in Los Angeles
General Real Estate Investing Tips
While you invest in real estate, keep in mind that it is a long process often spanning months. You have to look out for minor errors you may overlook during this tedious process. These avoidable minor mistakes, if not identified, often snowball into major problems at the end of the process – at a stage when it’s too late to turn back.
As you navigate through this journey it’s important to stay prepared, be informed, and adapt.
At LitPoodle, our aim is to simplify real estate investing for first-time investors. This includes keeping you informed about common investing mistakes you can avoid. So here’s our quick guide to everything you should consider to avoid traps/mistakes while investing in real estate. Rental properties for sale in Los angeles
If you are completely new to any kind of real estate buying, then take a look at this blog. This is our quick guide to newbies who are considering dipping their toes in the real estate market.
You might also benefit from understanding the financial mechanisms that underlie the real estate investing process by perusing this blog. Should any of the real estate jargon confuse you, then here is a quick guide to the industry lingo.
We share this information with you because LitPoodle’s philosophy is based on ‘access. We want to democratize investing for the average investor. Empowering investors with knowledge is the best way to ensure that folks feel confident and not intimated when investing. From breaking down jargon to helping you manage your investment, our platform offers it all in one place. Empower the investor in you with LitPoodle.
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litpoodle-investing · 2 years
An Ultimate Guide for Investing in Real Estate - LitPoodle
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LitPoodle provides an end-to-end hassle-free solution for residential real estate investing. This includes identifying & recommending good investment opportunities, estimating & calculating investor metrics (example: % return, rental yield, etc.), helping with the buying process, assisting with the property management and finally tracking the investment’s performance.  
Investing in Real Estate
A friend recently asked me the same question, noting how much housing values have already risen over the last few months (well, unless you are living under a rock, you have already come across scores and scores of articles talking about it).
Well my answer was and is, it depends. It depends on where you are investing and it depends on what you are investing in.
Always invest in a growing or an appreciating area with strong economic fundamentals. Just like how you would invest in stocks i.e. you would want to invest in something exciting; like in a company with a lot of growth potential like Tesla or Zoom. The same goes for real estate as well. You should carefully choose where to invest (the region and the neighborhood) and which property to invest.
Why invest in real estate?
To give you an example and to also show you why the careful selection of the region matters, I am going to take you on a autobiographical journey. When I was looking to invest in real estate back in 2017, the hottest housing markets at that time were Seattle and San Francisco. Being a die-hard fan of the magical San Francisco (well, back then, it was magical to me) and being a resident myself, my natural decision would have been to invest in San Francisco. But I didn’t – because of two reasons.  
One, I was convinced like some of the other rationalists living in San Francisco at that time that the SF market was in a housing bubble. I certainly did not want to partake in the frenzy and the ensuing stampede to live in some of the most overvalued houses in the country. People bid over each other even when the property required a lot of TLC. And even if that meant living in a gritty neighborhood amidst the splattered needles and human faeces. Regardless of how paltry my investment amount was going to be, I decided SF wasn’t going to get it. real estate investors orlando
And two, the more appropriate reason was that I couldn’t afford buying one of them. Being a single guy, I hadn’t mustered enough savings to get into the local property market. And every year I saved, the prices jumped even more, making it out of reach for millennials like me. And thus started a quasi obsession with the real estate market in the USA. Being a MIT grad myself, nerding comes naturally to me; geeking over statistics and numbers is my speciality. So I set about rediscovering real estate, with a fine Sherlock-esque lens to look for numbers and statistics that held clues.
And like a true geek, I prepared an excel sheet to keep track of all the metrics and the individual performance of cities. At the end of my research which included both quantitative and qualitative components, I decided that at that time the best places to invest were Charlotte, Orlando and Atlanta. The lure of zero state income taxes led me to Orlando. real estate investors sacramento
Is now the right time to consider buying investment properties?  
My unequivocal answer is ‘Any time is the right time’. All you need to do is just make sure that you find the right places and the right properties for that time.  As CNBC’s inimitable Jim Cramer would say in his intro, “there is always a bull market somewhere…..and we promise to find it just for you..”. In this blog, I am going to try and put together a list of factors that helped me find the right places back then. In my subsequent blogs, for all those of you who don’t want to be Excel-monkeys, I shall crunch the numbers and tell you what are the best places right now and also how to find the right property.
So without further ado, let’s dig in.
Factors you need to consider when looking for places to invest  (in the following order):
1. Job growth rate
2. Population growth rate
3. Rental Yield
4. Median Home price to income ratio
5. Geographical constraints for regional growth
6. Local and state level Landlord Regulations
So, hopefully this has been helpful. In my future blogs, I will be talking about what areas are currently good places to invest and how to find the right property.
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