#littevi's thoughts
miss-littevi · 4 months
Not participating in Junelezen myself, even though I am an Elezen by heart (real-life stuff keeps happening so I don't have time and/or inspiration) but
Omg, so many gorgeous Elezen out there ❤️ I love you all, I really do. Please keep on being beautiful, gorgeous, elegant, cute, sexy, whatever you want to be.
And thanks to everyone participating and posting things for Junelezen. You are the true MVPs ❤️💛💜💙
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miss-littevi · 3 months
Goodbye - not forever, but for the next weeks
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My girls went into hiding for the next weeks and so do I. I know, the pre-Dawntrail-Downtime hasn't started yet, but I don't think I will login with Yorina and/or Ilmie before it does. And due to RL-stuff I can not get into Dawntrail as soon as I want , so I will be away from this place here longer than initially expected.
Hope you all will have a wonderful time in Dawntrail and: see you in a few weeks <3
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miss-littevi · 4 months
Some words about Dawntrail and me
I am still not entirely hyped for Dawntrail tbh. I am happy we get new content - a new story, new areas, new dungeons and trails - but what we saw of the new content... not sure. But we will see.
What I am hyped for are the Hrothgals. I waited for them for so long and I can't wait to create one myself <3
I won't change Yorina or Ilmie - my Elezen are precious to me and the few weeks I fantasia'd them only made that clearer to me - , but I have already created a new character that will turn into a Hrothgal as soon as possible.
what brigns me to the original purpose of this post.. just wanted to put my future Hrothgal here again.
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Her name will be Eraya - I derived the name from the surnames of the male Hrothgars and quite like it. I'm not sure yet whether I'll shorten it to Era or Raya, but that's a detail I will decide later :-)
For now, it is more important to get her to a ingame-state I want her to be. Meaning: leveling Gunbreaker and get through Bozja because that is her "RP" - background (yes, I think Bozja isn't as bad as people say, at least the "open world" FATEs. Delubrum etc. is on a different note thou. It is fun itself, but not with just approx 5 people - and you rarely have more than one full party these days)
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miss-littevi · 2 months
(because Pictomancer Yorina... Picto-(yo)rina... you know... ah, forget about it ^^ )
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The job is fun somehow... the animations are entertaining. But it's a mage and the last mage I played was my Ice-Arcane-Mage (? was that a thing? I think it was, but I could be wrong, it is ages ago) back in WoW WotLK. I am not a mage person anymore so Pictorina will never be a real thing. Just bringing it to lvl 100 and never touch it again.
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miss-littevi · 4 months
Ilmie got a glow up in the new benchmark too. Had to change her eyes thou because her original eyeshape had some serious dark circles that I didn't like so I chose another shape that is also round-ish and looks somehow cute in my opinion
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and her face shape (Elezen Face 1) had a similar issue with the lips as Yorina had... and they made it (in my opinion better) her too <3
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miss-littevi · 4 months
new benchmark makes me so happy <3
The screenshot the trailer takes look so much better in my opinion (other hairstyle but that shouldn't be an issue when it comes to comperability )
Old Benchmark with Meteor's hair, new benchmark with Yori's "trademark" braided crown
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and they fixed the issue with the mouth!!!!!(as seen in the last screenshot the benchmark takes :)) )
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have to take a look at the character editor now - brb ^^
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miss-littevi · 1 month
Something short, but I want to shout it out somewhere.
I really want to have a "Solution 9 soul carrying headgear devices " (don't known the English name, they are called 'Regulator' in German) as hair clip or something like that. My hair is too short to actually wear it at the moment but I could attach it to a hairband and it would work.
Anyone a source where I can get one of these thingys? I only found one fanmade one and i think they didn't ship to Germany
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miss-littevi · 7 months
Random thought because it bothered me again
It happens so often, that I see a wonderful fanmade merch, zine,.. physical products in general and I really want to support the artist, creator, project, go to the order page only to realize: can't be shipped to Germany
It's that LUCID thing, right?! That German law (Verordnung) that everybody sending things to Germany for profit reasons has to get one of those IDs - that aren't that easy to register for because they want so many information - otherwise the package will be stopped by the german customs authority?
I didn't look into it in detail but I think it's not a bad thing from the underlying thought (it has something to do with reducing waste I guess) but it's a bureaucratic monster that just doesn't work for smaller artists around the world.
So many beautiful things I can't have and I feel it is more and more with every month 😔
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miss-littevi · 4 months
Littevi's many faces on Etheirys
(aka: "A short overview over my FFXIV OCs")
Hello and welcome to my "FFXIV - OC - gallery" I'll start with just a few characters and Yorina and Ilmie are the ones that I actually play, the others are just for writing or once existed due to a Phial of Fantasia.
I'll set a cut because it got quite long
~ Yorianna 'Yorina' Limai ~
tag: oc: Yorianna Limai
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Age: around 30 years old
Race: Duskwight Elezen
Gender: female
Canon DoW - jobs: Scholar (abandoned), Redmage (abandoned), Dragoon (current)
Canon DoL & DoH - jobs: Leatherworker, Alchemist, Fisher
Non-Canon jobs I can (still) play and support with, if needed: Dragoon, Gunbreaker, Dancer, Redmage, Sage
Current appearance: silvergrey skin with lots of scars in various healing states and a crystalline wound on her chest; blue, sometimes purple eyes; long black hair; a beauty mark under the left eye
She is my main character in FFXIV and the Warrior of Light in my story. Beside all her duties as Warrior of Light and Scion, she is the "First Lady of Ishgard", a well known linguist and antique collector. And she is a Dragoon - not by choice but because fate didn't leave her a choice. It's fine though, she accepted it but every now and then she looks at the scholar's book and the redmage's weapon she used to wield before. Her name is Yorianna, but she mostly is called by the shorter form, Yorina.
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tags associated with Yorina:
I ship Yorina with Aymeric and decided on this tag for them. Their relation started a little bit… rough, meaning: Yorina couldn’t stand him the first times they met, and it took weeks, months for her to fall in love with him. And it took even more weeks for them to confess their feelings for each other. Aymeric made her a rushed proposal right before she hat to leave to Gyr Abania – he initially had planned something else but the time was short and he wanted to do it before she left. He proposed again – more aligned with his plannings this time - after Ala Mhigo was liberated, the wedding ceremony took place a few months later. Their son, Florent Haurchefant de Borel, was born towards “End of Shadowbringer”
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
Yorina and Estinien had a sibling-like relationship for the time between “Late Heavensward” to “Beginning Endwalker”. Their relationship had the “add-on” that they felt some sort of supernatural connection and could sense each other’s mood swings and had a feeling where the other might be. When Estinien joined the Scions and they spent more time together, they started to feel some sort of romantic tendency towards each other and by now they cannot deny them anymore. But they are not willing to give in to their feelings - not least because Yorina is happily married and a mother now, and if she were to break up with Aymeric, it would not only be a bitter blow for everyone involved, but it would also be a political disaster. So they keep their romantic feelings for each other locked away.
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~ Nyx /Azem ~
tag: oc: Nyx-Azem (currently no posts by me)
Nyx is Yorina's ancient self. She was a quiet person, eager to travel the world and help the people. She also loved to collect little trinkets from everywhere she went and store them in her apartment in Amaurot. Her preferred combat style is fighting with a sword and throwing daggers that can be infused with elemental magic. (I rarely post about her but set up a tag, just in case. The info here is equally short, even though I have some more headcanons about her.)
Current appearance: light skin; long black-blue hair, tightly braided into French braids; purple eyes; a beauty mark under the left eye
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
~ Ilmie Duremert ~
tag: oc: Ilmie Duremert
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Age: 21 years old
Race: ishgardian Wildwood Elezen
Gender: female
Canon DoW - jobs: Astrologian (abandoned), Rogue (on hold), Bard, Dancer
Canon DoL & DoH - jobs: Botanist, Goldsmith
Non-Canon jobs I can (still) play and support with, if needed: Dancer, Gunbreaker, Dragoon, Sage, Redmage
Current appearance: light skin with a healthy sun tan; long blonde hair, sometimes with red highlights; deep brown eyes; a beauty mark under the lip
Ilmie is a wildwood Elezen and friend of Yorina. She was born and raised in Ishgard and lost her family and siblings to the Dragonsong War. She worked at the Astrologian’s guild where she met Yorina, who saw the younger woman’s talent and potential and sponsored her education at the guild. In return, Ilmie started working in Borel Manor. Later she left the city and traveled through Eorzea. Eventually, she settled in Gridania, abandoned the astrologians arts and became a bard. She later accompanied the delegation from Gridania to Garlemald and fought alongside the Eorzean Alliance to help the people of Garlemald. After the Final Days, she learned about the combat techniques of the Dancers and learned those techniques. She is still a bard when it comes to singing and playing music, even though she often dances to the music Guydelot plays, but in a fight she relies on the dancer skills now.
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tags associated with Ilmie:
I ship Ilmie with Guydelot, the Elezen from the bard-questline. This is the tag for them. Since Ilmie gets “into action” quite late in Yorina’s story and I wanted to have a “Bard-Quest version feat. Ilmie”, I had to tinker a little bit and… bow the canon to make it work somehow. Ilmie and Guydelot met even earlier, months before he became a Bard and they led a few months an “on-off-relationship” until she final returned from Limsa Lominsa back to Gridania and she moved in to his apartment.
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
~ Euterpe ~
tag: oc: Euterpe (currently no posts by me)
Euterpe is Ilmie’s ancient self. She was based in Amaurot and had a strong desire to create music and inspire others to do the same. She was working on a new instrument to make the sound of aether audible to everyone. She was a friend of Hythlodaeus, who occacionally gave her some tips and hints where she could make useful changes to her concept. (I don't post much about Euterpe as well, but wanted to set the tag, just in case)
Current appearance: light skin with a healthy tan, if looks like she got into the sun on a regular base; long blonde hair; dark brown eyes a beauty mark under the lip
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Art by @ptizasych auf Tumblr
~ Luca Seabreeze ~
tag: oc: Luca Seabreeze
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Age: 223 years old (as far as I understand Viera aging process)
Race: Vii (Viera of the First)
Gender: female
Canon DoW - jobs: Lancer (abandoned), Gunbreaker
Canon DoL & DoH - jobs: none
Current appearance: tanned skin, long brown hair with light brown highlights; dark brown eyes; a beauty mark under the lip
Luca is a Vii (Viera) from the First and a shard of Ilmie. She left her home in the Rak'tika Greatwood at a young age and came to Kholusia after some time of travelling. She never even tried to get into Eulmore and stayed on the lower parts of Kholusia instead. She wields a Gunblade and sees it as her destined duty to protect the people there until the Sineaters will finally be defeated. After the thread from the Sineaters is banned, she still protects the people there from things that might attack the settlements. And she patrols the now abandoned Copied Factory and the Puppet’s Bunker regularly after she helped clear it with Yorina (yes, the NieR-raids are canon in my world)
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miss-littevi · 2 months
My thoughts about Dawntrail
somehow a follow-up to this post I made approx 2 weeks ago (not really, I didn't go into detail there)
It will have spoilers for Dawntrail so I'll put evrything else under the cut (and: typos ahead. I try to write an okay english, but it isn't my mother tongue and I don't want to process everything through a translator tool other than my brain)
The first half
We go to Tural to help Wuk Lamat with the Rite and I was fully aware we would be in an "Assistant Role" therefore. And that was one of my concerns to be honest. This is a game, and I want to be the main character in the JRPG (MMORPG here) I play. Might be just me, but that's how I feel. I am the "enabeling side character" for the rest of my day, let me be the hero just a few hours.
However, the story writers found a good balance between Wuk Lamat and the WoL and it felt somehow "natural". We are in her homeland, the WoL doesn't know how things work there and what Lamaty'i doesn't know too, we figure out together. It was a good journey I'd say (exept the Pelupelu, that part was annoying for me).
In fact, Yorina (in character spoken) would have enjoyed it very much (not the sun, but seeing new cultures, anrchitectures, the Yok Huy and their pictographic writings are anazing to her linguist mind) But it was good this whole Rite-journey was over after about half the expansion. I really looked forward to continue exploring the land for the sake of exploring and not a political agenda
Beginning of the second half
I start here with when you first visit Shaaloani, when you encounter the story with the corrupt sheriff. It felt like a "filler episode" to give things in the background (Lamaty'i and Koana getting into their role as rulers of Tuliyolal) time to develop. It was a fun intermezzo and I liked it (Estinien approaching was a bonus but not necessary for me but now we know that they needed him in this place later so they put him here.)
With the earthquake-explosion-dome-appearing-thing, the second story-part of the expansion started and my "Sci-Fi-and-Cyberpunk-loving heart" couldn't wait to get to the "missing" areas. Running around in Tuliyolal and helping people at first glance felt like a "unnecessary slow-down" but on the long run it helped to "feel" the situation and get a feeling about Lamaty'i's thoughts and feelings.
Heritage Found and Solution Nine are fantastic from an aesthetic point of view and I still like it there. It again was a "quest to find out about this foreign land and its residents ". And other than in the first half, I felt like being on the same level with Lamaty'i and travelling there as a fellow companion and not as some kind of "watchdog" to look after her and ensure she doesn't run off a cliff (what it was in the first half for me)
Sphene was an interesting character imo because the writers, the translators(localization and the german voice actress (don't know about the other languages, german game-client here) made her a character I didn't trust from the first but after a few dialoges I honestly thought "maybe Zoraal Ja invaded her Kingdom (we don't know about how it was 30 years ago) and she is held hostage by him needs help because he would murder her people if she tried to get rid of him." I was wrong, I know that now and there war one point where I was sure, she wasn't held hostage or anything by him. Lamaty'i ask if she has anything to do with the attack on Tuliollal and she says (literal translation from the german line) "I would do anything to protect my people" She could have said "No", if she wasn't involved, but she didn't. She didn't lie to us (that's a good thing at least, I guess...?)
Living Memory
I'll be honest: this area caught me off guard and threw me out of the flow within seconds. My first thought "okay, here we go, this is the point where I start to hate this expansion." Coming from S9 and Heritage Found (and the sci-fi-like dungeon in between) this "20s amusement park" made me close the game after the first three dialogues. Next day, late afternoon I continued. By now, I like the "reverse Ultima Thule" idea of this zone. Shutting all those memories down made an impression on me (and working in information tecnology sector IRL made me think about if it is really necessary to store everything for eternity into some cloud storage systems when a game shows you how much energy it costs and that ressouces available will not be enough to keep these systems alive someday - it does something to me. Not that it would be new information but it made me think again)
All those quests there, the gondola ride with Raha, Krile's origin and parents, Erenville and his mother. Those were beautiful little stories but it felt "dragged out". The stories could have been handled way shorter and the last zone is the one I like the least - because of aesthetic and MSQ; the concept of a "Holodeck for the Dead" is good, it's just the execution I don't like.
The last trial
The fight was fun. And the idea of Sphene overwriting herself to be an eternal Queen who can protect all her people, is not a new concept but it is fitting here.
BUT: why this transition into the second phase of the fight. Why did they decide Lamaty'i had to do the "Gaia in Eden" move and break into the battle arena to save the day?! I don't hate Lalamty'i, I really don't. She is a great character with a wonderful character development, but in this moment, I wanted to kick her out of the arena and scream in that directon to let the WoL have their "hero moment"
WoL is a nobody there, I know that (even though I really don't buy that they didn't have noticed the final days, that they didn't know about the hero who saved the world, but that's a overall problem in this game) But let me be the hero in "my" game. I am sure Lamaty'i would not have fallen into despair if WoL defeaded Sphene.
But that's my only real issue with Dawntrail MSQ
The additional Content
The additional content (lvl 100 Dungeons, Raids, Rolequests, Crafter/Gatherer-quests) looks fun so far. The "cactuar-dungeon" has some annoying mechanics but they are only annoying as long as I don't understand them. It will get better. The normal raid is fun from a gameplay pov, interessting from a story pov (I am not a savage raider so nothing to that from me)
I still wand my guest room /apartement in S9 but I don't think I will ever get one ^^''
And that is everything I want to say at this point. Dawntrail was way better than I expected but my expectations were really low anyway. I had fun and am looking forward to the patch content :-)
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miss-littevi · 2 months
Little ramble about the problems of someone who loves having pictures of their OCs
Right now, I have about 8 different ideas for pictures/drawings of various OCs / OCs and canon characters in mind. Characters coming from FF14, FF15, FF7/Spinoffs (more precisely: Before Crisis) and two non-fandom OCs
Problems is, I lack the skills to draw any of them myself and my energy is too low to contact at least one artist to get on of those ideas into reality
Introverted problems I guess.
And to be clear: this is not a "looking for artist(s)" post. I know artist I would like to work with or I already have worked with and like their style and way of communicating so I want to come back to them. I just can't at the moment but had to put those thoughts somewhere.
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miss-littevi · 2 months
Short thought about Dawntrail
I enjoyed Dawntrail more than expected. It - for me - had a nice pace and the story seems mostly fine (with the usual "final fantasy shenanigans" that made me raise my eyebrows here and there, but that happens in every expansion)
Everything is overshadowed by my constant concern about how Yorina would probably suffer under the weather conditions. At least in the first zones, she would have huge problems with heat and humidity and the sun would straight up "destroy" her light grey skin. Poor girl, but you made it.
Don't know about the climate in the last zones though.
Ilmie on the other hand would probably be quite fine in Tural after a few days of getting used to the climate. She just has to get there xD (not happening in-game anytime soon)
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miss-littevi · 4 months
While reading the post I reblogged just now (the "Static looking for healer" one) I once again thought, that sometimes I want to have a static too, at least a group for coordinated extreme trials ... And maybe even savage raids if it fits... A group of people that take care of each other and their respective "thought world" and make everyone feel comfortable while battling those encounters
And then I remember my "WoW trauma" and the fact that I feel so stressed out while being in savage content and even in synced extreme trials that I can't remember the simplest mechanic infight and mess up so much for me and the whole group as consequence. So, I'll never have a static it seems...
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miss-littevi · 1 year
This is me, this is what happens here
Now that I am here a few days/weeks, I decided to write a quick pinned post to give you an idea of what to expect here.
You can expect things from all over with a focus on FFXIV, but depending on my current hyperfixation it may shift to other things.
I try to keep this blog "tame" but there might be things not suitable for minors so: be aware of that and do not hang out if you are younger than 18 years. Thank you :-)
A few word about me: I am a 30+ years old female (she/her) from Germany. English isn't my first language and I struggle with it here and there so if things sound weird: that's the reason. I love fantasy, SciFi, Cyberpunk, sparkly and/or dark stuff. It's a weird collection  ^^ I still try to figure out this site here and if I act weird with tags, likes, rebloggs etc: let me know, please. I try to figure out the etiquette here but it fells like moving to a big house where everybody lives there since "hundrets of years" and noone hung up the house rules in a for new residents well visible place.
The tags I currently use:
Littevi's thoughts  - my tag for things I think about, random stuff from all over the place. May be connected to a fandom but doesn't have to.
Littevi on Etheirys - my tag für everything FFXIV-related I post.
Litte-V in NightCity - I love Cyberpunk2077 and want to post more about it, so I made a tag for that.
I have some OCs I want to talk about. Here are the oc-tags and tags related to them:
All my FFXIV-OCs can be found here:
- Cyberpunk 2077 -
My Cyberpunk 2077 OCs can be found here:
I have more OCs and will edit this post whenever necessary :-)
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miss-littevi · 4 months
Litte-V's Engrams
(aka: "my CP2077 - OCs")
Like mentioned above, I love Cyberpunk2077 (I also love the Shadowrun P&P - system, but I can't find a group..) and I have at least two OCs in Night City. One of them is my V, the other one a non-V character.
I rarely post about them because my other OCs take up to much space but they are not forgotten
I'll set a cut because it got a little bit longer
~ Vivien 'V' Caine ~
tag: oc: Vivien Caine
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Vivien, a former corpo who got kicked out, is my V (yes, I chose a different name for her). She pretty much folows the canon and who knows the story, knows it all. I made some changes though.
She is 26 years old in 2077 and comes from a family that has been in Arasaka service for two generations. So it's no wonder that she was indoctrinated from an early age to trust the Arasaka family and high-ranking employees of the corporation like Takemura.
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So it probably isn't a big surprise that she didn't trust Rosalind Myers or Reid during the Phantom Liberty events and turned to Arasaka in the end. In my world, she has chosen to help Hanako the get the corporation back on track and got "help" from the corp.
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After Johnny was gone, she didn't chose to become an Engram. She chose to go to Japan to live her last months there, befriended Oda and found her end during a task to help protecting Hanako during a big festivity.
~ Alexis ~
tag: oc: Alexis
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Alexis is 22 years old in 2077 and her background is a mix of corpo and streetkid. She grew up in a corpo-family but her parents caught some bullets when Alexis was 15 years old. She used her netrunner-skills to find the people who were involved in the shooting her parents died in and started a personal vendetta on them and got more and more involved in the "streetkid"-life. Besides her skills as netrunner she trained her skills with firearm during that time - skills that will get in handy later in her life.
Her private feud against parts of the local gangs - most notably 6th Street - didn't keep her from getting into the Arasaka ranks. She got a place in the netrunner division, but as soon as her connections to the gangs were noticed, she was deployed onto the streets to infiltrate and hack the gangs.
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She was part of the Tiger Claws for almost two years when she heard about Vivien - her main contact to Arasaka by that time - being removed from Arasaka and went into hiding untill the dust had settled. After all, she couldn't be sure if whoever was after Vivien would be after her sources as well.
By now - late 2077 / 2078 onwards - she is still in hiding but back in business as a netrunner for every fixer who offers her a job that won't kill her right away.
(need some photos of her in Netrunner-gear... I know I have some but they are on the Playstation I guess ^^'')
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miss-littevi · 7 months
the sudden urge to make a Stray Gods Hecate - Cosplay for whatever occasion I might need it (I rarely go to conventions and so I don't have many occasions to wear a cosplay)
I am currently replaying Stray Gods to get some more trophies after I finishen "my playthrough" as a fierce Grace and Persephone as her LI. And initially I thought about making a Persephone cosplay - if making one at all - because the character is so so cool. But I really like Hecates design too. Plus it might suit me and my personality a bit better than the tough Persephone so maybe "Darling Kate" is the go to option.
Dress should be doable somehow, skincolour is a case for make up (I don't have any makeup skills but there are YT-videos for that) so also not a big problem. Only problem: the eyes. I know there are contact lenses that cover the "whole" eye (sclera contact lenses) but ... contact lenses 😨 My eyes are kinda annoyed by them and hurt after less than 3 hours but maybe I should just give it a try beforehand, start with "normal lenses" and see if I can train my eyes to tolerate contact lenses ...
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