#little did the world know he was brewing an iconic album with that guitar
rockrevoltmagazine · 8 years
“Who is Wilson?” That is one question I get asked often by friends when discussing bands that I want to see and shows I am heading out to write about in my role here at RockRevolt Magazine. After the last time I was asked, I picked my jaw up off the floor (WHO IS WILSON? I think, incredulously…), got down to business, and decided to reach out to my Friends in High Places. 
Wilson is made up of Chad Nicefield on vocals, Jason Spencer and Kyle Landry on guitar, James Lascu on bass, and Matt Puhy on drums. I was fortunate enough to track down Chad for this chat to find out exactly what is it that makes Wilson tick, makes them the ultimate party band, and what’s with all of the fuckery anyway! 
First of all, thank you for taking the time out of your busy days to talk to me. I appreciate it.  I am excited to have the chance to chat!! You’ve toured the US and the UK, as well as Europe, and you’ve been on some pretty amazing bills as far as tourmates, both that you supported and who supported you. This question has a few parts: How do audiences here in the States compare to audiences overseas? What is your favorite part of touring? And what is one thing that you miss the most about home when you’re on the road?
We’ve been very fortunate to tour a lot of the world and to share stages with some legends. It’s been a wild ride thus far. I’ll say this about UK/EU vs USA/CAN – they LOVE their Rock N Roll over there. It’s incredible to see the overwhelming love of REAL bands overseas. I wish home had the same love, but I can feel it growing and coming back to the forefront of entertainment. There’s NOTHING like the ethereal experience of seeing and hearing a band LIVE.
Home is Detroit. I miss Detroit as a whole; my family, friends, trouble…the usual.
I’ve heard that said of audiences in Europe from other bands, so you’re not alone in those experiences. Speaking of fans, your fanbase is solid, rabid, and growing by the day! What are some of the most memorable fan experiences you’ve had?
We’ve had some great ones. I think my most memorable experience was when a fan had me write “Will You Marry Me?” on my marching bass drum and walk up to them in the crowd so he could drop down to one knee and propose. Quite a wild one for sure!
  That sounds incredibly cool! As a former marching band geek, I can appreciate that bold move! I’ve been keeping an eye on your social media pages, and the love you guys get from your fans is incredible. I love seeing the tattoos, the girl who posted about talking about her love for you in her class for a presentation, and even the proposal recently posted to your Facebook page! What do all of those moments mean to you in terms of your fans and why you do what you do? It has to feel incredible!
Someone once said “WILSON IS A LIFESTYLE,” and that is fucking NUTS to me. As we grow and more and more folks start to hop on the train, I really start to “get” what they mean. We have become a family with our fans. Sure, sometimes it can get exhausting keeping up with such a wild bunch of freaks, but I don’t think we would have it any other way. Just take a look at our SECRET GROUP on Facebook, (yes, you can join) “The House Of Fuckery.” It’s a supportive, wild, “anything goes” home for the Fuckery Krew. It does feel incredible.
  I am going to hop on that as soon as I finish up this interview for sure, thank you! Now back to touring. You’re heading out on the road here in a few days with Breaking Benjamin, including a little cruise around the oceans on the Shiprocked cruise. What are your expectations of the tour – including the cruise – in terms of performances, energy, and crowds?
Expectations are for the birds. Actually, I don’t think their brains can create those. So maybe WE ARE BIRDS!!
Now, that’s a good way to look at it! Speaking of that, I am going to be heading out to see you in my area in Cleveland for the show and to do a little review myself. What can I expect to experience from your live set as a “Wilson Live Experience Virgin”, as it is?
Sweat, mucus, and FUCKING FUN!
Sounds like a good time to me! What’s next after this tour ends for you? I know it’s a short one in terms of dates, so what’s the plan once you get off the road?
The beginning of record number 3. We are going to continue to work on the songs and hopefully start to record them!
Are we going to hear any new music from you guys in 2017? Anything brewing for the fans?
Tell me about a typical day on the road for you guys. How about a typical day in the studio…?
Typically, we spend many hours inside of our lady Betty White (the van) and then we go to a gym to release the built up energy from that drive. Then we head to the venue, unload our trailer and our bowels. Next we eat food and poke fun at each other. Come up with some crazy set list idea, and then we rock and roll. Then we drink booze and find a place to pass out. The following day we wake up and do it all over again.
In the studio, it’s a focused chaos. All of the above applies, except we don’t use the van.
It sounds like you’ve got the Rock and Roll Lifestyle down pat! Now, for some fun. What is one thing about each of you that the fans may not know?
James = Plays FIFA video games obsessively.
Kyle = Loves science obsessively.
Puhy = Can’t count to 10 without laughing (that’s probably a lie).
Jason = Is obsessed with Goldfish (the food).
Chad = Has webbed toes on both feet (2 on each).
I’ll make sure to bring some Goldfish with me to Cleveland, if I can smuggle them in! With an album named, Full Blast Fuckery, you know you’re going to have a good time with the music. So, what is your process like for writing? What’s the ultimate message you want to convey through your music?
It varies, but it always starts with “heart”; something we feel sends itself out of our bodies and into the canvas of life in front of us. We really want people to feel comfortable having a good time with life and having no boundaries. We want our music to destroy any obstacles life puts in front of you by listening to it. Whatever that means, it is the honest answer to why we create this form of art.
That’s one of the best answers to that question I have ever heard. I love the idea of heart and no boundaries. We’ve lost some heavy hitters in the music industry in the last year or so, and there’s been a lot of talk of legacy in the industry. What do you want the legacy of your music to be, and of you guys as musicians?
If we were to put a grave stone down for our band it would read, “Here lays some guys who made sure they acted like gentlemen with fools hearts and left a lifetime of smiles on the world’s faces.”
You maintain a solid social media presence, and I was wondering what your thoughts are on that as far as another tool to reach out to the fans. It seems to be working in your favor, so it’s clearly worthwhile to that degree. Do you feel it makes you TOO accessible to fans?
The only time it feels that way is when it pulls you away from other areas of your life; like relationships, family, friends and truly LIVING. We started this band by claiming “Wilson is not an internet band.” What we meant by that was you don’t GET us from behind a computer screen, you GET us by being in a room with us.
Man, I love that answer. I’d look forward to “getting” you in that way soon. So, so cool. Speaking of access, there’s a camp of people claiming that the era of the music video is behind us with everyone streaming music now more through their ears than their eyes. Do you feel this is true? I know you have some music videos out, and they’re pretty fuckin’ cool in my opinion, so what is your take on the usefulness of the music video in today’s streaming society?
Anyone who says that is an idiot. We just don’t see it the way we used to. Every time you turn on the Youtube or Netflix you hear music attached to video – and sure it might not be a video outlining that specific song, but it’s the same “emotion”. If you decide you like a band, you will dive deeper into their essence. We create platforms for our fans to dive into and will continue to do that. We don’t give the human soul enough credit. We all still long for that media. We just need to be coerced into getting there because of all the distractions nowadays.
I’m going to sound like a broken record, but I love that answer and wholly agree. To me, there is nothing better than a great music video – be it a simple lyric video or a well-produced epic-style video that tells an amazing story. Now, where did the name Wilson come from? There has to be a story…
A party. We needed a name for a flyer. We played some shows under the name and it started to work, so we were stuck with it.
Well, the fact that it worked helps out to your advantage for sure! Before I let you go, do you have any last words for our readers?
Get off your ass and fucking rock.
Thank you again for taking the time to chat with me today! I can’t wait to get off my ass and fucking rock with you guys in Cleveland. I’ll see you there!  
If Wilson is coming to your area, get off your asses and fucking rock with them! You won’t be sorry!! 
Interview by Devon Anderson, RockRevolt Journalist and Managing Editor
  Connect with Wilson (click icons):
INTERVIEW – Wilson was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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