#lmaooo another person who didn't like deanpharm welcome to the club
ryansjane · 2 years
Can I just say it’s a relief to find someone who likes sotus 😭 Is it high art? No. But is it fun? Absolutely. I get why people don’t like the hazing. But tbh as someone who went to a big uni in the US, and had a friend who joined a sorority, when I saw the hazing I was like “oh wow, fairly non toxic hazing” (yes the bar is in hell). As for the other toxic stuff, it definitely has it, but honestly I’d argue it’s not as toxic as some other bls that don’t get that kind of hate. The wife bs is awful, but in sotus I don’t mind it as much because it’s said clearly as a jab from Kong, and Arthit (to my memory) isn’t called it again outside of that very clear situation. Is it the best? Noooo. But it’s better then say Still 2gether when during the volleyball competitions it’s is literally stated as “husbands vs wives” (🤢) Idk if sotus is good. It probably ain’t. But does it give me serotonin, and I like the relationship dynamic. Also in general, I find that sotus has stronger female characters then most bls. Even the girl who had a crush on Kong was pretty well developed, and wasn’t portrayed as some evil girl trying to get in between the leads (once again, see 2gether). Plus a lesbian character! (Which as a lesbian you know, makes me happy)
I’m glad bl has improved, and is getting away from harmful tropes that definitely start with sotus. But I also think there are far more toxic bls that take these tropes further, but don’t get the hate sotus does. Maybe because they have better leads (which fair. I watched before I knew anything about Krist, and I’m not condoning anything he’s said)? But like I saw a post showing how bad buddy was undoing all the harm sotus has done, and I thought it was way overstated. And I could point to bls that I thought were much more harmeful. Idk just my two cents. (I’m on anon cause there is like a 90% chance I’ll get eaten alive for this). Once again, just want to state I don’t think sotus is not toxic, or high art, or anything of the sort. I just think there are bls much more problematic, and they don’t get nearly the amount of hate sotus gets. But also my bl opinions are probably “bad” and controversial. I didn’t like deanpharm in uwma because I found their intimate scenes painful to watch because of how resistant Pharm was. Like please stop touching him, he doesn’t want it??? Anyway can’t wait to get cancelled for this one.
honestly I've always found sotus fairly unproblematic compared to many other bl shows that are WAY more toxic yet don't get the same kind of criticism. like, for me the two most problematic things in it (that I remember at least) are the hazing & the "I don't like guys but I like you" trope which I??? despise lol. but you're totally right about the female characters being way better treated than in other bl shows, ESPECIALLY for the time. and praepailin is literally an ICON bc she's one of the very rare wlw representation in bl shows. so frankly I totally agree with you on this, I actually think sotus is one of the very few early bl shows that still mostly holds up to this day, and it was a really important show bc it was the biggest bl until 2gether in 2020. so yeah, frankly I didn't know it was getting THAT much hate, but I feel like it's kinda always the case for bigger bl shows that blow up? like even now, I mostly see people criticizing 2gether when people were eating it up when it was airing?? like I feel like when a show gets too popular, people become overly critical of it instead just taking it for what it is. sotus was never a masterpiece, but it was a pretty solid romcom that did a lot for the bl industry, and I personally don't think it's super problematic at all, especially compared to so many other shows that don't get hated on like that.
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