#lmk if you want/don't want to be tagged in future episode posts!! im excited to go on watching but i dont wanna clog your notifs lol
harurio · 3 months
guardian ep1 here goes nothing
i'm watching this at the behest of my lovely friend @oneiro-nautical so that's whose fault it is if i get really annoying about it <3 i've been reliably informed this will kill me and it will hurt the whole time i'm dying! sounds fun let's go!
opening credits a pleasant blend of corny and cool as hell. cdramas we are SO back baby. also this song kinda slaps
whoaaa aliens? this is so much all at once
aw that's a baby. i've seen him before. he's the one constantly getting menaced by the scary buzzcut guy in the crack videos
oh he needs to have something in his mouth does he. eheheh. eheheheheh
i love all these people already. two beautiful women one catboy and one idiot. i'm a sucker for a motley crew
okay what on earth is going on with that cat. half the time it looks fine if slightly frazzled and half the time it is cg'ed to hell and back and it's kinda creeping me out ngl
this poor kid he's just a baby don't be mean to him >.<
OUGH the way shen wei's face went slack when he did that double take. the way you have no context for the look in his eyes but you just know it is absolutely devastating. the way zhao yunlan looked lightning struck and had to get away so fast. this is delicious
the way he didn't want to let go T-T
oh shen wei is in love. i'm calling it. those are the eyes of a man made of yearning
the shadow figure has an ass. this is fine
i snorted water out my nose. who is this tiny guy. i love cdrama action sequences
i'm gonna have a really hard time taking buzzcut man seriously if he fights with funky lil puppet dolls. also his voice isn't nearly as deep and gravelly as i imagined. huh
poor li qian. i hope her situation gets better over the course of the show. she's in a really tough spot.
whoever plays shen wei is awfully good at acting with his eyes!!!
on the rooftop in a magic hurricane and the shadow figure is standing in place doing stock attack animations like a video game character
got spoiled a bit so ik the black cloak envoy is shen wei but is that supposed to be not obvious? it seems really obvious
ohhh the credits are doing one of my favorite things (behind the scenes footage from filming) it’s so cool look at them all go
in conclusion im enjoying myself mightily. it’s so silly but it’s got so much heart to it. also shen wei has a pair of the most expressive eyes ive ever seen. good for him bad for future me i guess. will continue to watch apace
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