#lol look at nick smiling proudly at greg in that last gif
space-helen · 3 years
Back To Vegas - Chapter 2
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Words: 1578
Pairing: Nick Stokes x reader
A/N: Sorry this took so long and is late! This chapter is mainly fleshing out why everything is happening but I promise the next part will be better.
CH1     CH2      CH3    CH4    CH5   CH6   CH7  CH8
Nick had managed to arrange everything quickly to your amazement. It was as if he was always prepared to go back to Vegas eventually.
The buzzing of your alarm was what woke you up. You felt Nick beside you move to turn it off before feeling the weight of his arm around your waist. “Morning” you said sleepily.
The two of you just lay there for a second as you properly woke up. Nick was the first to slide out of bed and headed for the bathroom before getting dressed. You mirrored his actions but in reverse.
The morning was quiet. The two of you were comfortable in the silence.
“Ready for your first day?” The man smiled as you packed up your bag.
“I’m nervous but It’ll be fun.” you smiled. “I can’t wait to meet everyone.”
“They’ll be happy to meet you too.” he said proudly before wrapping his arm around your shoulder for a hug and placing a kiss in your hair.
The two of you laughed and left the house, getting into Nick’s car together you made the journey to the lab. 
Hopping out of the car you let Nick lead the way until the building. The two of you signed in, picked up your key cards and moved your way through the lab allowing Nick to lead the way. “You recognise anyone?” you questioned at his side quietly.
He shook his head “It’s dead and all of these faces are new.”
Walking into what you assumed was the break room, you were greeted by a group of people. “Nick.” a tall dark haired woman said opening her arms to the man.
“Sara.” He welcomed her embrace quickly. 
Soon a tall light haired man was embracing him and welcoming him back followed by others.
Finally an older man, who you assumed was Grissom nodded and smiled at the man, giving him a welcoming handshake. “It’s good to have you back.”
“It’s good to be back.” The man turned to you “This is Y/N.” he introduced you with a smile. “Y/N this is Sara Sidle, Greg Sanders, Gil Grissom, David Hodges, Henry Andrews, and Catherine Willows.”
You were also greeted warmly, Sara giving you a bright smile. Greg shook your hand, and Grissom gave you a very warm smile. 
“I’ve heard a lot about you all”
“I’m sure you have.” Sara teased
“How did Nick pull a girl like you huh?” Greg joked.
“Hey now, no bombarding with questions.” Nick said jokingly.
The group broke out in conversation before Grissom cleared his voice “I hate to break this up but we do have a crime lab to re-build.”
The room went quiet as all eyes looked towards Grissom. “You could have guessed but the lab was, well is, in a dire condition and Greg can attest to that.”
“Yeah.” he spoke up “I’ve watched the lab go downhill for the past 5 years, but it’s really picked up in the last two. First Nick left then others weren’t far behind. We’ve lost a good portion of lab techs and CSI’s recently. Lindsey moved away, Morgan did too and… well a lot of people left.”
“Greg called me up to come help out a month ago and Sara and I happily came back. We didn’t realise how bad it was though. We’re seriously understaffed, professionals are moving away from Vegas and crime is on the rise.” The older man spoke
“It’s been decimated.” Greg added. “In all seriousness we have the bare minimum. Day shift is on slim pickings but surviving. A lot of their work is being pushed to night shift though.” 
“It was so bad Greg was actually made supervisor.” Hodges joked and the room erupted with laughter. 
“Hey, I’m a good supervisor.” 
Hodges raised his hands in defense.
“What do you need us to do?” Nick asked from beside you.
“We just need to go back to how we were. Work cases like in the good old days. I offered to let Grissom be supervisor again but technically he can’t because he’s retired.”
“You’re doing a good job Greg.” Grissom paused. “We just need to work these cases, that’s all we can do until more people get attracted back to Vegas. People used to come to work at the lab because of how good it was, the name it had around it and who we had employed, nowadays the appeal just isn’t there anymore.” Grissom started staring into space but he snapped out of it and looked at Greg “No offence.”
“None taken.”
You fidgeted before speaking up, one thing had been playing on your mind “I know it’s usually against protocol for couples to work on the same shift and I know you invited us both here but is it still ok for Nick and I to work together?”
Grissom nodded “Yeah, we’re going to overlook that rule for now. Especially since Sara and I are also in a relationship. We’ll try not to work on the same cases as each other though if it can be helped.”
You nodded at his response.
Soon after the large pep talk, Nick gave you a proper tour of the lab before you were all called back to the breakout room where you were assigned cases by Greg.
“Y/N, Grissom, Catherine you have a dead body on the strip. Nick, Sara and I have a body in a motel.”
You soon spilt up and you were grabbing your brand new CSI vest from your allocated locker.
As you began to leave the locker room you bumped into Nick. He quickly brought you into a hug and kissed the top of your head before releasing you “Good luck.”
“And you!” you shouted behind you, swiftly moving through the corridors. 
Getting into the parking lot you spotted Grissom and Catherine easily. “We’re taking two cars so who’d you want to ride with?” Catherine asked unlocking the vehicle next to her.
“I don’t mind. Who wants me?” you joked standing between the two experienced CSI’s now.
“How about I drive you there and Gil here drives you back?”
“Sounds good to me.” you moved around the car she’d just unlocked and jumped in. Catherine exchanged a couple more words with Grissom before sliding into the vehicle with you, the two of you sat in silence until she’d pulled out of the parking lot.
“So. Tell me about yourself, your work.”
You smiled “I’ve worked as a CSI in San Diego for about four years now and loved every second of it. It’s really nice to be in Vegas though, a welcome change of scene.”
“How’d you meet Nicky?” you turned to the woman and could see her smile. Knowing you were looking at her she turned briefly and raised an eyebrow at you, her smile was contagious.
“I met him the day I started work, he was a cool guy and we ended up on a lot of cases together. Then after a year there was a case… It was a lot. I know Greg knows about it.” you looked at the woman with a questioning expression to see if she had any recollection of the case but she shook her head. 
“It doesn’t matter. After it we grew close. There were another couple of incidents after and… well lets just say we ended up confessing our love and going on a date.”
“Romantic.” she commented, still smiling but looking at the road.
“Yeah.” you laughed “We went official not long after, moved onto different shifts for obvious reasons and we’ve been dating since. Two, nearly three years now. I was really nervous about coming to Vegas. I didn’t know if you guys would hate me or not.”
Catherine laughed lightly “oh Y/N if Nicky thinks you’re amazing enough to date and bring you here in the first place there’s nothing to be worried about. You’re family now and I’m absolutely sure you’re good at what you do.”
You smiled “Thank you. So tell me about yourself? I’ve heard little bits from Nick.”
“Oh really?” she paused briefly “We’re nearly there but I’ll cover as much as I can.”
The woman told you about herself but the conversation was soon cut short when you pulled up to the scene.
Unbuckling yourself quickly you got out of the vehicle and were soon moving under the tape and into the scene with Catherine not far behind you. The body lay on the sidewalk outside of a hotel, a crowd had started to gather but most people carried on walking, the scene way too familiar for them to really care. 
The three of you quickly analysed the scene and shared the information with each other. The deceased was a woman named Hallie, 32 years old. There were no signs of a struggle and the only visible injury was more than likely caused by the fall to the ground. 
The body had been collected and taken for an autopsy so it was all just a waiting game for now. The scene had minimal evidence and Catherine had collected the CCTV footage and check-in data from the hotel staff.
You slipped into the car with Grissom and slid out your phone to check your notifications. You had one message from Nick.
‘I hope it’s going well x’
You quickly typed back a message and slid your phone back into your pocket as Grissom pulled away from the scene.
Next Chapter
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Nick Stokes: @wanniiieeee​  @pumpkinfriend
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