azurowle · 4 years
@onebloodsoakedlion I’m moving our conversation here, for the most part because I’m not a huge fan of overly-long posts.
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You are doing a terrible job of trying to make your case.
You are still not telling me how you can tell if someone is being trans because loltrendy or because someone is really truly trans for realsies. ESPECIALLY if you’re not face-to-face with them.
You say that you can tell if someone’s trans by how seriously they take it. If not by name-change or medical treatment, how can you tell how seriously someone is taking being transgender?
You don’t know what’s in people’s hearts. You aren’t even face-to-face with us. All you have are some Tumblr blogs.
Well, I’m really glad you consider me Try Trans For Real Realsies, I’m sure I’ll be able to sleep easy tonight knowing some asshole on the Internet thinks I’m really trans. /s
This all comes back to the point: I had gender dysphoria. I believed I did not, because transmedicalists described a version of transness that did not align with my personal experience.
I’m not going to elaborate on what that almost did to me, because some of you are so incapable of realizing your ideology has negative consequences that you take “This ideology led me to nearly seriously hurt myself and it has REAL CONSEQUENCES” and spin it into “You’re Shoving You’re Trauma On To Me.”
I am someone who has been hurt by the philosophy you stand by. I refuse to do to other people what was done to me.
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