#long story short there's cryogenically frozen DNA samples stored in one of the labs in Cambridge
bokatan · 5 months
Delta Intro Fic™ 👀
[ prompt ]
I'm not including a snippet just because I started this 8000 years ago and really need to start working on it again(seriously- this is so old that Reed's dog is still being called Dogmeat here). I need to actually sit down and rewrite it so I can actually say it's finished. Here's a little synopsis though:
This is part of Reed's 'canon' storyline, taking place after this fic: he's been in the wasteland for a few months now and he's starting to venture out more on his own without BoS supervision. He's been to Diamond City & Goodneighbor, he's met Nick and he has a pretty good idea what a synth is at this point, he keeps hearing rumors about the Railroad and is starting to get interested in finding them, & he's starting to emotionally heal from the whole "everything he's ever cared about has been completely obliterated in a nuclear apocalypse and he's never going to get closure on what happened to his partner/friends/family/etc" thing. He's doing pretty well all things considered.
Until he runs into Delta in the market at Bunker Hill and it's this huge ordeal, because from one side they look identical to his (presumably) dead pre-war partner Mercy. He's obviously really freaked out and he freaks Delta out in the process because they have no idea what's going on. This may or may not happen more than once because they continue to run into each other at different locations. This fic's supposed to lead into a handful of subplots involving the Automatron + Far Harbor DLCs, Reed starts uncovering some really fun things about Mercy's prewar activities that he wasn't aware of, and ultimately it leads into the main plot that pushes Reed towards the Institute.
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