#look admin neon isn't good at ship names
imagine-knb · 8 months
Hi can I request a matchup :)
My nickname is Ibti, female pronounces are she/her.
When I'm surrounded with people that I feel comfortable with I can be loud, outspoken and goofy, but with people I just met or don't feel comfortable with yet I can be reserved and quiet.
My likes: Jonathan Joestar 🤣🤣🤣, food, trash reality tv
Dislikes: Bugs especially spiders and bees (have a huge fear for both lol), people who behave like snakes
My hobbies: Gaming, watching/reading anime/manga, drawing
Team preferences: GOM + Nijimura captain 🥺, Seirin, Rakuzan, Kaijō, Vorpal swords
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Type of Romance
Strangers to Friends to Lovers
How You Two Met
Before Kiyoshi healed enough to begin playing basketball again, he often frequented stores that sold books, playing cards, and the like. On a whim one day, he decided to go through the manga section and that's where he walked into you.
It wasn't until after he'd apologized and you walked away that he realized he recognized you from class. After that day, he made it a routine to find you at least once throughout the day to say hello.
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You startle as a loud voice interrupts your thoughts, nearly dropping the book in your hands. Looking up from the pages, you notice the guy from the day before — Kiyoshi Teppei — entering the room with a wide smile on his face. He's waving at you, walking directly into your bubble.
"I knew I recognized you from yesterday. It's good to see you again."
How He Fell For You
Initially, Kiyoshi thought it was just in your nature to be softspoken around people and he didn't mind it in the slightest. When the two of you would hang out at first — his insistence, not yours — it was more often than not that a quiet game of cards was played. Or perhaps he'd ask you about the manga you were currently reading, always curious what you were up to and making polite conversation.
As things naturally go, you would eventually open up to his presence more and reveal more of your outgoing nature. It came as a surprise to Kiyoshi the first time you began joking around with him, showing more of your sillier side. But it's that slow burn of getting to know you better that has him falling, though he doesn't realize it at first.
His confession was actually an accident.
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"You're always fun to be around, Ibti-san," Kiyoshi says behind laughter, the joke you had previously told him still bouncing around in his mind. "I really like being with you."
The way he had phrased it doesn't go over your head and it makes you pause to look at him. At your silence, Kiyoshi also goes quiet, re-evaluated what he'd said. It dawns on him then all the feelings he had for you that had been building up.
Tentatively, he repeats himself. "I really do like being with you. Could we do it more?"
What a Relationship with Him is Like
He's really good at reading the room, despite his own lax nature about certain things, so he's quick to realize when you're uncomfortable or shy around strangers. Thankfully, he's a naturally outgoing person no matter the situation, so he's often the one talking for the two of you when new people are involved.
He's the type of boyfriend to want to make sure you're taken care of, so if that means chasing away a few creepy crawlies even if he thinks they're not a big deal, he's gunna do it (though he might tease that you'll have to be the one to chase away any rats).
He takes interest in your hobbies and likes, though he might not understand a few of them, and he hopes you'd do the same in return.
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"My grandparents wanted to know if you'd like to come over tonight?" he asks you one day, scratching at his cheek while he gave a sheepish smile. "That show you all like is on tonight, right? They wanted to watch it with you."
The way he seems to have a slight pout to his lips and furrow to his brow tells you that there's more to his request. When you press him to continue, he gives you a hopeful smile.
"Well, I was hoping maybe afterward I could show you how to play some games with my hanafuda cards? I'd like to spend more time with you, too."
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Match Up Requests are Closed
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imagine-knb · 10 months
idk if you've watched it, but I'm really into the one piece live action right now. So if they were on a pirate crew, what do u think the gom+uk+kagami would be?
anon, I have some bad news: none of the admins have watched One Piece... But my bestie is obsessed with that show, so I asked her a looooot of questions for research purposes! And also used this site here when her advice still made no sense to me... Here's my best shot! Admin Neon
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Kuroko — the boatswain
as the boatswain, Kuroko often reports to his captain about the progress of certain projects around the ship
his job is made a lot easier because of his naturally low presence; he's able to sneak around the ship without a lot of notice
this has people willing to get on his good side no matter the cost, because if he's easily able to report the great job you're doing, he's also able to report when people are slacking
Kagami — the (unwilling) cook
when he ran away from home to become a pirate, Kagami had big dreams of grand adventure and a lot of fighting
unfortunately, he's the best cook on the damn boat, so he got roped into being the chef for every meal instead
that doesn't stop him from joining in on a fight when there's a scuffle aboard his ship (the captain would never let him leave to board another ship)
Kiyoshi — the cooper
being a big and strong guy makes him the perfect candidate to be stowing and moving the barrels on board
this also means he is in charge of organizing all the items, which might not have been the best decision; only Kiyoshi knows how he organized the barrels and none of it makes sense to anyone else
he may or may not have done this on purpose to make himself invaluable to the captain
Kise — the navigator
not much of a fighter, but having gained an education due to his upbringing, Kise becomes the navigator for the crew
he's not very good at first and, in his earlier years pirating, often leads his crew right into the thick of danger
thankfully the devil's fruit he consumed gives him the power to temporarily copy the skillset of people nearby, so in a pinch he can fight just as well as his strongest ally
Aomine — the (unwilling) carpenter
much like his red haired rival, Aomine also joined a pirate crew with the thought that he would be seeing a lot of action
he was forced to pick up a job on board during the times where fights weren't happening, so he started apprenticing after the ship's old carpenter
more than once he's had to repair a breach underwater and he always swears he sees mermaids
Midorima — the medic
being the medic of the crew often meant that Midorima was dealing with more than just the sick; he was also dealing with the dead
he's one of the cleanest people on board the ship due to the nature of his work
often, he is escorted away from scuffles that break out on board; the captain will do anything to ensure the only medic is safe
Murasakibara — the sailmaker
being one of the taller members of his crew, it only made sense to make Murasakibara the sailmaker after he'd been asked to re-tie down some sails for the umpteenth time
the power he gained from his devil fruit has made the job of patching those high up holes much easier, as it allows him to grow at will to unsurpassable heights without changing his mass
unfortunately it also makes him an easier target when he's playing lookout for enemy ships
Akashi — the captain
having run away from home, Akashi starts his own pirate crew in the hopes that he can make a name for himself, whether he be famous or infamous
often rivaling pirates will not realize he's the captain at first since he isn't the largest and most ruthless looking of the group
what they fail to notice is that Akashi has certain pull from the shadows that makes him more terrifying than a traditional captain
Mibuchi — the quartermaster
as the captain's number one right hand man, Mibuchi knows the ins and outs on how to run a successful pirate crew
it's common that quartermasters become the next captain when new ships are taken over, but to Mibuchi, this would be a nightmare
often, instead of taking over new ships himself, he will assign another high ranked crew member to do it for him; he just can't leave his captain's side
Nebuya — the gunner
as the person in charge of the arsenals, Nebuya is also in charge of the main fleet that performs attacks on other ships
he runs a tightly knit, no nonsense fleet that is famed for their ruthlessness out on the open waters
he works closely with the captain and seems to be loyal, but there have been rumors lately that he's been eyeing out becoming a captain himself
Hayama — the cannon operator
the devil fruit he consumed makes him just as fast as lightning, so it's only natural that Hayama is in charge of reloading the canons
he works extremely well with whatever gunner is in charge, being able to pick up on their verbal cues just as quickly as they say them
whichever crew happens to have him on their ship is practically ensured easy victories, as he's become a master at knowing exactly which canons to fire and where at a moment's notice
Hanamiya — the stowaway
he'd hidden himself amongst some empty barrels when he first joined the pirate crew on their journey, but was soon discovered by the pesky cooper
once discovered, Hanamiya spent a lot of time in the brig while the captain debated with his crew on what to do with their stowaway
he garners some trust from them (a foolish mistake) and ends up doing small jobs around the ship to help; eventually he becomes known for ruthlessly executing whoever dares try sink the ship he's on
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