#look how far we've come. ( V . walkingshcdow )
raichoose-gone · 2 years
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A Shy Heart asked: Stella, I'm glad I cheated on ya. Yer a fat ugly  halfbreed, a freak of nature with a piss-poor personality. Plus you smell like shit by the way.
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“Oh? Impersonating my husband, are we?” 
She might be smiling, but there’s a dangerous glint in her eyes -
A glint that only sharpens as her cassowary claw slices across the imposter’s midsection.
“You know nothing of my beloved - as evident by that disgusting manner of speaking. Wait here and bleed out, won’t you? The real Stolas can use you to feed our lovely carnivorous plants.”
- feat. @walkingshcdow​
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
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Incorrect Quotes! - Accepting
@walkingshcdow​​ asked: 
📜 - Stolas & Stella
📜 - Stolas & Octavia
📜 - Stolas & Stella & Octavia
📜 - Stolas & Hooty
📜 - Stolas & Stella & Octavia & Hooty
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Stella, pointing: May I sit there? Stolas: That's my lap Stella: That doesn't answer my question, Stolas.
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Octavia: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so lets go for 12 more just in case. Stolas: Octavia, that's a coma. Octavia: Sounds festive.
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Stella: What's a word that's a mix between 'sad' and 'mad'? Stolas: Disgruntled, miserable, desolated- Octavia: Smad.
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Hooty: I can explain. Stolas: Can you? Hooty: If you give me thirty seconds to think of a lie.
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Stolas: There is no future. There is no past. Do you see? Time is simultaneous, an intricately structured jewel that humans insist on viewing one edge at a time, when the whole design is visible in every facet.  Stella: Octavia: Hooty: Everyone Else at Stolas’s Surprise Birthday Party:  Stella: All I asked was if you wanted to cut your birthday cake first. 
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Holiday starter for @walkingshcdow​
Ever since a reconciliation between husband and wife of the most beautiful kind, Stella has very much begun finding ways to show off for Stolas, with such “showing off” involving modeling, battling, dancing, and anything else either demon could think of. Now, currently, with the pair occupied by discussions of a winter outing for themselves and their daughter, it’s modeling that she’s taken to. 
Stella does a girlish twirl in front of Stolas. She’s sporting a forest green coat and matching boots, coupled with a pair of black slacks that truly accentuate her long legs. 
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“I considered surprising you this year, but I’m just too excited about these boots in particular. You know how hard it is for me to find things that my claws don’t tear up, yet these are perfect for me. They also have quite the heel on them, so if necessary, I can still deliver a swift kick.”
Another twirl, as if in a dance, and Stella leans over to softly preen her beloved husband. 
“I’m very excited for our vacation, you know. I can hardly wait!” 
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Stolas will find his wife before her dresser’s mirror, simply looking down, as if she doesn’t want to see her face reflected back to her.
(But, of course, it is no visage that Stela wishes not to engage with - what she truly longs to avoid is hidden beneath her gowns on a daily basis.)
“ ... Sometimes - well, often - I wish I could grow my wings back. Or, at least, my feathers would cover up the scars so I don’t need a reminder of what’s happened to me whenever I get ready for the day.”  
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting
A Shy Heart asked: Ms Stella, has your husband stopped his affair?
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“Yes, he has. I know that there’s still a lot to work through, but Stolas and I are in a much better place. Our marriage is, frankly, the best it’s ever been.” 
feat. @walkingshcdow​
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Things My Muse Doesn’t Want to Hear or Talk About… - Accepting 
A Shy Heart asked: [ REAL ] + You know Stolas is trying, right? He loves the daughter you two made and I'm sure he loved you too. Being in the place he is in right now, he's struggling. However you might think of him won't change, but maybe it was for the best. For the both of you. (for Stella!)
[ REAL ] + Tell my muse a harsh reality
“ ... Of course I know he’s trying. We both are. Marriage is a proverbial two-way street” 
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She scowls, then, untrusting of this stranger, who seems to know both too much and not enough. “And what, exactly, are you referring to as for the best? What do you mean he loves Octavia and loved me? Not that you’re privy to our intimate details, but my husband and I are doing our very best to make this work, and we are succeeding. Our struggles are shared ones. Hold your tongue and mind your business.”
feat. @walkingshcdow​
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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Caring for Sick Muses - Accepting
@walkingshcdow​ asked: ‘ i know it tastes bad, but it’ll help you. ’ - Stolas @ Octavia
The owlet sticks her tongue out. Yes, she knows the proffered potion will reduce her feverish temperature, but -
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“But Daddy, it’s yucky! Can’t you make it taste better? Please? Like -” She interrupts herself with a cough. “Like chocolate? I want chocolate ... ”
// Thank you! Please ask before continuing. 
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raichoose-gone · 2 years
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My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks. - Accepting
A Shy Heart asked: ✘ Stella, would you remarried if you want too
Canon-Compliant, But In My Canon Divergent Way
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“ ... I don’t want to remarry. Stolas might not love or even appreciate me, but ... but I do love him. I’d only remarry if our relationship - came to an end, and if I managed to find another partner.”
Main Verse With @walkingshcdow​ I Still Need To Post About
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“Now, why would I ever remarry when I have the perfect husband? I’ll never leave my Stolas’s side.”  
STELLA: 1 / 10
- feat. @walkingshcdow​
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raichoose-gone · 3 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting 
@walkingshcdow​ asked:
"Oh, Stella," Stolas whispers, coming up behind his wife and gently putting his arms around her delicate waist, his chin upon her shoulder. "You were there. You still are. Octavia loves you and I admire the mother you are, more than you can possibly know. You've done things as a parent that I wish I had the strength for. We've made a good team, though, and raised a daughter all the Goetias should envy us for. You are not only a good mother: you are the best mother."
Gently, he preens her neck.
"She loves you and I love you. If she does not yet understand the work you've done and do, she will one day. I certainly understand and appreciate your hard work. More than you probably know."
A little more preening, a tighter embrace.
"My stars and sky, our little starfire has become an amazing woman because of you and the example you've set."
A pause. A soft clearing of his throat, a little sheepish as he lowers his voice even more until it is a hoarse murmur.
"And if you need help relaxing... just say the word. You're quite fun to play with, if I may be so bold."
“ ... It does me good to hear that,” she says, managing a smile, leaning back into her husband’s embrace. “I wanted to be a good mother. Naturally I still want to be. But, I’ve worried for so long that I’m ... not good at parenting. It’s only recently that I can admit to seeing my true strengths in that regard, though I’ll always regret missing out on - playtime, and such, just as I regret letting work get the best of me on too many occasions.”
She leans back into his loving preening, lost in thought for a moment.
“Octavia is an amazing woman, but it’s not just because of my example. Your softer approach and attentive care deserve praise as well, and you’ve shown her well how to have an actual ‘work-life balance.’ And lest we forget how hard you worked to right your wrongs, and how you encouraged and helped me to do the same, building the happiest of homes. You’re the best father - a demon she’d do well to emulate.” 
Nor will that hoarse murmur go ignored, of course.
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“From comforting to bold ... Such a charmer I’ve married!” Stella smirks. “You’re awfully fun to play with yourself, my Prince. Especially if we find some faraway planet where only the beauties of the cosmos could possibly serve as an interruption.”
// Thank you! Please ask before continuing. 
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting
@walkingshcdow​ asked:
The whole bar knows by now that the blood-soaked demon is, in fact, the drunker of the two's wife. He has been crowing it all night to anyone who will listen and even to those who wish they had the luxury of not hearing.
She yells a number at him. He grins and stage whispers to the nearest demon, "I told her that for every demon she slaughters tonight, I'll make her orgasm. We're up to... to..."
Twenty. Stella has killed twenty people in their bar crawl and Stolas is excited for his turn to indulge in his sin of choice. Already, he's detailed for unwitting audiences just how he plans to touch his wife when they're alone, sparing no detail.
They aren't alone, of course, not yet. Their daughter is chaperoning them and giving them a wide berth.
"She is the hottest demon in the seven rings," Stolas continues about Stella. "Her eyes... her ass... her everything. I could live between her legs - I might have to, I think that's- STELLA? DARLING? IS THAT TWENTY-ONE OR TWENTY-TWO? Did you see her slice that one in half? Have you ever seen something so beautiful?"
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Stella doesn’t answer her husband right away. She’s too busy throwing knives, gleefully engaging in a bar brawl with one of her weapons of choice, and for once forgetting all about image and just letting herself have fun.
And as a warrior, what could be more fun than battle?
(If asked about it later, she certainly knows how to handle it: Stella is not going after random patrons, after all, and is in fact listening to the conversations of others, jumping to defend the family’s name whenever someone makes a snide remark about Stolas, Stella, or Octavia. And if the argument escalates -
Well, they had escalated, and she’s loving it.)
“That’s twenty-two!” she finally shouts, wrenching her blade from her downed opponent’s chest. As a Hellhound lunges for her, then, Stella gleefully adds, “And it’s about to be twenty-three -”
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(And, yes, Octavia is sober, not about to order anything alcoholic after volunteering to be the Goetia family’s designated driver - 
But goodness does she wish they’d used a chauffeur tonight, because she could use a drink.)
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
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To Be Held - Selectively Accepting 
@walkingshcdow​​ asked: [BATTLE] Stella's. Early days, an extermination, now.... take your pick
[ BATTLE ] - unsure about their survival, sender and receiver see each other across the battle field, and race into a tight, giddy embrace with each other.
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Stella’s eyes are narrowed as she scans the battlefield for signs of survivors. Magic might not have been her forte, but she’s a warrior, and what little spellcasting skills she has are devoted to increasing her own fighting prowess - and looking for signs of life, however minute, is important. Heartbeats, breathing, twitching limbs ...
A lone, familiar figure, rising up, locking eyes with her ...
Perhaps it’s unbecoming to suddenly rush forward and embrace one of Hell’s leaders, but she can’t help herself -
From where Stella is standing, most of the people she’s grown to know are now dead -
But he’s still here.
As Stolas hugs her, too, she hopes he always will be.
“Thank goodness you’re all right! We need to get to higher ground - I doubt it will be safe here anytime soon. You’re - Well, you’re not hurt, are you? I can help you walk if need be -”
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
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@walkingshcdow​​ asked: 💋 from Stolas to Stella
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For a moment, she’s stunned. They have been working on their marriage, of course - both for themselves, and for their daughter’s well-being - but Stella still isn’t entirely sure where she stands with Stolas. He’s strived to make amends for his affair, and she’s tried to gat a better handle on her anger, but sometimes ...
Is it enough? she thinks, when sleeping alone at night. What if it’s too late?
She doesn’t want it to be “too late” -
And, clearly, neither does he.
“I - Thank you, Stolas.” Stella leans forward, giving him a kiss of her own. “What, ah, are your plans for today? Perhaps we can do something together.” 
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
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@walkingshcdow​ asked: 💋 - Stolas can obnoxiously kiss his daughter on the forehead or cheek. Super embarrassing dad smooches for Via
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“Dad, no! Cut it out!” Octavia is laughing, though - let no one say that she doesn’t love her father! 
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
i love how @walkingshcdow and @hazbinxdisaster both had stolas go Disappointed / Angry Dad Mode
Via and Hooty feel Awful :’D
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
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Unprompted - Always Accepting
@walkingshcdow​ asked: 
"What marvelous stance you have, darling," Stolas purrs, lowering his eyelids and smiling at Stella, gazing at her well-defined arms and at the axe she's embedded in the target fifty feet away. "Show me your technique."
He stands beside her, in front of the adjacent target and dramatically stands incorrectly, holding his axe in such a way that if she wants to see him do it right, she's going to have to come up behind him and reposition him how she wants him herself. He imagines her fingers on his arm and thrills like some Victorian maid. This is... new. Not new. Renewed. He wants her to tell him what to do, to mold him as she sees fit, and then he wants to stun her by being all she could ever want and more.
So he holds his breath, arms aloft and feet all wrong, waiting.
Stella is well aware that Stolas, who has commanded armies and waged wars, is purposely standing wrong; she is well aware that he can throw an axe, too, scoring bullseyes just as she had. She knows it’s because he wants her to come over, he wants her to correct his stance, he wants the physical contact and maybe a touch of rough tugging as she shows him what he already knows.
In the past, Stella might have rolled her eyes, might have barked something about him needing to take this more seriously.
Now, she grins, all too happy to oblige.
And so, after taking a moment to elegantly throw a second axe - and loving the way it embeds itself in the painted target - Stella strolls over, adjusting Stolas’s position with just enough tugging to let him know she enjoys this type of love game, too.
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Fixing his arms (and letting her hands linger), fixing his legs (and letting her hands linger) - 
Giving him a bite on the neck.
Stepping back, Stella’s smile remains as she observes her handiwork. “Try it like this, darling. Perhaps you’ll be as powerful as I am some day ~” 
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raichoose-moved · 3 years
@walkingshcdow​ @ladiesofhell​
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Pictured: Three birds doing the very Bird Thing of throwing objects for Fun 
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