#look idk about you i don't give a damn what you think of the hightowers during the dance
hotd-brainrot · 1 year
Started rewatching hotd, thoughts of the first episode are as follows:
God, Rhaenyra is so gay for Alicent, she keeps making eyes at her. Also Alicent laughing at Rhaenyra's "fuck the septa" was so cute
I cannot believe I ever thought Daemon was scary. How can I take this man seriously when he, despite maiming half of the city, shows up at the Small Council looking all like 🥺 "surely you see benefits of me killing and maiming, don't you Viserys?" While also giving dirty looks to Otto. And then he goes to fuck Mysaria and can't even finish bc he is too scared he'll be replaced LMAO. Bestie, what are you doing??
Viserys is so fucking shitty. I used to still think he was a good guy in ep one(until Aemma scene) but with context, I fucking hate him. He obviously neglects Rhaenyra the same way he later neglects green kids and I'm sick of him already.
I fine the contrast between Daemon-Criston style of fighting fascinating. I have seen many people talk about Cole attacking Daemon when his back is turned but Daemon unhorsing Gwayne Hightower by hitting his horse's legs is something I forgot. Also love the contrast between how they treat people who give them their weapons, especially in context that we know how their character development goes. Cole is pretty controlled here, while Daemon rages. It seems that by later in the season, Cole grows more angry and Daemon slight less, which gets them to a very similar level of unhinged. Idk, I just thought that was a cool narrative choice.
Viserys should burn in hell for what he did to Aemma. Absolutely fucking brutal. Disgusting. Especially now with knowing he started knocking her up at age 13, against maesters' advice.
Not Daemon looking so caught when Viserys calls him up for "heir for the day" comment PLS 😂. This is a comedy. Also the first time I watched this, I thought Daemon was full of shit, but now, knowing what Otto is capable of...yikes, he was right. Viserys is weak.
Viserys cut himself on the throne when he sent him away? Damn, I forgot about that detail.
Rhaenyra being furious because Viserys didn't talk to her since the funeral and then asking her about fucking dragons is accurate. She should have dragged his ass more. He didn't even look at her during a funeral. Disgusting piece of shit.
The whole being named heir ceremony was so bittersweet. I don't even think Rhaenyra wants it as this point. It's just another burden she has to wear rn. If she knew what Viserys had done to Aemma...jesus.
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