#look when you're an asexual introvert who can't stand the taste of alcohol and has no interest in drugs
tathrin · 1 year
Craziest thing you did in college?
I am not sure if this is a mis-aimed ask game or just a random question, but sure okay. Let's see.
Probably it's either the time that we accidentally smuggled beer into our apartment-style dorm the year we got into one of those and were super excited to have an oven (because we literally forgot that being a dry campus meant that it would not be allowed for us to have alcohol in our dorm even though we were intending to use it to bake beer bread from the recipe that the nice folks at the local medieval faire had given us).
Like we literally forgot that it counted as alcohol, because for us it was a Baking Ingredient (despite the fact that we had remembered that I, as the only over-21 in the group, would have to be the one to go and make the actual purchase! we remembered it was alcohol! we just...forgot that it would count as alcohol to the college), until we were pulling into the parking lot in front of the dorms and went "oh fuck, this is BEER! We have to smuggle this into our rooms without getting caught, don't we?"
"Well they probably won't believe us if we say we just want it for bread because who the fuck would believe a bunch of college kids who said they just wanted beer for the bread? And I'm pretty sure they wouldn't let us have beer in the dorms anyway even if they believed it was just for baking. Yeah we're gonna have to smuggle it in, shit. Okay who's got a sweatshirt or something?"
And we successfully got it into the room, and made the beer bread...and then had the rest of a six-pack left-over, so we set it on top of the fridge for later beer-bread-making purposes and forgot about it until we were literally in the middle of a room inspection and I had to ~stealthily~ sprint past the TA while they were in one of the other bedrooms and hide the fucking beer (without making any noise or otherwise being seen to act like I was hiding something!) and stand there sweating hoping the TA wasn't going to look hard enough to find it in the back of a cupboard when they got to the kitchen.
My gods it was a good thing my friends and I didn't ACTUALLY get up to Illicit Shenanigans(TM) when I was in college because we were not good at it holy fuck.
...OR it's the time that my roommate and I both dressed-up in our Twi'lek cosplay (me as Aayla, she as Darth Talon) for a documentary that one of our film student friends was making, and in the middle of the interview portion the three of us decided on a whim that it would be cool to get footage of us lightsaber fighting in the fountain nearby, and had an impromptu duel there which was definitely not legal for us to do or film because we didn't plan ahead and get any permits and they probably wouldn't have allowed us to film in the fountain anyway but we didn't think about that until it was over and the highlight was definitely the completely random luck we had of getting a lens flare off the sun at exactly the moment that one of us fake-stabbed the other with the plastic lightsabers and collapsed backwards into the fountain in the most badass-looking shot in the whole film, you're very welcome random film student.
Also you're very welcome random passerby who paused to watch the fight, but only briefly, because this was Savannah and it was not the weirdest shit that anyone had seen us fucking SCAD kids get up to that week I'm sure.
This wasn't really a crazy thing, by the standards of SCAD to be fair. It was mainly the lack of fountain-filming-permit and the absolute impromptuness of both the absolutely-not-choreographed-but-somehow-seamless-because-we-were-massive-dweebs-who-could-pull-a-lightsaber-duel-out-of-our-asses fight scene and the natural lens flare that makes that incident stick-out.
Anyway, I didn't really have any crazy college experiences. I was just a geek at art school, majoring in comic books. So everything was Very Geek to be sure, but not very "College."
I did put on my nice Ren Faire dress and go down to the dorm communal room my freshman year while I had a MASSIVE fever to participate in an overnight Hobbit/LotR Cartoon Marathon, having never actually seen the cartoons before, and very much fever-dreamed my way through it because my dumbass should 100% have been in bed instead of dressed in a medieval gown sleeping on a pillow on the floor in a big room full of a bunch of strangers.
But while that may be very much a College Student Thing To Do, I still don't think it counts as a "crazy college story" by the standards of which you were probably asking. Sorry.
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