#lord Remington x female reader
mirkwoodshewolf · 6 years
My little angel, I will always protect you; Castiel x toddler reader
This was the first Castiel request that I got on my wattpad and it was my first taste of writing for Castiel. Now for any hardcore SPN fans please go easy on me, at the time I was writing this I was still on midway of season 5 now I’m just starting s.6 so I haven’t gotten to see the Leviathians yet nor do I know their story plot yet so go easy on me okay? Other than that not really any warnings except for Infertility (on a female character), death, violence and CAS FLUFF.
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It all began in the hometown of Batesville, Arkansas.  It was late at night possibly around 5 minutes to midnight and a couple around their late 30’s early 40’s were out looking up at the stars.  The couple had some bad news delivered to them, for a few years now they both have decided on trying to have a baby but when they went to the clinic to see what the problem was, it turns out that the woman was infertile.
It devastated them both especially the wife, she had longed to have children of her own and it absolutely crushed her that she couldn’t provide a child for either her or her husband.  After receiving the news, the husband took his wife out to the fields nearby their home and he set up a blanket with some candles in order to help comfort his wife.
As the couple lay there under the stars, they saw what seemed like a meteor falling down from the sky.
“Hey honey, you know what they say about meteorites? Some believe that they’re angels falling from the sky” said the husband.  But as they both looked back up at the sky, it wouldn’t stop falling nor would it disappear like any other meteorites, soon a loud boom was heard and the earth briefly shook and a huge light exploded like a bomb.
The couple let out a brief shriek before all was quiet once more.  The husband picked his wife up from the ground and asked her.
“Diana, sweetheart you alright?”
“Yes Harold, I’m fine, but what was that?”
“I don’t know, maybe it was really a meteor or maybe a satellite”. Diana soon took off running with her husband crying out to her to not go and to come back to him.
When the two of them arrived at the crash site, they saw a huge crater right in the middle of their property.
“What the Sam hell is this?” asked Harold. Diana began to feel like something was up so she cautiously walked towards the crater and Harold grabbed her arm and said. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“I feel like something’s down there”.
“No baby you ain’t going on down there by yourself, who knows what could be down there”.
“Harold, please just let me have a look. Maybe it’s a spaceship and someone could need our help”. Harold looked at his wife and saw the true strength that made him fall in love with her to begin with. He then agreed and let his wife’s arm go and she walked towards the crater and slowly got into it.
After a long almost eternal silence of no sound or even a scream, his wife soon came up and said to him urgently.
“Harold, get over here!” Harold then cautiously walked up towards his wife and said.
“Well—what is it honey?”
“It was a baby, look”. She then pulled back the white sheets and it revealed a baby.  On the top of its head it had (h/c), it appeared to be at least a year, year and a half old at least, (s/c) and when it opened its eyes it revealed to be (e/c).
“What in the…..how did it get way out here?” asked Harold.
“I don’t know, she seems to be alright though, no scratches or cuts or anything”. The baby babbled softly and reached out and touched Diana’s cheek and she felt something spark in her that he had lost since earlier this afternoon.
“Harold, what if—what if God sent us this child knowing we couldn’t have one?”
“No, no think about it. For so many years we prayed to him to bless us with a child, and probably knowing our problem now, he must’ve answered our prayers with this child”. Harold looked down at the baby and he reached out his hand and the child grabbed onto his finger with a strong grip but not so strong that it caused him pain, in fact it felt……great.
Harold smiled softly and said to his wife.
“You’re right Diana, our Lord and Savior must’ve given us this child to raise as our own, we can finally be a true family”. Diana and Harold smiled at each other before kissing one another and the two of them cooed at their newest child.
Meanwhile at the bunker, Castiel opened his eyes feeling that a strong presence had come to Earth.  He now appeared on the rooftop of the bunker and could feel the presence grow stronger. He had once felt this aurora before but not for a long time, he almost began to question if it was really her or not. Last he had heard, all of them had died, including her.
With that he remained at the rooftop of the Bunker until dawn had arrived.  When he appeared in the kitchen, he saw Sam getting his coffee after just returning from his early morning workout.
“Morning Cas”. Cas didn’t say a word. “Uhh Cas, Cas hey”. The angel snapped out of his daze and Sam said, “You feeling alright? You looked really out of it”.
“Look up Batesville, Arkansas” Castiel stated urgently.
“Look up and see if anything happened in Batesville, Arkansas”. Sam immediately went to his computer and typed in the city and state and soon a news story of a Meteorite striking down on someone’s property.
“You were right check this out, witness’s state seeing a single meteorite falling from the sky. But there hasn’t been a single meteorite sighting since 1989, how did you know about this Cas?”
“It was a feeling, I could be wrong but—”
“Could be wrong about what?” Dean’s voice soon came out. Sam and Castiel turned to see Dean now standing there rubbing the sleep out of his eyes with a cup of coffee in his hands trying to wake himself up.
“I thought they had all died when the Leviathans came but last night I—felt one of their presences coming to Earth. They are known as young angels. Made from the grace of a chosen angel and molded from the earth to create a young angel. I was destined to protect one of them but I had been told that she was presumed dead”.
“And you think this young angel is yours?” questioned Dean.
“I’m not sure but I have a strong feeling she is, what that meteor fell I felt like I was feeling a piece of myself returning to Earth”. Castiel stated. “But we must hurry, it won’t take long for them to find out there’s still one left”.
“Who you mean the other angels?” asked Sam.
“No, the Tracers. Specific demons set to hunt and slaughter every last angel child there is”.
“Alright let’s get going, don’t worry Cas we’ll get there before it’s too late”. Said Sam. The three of them soon packed up and soon they all piled into the impala and Dean drove out of the garage and onto the open road.
Back at the ranch where the angel child had fallen, Diana was in the rocking chair in little (y/n)’s (as they both had named her after finding out she was a girl) nursery. She fed her daughter and the proceeded to burp her, once she did she walked around singing a soft lullaby.
Harold watched with pure adoration at the sight of his beautiful wife of 22 years finally in the dream she’s always wanted, singing to her child a lullaby just before she puts her to bed.  
He just couldn’t wait to see this little gift from heaven grow up, be raised right, go to school, make new friends, then soon go to college and become whatever she wants to be, and then one day he’ll be there with his shotgun sitting right on the porch should some boy come into her life and he’ll be the one to judge on whether he’s the one for his little girl.
Suddenly there was a howl outside the door.  Thinking it was probably the neighbor’s sheepdogs who had gotten out again, he thought nothing of it.  That was until the house began to rattle.
Diana held onto their daughter tightly as little (y/n) began to cry fearfully and Diana tried to calm her down.  Harold soon led his wife and child to the attic and quickly grabbed his shotgun and ammo and raced up the stairs behind them and pulled up the doors to the attic and led them to the corner to hide while he stood guard readying his gun.
The house kept shaking until finally it stood still.  The rattling ceased and all was quiet.  Too quiet.  Only the sound of Diana and Harold’s heavy breathing could be heard as well as (y/n)’s whimpering.  Suddenly frantic barking was heard outside as the floors began to break apart, Harold fired at the floor hoping to shot the rapid dogs that were probably down below.
Suddenly the windows were broken in and black smoke came in and formed two shapes.  They appeared to be wolf-like dogs except they were almost as big as a full grown lion.  Their large canine fangs gleamed like the stars and blood literally dripped from their mouths.
Diana held (y/n) close to her chest trying to protect her and Harold stood protectively in front of his wife and child with his gun pointed at the wolves.  As they snarled and all that could be heard from the house was a single gunshot, the sound of rapid barking, and screaming.
By the time they got to Batesville, and the supposed property they came across something that they hoped they wouldn’t run into.  A crime scene.  Police by the dozens were all over the property.
“Oh great what now?” snapped Dean.  They all exited the car and walked up and they showed the cops their FBI badges telling them that they were now taking over the investigation.
Castiel looked up towards the attic while Sam and Dean were getting the details on what had happened to the couple Diana and Harold Remington.  According to police, they believe that some rapid wolves must’ve found a way into the house and torn the couple to shreds, their faces were almost unrecognizable and blood was literally spewed everywhere.  The angel felt like there was something up in the attic so he quickly walked into the house.
Once he reached the attic, photographers were taking pictures of the crime scene and only when the Angel of the Lord and the Winchester brothers got to the attic, they knew immediately that this could only be the work of hellhounds with this much blood.  It also helped that they took notice of some bloody dog prints that were too big for your average sized dog.
“Excuse me who gave you clearance to be in here?” asked one of the crime scene photographers dressed all in contagion white garb.
“FBI we’re taking over the case from here so you and your buddies here all need to get out” stated Dean. It was then Castiel knelt down to the floor and touched some of the blood and just stared at it.
“What the hell is his problem?” asked a female cop skeptically.
“He’s like a real life Sherlock Holmes so all of you get out, go! My partner needs to concentrate” Dean urged every single cop and photographer out of the room before shutting the door and bolting it shut.
“What do you think Cas? Hellhounds?” asked Sam.
“Definitely hellhounds”. Castiel stated.  Suddenly a small cry was heard.  Castiel and the Winchesters all looked up as they kept hearing the whimpering.  Cas walked towards a half crushed open chest and looked inside to see something squirming underneath a pink blanket.  He slowly reached in and pulled the blanket off to reveal the one and a half year old baby girl whimpering as she rubbed her face.
He tilted his head and the baby did the same thing while making a confused baby noise.  The brothers came up behind him and Sam asked.
“Is—is that her?” Castiel continued to stare down at the toddler until it started making happy coos up at him, almost like she knew him. Reaching up with her tiny arms and smiling widely.  The angel was skeptical at first simply thinking that this could just be normal baby reactions, so he went down to pick her up and he held her close to his face and diagnosed her.
But it wasn’t until she touched him that he felt the connection. Both their graces intertwining with each other’s and that feeling of his soul within her.
“Cas?” Dean stated.
“It’s her” Castiel said for the first time with a fatherly smile.  He brought the toddler close to his chest as she let out a soft yawn and then cuddled close to the angel’s chest gripping his trench coat. Castiel held her protectively and he felt his wings come out and fluff up before wrapping them around himself and the child. “Sam, Dean, meet Dina, the future angel of learning”.
“Dina? She don’t look like a Dina to me” said Dean.
“It was the name I picked out for her the moment she was created” Castiel snapped defensively.
“I’m just saying she doesn’t look like a Dina”.
“Well then what does she look like?” asked Sam as he gently tickled the baby angel’s tummy.
“She looks more like an (y/n) to me” stated Dean.  Castiel and Sam looked at each other before looking down at her and Sam began to see what his brother was saying.
“How about to hide her true name, we call her (y/n) if anyone asks. As long as that’s alright with you Cas, I mean she is yours after all”.
“It’s fine, it may even better protect her from revealing her true name to the Tracers”. With that being said, Sam and Dean told Cas that he could take his ‘daughter’ back to the Bunker while they cleared out everything with the cops.
Once Castiel returned to the Bunker, he quickly got his young angel settled in and well gave her a portion of his grace to feed on since young angels depend on the next several weeks on their destined angel’s grace, much like how a normal baby feeds on their mother’s breast milk.
And since angels don’t really eat that much, he only needed to give her his grace once a week.
Currently now little (y/n) was getting a little fussy and wanted to go to sleep but she couldn’t find it in her to fall asleep.  So Castiel thought it would be best to maybe try a lullaby.  He lightly bounced her up and down a little as he started to sing.
Look at what's happened to me-,
I can't believe it myself.
Suddenly I'm up on top of the world,
It should've been somebody else.
Believe it or not,
I'm walking on air.
I never thought I could feel so free-
Flying away on a wing and a prayer.
Who could it be?
Believe it or not it's just me
Believe it or not it’s just me.
And with that little (y/n) was starting to fall asleep.  Castiel looked down at his child and softly smiled and held her close and gave her a gentle kiss.
Suddenly he felt a presence above him.
Castiel’s eyes immediately opened as he could feel a dark aurora surrounding the Bunker.  He looked up and through the shadows he saw two cat-like gleaming eyes staring down at him.  The female creature stalked down from the ceiling and stood about seven feet tall and had a panther-like face but had two proud dragon-like horns on the top of her head and an extremely long dragon whip-like tail that kept twitching every so often.  Long black hair and her skin scarred with the tortures of Hell itself.
“Hello Castiel, been a long time hasn’t it?”
“Bast” The angel sneered.
“Well when I heard of a young angel falling to Earth I almost didn’t believe it myself, that was until Crowley pointed it out and gave us a bit of help”.
“I knew he had to be involved with this somehow. You tracers can’t stand the sight of Hellhounds, what did he offer you?”
“Calm down bird-boy don’t get your feathers in a ruffle, Crowley has no interest in the angel. He only wanted the two souls of the people that found her, in return my people and I can have the honor of clipping off the wings of the last of the young angels” Bast mocked to him.
“Over my dead body will you touch her!” Castiel hissed as the lights began to explode and his wings began to open up as he held (y/n) protectively.
“That’s exactly what I’m counting on” Bast mocked as she hissed out like a cat revealing her long canine fangs as her tail twitched.  Castiel put his daughter on his bed and stood protectively in front of her as he took out the one thing that is known to kill a Tracer.
An iron forged dagger made from the tooth of a dragon.
It was then the two beings charged head on at each other.
Meanwhile Sam and Dean had just pulled into the Bunker but as they entered, they saw flashes of light and magic shining out from the endless windows.
“Dean you don’t think…..”
“They’ve found her!” The brothers raced inside but as soon as they opened the door, one angel Castiel was literally flung at them thanks to Bast’s whip-like tail sending all three of them across the garage.
“Cas, is it those Tracers?” asked Dean.
“Yes, their Queen in fact Bast” they all stood up and raced back towards Castiel’s room to see the Queen of the Tracer’s now holding little (y/n).
“Love to stay and continue this little rumble especially now that the Winchester brothers are here, but I’ve got what I came here for so thanks ever so much for allowing me to find this precious gift of heaven”.  Then as Bast tried to disappear, her magic suddenly stopped working, in fact she found herself paralyzed.
Castiel’s eyes sparked pure blue and he told Sam and Dean as his voice dropped even lower than his normal range as thunder and lightning began to sound off from outside.
“Sam, Dean. Shut your eyes”. The boys not wanting Cas to repeat himself a second time did as he said. He pressed his hand against Bast’s forehead and a bright light came from Castiel’s body.
His true angel form was starting to blind Bast as she let out a scream of agony then as she let go of (y/n), Castiel quickly caught her while at the same time he plunged the dagger straight through Bast’s heart which disintegrated her to dust.
His angel aurora soon died down and he now held his daughter who was trying her best not to cry after seeing herself just moments ago in the arms of a demon.
Cas held his daughter close to him and comforted her then used his grace to have her go back to sleep as Sam and Dean came up and Dean picked up the knife and he said.
“So she’s gone?”
“Yes, but it won’t be long before the other Tracer’s get word of their Queen’s death, then they’ll be coming here knowing of her existence”.
“Well, then it looks like we’ve got another person to make sure we don’t lose” stated Sam like a proud Uncle taking a vow to protect his new-born niece.
“Damn right. We’ve lost too many people already, I’ll be damn if we lose her too, count us in to help you protect her Cas”. Dean stated proudly.  Castiel looked to his friends and thanked them.
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