#lord sen'tulo
kitblueburdart · 1 year
Who kept Altherir as a slace?
Tiiro the Hutt had enslaved Altrethir's parents years before Alt was even born. As soon as Alt could walk, he was put to work. Rather than selling him and his brother, Fen, Tiiro chose to keep them with their parents.
That may have been the only grace the Hutt showed the family. On an average day, he was cruel, and his advisor, Duca, only enabled his behavior. Altrethir feared Tiiro growing up, especially after his parents were sentenced to death for Altrethir (and his brother's) own mistakes.
Altrethir eventually got a taste of freedom when Lord Sen'tulo definitely, absolutely, totally did not use the Force to persuade Tiiro into allowing her to purchase him. Definitely no Force shenanigans. With a sum of credits out of Sen'tulo's pockets, they were soon aboard her starship and Altrethir found his shock collar promptly removed. Barely nineteen years old, this was one of the first times he could remember where a stranger showed him kindness.
Though Sen'tulo had an ulterior motive of training Altrethir as her apprentice, the pair grew to have a mother-son dynamic. They thought fondly of one another and trusted each other more than a typical lord and apprentice would.
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I wrote a one-shot a while back of Altrethir returning to Nal Hutta to close out a chapter in his life. This takes place shortly after the events of the Inquisitor storyline.
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blueburds · 3 years
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Altrethir waved his hand dismissively. He paused. “There was another woman who I saw as a maternal figure: my late Sith master.”
. . . “What was she like?”
“Graceful. Elegant. Observant, cunning and keen. Logical, slow to anger; she controlled her emotions well, using them to her full advantage.”
Lord Sen’tulo & Altrethir Valran -- like master, like apprentice.
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blueburds-but-swtor · 2 years
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more baby Altrethir and Sen’tulo
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kitblueburdart · 3 years
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i liked this pose too much to not do a recolor!
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kitblueburdart · 3 years
Ice cream pallette ask! Bubblegum palette and... one of your sith OCs?
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​This one was fun! Thank you for the prompt <3
Color palette here
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blueburds · 3 years
Meeting Mom (AU)
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Imposing just as he’d imagined her, Lord Sen’tulo sat only across the way. Her office--what could have been drab and monochrome--was decorated with flora from across the Galaxy. Quite the collection, Theron would admit, yet some species were more sentient than they led on. The Huttese Toad Snatchers, for example, were known to eat beasts as large as womp rats. Needless to say, they’d consume someone’s hand if one wasn’t careful.
But the flora complimented each other, strewn across the room. The colors, the way the vines draped and dangled from higher up, could have brought a sense of peace in the room--if not for the glaring Sith on the opposite side.
“You realize how many hoops I had to jump through to allow you an audience?”
The tone of her voice made Theron’s skin crawl.
“Quite a few, I’d imagine, my lord,” he said, faking his best Imperial accent. Stars knew if there were any listening devices in here--until his suspicions were either confirmed or otherwise, he’d continue his act.
Sen’tulo extended a hand in gesture, “We are alone. You may lose the act.”
Theron gave a hesitant nod. Skeptical, of course, as he would normally be. But this was Altrethir’s master--the one who trained him. The one who taught him honor, humility, honesty. The woman who raised him when his own mother was gone. He trusted her with his life; certainly the least Theron could do was believe her.
“Okay,” he muttered. “You--”
Theron swallowed dryly, claiming a seat across the desk. Ah, the familiar uncomfortableness of Imperial chairs. He’d missed it.
“I would be remiss if I did not inquire about Altrethir. He is well?”
“As well as can be.”
Sen’tulo nodded silently, golden eyes dropping to look elsewhere for a moment. “I do not speak with him as often as I would like anymore. He has his hands full with the Alliance, understandably so; the leadership role is more than demanding.”
"Keeping in touch with you is still high on his priority list.”
“Your reassurance is appreciated. It has been... quite an adjustment to learn that he was still alive. That he wasn’t lost to the cold depths of space.”
“It was a shock for me, but I never lost hope.”
“You are optimistic, are you?”
“I’d like to think I am.” Theron leaned forward a bit, “I’m enjoying the small-talk, but there’s got to be a reason you went through all that trouble to bring me here.”
“Indeed there was.” Sen’tulo stood, and her decorated fingers ghosted the petals of a nearby flower. “You are romantically involved with Altrethir; you are aware that I know, for he has long since mentioned your relationship in our letters.” Her eyes snapped back to Theron, “Will you deny these facts?”
“I--no. No reason to hide that from you.” If Altrethir trusts her, so can he.
“Excellent. Your relations began some five, perhaps six years ago. Though he was absent for most of those years, you grew close nevertheless. You understand how others’ influence affects him. You understand that he may bend the knee to appeal to others.”
Theron’s brow furrowed. “Not without reason. I don’t always understand how his mind works, but the changes in his plans, attitude or opinion always fit the bigger picture.”
Sen’tulo’s painted lips curled into a pleased smile. “Precisely.” Then she turned, stepping toward a shelf upon the wall. And only now did Theron see the small, clear cages in which critters were stored inside. Sen’tulo opened the top, reaching in with just two fingers. Theron watched a small, red reptilian creature climb up her hand until she scooped it up comfortably into her palm. “People often change for the ones they love or admire. They wish to be accepted, or to blend in with their loved one’s peers.”
She tipped her hand downward, toward the blue flowers speckled in white. The critter slowly crawled from her hand and onto the stem, balancing itself before moving upward.
“They will change, becoming hardly the person they once were.”
Theron looked to her only as she spoke, but his gaze was fixed upon the tiny creature for the remainder of the time. Its claw-shaped foot clutched at the stem, and slowly the colors of its scales changed. The stark red was flushed out by the speckled pattern of white and blue, until it was completely camouflaged within the flowers.
Theron connected the dots--he understood her meaning. It was obvious; Altrethir was Imperial, he was Republic. Neither had any intentions of abandoning their home factions, if the Alliance ever dispersed. Would it even fall apart? Stars, he hoped not. The Republic was his home, but he wasn’t content with its current state. If he could choose, he’d manage the Alliance with Altrethir forever.
They wouldn’t have to fight each other, that way. Their relationship wouldn’t have to be kept secret, either.
“I don’t intend to try to... lure him over to the Republic, or whatever you’ve got in mind.”
“Whether you intend it or not, your influence will affect him.”
“Right now, we’re focused on the Alliance. We don’t exactly have time to try and convince each other to join our own factions.”
“Your Alliance has already forged a bond with the Empire; the Republic has noticed and plans to make enemies of you. You will defect.”
“No,” Theron said, perhaps more harshly than he anticipated. “Saresh is gone and the Republic’s healing, but my work in the Alliance isn’t done. We’re still at war with the Eternal Empire, and I’m not going to drop everything--everything Altrethir and I worked toward--for the Republic. I’m not leaving them. I’m not leaving him.”
Sen’tulo observed his sudden burst of passion with keen interest. And stars, had Theron seen that exact look before: the same way her eyes had fell half-lidded, her brows just slightly perked, and jaw softly clenched. How her head canted just a bit to the side in interest, lekku subtly twitching just at the tips. 
“Your reassurance is appreciated,” she finally spoke, repeating a phrase from earlier in their conversation. “Still, it is important that his loyalties lie in place.”
Theron bit his tongue. He felt himself growing hot in the face, anger and frustration eating at him raw. Sen’tulo could certainly feel it; her lips perked into a small grin as she looked him over.
“You disagree?”
“What will you do?”
“I beg your pardon?”
“If he defects. If he decides the Empire isn’t what he wants to keep fighting for. What will you do?”
Sen’tulo answered as though she’d spent her life thinking of the question: “My disappointment will be immense; I will grieve, knowing he will not be with me and instead within enemy lines. I will want nothing more than for him to return, as I know the Republic will not so willingly accept him. He will be an outcast among your people, where he will always have a place in the Empire.”
“That’s not the answer I want.”
“That is the answer you have received.”
“Will you kill him?” Theron said, nearly cutting off her words.
“I will not.”
A short breath of relief escaped his mouth. He wasn’t a Force-user, but there was genuineness in her tone.
“Good,” Theron muttered, pushing himself up from the desk. He slicked back his hair, maintaining that staunch Imperial look he wore when he entered. “Nice chatting with you, my lord,” the last two words carried an accent. And he left, leaving the air thick with tension.
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kitblueburdart · 3 years
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happy late mother’s day! had to work all weekend so i didn’t have much time to draw. BUT i wanted to draw Alt with his mamas anyway. <3
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blueburds · 3 years
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Lord Sen’tulo: a Queen
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kitblueburdart · 4 years
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“You’ve many questions, I’m certain,” Sen’tulo spoke as she and Altrethir entered the city spaceport.
“Some,” was all the man replied with, his own Basic carrying a heavy Huttese accent.
“And all will be answered. Oh- stars, let us remove that dastardly thing,” Sen’tulo tapped his shoulder, indicating for him to stay put. She moved behind him and deactivated his shock collar, catching it before it could fall to the ground. “I can teach you many things,” she said, moving back to his front. “You fear your abilities. You fear you cannot control them.”
Altrethir was silent.
From my short-story involving Altrethir’s first meeting with Lord Sen’tulo!
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kitblueburdart · 2 years
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i’ve got Sith oc’s to spare!!
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blueburds-but-swtor · 2 years
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tonight in Sims: Sen’tulo trains baby Alt in the Force
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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would not recommend 3/4 of my twi’leks to ask for help with your homework :/
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
This was a fun distraction 😂
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blueburds · 4 years
I couldn't think of anything creative to ask to try and keep you amused at work so, five random facts about Alt to share if you want?
Bless ye ❤💕
Vette, i consider to be, his honorary sister. While she wasnt up to date with all the Sith politics, she knew of Darth Nox and what he presented to the Dark Council. And after she met Altrethir himself years later in the Alliance, she was immediately like "Oh??? Potential big brother???" And then she kinda weaseled her way into going on missions with him.
Altrethir's late master, Lord Sen'tulo, played a significant role in his life. She was like that of a mother to him. She was stern, but never cruel. Compassionate, proper. Her own demeanor rubbed off on him. They were one of the top duos of master and apprentice with the most Style, Class, and Sophistication(tm).
Altrethir calls Xalek by his full name! He gave Harkun shit for throwing a hissy fit and refusing to call Xalek by his actual name. Then, once Alt took him as his apprentice, he asked which he preferred. Xalek didn't care either way, but Alt still uses his full name out of respect.
Altrethir cannot be bound. The feeling takes him back to his youth in slavery; binds of any kind are enough to trigger a stress attack. Fortunately, he was able to find a sense of calm when he went to heal his mind at the Shrine of Healing.
He loves the rain. Probably doesn't come as much of a surprise but! He loves thunderstorms especially.
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blueburds-but-swtor · 3 years
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i was reminded of this meme earlier on my dash. been meaning to fill one of these out lately lmao
and, of course, i couldn’t forget about this one:
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