#love it when characters cry at just the mention of their hometown thats how u Know its gonna hit
thefantomblogger · 8 years
Tagged by @eevaeon and boiiiiiii this is such a long list lmao
Favorite Place: My room. In my chair or bed. away from people. or anywhere with squad tbh.
Relationship Status: Single
Favorite Colour: Aqua/Turquoise or Lavander (and every other color out there)
Pets: None. The most my parents ever let me have were fishes.
Last song I listened to: Goodbye-2NE1 (lets go cry now)
Favorite TV show: I don’t watch TV :\
First Fandom: It has to be Percy Jackson. That's what exposed me to everything about fandoms and the joy of reading.
Hobbies: Tennis, Reading, Writing, DIY’s, Crafting, PC games...there really isn’t much.
Books I’m currently Reading: A Tale of Two Cities, Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy, The Hammer of Thor
Favorite book: Thats like asking a mother to pick their favorite child! I cannot choose.
Name: Akira
Nickname: Akii
Sign: Libra for Western. Tiger for Eastern??? well...the asian area...
Height: 5′05″
Sexual Orientation: eh? I don’t know. Never really explored.
Hogwarts house: Took the test and it said Gryffindor :o
Favourite animal: Once again with the favorite ;-; anything canine or avian would be my first decisions. omg and feline too.
Time right now: 8:19 PM (I should start on my work but procrastination)
Average hours of sleep: I either have no sleep or I go into a Coma. There is no in between.
Cat or dog person: Dog but I also love cats 
Favourite fictional character from Harry Potter: Sirius Black. Kinda connected to him for some reason.
Number of blankets you sleep with: 1-3 depending on where they are in the house.
Favourite singer or band: STAPH WITH THE FAVORITES OMG ;-; my tastes changes :\
Dream trip: Travel the world. Specifically, the places that were mentioned in the books I have read. Plus Vietnam, Japan, and Korea.
Dream job: Creating. It could be writing, composing, or just making anything. Crafts ya know?
When was this blog created: 2-3 years ago maybe?
When did your blog reach its peak: Has it? I don’t think it has.
What made you decide to make a tumblr: Best Friend convinced me to.
5 things you’ll find in my bag: Wallet, Phone, Keys, Chapstick, Pen
5 things you’ll find in my bedroom: Craft Materials, Jewelry, Books, Bed, Medals.
5 things I’ve always wanted to do in life: Be able to socialize with people without feeling awkward/not knowing what to say, stop procrastinating, rescue a dog and possibly a cat, be decisive, be known
5 things that make me happy: Reading, Squad, Food, Music, Tennis
5 things I’m currently into: ...what do you mean?
5 things on my to-do list: STOP PROCRASTINATING, Start working out, Start eating healthy, Keep a Diary/Planner (Bullet Journal?), Get a job
5 things people may not know about me: You can easily detect my mood changes and like, If I know you well enough or trust you, I will tell you everything and anything that goes on in my life.
Rules: Put your music on “Shuffle” List the first 10 songs Tag 10 people 
Don’t Flirt-Winner
Irresistable-Fall Out Boy
Zero for Conduct-Block B
Close as Strangers-5SOS
If I Can’t Be With You-R5
I’ll Back off so You Can Live Better-G.Na
Something You Need-Against the Current
I’ll Show You-Ailee
A - Age: 18 B - Biggest fear: Never Good Enough C - Current time: 8:39 PM D - Drink you last had: Water E - Every day starts with: Stupid Alarm F - Favorite song: No more Favorites ;-; G - Ghosts, are they real: yee H - Hometown: somewhere in the USA I - In love with: Bed J - Jealous of: People who know what they want to be and know where they are going for college. K - Killed someone: not..yet... L - Last time you cried: Would have been last night but nope. just remember I had a breakdown a few hours earlier too. M - Middle name: Parents didn’t give me one lol N - Number of siblings: 1 Younger Brother O - One wish:To have a talent P - Person you last called/texted: Best Frienddddd Q - Questions you’re always asked: “Are you Chinese or Asian?” kms R - Reasons to smile: Squad. Books.  S - Song last played: Let me Know-BTS T - Time you woke up: 5:30 AM U - Underwear color: Black V- Vacation destination: Anywhere away from here. I am never allowed out. We don’t even do vacation. W - Worst habit: Worry. Complain. Cry. Bottling everything up.
X - X-rays you’ve had: hmm. I believe I had either a chest X-ray or lower back x-ray done before. I can’t remember. I have an upcoming one for my stupid knee tho.
Y - Your favorite food: Food. Because who doesn’t like food.
Z - Zodiac sign: libra
1. What can’t you sleep without? Depends on how tired I am. If im exhausted, expect me to pass out within minuets. Otherwise I need some background noise. It can be music, or like ESMR. and a light. You can thank those movies for that. 2. What are your favorite kind of socks? FLUFFLY SOCKS 3. What’s your favorite snack/meal/drink? Snack? Probably seaweed. Drink? Most-likely Aloe. 4. What’s your favorite kind of weather?Not too hot but not cold either. With the sun out and everything. 5. What do you like to listen to/do to relax and feel better when you’re upset?message best friend. Listen to Paradise Fears or like piano covers of kpop. READING!!! That always takes me away. Even if its just for a moment. I would forget my problems and I go have an adventure. I hate how reality just comes rushing at you when you are done tho. 6. What’s your favorite store to shop at? Target bc clearance is nice. Booksamillion because BOOKS! Ross/Marshalls/Burlington because they have nicknacks that are cool and sometimes you can find useful stuff for cheap. 7. What color do you wear the most? It doesn’t really bother me what colors I wear. Its mostly dull colors tho. Nothing BRIGHT. 8. What’s your favorite (video/board/social/party) game to play? Tera 9. Any guilty pleasures? Fanfiction :3c and Shipping 10. If you could go anywhere (in real life or in fiction), where would it be? anywhere and everywhere. Let it be with the shadowhunter, demigods, squad, the flock,...etc.
Tagging @ohmykokuroo  @amare-lily and whoever else wanna do this.
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