#love life and death and pain and consumption and destiny and despair and the futility of the world around you changing and knowing you can'
bitch-butter · 5 months
eion/ross anon again hello!! i've gone so long without thinking of them but i just went back to the oracle podcast to listen the other day and saw the bonus episode and SCREAMS
u know how movies like saltburn and stoker and the power of the dog or the talented mr ripley are about vampires without ever showing a single vampire? i feel like that's what ross is, ya know? he's a loser vampire who was turned to this life by eion, and now he's floundering and tired and a mess, bc he's in denial about being drained dry... maybe if he manages to find someone and drain them dry, he'll win, like you said. except he can't!! (but also kudos to jlh and alessandra, both of them killing it in acting while this loser just. very much sucks. heh. like a vampire.) bc eion took it outta him. there's nothing there anymore.
alexa! play vampire by olivia rodrigo! and maybe also get him back.
don't talk to me about vampires (literal or figurative)
you know what's very interesting about the analogy of the vampire as it relates to ross/eion is that we as a culture kind of accept that vampires as a concept or as a literal creature have at least Some sort of Knowingness about themselves. like even if they entertain the deeper questions of what it Means to be a vampire (like louis in IWTV) or they just Accept their status without tons of introspection (WWDITS) there's an implicit assumption that the vampire Knows that he's a vampire. because what else are you supposed to conclude if you're draining people dry left and right?
what's upsetting is that i truly believe eion is a vampire that doesn't know he's a vampire, and that very likely the damage he causes is all Normal to him. which probably speaks to a larger trauma (call me!! lol), but i believe that eion has probably had these vampiric relationships with people a lot and just never internalized the fact that he himself was the one that drained situations and changed dynamics and that other people don't all the time enjoy being victims to that kind of energy. so if eion has no concept that what he does is What It Is then he created a dynamic with ross wherein tons of harm is being caused and none of it can be named or understood because if that happens 1) the relationship would have to end because eion would never change 2) ross would have to forego his wants/needs 5ever because he Chooses to engage with someone who he knows will never change.
so ross is turned whether he likes it or not by a vampire who doesn't know he's a vampire, so ross probably can't self-identify himself as one either. and in those examples you mentioned i think it bears mentioning that almost All of those characters have the vampiric knowingness i mentioned as it pertains to their own nature and their own goals, which i don't think ross ever could. i think he's been a vampire to people himself, but again he doesn't see that he's doing it because to him that's Love. the vampires primary relationship to love also being a relationship to consumption and to death also bear mentioning lol
this vampire comparison has actually made me crazy lol so thx u 1000x for that
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