spankthemonkey0 · 3 years
The Best Sex Dolls Are Those Custom Made
What are realistic sex dolls? Any sex doll that looks, feels, and behaves like a real person has to be a realistic sex doll. There are many types of realistic sex dolls and each has a special appeal. Some sex dolls come with a variety of accessories to enhance their sex appeal and others come with almost any accessory you can imagine. Some have realistic hair, skin, clothing, makeup, and even scars.
What are realistic sex dolls made of? You will find that the most realistic sex dolls are made of high quality silicone. Silicone dolls are usually made of the same thickness as a real life breast. You can simply add these dolls to a carry-on when you travel. Pick the one with just the right legs or hands or a giant ass or simply with huge boobs, etc. to fulfill your alluring sexual appetite.
How realistic sex dolls look is usually influenced by the accessories they have and the features they have such as hair color, facial features, clothing, makeup, and more. Each accessory has a special appeal and can make a difference in the level of realism. For example, if you are looking for a doll that looks sexy with a little black dress but the dress is stained, then you probably are not going to find that doll at a lingerie store. But if you use a product that offers numerous accessories to enhance the look of the body from head to toe then the clothing will really come into play. There are so many different options available when it comes to these sex toys.
How realistic sex dolls feel is influenced by the materials used in their manufacturing and more importantly, by the person who will be wearing them. The more soft the material, the more realistic the doll will feel. However, there are some materials that are too stiff and very uncomfortable for the wearer, which is why a lot of people opt for the more flexible materials such as cotton. Cotton is the most comfortable material you will find for realistic sex dolls because of its amazing pliability. If you are not comfortable using natural latex or cotton then you may want to consider something a bit sturdier like foam.
Adult dolls come in so many different varieties. Some are more full figured than others so they can act out fantasies for the life size doll owner. There are also custom made realistic sex dolls if you cannot find the ones that you want at any of your local retailers. You may even be able to design your own doll online and order one specifically to your specifications. These custom made dolls are great because they are truly one of a kind.
The best sex dolls are the ones that you design yourself. So get a free or inexpensive adult silicone doll kit and you will be all set to go. Then sit back at home and play with your new love toy. You will be surprised at how much fun this can be!
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sexdoll54456567 · 2 years
Find ideal emotional partner realistic cheap  Mini Sex Doll sex -【oudoll】
Welcome to Oudoll, we are an online platform that only provides high-quality authentic mini sex dolls that are unparalleled in the market. Our mini sex dolls not only have all the functions of full-size dolls, but are also light in weight, easy to carry, easy to store, and more convenient to use.
We are an authorized and certified sex doll supplier, and cooperate with many top doll manufacturers: WM Doll, JY Doll, Hanidoll, etc. Oudoll is committed to helping our clients improve their sex lives safely and healthily.
 In addition to the materials used to make toys, realistic doll sizes are another feature of our luxurious  Mini Sex Dolls. Like humans, our real TPE  Mini Sex Dolls come in different sizes. A full silicone doll corresponds to the average height of a person. This real  Mini Sex Doll has sexual and asexual parts of the body. Even if you don't want to dance without pants, this sexy doll can be used to dress up and relax by the fireplace. They are like human companions, except that they are not in the occasional chat-they just sit there and look beautiful. There are dozens of life-size love dolls that can satisfy the great tastes of customers. Complete foreign latex dolls vary in size, ranging from petite mini  Mini Sex Dolls to large full-size realistic love dolls that average two to five feet tall. If you cannot find the size you need, you can of course order a tailor-made doll with all the features you need at any time.
So can cheap love dolls be a healthy vacation for people? I believe this applies to some love doll owners, because I often see many real adult love doll photos on forums and see our good friends like his realistic silicone love dolls very much. So for many people, not only are we support and help in life and make their sex life more balanced, we can also see it as a daily healthy holiday for the soul. The fact that I can be the one I love makes me particularly proud of being by his side, because I don't know anyone else, so I should make my own effort every day.
Every night when I get home, I admire the soft but strong abs and chest chiseled barrel. I don't remember the last time my man wore a shirt. He is my partner. I don't know you, but you know that playing a role is one of my weaknesses. Since the end of adolescence, I have liked it so much that I have encountered problems with my predecessor who did not like it.
realistic love dolls
Then, real silicone dolls are heavy. You should not do many different things, but limit yourself to a few places. The most important thing is that whipping games and using words as powerful games are not a problem. Of course, don't tighten handcuffs and ribbons too much, but don't overtighten them, because it will damage the silicone, especially the fingers. Restraint devices should always be made of soft material. It is best not to use Velcro fasteners and plugs that are too large to avoid tearing at the corners.
The best way is to sell to the manufacturer for proper recycling. You may not know this, but many companies pay a high price for recycling love dolls. They washed it, thawed it, and then used silicone and TPE to rebuild it into a new toy that others could use. Remember that the proper handling of  Mini Sex Dolls is vital to the health of all participants. When selling, make sure it is clean and highly disinfected to prevent unnecessary illness or infection.
Love doll are designed to complement sex and help you experience the craziest fantasy. So why not try different  Mini Sex Dolls and have fun with your partner? First, I recommend that you order an inflatable doll that has the characteristics you missed in love. Maybe big breasts, big ass, MILF or cute innocent face? However, one is never enough. So consider ordering a  Mini Sex Doll with a range of different features and mixing it with your partner. Do you like black people? Why not buy a black sexy doll? Oh wait, do you want a rehearsal blonde? Why not!
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sex-doll67867 · 2 years
Do you want to learn with a premium quality real adult  Mini Sex Doll? -【oudoll】
Welcome to Oudoll, we are an online platform that only provides high-quality authentic mini sex dolls that are unparalleled in the market. Our mini sex dolls not only have all the functions of full-size dolls, but are also light in weight, easy to carry, easy to store, and more convenient to use.
We are an authorized and certified sex doll supplier, and cooperate with many top doll manufacturers: WM Doll, JY Doll, Hanidoll, etc. Oudoll is committed to helping our clients improve their sex lives safely and healthily.
The adoption rate of artificial intelligence is high. Data sets can be easily converted into new trends and options for customers. You can easily size AI female real  Mini Sex Dolls according to your needs to accomplish what you want. The same is true of male  Mini Sex Dolls with artificial intelligence, and I can hear the voices of ladies. From a medical point of view,  Mini Sex Dolls and dolls with artificial intelligence are also very beneficial. With these TPE dolls, you are not at risk for sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, you do not need to use a condom when using these sex toys, which is very comfortable. In addition, the use of silicone love dolls can also be used as a method of treating pedophilia and reducing rape.
silicone love dolls
Mascara Mascara makes your doll's eyes look brighter and more vibrant. I think you prefer girls with thick lashes! Now, let's learn how to apply mascara to your love doll. Curly eyelashes with curlers. Place the eyelash curler on the bottom of the upper eyelashes, close the eyelash curler and hold it in place for a few seconds. Pick up the mascara tube and turn the wand to cover the mascara on the bristles, starting from the root and applying the mascara in a twisted motion. If the eyelashes stick together, comb with a clean stick. Do the same for the doll's lower lashes. If you like dolls with thick mascara, just reuse the mascara. Let the mascara dry for a few minutes. You can use the curler to curl again when needed. Now curl again with an eyelash curler, of course, if you want thick eyelashes, maybe try the wrong eyelashes!
Make relationships easier with love dolls. I don't think this development is bad. We both show that it can also be used with silicone dolls in love. Not only can we free people from loneliness and make them happy, but we can also relax the relationship between people in bed and protect them from deception. I think this is a very important thing, it can save the anger, anger and disappointment of human beings and relationships, because if the only erotic interference is just love dolls, then there will be no husbands, their wives and best friends trapped On the bed, there will be no unwanted pregnancy and no rose war. Instead, partners can only do what they like in bed, and when a man or woman is traveling, they can trust each other.
big ass love doll
From the love of realistic and sexy love dolls, people began to accept these sexy silicone girls. Later, the mini  Mini Sex Dolls was really considered a member of people's lives. The body of a real  Mini Sex Doll reflects the purest aspect of a person. A small town is like an ideal happy family. People are united and value each other. At the funeral of a lifelike adult doll, people miss her life.
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asian-sex-doll · 2 years
What Does a  Mini Sex Doll Feel Like? -【oudoll】
2021 is the best year for buying a  Mini Sex Doll. Why? According to the NY Reports: With the nights getting longer and pandemic shut-ins getting lonelier, sales of  Mini Sex Dolls to New York City residents are blowing up!
During the pandemic,  Mini Sex Dolls becoming the hottest adult sex toy for fulfilling the sex needs for men and women, and even a good companionship for them to spend the lonely nights, many people said that they can find comfort in a doll.
Although a  Mini Sex Doll is not a real human, she can’t talk to you, give you feedback, she is always there for you, never leave you with another man and she won’t argue with you, anytime you are ready, she is here to serve you.
American sexy young  Mini Sex Doll
Many men lost their beloved wife or handicapped and disabled people, or some couples want to spice up their sex life without cheating each other for whom  Mini Sex Dolls are convenient and non-judgmental companions.
There are also have many stories about guys falling in love with their doll and married to them, it’s romantic. What’s more, some high-end sex robot can even moan, smile, and hold conversations, that make the  Mini Sex Doll market competition is more and more fierce.
In fact,  Mini Sex Doll is quite expensive years ago because there are not many manufacturers, but now there are affordable with high quality.
As a beginner, you must confuse about what does a  Mini Sex Doll feel like? And it is worth a hundred and thousands of dollars? In this article, you will know what does a  Mini Sex Doll feel like from kissing, touching, and having sex with them.
Small face and big boobs mini  Mini Sex Doll
Let’s dive in.
What does feel like to kiss a  Mini Sex Doll?
Kissing a  Mini Sex Doll maybe feel weird for the first time. As they can’t kiss you back and give your romantic French kiss as well, you need to do the all works.
Mini Sex Dolls have a soft face and open mouth, they don’t have “hard” teeth, so kissing her is a very natural feeling. Their mouth is created with a realistic throat molded by a real woman. Her lips feel are no different between human lips; kissing her is exactly like kissing a girlfriend. And they don’t have any bad breath, if you feel any manufactured chemistry taste, you can sanitize after the last use.
Furthermore, TPE material is very good at holding heat, so you can put the heating rod into her body, and experience the real human warm and romantic kiss. Since the mouths on the dolls are a closed cavity, and her throat is deep enough to take your penis in, so you are allowed to have oral sex with her, it will give you a mind-blowing sex experience.
Real life like  Mini Sex Doll head
What does feel like to touching a  Mini Sex Doll?
All the  Mini Sex Dolls in the market are made by TPE or silicone material, it’s the natural skin like a real girl, and TPE is much softer than silicone. So having a TPE  Mini Sex Doll will not only give your most lifelike and smooth touch feeling, but with the perfect figure, great ass, great tits, and exquisite makeup. The boobs are joggling up and down to let you squeeze without worry about hurting them. You can also choose a flat chest  Mini Sex Doll or a big titis  Mini Sex Doll as you wish. Her legs and arms are also soft and can move like real women, touch her is no different between real women.
Many people choose to buy a realistic  Mini Sex Doll is because she has a real lifelike face and perfect body, which you can have non-stop sex with  Mini Sex Dolls, without asking  Mini Sex Dolls for advice, and don’t worry that she will be upset about what you do or dissatisfied. And there is no pressure, no anxiety, and more relaxed.
If you are a person who loves movie characters like superwomen, wonder women, or supermodel, you can also have them customized. Imagine when you wake up with a movie star lying on your bed, that would be dream come true. Although touching the  Mini Sex Doll is not like a real woman, she is the one to fulfill your sex fantasy without any trouble. She will never say no to you, and always there for you. She can completely obey your instructions.
Mini  Mini Sex Doll  with big boobs sitting
What does feel like to having sex with a  Mini Sex Doll?
I would say you will feel great after having sex with a  Mini Sex Doll, but do not expect any feeling exchange of the doll. Most of the dolls are made from high-quality TPE material, so their skin is super real like a human, and as smooth as silk.
What’s more, their steel skeleton makes them both flexible and sturdy, so having sex with a  Mini Sex Doll is like having sex with real women. And she can pose any sex position you like.
Mini Sex Dolls are made with three holes, so you can have oral sex, anal sex, and vagina sex with her. Both of her orifices are molded by real women with unique ribbed patterns and soft particles inside. In particular, the  Mini Sex Doll is extremely well-made, so the vaginal area never wears down, and other body parts can’t ever fall out. You will achieve the most comfortable stimulation and orgasm. Any sex position that real women can’t do, the  Mini Sex Doll will fully meet your fantasy.
In fact, a BBW  Mini Sex Doll is much heavier than a small  Mini Sex Doll, so that you need to choose the one you can carry before you purchase. Most folks like young and mini  Mini Sex Dolls, as their easy to move and store. I think anyone lonely, and no time for dating, or try something new with your partner, a  Mini Sex Doll would be the first choice to go.
American Young Lifelike Male  Mini Sex Doll
3 Best Low-priced  Mini Sex Doll Get You Started
Price: $300
Cute and sweet mini  Mini Sex Doll
Grace is a big breast small  Mini Sex Doll. As she has a tiny body and perfect figure, make her the top-selling mini  Mini Sex Doll on Oudoll. She is made of TPE material, it’s super soft and durable, you can have her for more than 10 years. She will never refuse you and always listen to you. You can have oral sex, vagina sex, and anal sex with her. It will take you on the most exciting sex journey.
Buy Now
2. Karla
Price: $300
mini  Mini Sex Doll with flip flop skirt
Anna is a young school girl  Mini Sex Doll. She looks innocent and cute, she is looking at you with her big and deep brown eyes. She has small boobs, but soft and smooth skin, she makes everyman crazy for her. Built-in skeleton, you can pose her in any position you like. Making her your longest and best partner.
Buy Now
3. Anita
Price: $540
Red haired  Mini Sex Doll
Nina is a young girl  Mini Sex Doll, she has red hair and a sexy body. She is not quite one, but wild. She likes dating different men, but she still wants to find her true love ones. She is soft and no bad smell, you can have healthy and intense sex with her.
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Wrap up
If you are not ready to date but don’t like being home alone either, then a  Mini Sex Doll is better than a real woman. If you are just not able to or ready to invest much time in a relationship with women,  Mini Sex Dolls are the best alternative to fulfill your sexual desire.  Mini Sex Dolls are there for you all the time. You can just get yourself to climax whenever you want without the consent of anyone else.
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sexdoll54456567 · 2 years
The  Mini Sex Doll made of high quality TPE material is so sexy and beautiful -【oudoll】
Welcome to Oudoll, we are an online platform that only provides high-quality authentic mini sex dolls that are unparalleled in the market. Our mini sex dolls not only have all the functions of full-size dolls, but are also light in weight, easy to carry, easy to store, and more convenient to use.
We are an authorized and certified sex doll supplier, and cooperate with many top doll manufacturers: WM Doll, JY Doll, Hanidoll, etc. Oudoll is committed to helping our clients improve their sex lives safely and healthily.
It was created to look and feel like an individual, and can sometimes have features such as underwear, vibration, and sound samples. Andrea looks cute. Do not you think so? This beauty has a restricted round back end, large door knockers and countless energy! This girl will never have a headache. She often has faith in us on this. This kind girl is made of the highest quality TPE material for maximum fun. Enjoy women today! BBW  Mini Sex Dolls are definitely made of high-quality silicone and have high flexibility due to the metal skeleton. From dog-style to missionary, love dolls can take up any position you like. She will love almost everything you do to her, and you will be satisfied! How much do you want to invest in a  Mini Sex Doll?
TPE  Mini Sex Dolls
How much do you spend on love doll? First, study the market. There are many Internet sites that offer various types of  Mini Sex Dolls, such as sexy real sex toys, silicone wives, and real dolls. Think about what you really want? Eye shadow, hair color, body color, etc., then decide on her model, clothes, hairstyle, and focus on other subtle and important details. Websites such as Big Butt TPE Adult Dolls can also allow anyone to make your modified dolls, which, from your goals, look like women. When you want to buy a  Mini Sex Doll, you take care to be cautious and anonymous to make the usual themes dynamic. Cryptocurrencies not only completely protect your privacy, but also make you private when making good transactions.
When you are on another land and the loan provider you are using is an intercontinental customer, you may be disappointed with the huge purchase service fee when buying something in the United States. Avoid paying huge fees today and use your credit card to buy  Mini Sex Dolls! Of course, this is a complex issue, and now we hope to explore it more. Why do men buy  Mini Sex Dolls? Message to all ladies, let's make things clear. Apart from loving the idea, there is nothing wrong with having a  Mini Sex Doll proudly.
TPE  Mini Sex Dolls
Compared to almost any other fetish that exists on this planet, this is definitely not crazy. It's no different than having a dildo, even a pocket pussy, or if you're addicted to porn stars. A good  Mini Sex Doll, like almost every other gender fetish, can remember and create happiness for men and women of all ages. Often, technology-related rises have changed the typical changes in the way we see and even have sex. One about the nearest dunes will be the rise of this  Mini Sex Doll. Making love dolls for anyone who is untouched is usually an adult toy designed to help look like a human. It is usually entered by the entire human body, although some models only mimic certain system parts, such as a certain vagina, mind, butt, etc.
The idea is to make people look like humans, sometimes with features like pajamas, smart mini  Mini Sex Dolls, and sound samples in many cases. Therefore, this special Japanese beauty is realistic! We assure you of the ultimate wise knowledge of your life. High-quality silicone dolls provide beautiful breasts and beautiful ass with anal function. A girl with a height of 168 cm and a mouth depth of 13 cm may get the best oral sex. You can customize the girl, choose the right bust size, eye color, and even nail color to create your ambition girl.
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sexdoll-alisa · 3 years
Reasons That Sex Dolls Are Better Than Real Women&Girls (I)
Real dolls are now more and more popular in movies and the media. At first they were expensive or not very well made but now almost any man can have a gorgeous realistic love doll without breaking the bank. Sex dolls popularity has over the years increased tremendously keeping in mind that the topic was initially regarded a taboo, not to mention some stigma associated with talking about it, especially in public. Basically, surveys have found that both young and senior men are most likely to be involved in sexual activities with a lifelike sex doll and not real girls. The survey also showed that most men are curious about such dolls or robots even if they do not openly admit to wanting to own one. This means that men prefer sexual activities with a doll, rather than with real women.
Why do men like TPE or SILICONE sex dolls? Why do they spend thousands of dollars on lifelike soft-skinned dolls instead of pursuing real women?
So far in history, the eternal beautiful woman has only been a myth, something of legends. Only goddesses or vampires were known to be always young and sexy. But in modern society, woman party, drink & drug so much they look like they are going to roll in a ditch at 30. Like, what’s the point of having a salad for dinner if you’re just getting shitfaced every single day until you develop wrinkles on your eyeballs?
Gynoid Model 13 170cm Feminine Sex Doll Lisa
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 A beautiful love doll is not going to change, get fat or have any other issues with her body, unless you have a kink that involves blowtorches. In which case, you’re welcome (Dollpodium got you covered). Blowtorch away, just not around the ass part. You don’t want your new male sex doll or sex robot for men to look like she lit her farts on fire. Jackass me once shame on you, Jackass me twice, we’ve got a roasted doll vagina going up on eBay.
Don’t you just hate watching all those annoying unboxing videos of useless crap nobody needs? I would like to see fewer headphones and more blowjob toys, please. There are so many headphones – can they just make 3 good ones and call it a day? How about we invest in something that actually helps your mood, stops violence, and possibly even wars by being constantly in a fulfilled sexual and emotional state?
Your new silicone girlfriend comes in a cool reinforced box you can keep for your combat boots, and if you don’t like her, just ship her ass back to the seller. How often can you do that with a real woman? Like I don’t even have room for my combat boots in a relationship, because every standard woman comes with a minimum of 200 pair of shoes, 150 of them she only wears once a year.
Also, there is something incredibly satisfying in getting tits and vagina in a box. It’s so ridiculous and feels so dangerous. Is it furniture, is it a body, nobody knows, except for my big D that’s getting some super tight doll pussy later that day. Can you say best unboxing ever? A happy ending package that does not disappoint.
And usually when a TV show or movie goes bad, you then have to look up some porn to deal with the disappointment, but with a doll you don’t have to. You’ve got your real life porn girl right there, ready for an all-night shag marathon.
 Gynoid Model 9 150cm Curvy Sex Doll JingJing
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Have you ever had sex with a circus girl? They are ‘insane’ in the good way. Also, pretty nice to talk to because they are just happy to be around people as they are on the road constantly. Sex dolls are much more flexible than most women. If you want to have your very own Olympic level acrobat in the bedroom, this is your chance. And she’s custom made for your big D’s approval. This allows you to try different sex positions with them and literally perform sexual stunts without any worries.
Modern sex robots and dolls come with flexible body joints for extra flexibility. The dolls with EVO skeleton and are even more flexible. Then there are dolls with Flexi skeletons and loose joints letting your doll perform a wide range of motions without much efforts. Such love dolls are ideal for those who like rough sex and wish to take their doll experience to the next level.
I like to watch crazy stuff on porn. And there’s nothing wrong with it, because I’m only watching. Roleplay or BDSM can be fun, but most women aren’t into it. The worst is when they judge  you just because you are watching a porno or used a sex toy on someone else. Like I don’t judge a woman for reading ‘Billionaire werewolf doctor’ erotica or romance novels, let me watch my porn on my Kink.com subscription in peace (Dollpodium approves of Kink.com and all the magnificent work they do).
Also, there’s something very liberating about being able to confess or try something out with a doll or sexbot. That total acceptance and absolutely no judgement really feels like something else. Less time being angry or frustrated, more time for work and sexual fulfillment.
Gynoid Model 12 155cm Sex Doll Shay
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 You don’t have to give them all your attention but they are always attentive to you and you have all their attention. Sex dolls are perfect partners in providing sexual aid whenever you want. You are their only partner so all their attention comes to you.
With realistic sex dolls, you don’t need to make efforts to get laid anymore. They provide sexual aid without any drama, without any sexually transmitted diseases, and without any additional costs. Apart from being extremely sexy, they definitely make a perfect sex partner.
This is the reason why many males are now ready to tie-knots with their realistic adult dolls. A decision this big requires some serious persuasion and faith.
In short, a sex doll won’t interfere with your life choices. They always want to satisfy you and you can have them whenever you want.
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