#lucien could've avoided All That if he just accepted his fate
trashbinbackyard · 1 year
even numbers for lucien and hibiscus
dos rogues
What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Like he’s genuinely trying to be a good person. He puts on a facade because that’s what he’s used to, and how he got around in his previous life, and it still has its perks. He can’t trust everyone, and he reflects that energy with his own demeanor. Still, he’s doing a good thing, being Deanoh’s chosen, helping keeping forbidden magics under check, even if no one knows
How passionate they are. There is hurt that runs deep within, maybe being annoying is a shield, maybe to distract, sticking it to the family by being everything they weren’t raised to be. But under that layer there is a person who really cares for the people around them, be it a small sleepy mining village, a scared boy who grew up in a cellar, an honest farmer, a sorcerer who can’t really get a hold of their magic
When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
His reaction used to be a coinflip of fight or flee, before he was immortal he had to do the math 0.04 seconds and think if he can fight himself out of whatever situation, but fleeing is the smart option sometimes. Nowadays he doesn’t really get into situations he needs to flee from, it’s always he just doesn’t go there or he is there the fight
Fight first, think second, flee if necessary
How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
It used to be as easy as tossing a hefty amount of coin for him. But now he’s no longer bound by sheer greed, so his morality is much more stable. He also no longer takes orders from anyone but the big guy, so people pleasing is out the window too.
They’re willing to do the wrong thing for the right reason. Like if you can convince them doing something will actually be good, they could do it. 
Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
Would be, has been
They could if they put in the effort, though most people they’ve killed… someone probably knows they were behind it
What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
Is it an au if it’s the fifth world after four apocalypses… It’s like dishonored meets bloodborne and Lucien’s flesh is torn and filled with flames insead (the other immortals gets eldritch horror forms too)
I’m pretty set on having Hibiscus in the setting they’re already in
Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
Through decades of practice he’s gained an uncanny knack for self-preservation.  
Somewhat self-destructive. They’re always trying things hands on, making friends in low places, hanging out with the wrong crowds, pissing people off, just general act first think later behavior
How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
He likes to keep his cards hidden, where his loyalties lie, what he is capable of. He puts on a charming persona to talk his way in and out of everything with a hint of being jovial. 
They want everyone to know as little as possible, they’re straight to the point, distract them with tall tales or by jumping straight into action. They also want to be the guy who shows up and people are like “wow they’re here, they’ll handle it!”. Reliable and capable
What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
It’s not like you get used to pain, but knowing you can’t die makes it slightly more bearable
Goes from “i can do this all day” to “aaauuuuu, hellwp :(“ in a matter of minutes. Generally good with handling pain but knows where their limit is
Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
He’s VERY detached, Deanoh for the longest time was his only constant, everything around him changed, people he had bonds with died, he had to travel all over the continent, couldn’t speak to anyone about his condition. 
Kinda both? Like when dealing with strangers they’re like “eh yeah whatever”, but with people they know.. If they're on their faces 24/7, won't leave them alone, you will have their company like it or not. 
Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
Not really, partly because he’s so detached from everyone, partly because he's confident and content with himself. Though if someone was to take Viessa for a twirl there would be a spark of jealousy not gonna lie, but it wouldn’t get out of hand, and he’d tease Viessa later about it.
There is a chance but I wouldn’t say tendency. They’d get a little possessive over Pestle, and also ask him with sad soppy puppy eyes if he loves them
What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
Lucien used to be neutral evil, now he falls somewhere between chaotic neutral/chaotic good. Rules are for losers (except those that Deanoh puts on him) and generally his moral compass aligns with the greater good nowadays
They were neutral evil at first too bc i thought it was cool but now they’re chaotic neutral more like, they have their morals, but they’re bit of a mystery
What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
He could’ve just died and stayed dead back in the revolutionary war. He would’ve died and been a footnote in the history books. 
They could’ve stayed with their family, be miserable but rich, studied with academic prowess and the talk of the high society. A Nightmare right.
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