#luke's emotional outburst is something likely only cas will have to deal with sooo; he's gonna be fine in a week
lukef · 4 years
eyes shut
throw your heart to me
let it fall and hit the ground
your timing was so wrong
well, nothing's gonna hurt me with my eyes shut
tw; death
being born in kadeu probably came with a huge stack of terms and conditions. thing was, no one ever read the terms and conditions, and if they did, they most definitely spared the fine print. when luke was born, he was never offered to read terms and conditions ( he wouldn’t have done it, anyways ). kadeu changed to quickly to even have some. if someone told him what was to come, he would probably have considered regressing to the egg cell and sperm he was created from. creator of said egg cell, his mother, halmeoni, currently looked through vegetables portrayed in front of a booth. she wasn’t as weak as most humans in her age, strong on her own legs without support. but she still linked arms with her way taller son after paying for lettuce and tomatoes ( luke complained about them being sold with the vegetables, knowing very well that they were considered fruits ).
“how is dear cassius doing..?” his mother asked, rather focused on listening than walking, something that nearly caused her to trip. his mother loved the fellow diamond, probably as much as her own son. he chuckled about her question, carefully grabbing her arm a bit stronger when she was close to tripping. “cas is doing just fine. i’m planning on taking him to the academy around next week or so, he really wants to see my powers in action. i have to save some mana for that.” “so no quickly heated up meals and tea today..?” the old woman sends a smile in his direction, then turns around and looks at another booth, this one displaying bread. “you should bring him over more often..! he is such a sweet young man. i should make him food more often. tell him that he’s free to come join us eat anytime he wants. i can make some jjigae this weekend..!” she huddles closer to some soup bowls placed on a table next to the bread. “these are so pretty. i should get cassius some.” “mom.” her talking is interrupted by her own son, who has tears in his eyes from trying to suppress his amused laugh regarding her love for his friend. “you gifted him about five soup bowls for yeon nen, i think he’s fine for now.” he gently pats her shoulder, taking over her bag as she pays for the needed bread and stuffs it between tomatoes and lettuce. luke is distracted by a few bystanders arguing over the last bread, so he turns around for a few seconds and tries to talk some sense into them. in that short amount of time, his mother buys two of the bowls in secret. she’s right, they’re gorgeous, with colorful flowers painted all over them. luke doesn’t notice as they disappear in the bag. when the argument is solved, he offers her his arm again and they wander off in the direction of downtown diamond.
“actually, there’s something i have been wanting to tell you about. you remember hyeonju..? i mean, juju..?” halmeoni scoffs loudly, sending him a gaze that comes close to a glare. “how wouldn’t i?” something in her tone is reproachful, but he got used to it after all the years. “when have i last seen him? twenty, thirty years ago..?” luke shakes his head. “around forty, should be it. so, what i have been meaning to tell you, i recently met hyeonju. he is now a successful jeweler and-”
luke does not get the chance to finish what he was about to say. his mother shushes him, shaking her head. “hyeonju can tell me about it himself when you two are close again.” she smiles, leaving a surprised and confused luke behind as she takes a turn right, in the direction of their grandfather’s house. he hurries after her. “uh, mom, i didn’t say anything about us possibly becoming close again.” “oh, dear luke. fenris. you have always been two great minds that think alike and always will be.” with these words, she cuts him off before he has the chance to say anything else. now he’s the one to scoff, helping her up the stairs while thinking about what she just said. 
he sleeps over at their house that night, with it becoming to late to travel home and his father convincing him to stay. his grandfather leaves them alone for the evening, something he is slightly disappointed but not mad about. he has more time left with his grandfather than he probably has with his parents.
and as his grandfather comes home the next morning, he’s lucky to have him there. because who else would have been able to control the fire that emitted his chest in the middle of the emotional outburst he experienced in his parents bedroom when he went to check on them that morning. he is now sitting at the kitchen table, hands wrapped around his favorite mug, one with painted owls on it. the coffee in it is strong, too strong for luke. his eyes are too dry, his cheeks top puffy to speak clearly. and while he knew that it had to come someday, that he would live longer than his parents, he never prepared himself for the day he’d find them both, arm in arm, hand in hand, asleep.
[ mentioned: @kadeuxhyeonju | @croupiex ]
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