#lulas's meta stuff
lanliingwang · 7 years
Akoya and Yumichika: Just the beauty aesthetics? [Comparison]
Note: This is merely based on the observations of me, a nerd who has not watched the whole of Bleach and got most of what I know from the smatterings of episodes and chapters I’ve seen (as well as summarized stuff from elsewhere).Thus, I may or may not be wrong/inaccurate on the Yumichika front--or the Akoya one, for that matter, given I haven’t really watched Boueibu in a while, either.
With that in mind, let’s delve in!
On the surface level, Akoya and Yumichika already seem plenty similar--they both adhere strongly to their conceptions of beauty (which are remarkably similar, tbh), are generally disdainful/condescending of most others (especially those that don’t follow said conception of beauty) under a relatively polite veneer, tend to have one of their motifs being some sort of flowers, etc etc. In short, it really does seem like they’re birds of the same feather (no pun intended regarding Yumichika’s peacock motif). They even both use “boku” as the pronoun to refer to themselves I ca n ‘t
However, is that really all there is to them that’s similar?
One could argue that, yes, they’re only superficially similar. But for me, the answer to that question is--more or less--”no.” Delving deeper reveals a fair amount of hidden depths that actually parallel each other very well.
For starters, the few people Akoya and Yumichika have let into their hearts are people they’re fiercely loyal to--for Akoya, that’s Kinshirou and Ibushi, while for Yumichika, that’s Ikkaku (a longtime friend, if manga and expanded anime flashbacks are any indication) and more or less his division Captain. Those are the people they would go to great lengths to please and care for; this is easily shown when Akoya was implied to be furious on Kinshirou’s behalf in episode 12 of season 1 upon finding out that they were tricked (as well as his frequently amiable interactions with Ibushi, such as when they discussed feng shui in episode 10 of the same season), or...well, when Yumichika leapt to avenge Ikkaku after the latter was cut down by zombie!Toshiro during the last arc of Bleach.
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Although admittedly, Yumichika did sacrifice a fair bit more initially due to his loyalty (read: hiding his zanpakuto’s true powers to avoid ridicule by the people he’s loyal to), the two of them still are similar in their loyalties in how they clearly appreciate the people they’re loyal to--and to some extent, this loyalty is reciprocated. Kinshirou and Ibushi both treat Akoya on equal terms and clearly come to appreciate his presence, while Ikkaku similarly entrusts Yumichika with some of his greatest secrets and leaps to the latter’s defense when he was clearly in great danger.
Moving on--it also should be noted that both Akoya and Yumichika are notably very observant and cerebral to some extent. In Akoya’s case, he best shows this side of him in season 1, episode 6, where he very nearly singlehandedly destroyed the existence of the Defense Club by some rather clever manipulations and tactics (ostensibly based on a reasonable-sounding “rule” and playing on Io’s desires; this bit is honestly best said by elucida here), but what’s perhaps less talked about is how, in episode 11 of season 2, he’s implied to have deliberately taunted Ryuu to get him back on his feet, knowing that the tone he used would have had that effect--which more or less indicates his strong intuition and ability to read people’s personalities:
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Basically, he’s a manipulative and clever little shit who knows how to use his observations to his advantage--or to his sassing. Either way, it’s effective--and also very much like Yumichika, especially in the cleverness and sass.
On the Bleach side, given what kind of series it is, Yumichika doesn’t get those same moments very often. However, that’s not to say he doesn’t have his moments, as this moment indicates:
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He literally got slammed into the pillar he was guarding and almost immediately knew that he’d broken his arm in three places due to his opponent’s attack. Which is a pretty big feat, keeping in mind that he’s not a part of the Medical Division, was likely dazed from the impact, and in general should not have been in the best place to make that sort of exact observation. This shows some fairly impressive observation skills (and likely anatomical knowledge), let’s be real.
And of course, the final arc shows this aspect of him a bit more--one instance that comes to mind from memory is that he’s able to conclude from Giselle’s taunting alone that she was purposely making them attack, further indicating that he also has surprisingly strong intuition.
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Sound familiar? It probably should. Because it’s very likely what Akoya would also be capable of.
With all that being said, there’s probably more I could say on these two’s hidden depths, but I can’t really think of them at the moment. So I’m just gonna leave these here:
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BBC One’s Cormoran Strike - The Cuckoo’s Calling
This is a compilation of my personal thoughts on the Cormoran Strike show on BBC One. I’m gonna divide my thoughts in different sections because there’s a lot to talk about!
The Case
For those of you who haven’t read the books, I recommend you go read them right now and then you watch the show and come back here.
Done? Great. Then I’m sure you have already fallen in love with it. This is no CSI, no Bones, no Criminal Minds. Nothing against those, they are just different. Cormoran Strike relies on the testimonies of people who might not want to talk to him, on witnesses lying, on the little details, on the blink-and-you-miss-it kind of evidence. Cormoran is a private investigator so he has no access to sophisticated technology or complex science. That is part of the charm of this detective drama.
The show has a noir vibe to it that is supported by the cinematography, the music, and the city of London itself. [Note: the opening scene with Lula Landry was absolutely beautiful. The delicate music, the lack of words, and the snow conveyed a sense of vulnerability that I found stunning. Also, considered the violent nature of the scene, I think it was very tastefully done, without showing the gore. Great job right there].
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Supporting Characters
I love how J K Rowling creates these worlds were all characters are so well defined that the universe feels real and colourful. Even when a character only shows up for five minutes, you can get a feeling of what they are like, how they live their life, and what are their principles.
The Cuckoo’s Calling deals with the theme of fame. How it creates a breach between people and the toll it takes on them. Lula was a famous model, known by everyone, and yet, no one had the full version of her. No one really knew her completely. Who was the real Lula? The one her family knew or the one her friends got to know? Or maybe the driver? Maybe all at once, or none at all. This adds to the vulnerability of the character. She was alone after all.
Because she is dead, we get to know of her by the people who knew her, but these people are their own character and they have their own issues to think about. The writers don’t forget that and give us little moments that show this.
In the end, the case is closed but we remain with our main characters. How they interact with each other is what will take us from one case to the other and maintain our interest
Cormoran x Charlotte
I love how they did this! Charlotte has become a ghost in the story. We cannot see her but she is forever present, in Cormoran’s mind and in ours. What happened? Why did she run away at the beginning? (book readers still know just one side of the story) Cormoran looks like a very straight forward, no bulls**t kind of guy. He doesn’t look like the kind of guy who has patience for the level of drama we saw with Charlotte, and yet this woman gets under his skin. I have no doubt that this is a puzzle that will take more books (and series) to solve.
Robin x Matthew
Oh God. Here we go. We saw Matthew very briefly in The Cuckoo’s Calling, but it was almost intense. If you don’t give it a second thought, he looks like a nice bloke. But alas! I don’t like the man so I watched that scene with my I-hate-you googles.
When Matt gets home from work, Robin is watching old videos on the death of Lula Landry. She is looking at a picture of her and thinking about the sad ending she had.
Matt: Isn’t that the model who jumped out the window?
Robin: Gosh. She was so young and beautiful.
Matt: Girls always get other girls wrong. You are miles fitter. She’s way too skinny.
That sounds like a compliment. Except... that’s not what Robin was talking about. She was talking about the tragic loss of a young, beautiful girl with a promising future and he responded by comparing her body to Robin’s and bringing down one of them to uplift the other. Something is not quite right here but is no big deal so Robin lets it pass.
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Then they have a pretty tender moment that makes up for the previous one and that I will not gif (please, don’t ask me to gif it)
Their relationship starts to show real problems the moment she does something he doesn’t like, like refusing a job she doesn’t like in favor of a job that doesn’t pay so well but she’s passionate about. Jobs are a very personal thing, it where you’re going to spend most of your day, and while it’s true it’s a big decision, it is one you have to take on your own in the end.
Cormoran x Robin
We’re getting to the meat! Ok ok, shipper googles off! The truth is that their relationship in this part was purely professional with the first traces of a friendship / partnership.
At first he is not very comfortable with her there.
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Robin has just arrived to the office and they are getting to know each other. She’s supposed to stay for just one week, but she likes it there. From the beginning she impresses him with her efficiency and dedication. She finds coffee in an empty office, cleans everything, makes him look more professional...
But the moment he realises that this one is a keeper is this
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I could almost that light bulb in his head going on and telling him “hey, she really did that!”. And so, he takes her to Lula’s place.
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And starts teaching her how to do the job. The partnership has begun!
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Cormoran: She’s lying.
Robin: Why?
Cormoran: When you start an investigation, Robin, is like looking at an aquarium for the first time...
And she keeps impressing him with her awesomeness.
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The lessons keep coming even when he is drunk. Because he sees how good she could be.
Cormoran: You have skills, Robin. A skill set.
Robin: Thanks.
Cormoran: I think you’ve got to know when to ask a question and when to not ask a question. Give people time
Robin: Yeah.
This conversation also takes place when he is very much drunk ‘cause he just found out about Charlotte getting married to another man. This is not just Cormoran teaching Robin about the job, it’s salso him thanking her for not pressuring with questions he doesn’t want to answer just yet. A friendship based on respect is blooming.
Aaaaand... Robin is a quick study and soon starts doing things on her own, gathering information at Vashti and running errands alone!
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Of course she stays at the end! She is gorgeous and Cormoran needs her!
Leda Strike
Leda gets her own section in this review / meta / whatever you wanna call it because they are practically yelling at us that it’s going to be a huge plot point in the future.
The first clue is how personal it is for Cormoran
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Then, in Ciara’s place, he just can’t resist looking at the picture of her in the fashion book. We get our first look at this mysterious woman who means so much to him, to the point that the relationship scarred him for life.
Leda is always present in his life.
And then this huge red light if there ever was one. Like, come on!!
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Random Stuff
   > Even though I like the images of the opening scene, I don’t fell the music fits the rest of the show.    > I love love love the coat!
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   > I also like these little moments when we see how the characters (and the writers) think about issues that have nothing to do with the case.
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   > The dress!!!!!!!!!
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Need I say more?
So, these were my thoughts on the first Cormoran Strike case on BBC One. Overall, I have to say that I loved it very much.
I hope you enjoyed my ramblings and messy thoughts. Now we wait till next week for The Silkworm.
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alivelyfancy · 7 years
I took my second solo travel trip in October to Nashville. I know it’s a bit later to write about it now, but better late than never! Like my last trip, I was able to get my travel expenses paid for since I arrived a few days ahead of a business meeting.
While asking Facebook friends recommendations on things to do, I discovered a friend from home, K,  would also be in Nashville at the same time. Of course we arranged to meet up. Below are the highlights from my trip. I hope you enjoy my pictures and commentary.
Biscuit Love and 12 South
After landing from my early morning flight, I immediately took my first Uber to Biscuit Love.  Fortunately, it was early so the line was pretty short (15-20 minute-wait) and as a party of one, I was able to get in even sooner for a seat at the bar. I have heard the line can stretch around the block so I was pretty lucky!
Definitely in love: Fluffy biscuit, eggs, grits, bacon & jam.
After, I dropped off my luggage at my Airbnb and then wandered over to 12 South neighborhood. I visited Draper James, Reese Witherspoon’s store, which has some very cute, but terribly overpriced clothing, and also took a picture next to the famous “I believe in Nashville” mural.
I believe in Nashville!
Draper James: So cute, but so expensive, ya’ll
Guitars at Corner Music
Country Music Museum
I then went to the waterfront to meet my friend K for the hop on hop off bus tour of Nashville. We rode around on the bus for a few stops and then got off at the Country Music Museum. I don’t particularly like country music, but I enjoyed the museum. It was pretty interesting and interactive. There was an exhibit on Shania Twain which gave a detailed account of her life (stepfather was abusive, first husband cheated on her, Come on Over Tour was one of the highest grossing tours, she used videos to market her music instead of concerts, from the same hometown as my friend K) and an up-close look at her sparkly outfits.
The museum was also full of instruments, outfits, and memorabilia from other country artists as well as information on Nashville’s background as music city. I recognized some of the names (Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash, Elvis), but learned about some new musicians (Lynn Anderson, Maybelle Carter) as well.
Shania Twain exhibit
So many records! They were everywhere.
Taylor Swift’s dress from Love Story ❤ ❤
Yes, I did take a picture of this fake Taylor Swift bus that was part of an exhibit. Don’t judget me.
Dress she wore to the ACM Awards.
Nashville really embraces its nickname as Music City. There is live music everywhere and it is amazing! I ate a hot chicken sandwich at the Stillery and was serenaded by live music. What a treat! We also explored Marathon Village which had some interesting shops and a museum of vintage cars (free!).
I couldn’t make it to Hattie B’s, but I enjoyed this hot chicken sandwhich at the Stillery. chicken at the Stillery.
Marathon cars in the museum at Marathon Village
Bicentennial Park & Farmer’s Market
After working a few hours in the morning, I went back out to explore. I took the hop on hop off bus to Bicentennial Park, but unfortunately it was raining so I only took a quick look around. I took refuge in the Farmers’ Market, which was thankfully covered and ate some BBQ for lunch. I was considering eating Jeni’s ice cream, but sadly I was too full!
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Nashville Farmer’s Market. Lots of tasty food, not enough time to eat it all.
The Ryman
After, I made my way over to the Ryman, which was my favorite tour. Originally built as a revival hall, the building was used for public events and concerts, and was the home of the Grand Ole Opry show for a long time. The building was saved from being demolished and is used for concerts today. It has one of the best acoustics. Built in 1892, the Ryman has a colorful history.
Thomas Ryman was a wealthy business who attended the revival of traveling preacher Sam Jones in an effort to prove him wrong. Well, Jesus intervened and instead Ryman became a Christian! He was so convicted, he decided to build a dedicated meeting space, the Union Gospel Tabernacle, which was renamed the Ryman after his death. That’s awesome!
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Inside the Ryman Auditorium
The manager of the Ryman for 50 years was a BOSS LADY who GOT STUFF DONE. Originally a stenographer, Lula Naff was a widow and a mother who took over managing the Ryman when her employer went out of business. She did everything. Booking talent? Promoting events? Challenging censorship? Championing diversity? Check, check, check, check!
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Lula Naff – Boss lady getting stuff done!
After the Ryman, I briefly toured the Tennessee State Museum. It’s a free museum, that has a little bit of everything so I wanted to check it out.
The Parthenon and Centennial Park
My next stop was the Parthenon and  which is a bizarre structure in Centennial Park. It is a full-scale replica of the Parthenon in Athens, Greece just in Nashville, Tennessee, that was built for the state’s centennial exposition in 1897 because that is a completely normal thing to do. There is a HUGE Athena statue covered in gold that was only completed in the 1990s. The enormous brass doors are perfectly balanced and our tour guide said you could move them with your pinky. In the basement, there’s also an exhibit of American painters which is quite nice.  The park itself is very spacious and green. I would have loved to run in it, but it was raining and my running shoes were back at the hotel.
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The outside of the Parthenon in Centennial Park
The perfectly balanced bronze doors. This couple refused to move out of the way and hovered by the doors. I finally gave up and just snapped the picture.
Athena is truly larger than life.
Close up of Athena’s shield showing Medusa’s head.
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Good job, Tennessee! This sign in Centennial Park celebrates women’s suffrage. You’ll see in the background some women are getting ready to take a photo with the statue of the suffragettes. Go ladies!
After a jam-packed day, I went back to the hotel to get ready for a night on the town! I rode on one of those pedal taverns and went to a honky tonk….just kidding…who do you think I am? I went back to the hotel and ran 11 miles on the treadmill to train for my half marathon!
I worked on Monday, so there wasn’t too much excitement. I did work in Tin Cup Coffee where I ordered a special sandwich for extra motivation. Once the workday was over, I finally made it over to Jeni’s Splendid Ice Cream, which had an overwhelming amount of gourmet flavors.  Normally a chocolate person, because of the hot day, I instead settled for goat cheese and raspberry. Later, I crossed over the John Seigenthaler Pedestrian Bridge to view the Cumberland River and the city. Then, it was time to fly back home!
Yum, yum! Definitely worth it!
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Gorgeous view of the Cumberland river and Nashville from the top of the pedestrian bridge.
Travel Lessons
In hindsight, there are always things you learn with each trip! While I wouldn’t have rented a car, because parking was a pain, but Nashville is not exactly walkable so I should have taken this into consideration more. While I did create a Google Map with all the locations I wanted to visit marked on it, I could have done a better job thinking through my transportation. I took Uber for the first time (I know…I am a grandma), but it’s not cheap. I definitely appreciated the public-transportation in NYC. There was one night I wanted to go get ice cream from my Airbnb, which was near Vanderbilt, but I was too sketched out standing at the bus stop after dark because the streets were deserted at 7 PM and didn’t want to pay $20 for an Uber there and back. In contrast at 10 PM I felt completely comfortable walking in Manhattan. This whole problem could have been solved by getting dinner before arriving back at the Airbnb…but my phone was low on battery, which brings me to point # 2.
I always forget to bring a portable charger, but this is a must – especially if you are using your phone for photos, directions, and Uber. I ran out of battery and went to a hotel to ask if I could charge my phone. Fortunately, they were very nice and allowed it, otherwise I would have been stuck.
I also wish I could have worn a backpack the remainder of Monday to haul around my laptop, after work. I did leave the rest of my luggage at the hotel bag check, but I don’t feel comfortable doing that with a laptop. But honestly, if you’re already young, carrying a backpack (even a nice one) to a business meeting just makes you look like you are a student.. Even though others had back packs and were dressed more casually, I am not really able to do that. Maybe in another 10 years it won’t matter, but for now I have to carry a black leather laptop bag that is 100% business.
Have you been to Nashville? What was your favorite part?
Do you solo travel?
How do you solve the business backpack problem?
How can I ever thank you for reading this entire LONG post?
Welcome to Music City, Y’all – My Nashville Solo Trip I took my second solo travel trip in October to Nashville. I know it’s a bit later to write about it now, but better late than never!
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lanliingwang · 5 years
it’s almost 5 am and I shouldn’t be up but I’m thinking about FGO David and?? something I like to think about a lot is that David’s a) a realist and b) forms...ultimately very superficial relationships for various reasons
like...idk. I especially think about part b a lot because sometimes?? it feels like to me David doesn’t really...open much despite being fairly expressive. sorta like he expresses fairly superficial emotions most of the time? and it’s only when it’s with people he actually deeply cares about (like...Roman, obvs, and his other kids in general too, and ofc bc I’m Davjuna rarepair trash this is eventually the case with Arjuna as well) that you can actually dig under layers of that sort of superficiality and find real care and Emotions underneath.
and ig...that’s kinda how I see why he’s considered cold-blooded? (if I remember his interlude summary correctly.) like he generally. isn’t actually emotionally invested in most things as he is now as a Servant (more emotionally distanced, basically) and it really takes actually getting close to him and being someone he deeply cares about (like family, basically) to be able to dig under layers of superficial emoting and the like to get to actual emotional investment asdjfk
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