#lyn's 2nd favorite pastime: bullying fang yilun XD
heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.08.23 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324805707391172713
Took a break from my busy schedule~ Stream for a bit~
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Welcome~ LYN: Someone just asked me what was up with the giant flower vase. Nothing’s up with it, it’s just a specialty of the hotel I’m living in. We’re going for richness/luxury. My name is Liu Fugui. (富贵)
LYN: It’s been a while since I last streamed, and my new drama has starting shooting so I’ve been a bit busy.  - /confirms whether we can hear the laugh track or not/ C: How’s Dunhuang? LYN: Oh, its great. C: The sound is weird today. LYN: Yes, because the whole setting is different. That, and my voice is a little uncomfortable lately. The scenery in Dunhuang is amazing but honestly it’s a little dry. As someone from Dongbei, Dandong (a coastal prefecture-level city)- it’s drier than I can handle. It’s like you can’t sleep through the night without waking up and downing a whole bottle of water before you go back to sleep. Usually you’d wake up in the middle of the night and use the restroom before sleeping again, but here you need to drink water before sleeping again. I’m not used to it. C: What about a humidifier? LYN: It’s not really worth it, because I’m only here for half a month before we pack up and head back to Hengdian. 
C: Ning-ge, have you been “trapped in the mountain” (关山)? LYN: Right. Because it’s called 一念关山. You think about it once (一念) and you become closed in the mountain (关山). We really are in a mountain, which is interesting. I thought we would be coming to film some desert scenery, but we’re really shooting deep inside some canyon. The shots are beautiful. It’s not something you would see in any other drama, so it made coming worth it. It’s just that the wind and sand are too much. LYN: Not that I’m trying to make you pity me! I have to make a disclaimer now, or else people will think I want pity points. I just come to stream for my fans or people who even slightly like me- to share my daily work life, because they might not know how this industry works. So I come here to chat and share my experiences with them. I’m not here to make you pity me- that’s not what this is.  LYN: I just want to share that there’s a lot of wind and sand here. So much so that at the end of the day I come back to wash my face and you don’t need anything else- it’s like you’ve put on a mud mask. It’ll exfoliate your skin for you. My makeup artist is very diligent as well- every time we shoot a scene everyone else looks nice and pretty and my makeup artist comes over and tells me to apply some lip balm. My lips are so dry they’re peeling! I rarely apply lip balm, but I couldn’t help it, it was so dry. They told me to rub my lips together and I got a mouthful of sand- so I wiped it with a wet tissue instead and re-applied. It was still all sand. So when you’re watching the drama you might notice me licking my lips. /demonstrates/ It’s not planned nor does it have anything to do with the drama- there’s just too much sand!
LYN: It’s fun at location though- so much so that you feel like you’re cut off from the rest of the world, because the phone service and internet don’t work there.  C: Is is deserted? LYN: No, it’s not THAT far out of the way, but we have to drive about 1.5 hours to get there. I think it’s nice though, because we’re able to get wide shots and you can REALLY tell we’re not in Hengdian anymore. Really, all you see is mountain. So THIS is where the drama title comes from. There’s no internet, and if you wanted to go to the market to buy a cold bottle of water there’s no way that’s happening either. 
C: Have you met Liu Shishi-laoshi yet? LYN: I haven’t. How could I not have?? We’re shooting the same drama! What do you mean by this question?? I’ve met her; we’re working on the same project. This drama isn’t separated into two parts where she does “一念” and I do “关山”- it doesn’t work that way.
C: Does this mean there are no more paparazzi? LYN: /laughs/ Have you seen ANY drama that DOESN’T have Reuters? No matter what grade- they all have it. We don’t. In Hendgian they could climb whatever building and hide in whatever corner, but here? If you want to shoot some Reuters, you’re likely to lose your life trying (get lost in the desert/dehydration/heat stroke...). There’s no internet/service here. Even if you wanted to call for help, there’d be no one to help you.  C: They can’t find you? LYN: Not that, it’s that these mountains are UNCLIMBABLE. Well, there is one small part that IS.
C: Have you met with Mao Shiba (Fang Yilun) yet? LYN: I have. He’s great. 
C: School is starting soon. Wuwuwuwuwu (crying noises). LYN: What are you trying to act cute for? School is such a good thing, you should be happy! I’m going to morally kidnap you. As a young person, if you don’t go to school then what do you want to do, huh? You should go to school and learn, and be happy! That way we can continue to protect the oceans.  C: Happy, my foot. LYN: How can you have such negative energy?! It makes me sad. I saw a lot of people saying that they were starting school soon and you all seemed bummed about it- don’t. You have to be positive! You have to learn well, because that’s your only way out. // Once you enter society you’ll realize how nice attending school really is. You’ll start to miss the days you were in school. I didn’t go to college, but even I miss my culinary school days. So treasure it while you can. It’ll be harder if you want to come back to learn later in life.
C: Is the vase fake? LYN: Is it fake?? /knocks on it/ I don’t see anywhere that says it’s an ancient artifact. Are we appraising antiques in my stream now? It’s just a prop in my hotel room.  LYN: You’re just like some of my colleagues in this drama crew- for example, a young kid named Fang Yilun. We had a meal together one night, and after the drama wraps up for the day they will send out notices- for what scenes we’re shooting the next day, who will need to be there, and at what time, etc. So we were eating together when the notice came, and he looked at it and said, “This is great!” I asked what was up. He told me he didn’t have any scenes to shoot the next day, so he was off. My anger was rose (jokingly). “We only JUST started shooting, how could you be so happy to have a day off already? Are you treating this drama seriously?? Even if you ARE happy, you can’t just SAY IT like that.” XD Of course, I’m happy when I get a day off, too. But I don’t SAY it like that- because I shouldn’t influence the mood of our team. Some things are the truth but you can’t say them out loud because it... wouldn’t be nice.  C: A working person’s happiness stems from holiday breaks. LYN: Everyone looks forward to it (students, working people, etc). We’re all the same. C: Ning-ge, you’re just jealous (that FYL gets a day off). LYN: Yes, it’s true. I was just joking.  That’s why I said it was the same for students... anyway, study well!
C: Liu-ge, when will you play the male lead? LYN: This person must not be my fan, because usually fans will call me “Lao-da” or “Ning-ge”, but they called me “Liu-ge” which means they must have pleasant feelings towards me. This is a very sharp question, let me think of how to answer- I think that in this world there are no small roles, only small actors. Male and Female Lead don’t matter.  As long as you are a character in the work, then you are the main character. No matter what drama you’re in, you are the main character. 
C: Ning-ge, can you take your jacket off? LYN: What sort of a question is that?? I saw another comment earlier that wanted me to pull down my collar, and I ignored it. Now you want me to take my clothes off. What are you doing? First of all, this is a PG stream and secondly, I don’t have anything you’re looking to see. Why don’t you look somewhere else? I can’t help you here. You can’t just come and expect me to help you blow off steam.
C: Talk about The Oasis. LYN: It was pretty fun. All my fans know I usually only do one variety show a year, but this year I’ve been in a few. After The Truth I took a trip to The Oasis and spent two days madly running around. I got to show off a slide to our Dan-zhong. I didn’t mean to trip him! He was trying to run and I was trying to hold on to him but he was also trying to throw me off. The traction on my shoes was suddenly gone and I slipped and pulled him down with me. I wasn’t trying to show off. I was okay except for the fact that I hurt my waist a little- there’s a mic pack that is strapped behind us, and when I fell I landed on it. It hurt like hell. But it was only for. a couple days. Like I always say- martial artists are prone to bumps and bruises. That was nothing, it didn’t matter. C: Does it still hurt? LYN: 去你的. If it STILL hurts then I would have broken something when I slipped, or what? Do you know how long ago that was?? It doesn’t hurt anymore. I’m fine. 
- /talking about “综艺卡” (variety show card) and how it has some negative connotation (as if you’re only a regular on variety shows because you are unpopular and are trying to get yourself more exposure??), but Ning-ge has been using the term often lately in an effort to associate it with nicer connotations. Just like how 网红 (internet celebrity/influencer) doesn’t phase him anymore./ LYN: I used “综艺卡” as a sort of joke because anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a variety show regular. I only sign with one variety show a year, how could I be a regular?? I just wanted to use it as a joke, in the hopes that it could turn into a nicer term. 
- /someone wants him to change the song, to which he declines/
- /doesn’t know when ALZ will air because they still haven’t called him to do voice-over, and he don’t know when they will. but, they did let him do the OST for it. :)/ - /people are surprised that he does his own voice-acting. LYN: I know I’m not very good at it, but as long as the director and production allow, I will do my best to voice my own characters./
C: Have you been shooting fight scenes? LYN: It’s like this, friends. Our crew only came to this place in Dunhuang, trapped us on a mountain- do you think it’s purely for the sake of shooting some romantic scenes? Are all us actors monkeys? Think about it- all of us are monkeys and in the middle of this mountain- is me? We’ve been shooting fight scenes from the start, that’s why we chose such a remote location. We didn’t come here to frolic through the mountains.  LYN: While I shoot these scenes, I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be so nice if guzhuang dramas didn’t have fight scenes or horse-riding scenes?” But if you really think about it, there’s no way that guzhuang dramas can ever leave those two elements out. I was trying to convince myself that the absence of these two elements would never happen and then something amazing happened. The character of Luo Mingxi came to me. He is someone with a weak constitution and has no martial arts skills. He’s so weak that even the sunlight could hurt him, so riding a horse might kill him. XD He mostly stays in the house but if he needs to go out, he’ll ride in a carriage. Add to that the fact that he can’t fight? Wow- nothing better has ever come to me. I was so happy. LYN: And then? After Luo Mingxi I became Floating World’s Best Swordsman- and that was DAILY fight scenes. That was when I knew that the good times and the bad times are in balance. My grandpa would always tell me not to be afraid of working hard, because all the hard times and all the good times a person has in their life has a limit. So if you fell on hard times when you were young, then you could expect good times when you’re old. Likewise, if you lived too smoothly when you were young, you might experience hardship when you’re older. That’s why I was never afraid of having a hard time when I was younger. But I just never expected it to apply to dramas, too. I had one drama with no fight scenes followed by one that was ALL fight scenes. LYN: When I got to this one, I thank Floating World for having so many. Honestly, fight scenes are not my strong suit, due to my long arms and legs and poor coordination. But after about five months essentially training in how to do fight scenes, I can’t say I’m GOOD, but I think I’m much better than I was before. 
C: Learn how to dance properly and you can do it too. LYN: People shouldn’t be too greedy. You can’t do EVERYTHING, you know? If you can do it all then it’s not realistic. There has to be something you’re not as good at, in order for life to have meaning. Let’s think about the things I can do. Like sing OSTs (starts singing 尋一个你 (Searching for You) OST)- I’m a singer. I also have the opportunity to be able to act. It’s enough isn’t it? I’m not kidding around with singing or acting, either. These two things alone give me enough work that I barely have the time. Now you want me to dance, too? You want me to go on Masked Dancer? I’m a pretty professional streamer as well, don’t you think? It’s enough to live by. If I learn anything else it’s likely to mess up my current work.  C: Learn how to swim. LYN: Swimming... that’s something I can consider. It’s considered a survival skill, right? Like if I fall into a river I would at least be able to save myself. I can learn. C: Aren’t you Dandong’d Dance King though? LYN: People are just making fun of me. This one really ISN’T a good term.
C: I saw some media account say you were going to act in the CQL movie version. LYN: You know, some media accounts- none of the ones that are watching my stream- but there are some out there that just post-- they post-- (bullshit). Alright friends, let’s say this: if you ever see a media account post something fake, just block them. You won’t have to see what they post ever again. It’s total nonsense. LYN: I also saw that rumor, because some of you sent it to me. They were asking, “Did you get cast for a big role and are keeping it a secret from us? We hear you’re thinking of stepping into the world of movies now.” Amazing. It’s like this, friends, I can totally understand where they’re coming from and why the media wants to create such a stir in the first place. But I took a look at the comments and realized I shouldn’t have come. Do you know why I say so? I forgot who they said I would be acting, but that’s not important- the comments, though. They were saying, “Is LYN worthy? He looks like THAT, how can he play such a character, he’s UNWORTHY! In my heart he doesn’t pass. The production company must be crazy, to have found LYN.” ... Who have I offended?!? I mean, if I AUDITIONED that would be fine. I tried, I got cursed out. I’ll admit it. But I DIDN’T EVEN TRY, why are you cursing at me?? /continues complaining for a bit/ - /grabs something to snack on, to “quell his anger”/ LYN I’m joking (about the anger). This type of thing.. I’m used to it already. I’m not trying to make you pity me. For the past couple of years I’ve been cursed at so much that I’m used to it. It doesn’t matter anymore. As for “being angry”, I’m not really. I just want to make it into a joke for my streams so everyone can have fun with me. 
C: Are you watching CLJ? LYN: Honestly I haven’t yet. I’ve seen the first couple of episodes and some clips. Because they wanted me to sing the OST, so they showed me the clips and told me the story, so I could get the mood right. Most OSTs are like this- so if you’re in charge of the emotional song, you have to know what to get emotional ABOUT. If two people are in love, then I’d sing more happily. If after going through tough times and bitter trials together and then they end up in love, then I’d sing with more angst in the middle and end it happily. No matter what song, if you’re singing an OST it’s going to be FOR the drama. So I’ve seen some things before the drama aired, and when I saw them I really knew this drama would be popular. LYN: I really haven’t watched anything lately. The last thing I watched was SYXSSYX. Before that was CGX... and before that was UN... and before THAT was HBY. C: I’d be a fool to believe you. LYN: It’s true! I don’t have time, but also if I watch a drama I tend to get invested. If I have to shoot the drama during the day and then go home and rehearse and go over my lines for the next day, AND watch dramas on top of that? I’d be done for. So I don’t have much time to invest in watching dramas, and I tend to watch movies more. 
C: When will you be in a xianxia? LYN: I don’t know- no xianxia dramas have come to find me. When the time comes I might give it a try, though. 
C: Did you go back to your hometown? LYN: I didn’t go, when would I have had the time?? I’ve been out working. With the internet these days it’s a lot easier to keep in contact with home though. It’s not like the old days where you would only really call on a holiday- it’s so much more convenient to make calls now. After I started this line of work every year I fly to so many cities, but I feel like they’re all the same. I don’t get the feeling like I’m IN a different city. The only difference is that it’s hotter in Chengdu. I thought Dunhuang would be a lot hotter, but it’s actually about 10 degrees cooler here.
 - /trending/ LYN: I don’t believe it. There’s no way. Let me take a look. XD - /checking out what the comments are/ LYN: Can you all post things intellectual things, or things that can make me happy? It’s like you’re using it as your diary. (posting what they’re doing, what they’re eating, etc.) // Oh, I’m communicating with you on both sides (real-time stream and trending topic comments) C: An intellectual comment: 1 + 1 = 2 LYN: LOL. You’re at this level of intellect and people are still saying they don’t want to study? GO TO SCHOOL! X’D - /his snack, because he’s hungry: chicken cutlets/
C: Liu Yuning-laoshi. I saw you and OO actor were going to work on something called 错撩. Is it true? LYN: This person must be new. You’re the laoshi, please call me Xiao Liu is fine. If you’re not close to me you can call me Xiao Liu or Xiao Ning, either is good. Firstly, the fact that I am able to work with any other actor is my honor. I have to give them a bow, for being accepting of and wanting to work with me. But right now I am working on YNGS, and I haven’t yet signed with any other drama for after.  LYN: But I have to thank some of the gossip blogs for including me in the cast list for some dramas. Even though my fans are in the comments telling them not to bait me; but some of these dramas are not bad. If I can be associated with these dramas then that means that in their (the media/gossip blog’s) heart I AM somebody. When people stop mentioning you altogether then you’d really be miserable. But in the case of the type that I refuted before- don’t even bother mentioning me. That’s not baiting, that’s considered playing me. 
- /promo pics have been taken for YNGS, we can look forward to seeing them/ - /if you cast LYN in your drama you get an actor and an OST singer as a package deal; if he gets offered for more than 1 song on 1 drama, he’ll request that the other be a collab with the other actor(s)/ LYN: Once I’m a little more close/familiar with Liu Shishi-laoshi, I’ll see if I can fool her into doing a collab song with me. C: But didn’t you say that for collabs the production has to dish out twice the amount of money? (to pay each singer) LYN: Yeah. But our production company has money~ /smug/ C: “Fool her” is an interesting term... LYN: I was just using it as a description.
- /all his other contracts have pretty much come to their end (with renewals in discussion, prob), so he has nothing to worry about other than drama filming right now./ - /someone asked what a “business collab” was, so LYN is defining it: a brand spokesperson, spokesmodel, ambassador, etc.; each “title” does seem to have a different salary :p/ - /doesn’t have any intention of getting Daimi any brand collabs; she got a trim in Chengdu and looks cute but most hotels don’t allow pets so she’s living with the RV driver and they can reunite (as in live together again) later in Hengdian./
C: Do you not work? LYN: ?? I don’t know what happened- someone suddenly came in and asked this question. You’re right. I don’t have work. That’s why I’m able to sit here and stream. I really don’t have work. That’s why when I go places and they ask me to fill out a survey I always write “freelancer” in the employment section. So the fact that you’re saying I don’t have work is true, there’s nothing wrong with saying it.
- /someone typing a bunch of drama names and asking LYN if he’ll sing OSTs for them. Even if he HAS sung the OST, it’s not convenient for him to reveal that information./ LYN: But the majority (of the ones you listed) haven’t come to ask me. :p It’s alright, it’s not important.  LYN: I know I always say that (it’s not important) in my streams, but that’s not true. I’m also picky with which dramas and which songs I choose to do. A lot of projects and songs have come in for me. But usually with songs they will send a demo first and after I listen to it, if it doesn’t strike my fancy I don’t pick it up. The money doesn’t matter to me. Even if I keep at it, my profession is still the same- I will always be a singer (whether he HAS songs or not). My bottom line (standards) for what I act and what I sing has to be firm, because these two things can determine how far I go. - /requirements for brand collabs: in general. has to be something he acknowledges/thinks is useful and his fans will use/
C: Is there any schedule to the streams. LYN: No but I try to stream at least once every 7-10 days. I wanted to stream four or more times a month. But lately I’ve been busier with drama filming. I was supposed to take a good rest today but I thought I hadn’t streamed in a long time, so now here I am. We’ll be doing more scenes later and I don’t think I would have the time otherwise. The crew starts off really early- starting at 6am in hair and makeup, but to even GET THERE you’d have to wake up even earlier to freshen up and be on your way.  - /at least two hours in hair and makeup, an hour to get to location, then wardrobe and touching up of hair/makeup... the crew gets up at 5am and only start filming at 10a. the prep period is very extensive./
- /he’s trending at 41, which quickly climbed to 35/ LYN: Friends, I think I need to go touch-up my makeup. /laughs/ When I’m streaming AND on the trending list, this is when people are coming in en masse to check out my stream and discover that it’s in progress. -ING. Right now. And if they see me and see that I look just average... they’re likely to close the window and leave. XD C: Turn the beauty filter up. LYN: 去你的! C: Quickly, turn it up. Save yourself. LYN: Are we in a society that places so much importance on the face? We can’t make people stay with our talents? Let me sing a song. I’ll use music to make them stay. -- /starts warbling 黑夜一束光/ C: If you sing they’ll run away. LYN: ?! What do you mean. You’ll affect my OST marketability. No nonsense, now. Stop messing around.  -- /共度 (My Sassy Princess OST); messes up the tempo (sang too slow)/ LYN: Whose song is this?! Why is it so unfamiliar??? Let me try again. I’m unfamiliar- Whose song is this? This is my first time singing this song. XD Let me try again. I’m sorry. -- /共度 (My Sassy Princess OST) [Take 2]/ LYN: My throat’s too dry. Whelp. I wanted to use a song to lure in a bunch of customers but I didn’t execute it well.  C: Is there something wrong with the mic? LYN: Yes. There’s something wrong with it. All of a sudden it stopped picking up sound! C: The connection is bad. LYN: Yes, right.  LYN: XD You’re such good friends. Real fans. I told you before that if I ever sang subpar to blame it on the mic and you really did that for me.  C: You were pretending to be bad at it. LYN: No no. I really did stutter. - /sings the other half of 寻一个你, inserts a line he heard from the MV/
C: Do your neighbors find you noisy? LYN: It’s like this... uh.... I’m in the basement right now. I don’t know about any of you from the South, but in the North it’s very cold in the winter and it’s difficult to get fresh vegetables. So in the fall we will buy root vegetables and thing that can last a while and toss them into the basement. It’s like a natural refrigerator and there’s little airflow so they won��t go bad as fast. So yeah, I’m streaming from the basement. I’m a napa cabbage. C: There’s such a big window in the basement? LYN: Where do you see a window?? Oh, you mean this (the curtains)- no, it’s covering up a big pile of rice. Anyway, I don’t do any thing that really disturbs my neighbors. It’s well within what they are able to handle. Usually my neighbors are disturbing ME. Oh, wait a sec- see? Speak of the devil.
-- bathroom break (his neighbors are fighting) - /his topic has risen to 24 now :)/
C: You really went to stop a fight? LYN: Of course. I never lie. :p
LYN: I see a lot of people coming in and saying “OOO stop watching.” Because weibo has a function where if someone follows me they will be notified of my stream; And if you are watching my stream, it will notify your friends that you are watching. So people like to come in to tell friends to stop. These friends probably aren’t very familiar with me, otherwise they wouldn’t say so. It’s not like all I say is nonsense. If I say anything out of line people will edit it out and spread it. So nowadays I don’t dare to say anything. Whatever. The point I was just trying to make was that my stream had completely normal content. People won’t learn any bad habits here, so you can rest assured and let your kid watch. It’s alright, really.
LYN: I originally intended to tell you fun things about being in the entertainment industry but now it’s gotten... uncomfortable. I was thinking- because I’m very different from your average artist. Before I was an artist I was just a small singer with a small group of fans, and they all knew my origins. This group of fans told me to become an artist, and pushed me to debut as a singer. It was later that I myself wanted to be an actor, but from the very start they were backing me so I decided to do it. After I debuted, my goal was- since a lot of people had unfulfilled dreams of becoming a singer- to take their dreams with me. I had my fans to start, so I would take them with me and share my experiences in this industry with them. Everything they’d never heard of and never seen. I wanted to share, because you rarely hear anyone talk the ins and outs of it. C: I’m crying. LYN: Don’t cry. Be brave. Stand up.  LYN: Now it’s difficult for me to say things. I used to think these were things I could just tell you. But now it seems like people are protecting these secrets, and don’t want me to tell. There are also people who think that because I am part of the entertainment circle, I don’t have the right to comment on it. As if they- who are NOT part of the entertainment circle- can. // So I decided that I won’t say anything for now. I told my fans to wait until I’m 60 and then I’ll do a tell-all. I’ll let you have it all, in detail. But now is time for me to make a living and even though I don’t necessarily want to climb any ladders, sometimes just living a stable life is enough.  LYN: I’ll see fans say to themselves, “Whenever Ning-ge says he’ll reveal something when he’s 60 I get sad” and I’ll wonder why, but find out they answer this question, “...because I am already 30+ years old.” Some of my fans are even older than that.. they’re just afraid they won’t live to see the day I’m 60! I don’t think you have to worry about this, so early. Medicine is good and technology is good, so we will all live a long life, okay? I don’t even know where I’ll be tomorrow, let’s not worry about when I’m 60. LYN: How about this- let’s all make a pact to start exercising (and getting healthy). If you do that, I’ll raise the tell-all up to when I’m 50 instead. - /people revealing they are in their teens, still (15-17)/ LYN: You can’t phase me. You might be young but you still don’t qualify to join my fan-club (18+ years only). Ey! You young people have your happiness, and us older folk have ours.
- /reminds viewers that the present-gifting system has been closed, only free options are available; but if you really want to support Ning-ge you could buy from brands that he is spokesperson for (generally all daily necessities)/
C: Ning-ge, I’m a passerby but I’m on the verge of becoming part of your fanclub. LYN: ?_? What do you mean by this? Are you complimenting me, or leading me on? I don’t understand.  You’re ALMOST part of my fanclub- what are you missing? You can tell me. What are you lacking, that’s preventing you from fully being my fan? C: Visuals. LYN: ;w; /sigh/ You can’t have these standards on physicality- it’s like saying I’m lacking 1-2cm in height. You’re going to make someone die of anger. There’s no way I’m growing any taller. As for my visuals, there are no more degrees left to become more handsome by. Right now you’re seeing me at the height of my visuals in this industry. There’s nothing else I can do. If you wanted me to work on my singing or my acting, there’s room for improvement there. But my visuals?? I can only turn my beauty filter settings up higher. Is the distance between us boil down to degrees on a filter setting? It’s at 30 right now so if I turn it up to 50, then you’ll completely be my fan right? It turns out this world still looks at appearances. LYN: I’m a pretty confident person overall, because I always put myself down when I was little and grew confidence in myself over time. But the one thing I still have no confidence in is my looks. If I see others and think they are handsome/pretty I will tell them; but if they say the same to me I will deflect, because I honestly really don’t think I am. Some people will see this deflection as me trying to fish for compliments, but I’m really not!
C: Fang Yilun went on Call Me By Fire. LYN: What does that have to do with me? Let him go, have fun.  C: Why didn’t you go? LYN: Is that even a question? Why do I HAVE to go?? I’m filming right now, I have other work to do. There is no show out there that you should or should not go to. What show out there SHOULD I (be expected to) go to- other than food programs? I haven’t been going on variety shows lately because I want to put my focus on my acting, that’s all.
LYN: Also, I just want to say... sometimes happiness comes from thinking that two people make a good couple. I know that you see two people interact and work well with each other and then start to make it out to be something real. You start to micro-analyze every interaction, every glance, every breath, every movement between the two. But the truth really is not how you imagine it sometimes. In a lot of dramas you may see that two people are grossly in love with each other, but in reality the two actors are indifferent to one another. So I just wanted to say: keep your happiness in your heart, alright? As long as you keep it there, it will always be beautiful. But when you learn the truth, you will know that your happiness is gone. So please don’t spam my comments with you understandings, and don’t post to other places that may not understand/agree with your views. LYN: I don’t care who you ship, because that’s your personal preference. But please don’t come here asking if any CPs are real, because there’s really no way I can tell you. If it IS real, I can’t tell you. If it ISN’T real, I don’t think you would take the news well. So if you really want to know if a CP is real or not, just wait until the day they get married and then you’ll know for real.
C: Do you have abs yet? LYN: Everyone has abs. It’s just a matter that for most, their abs are covered by their fat. It’s just like me having small eyes? Do I HAVE eyes? Yes, but they just happen to be small. So from a physiological standpoint, everyone has abs, just like how everyone has eyes. I definitely HAVE abs, but whether they have appeared or not is something I can’t tell you. C: How many pieces can you see? LYN: I can’t tell you. I can’t let you imagine any sort of picture. LYN: It’s easier for me to gain muscle because I am a pretty thin slice of person. I called myself a “slice”, lol. I’m thin already, so I just need to work on my abdomen. - /but its harder for thin people to gain muscle, because they are weaker and have less musculature to begin with (?)/ - /says that he’ll find time to work out because it can become addicting once it’s made into a habit/
- /gets called away for COVID testing; people think it’s an excuse to use the restroom XD/
C: It would be so nice if FYL could stream with you. LYN: He’s living on the floor below mine, should I call him and see if he has time to come up? I can interview him on this thoughts about Call Me By Fire. LYN: I think the kid’s busy. It’s okay, we’ll try again next time. 
C: What type of drama is YNGS? LYN: I’m not confident in telling you what type of drama it is exactly, but I can tell you it’s a guzhuang drama. 
- /FYL called back/ LYN: I was streaming and people were telling me to call you up to play.  FYL: I was just watching your stream! LYN: Why weren’t you using your main account? FYL: I was! LYN: Then why didn’t anyone in my streaming room tell me, are you really so unpopular now? I don’t believe it. How could you be like that, friends?? Fang Yilun came and no one told me?! FYL: I even left a comment saying that your chicken cutlet look really tasty. I was going to go get some. LYN: I have some left, actually. Come and get it later. FYL: Ok. I’m playing that game we were playing earlier.  LYN: Oh. As actors, how could we be playing games while filming?? Of course we have to be focused on the script! FYL: Am I on speaker? LYN: Yeah. We don’t play games! I was just joking. They wanted me to ask you how you felt being on CMBF. FYL: I feel like the show doesn’t look as good because LYN isn’t there. If he was it’d be even better. LYN: I’m unworthy. But how do you feel being on it? FYL: I’m enjoying it, because while I have a lot more opportunities to act, I have less opportunity to be on stage now. LYN: You debuted as a singer, right? FYL: Yeah. LYN: Let’s hear something from you. FYL: You’ll have to pay me a fee. LYN: Name it! Sing acapella! /laughs because he turned into his second aunt/ I’m joking. C: Let him come up. LYN: Do you want to come up, is it convenient? FYL: In a bit, let me finish this round. LYN: Alright, then I’ll send you the room number and you can come up in a bit.
LYN: FYL came to watch my stream and no one told me about it- how can you all be so ill-mannered? We can’t push our hatred of Wei Shuyu onto the innocent actor.
- /don’t ask about the game because he only played it for a bit in the makeup room and then didn’t have any time to play it again after. XD/ - /doesn’t have much to reveal about the drama, because at most he knows the character’s names. Like how FYL is playing someone called Mao Shiba./ - /his character’s name is Ning Yuanzhou (?)/
C: FYL is a singer?? LYN: See- when you don’t know a person you’d never know what they’ve done before.
C: So many artists and you’re the one who loves streaming the most. LYN: It’s not that I love streaming, it’s that I love my fans. That is part of it, but also for me- I think that there are much more better looking people than me out there. There are plenty of people who can act and sing better than I can, too. Why was I able to be an artist, then? It’s not because of how amazing I am, but because I have fans. I always remember that without them I wouldn’t be here today. I want them to have the best experience they can of me in this industry. As long as I am following the rules of this industry, I want to give them the sense that I am a real, living person. I think the fact that I am able to stream and chat and tell you about the bathhouses in Dongbei is fun. I think it’s something I am able and should be giving them. I want you to have such a unique experience being my fan that when you leave me for someone else you will eventually find it lacking.  LYN: But I really also love streaming. Because I think that a lot of young people may not have a lot of friends in life. I don’t know about you, but I am like that. I have few friends, and even if you DO have a lot of friends I bet not so many that you’ve kept contact with for a long period of time. Right? Unless you work together or you go to school together or there is some circumstance that let’s you see each other often, after you leave these environments where you are sharing time, you will start to lose contact. Everyone is a little lonely. I am, too. My work schedule is fixed- for example, I’m in Dunhuang right now, so I can’t have a meal with friends- but I have a lot of friends on the internet. I can chat with them, and I can give them a little happiness, which is the most important. To me, streaming is a way of relaxing and communicating with my friends. It’s how I get in touch with the world and society. LYN: I think that as an actor, you have to have your own life and to have come in contact with all walks of life. [So you can relate to the roles you have to play, because if you don’t know what it’s like to not even afford to eat, for example, there’s no way you can act it out.] As an actor you have to have a life and to have experienced life. That’s why I’m grateful for my experience in the restaurant washing dishes, serving dishes, and pouring people water. It let me know what it is to be human. It let me know what it feels like to be a person who is working their hardest in order to make a living and survive. I’m thankful for those hard times I went through for showing me humanity. But now that I’m an artist, it’s honestly become a lot more inconvenient, because every time I go downstairs I see a group of familiar faces. I feel like I’m being monitored. But I know why they do it- they do it out of love, so they’re willing to keep watch over you every day. I’m unable to experience the world the way I used to, is all. But through streaming I can see the world again- through your words I can tell your age and how you speak and you views of the world.
- /people asking about future plans/ LYN: I’m going to focus on the drama for the next five months, so I’m pretty much not signing up for anything until it’s over. There are some programs that I will go to if I have the time, but any shows that I can put off I will not go to. 
C: Can you chat about The Oasis? LYN: Yeah! I did a little earlier, you just came too late. The Oasis is a sibling program to The Truth, so for that moment I had the time to spend two-days representing The Truth Team. The thing was that there was someone I knew there- I know YCY pretty well. Usually for these special guest things I won’t go- because I don’t see a lot of meaning in doing do. It’d be alright if you were close/familiar with everyone... but to go and PRETEND you know everyone... is uncomfortable. You also have to work really hard to insert yourself into their group dynamics, which is also difficult. I’ll feel like not only do I have to integrate myself, I have to do it with a smile on my face. It’s hard. That’s why I try to avoid being a special/last minute guest on things. It might not sound very nice, but those are my true thoughts. But for The Oasis, not only was it a reliable production, it was for two days. If I’m awkward on the first day, I still have the second to make up for it. XD 
- /explains how he knows OF the other guests, of course, but has never worked with them directly before, other than YCY. He thought that she would be able to help him around but when he got there she didn’t care about him./ LYN: I thought too much. :’( I thought that if she was there, she would be able to help make introductions and etc., but she pretty much didn’t care for me at all. I forgive her, though. She played pretty happily.  C: Chaoyue-meimei didn’t know what was going on either. LYN: It’s true. I thought she would be able to help me, but even SHE was confused by the rules of the game. But it was fun to film a couple episodes and get to know people. In the end I feel like I ran out of time, because I had to go back to shoot The Truth. It was fun though. All the guests are smart and the recording process went smoothly. 
C: Is your back ok? LYN: It’s alright, but I fell so hard the mic went flying. It hurt for a couple days after, but “men have to fight (爷们儿要战斗).”
C: Do variety shows have scripts? LYN: Depends on the type of show and by person, I guess. I don’t know about which variety shows you’re talking about, but since I’ve debuted none of the shows I went on had a script. There aren’t scripted arguments, like there were in shows before. Now we’re all about the group unity. It doesn’t require much design. The games, obviously require some design though- because you need to know the rules of the game and how to play it. Otherwise they don’t much have scripts. 
C: Did you really live on The Oasis? LYN: ... Next question. I don’t know because I’m sleeping and not watching other people sleep. As far as I know, Chaoyue really slept in her tent. I even asked her if she was scared or not, and she said it was fine.  C: Ning-ge, you said Chaoyue slept there... then what about everyone else...? LYN: I don’t know, because I don’t know their habits. Don’t make any assumptions about me, here! You must be crazy. I’m treating you like a friend by telling you these things, but are you trying to ruin me?? Are you even human?! You’re the type of friend who will start recording the conversation when a group of your friends get together (for blackmail material).
C: Is it a real place? LYN: It IS a real, huge island-like place. It was designed very well. 
C: Why isn’t Wei Shuyu coming? LYN: His agency probably won’t let him come. In case we destroy his image.  LYN: He said he’s not coming. They won’t allow it. In case I teach him bad things. I’m joking. He’s been lying in bed all day and doesn’t want to get up. He’ll come next time.
C: Can you reveal anything about YNGS? LYN: There’s nothing to reveal, really? But I think it’s going to be good. :) Everything I’ve seen so far is nice. I’ve seen a lot, so when I say something will be good, you can trust that it’s good. CLJ is airing pretty nicely these days, right? Before the drama aired, the OST MV was released and YSX sent me a message saying, “Ge- this song is too good! Listening to your song while watching my scenes, I was moved.” I told her her, “As long as you like it.” and “I saw the trailer for your drama, it’s going to be hot.” It hadn’t aired yet and I told her that. I like to play games, so when I saw the special effects I knew that the production quality was going to be great.  LYN: The CLJ cast also did a livestream and they did ask me to participate but I had drama filming to do.
LYN: There’s something I really want to talk to you about but at the same time when I run through it in my head I’ll think that the topic is too sensitive and then I don’t want to share anymore. I just really want to tell you about this thing, but I don’t know if I should. C: Let it out. LYN: I said before that some deals are discussed over a meal. That sometimes work comes to me because I go out for a meal with someone and when we get to chatting about projects, they might give me a role. The problem with phrasing it that way is that now some people ridicule me and think that I am the type of person who will eat meals with others just to find work. You can ridicule me, that’s fine. But for the people who are skeptical that work can be found from having a meal with someone else... you are probably on the younger side. You’re not going to talk shop at the dinner table, and whatever is brought up requires a lot of effort after-the-fact to make it actually happen. LYN: I just want to say, though- have you never heard of the phrase “民以食为天 ( food is the god of the people; food first, ethical niceties second)”? I think having a meal together, in my experience, is an important ritual. You’ll tell your closest friend to have a meal at your house, right? Eating together is an important and principle event, which is different from fun and entertainment like going to a KTV would be. It’s a formal affair. Otherwise why else would the emperors get their courts together and hold such grand feasts? Having a meal together is a formal affair that is perfectly suited for discussing matters. You might not know because you are young now, but when you are older you’ll understand. LYN: Just like with my studio- when someone finds me to discuss a contract, they will set the location for a cafe. A public space where we can talk about work. I can also go straight to some company’s headquarters to discuss work, but there’s no real need for that because practically, their company could located be very far. When you enter into society, you’ll learn that discussing work over a meal is a very normal thing. The dinner table is not a bad location- as the Chinese people say, “Food is the God of the people.” It’s not like yo’ll tell your friend, “Hey, come to my house to wash up.” Or any other thing- it’s going to be, “Come to my house to have a meal.” Having a meal is a very common etiquette, and there’s no need to give it such a bad connotation. Usually the work is discussed in one place, but of course the signing of contracts will take place in another. I hope you can take that to heart and not be against people discussing work over a meal. LYN: We’re not there to have food and drinks to butter up to the Director. It’s just another workplace gathering- we’re there to eat, and maybe discuss some work. It’s just that simple.  C: Ning-ge is giving students a lesson. LYN: I’m not really. It’s just that the words that come out of some people’s mouths show that they have yet to enter society and are still living in a carefree and worry-free world. I don’t think there’s any need to let them keep living like that. It’s better for them to know earlier on. I’m not here to lecture anyone, I just wanted to let you know.
LYN: I used to think that people were listening to my streams without any ill-intent, so I would relax and just chat, and tell things to you as a fun story. I just didn’t think anyone would take it at face value and turn it into a big issue. 
LYN: For a while now I’ve been thinking about how I love to watch dramas/movies. I loved watching dramas growing up. But I don’t know if it’s because I am part of this industry now or what, I don’t find movies as enjoyable as I used to. Everything is advancing- location, props, special effects, filming techniques, etc. It’s all advancing, but I don’t know why I don’t get the same feeling as I do when watching older productions. That’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.  C: The scripts are improving? LYN: I don’t think that’s it. If you take some old scripts out now they’d be total trash in comparison. It’s just that during their time you won’t think they’re trash, but think they have a point. For instance there are some lines of dialogue that would be terrible now but were really in-character for the time. I don’t really understand it. C: There was less (quantity) back then. LYN: I don’t think there were less... I thought about it and I think that people’s mindsets have changed. When I was little and watching these dramas, I really enjoyed the life they were depicting, and wanted that life for me. In reality I was just a normal person, but if I were like the person in the drama I could be a hero, I could be a part of the martial arts world, and not have to think about anything. When I got to the end of the drama, I really hated watching the last episodes, because I made myself a part of that world and I didn’t want it to end. I think a lot of people feel the same way for even modern dramas. When I was little I didn’t have many thoughts and didn’t experience much of the world- but now when I watch dramas I have a sense of I can’t say skepticism or judgement... but I will watch ridicule? I don’t know how to describe it. I’m not as absorbed as I used to be- I will stand at a farther point to look at the bigger picture. Sometimes I’ll think, “This doesn’t make sense. What nonsense is that??” or “How can people fly?” or “How could they say that? This person killed this other person’s father, how could they fall in love? There’s no way.” Do you understand? My mindset changed, so I have a lot less happiness now.  [t/n: aka being an adult sucks all the joy out of life...]
C: Stop talking. LYN: Then you come you come up and talk. I’ll connect with you and you can share. I’m not even commenting on the industry, this is just my personal viewing experience. I can’t even talk about that? LYN: But I think this is why I don’t enjoy dramas as often anymore. Movies are still okay. // I’ll watch LYN’s dramas, though! I have to. I’ll watch my own dramas and variety shows. It’s not being narcissistic.. I’ve already watched the dramas once before, but why do I want to watch again? I watch myself in more detail, to see where I did well and where I need improvement. I’ll open the comments to see how the viewers are liking it, and their opinions on the characters. I’m monitoring myself, basically. 
- /comments want him to show play one of his dramas on livestream. :p/ LYN: I can’t, because I don’t have the rights. And even if I did have VIP member access, you want me to show you VIP-locked content? You must be crazy.
- /notes how one of his content creators- a video editor- has to look through massive amounts of his content in order to create one of their edits of him. says he’ll pay them in signed autographs. XD/
C: Who’s Liu Yining? LYN: Liu Yining, who? My name is Liu YUning.
C: Why are you always wearing a cap when streaming? LYN: I’m balding. I have no hair up here, and these are fake bangs.
C: You forgot about your (Discovery of Romance) cameo? LYN: Oh, I didn’t know what that character’s name was. It was only one scene, so they could have given me any name they wanted. In the end they gave me the name of “Liu Yining”? Is that right? I forgot.  - /same producer as The Long Ballad, and they invited him to cameo. LYN got to meet Qin Junjie on this drama, then later got to work with him for Floating World./ - /this drama was originally based off of a Korean drama, where this character was played by Yoo Ah In/
C: Which episode are you in? LYN: Probably the last, I’m not sure.
LYN: I got to know a new director, which is nice. I hope I get to work with him sometime in the future. There were some opportunities, but there were schedule conflicts. I remember one of the editors for A Discovery of Romance is my fan. When I got to set the Director introduced them to me and I was thinking, “Wow, Editors are so professional?” Usually when everything gets finished with filming they sent it to editors to start production. They don’t usually appear on set at all, but they came out that day. I was confused by as soon as they called me “Lao-da”, I understood (that they were my fan). 
C: Will the second season of The Truth be original cast? LYN: I’m not sure, but I think so. I feel like for this setting you NEED the six of us to come back. I sure hope it will be the original cast. It’s a matter of scheduling, too. The first season... it JUST ended, you’re getting a little ahead of yourself aren’t you? Do you think we’re a long-running weekly variety show?? We don’t general script to stick to. C: Variety shows have scripts? LYN: The Truth does. We’re just there to act in our given roles. For this, there is a script to follow. There’s also the creation of the cases and the building of the space, all these logistical things to get set first. The very last step is to find artists to fill the roles. 
- /going to stream for another hour/
- /talking about the foods he’s eating in Dunhuang: more lamb, bought some local specialities on his way back to the hotel to eat, including camel milk candies/ C: How does it taste? LYN: Let me try one. Even if it doesn’t taste good I’m not going to SAY it. - /chewing on the candy in contemplative silence/ LYN: Let me try to describe its flavor. You don’t need to ask me if it’s sticking to my teeth because this type of candy always does. It’s not a very smooth texture, but a little grainy- it’s not bad, certainly still palatable. As for the flavor, you can’t really tell what type of milk it is. I think it tastes like any other milk (maybe more strong than usual), but with a sort of texture that tofu gives you. C: Is it sweet? LYN: It’s pure sugar. Like all milk candies/taffies. It doesn’t taste bad, but I was just thinking it would be more unique. 
C: Grapes from Dunhuang are sweet. LYN: Don’t even get me started- Dunhuang grapes are sweet! I’ve never eaten such sweet grapes before. A friend came to see me and brought these small green grapes- I was eating them like crazy. They were very small, very sweet, so delicious. 
LYN: Another thing is- I want to ask- how much are watermelons where you live? If your mom is always doing the shopping so you don’t know, then pretend I didn’t ask. But can you tell me what city you’re in, and how much your watermelons go for per kg? I want to see. C: 1-2R / 3R / 4R / 2+R / 50 cents / 5R / 2.60R / grow them at home LYN: Look at you, plant your melons and eat them too! I remember I told you all that I had bought a watermelon in Hengdian and spent 98RMB for it. It wasn’t a very good melon or a special variety- it was just a normal melon. Friends, in Dunhuang, watermelons are 2RMB... for a whole melon. A WHOLE MELON. C: No way. LYN: I’m not kidding you. I was so happy. It was this big (makes the shape with his hands) and about 7-8kg. The first day we came here we asked how much the melons were per kg and they said 50 cents. 50 cents for 1kg of watermelon is already unbelievable. I remember the fruit stall outside my elementary school had watermelon for 10 cents a kg, but I ever since I grew up I’ve never heard anyone say a watermelon is 50 cents per kg. I was thinking that when it’s time for me to leave Dunhuang, I’m going to do it towing a basket of watermelon with me. C: Come back and sell it for a higher price. LYN: It’s not worth it. It won’t even cover the gas price alone. But the RV has to go back anyway- I won’t buy too many. Maybe 10-20 melons? I can share them with my friends in Hengdian. It’s not a valuable item, but the sentiment behind it is. 
C: Ning-ge, now we’re not your friends anymore? [trying to get free watermelon] LYN: You mean I usually say that my fans are my friends and family, but when it comes to sending watermelons, you don’t count? Don’t make trouble for me.  LYN: How about this- I can’t give each one of you a watermelon, so let’s pick three lucky winners and I’ll buy a watermelon for them. How does that sound? Of course, these watermelons aren’t coming from Dunhuang. Go to your local market to buy a watermelon and contact my studio with the receipt and I’ll reimburse you. C: Ning-ge, I was listening to you talk about it so I took my watermelon out of the fridge. LYN: Eat some melon. Especially because the weather is hot, so eating melon will cool you down.  C: Aiya, my watermelons are so expensive. LYN: Tell me where you are, how expensive can they be? Do you think that I and my Modern Brothers Liu Yuning Studio (!) cannot afford to buy you a single watermelon?? Don’t mess with me! But the caveat is you have to be chosen as a winner first.
C: When are you picking winners? LYN: You really want me to?? Some of my friends are very nice- there are people who always watch my streams but never interact. They never type any comments. They’ll just open my stream and leave it to play while working on their own things, and maybe look over once in a while. /looks into the camera/ I’M TALKING ABOUT YOU! What are you looking at. I mean you, who never interacts with me. /tsk/ They heard I was going to send you takeout, and decided to forgo the lottery, because they aren’t lacking in some money for takeout. But then I said that if you didn’t want the money you could exchange it for an autograph. At that moment, they knew regret. If I has said so earlier, then they also would have jumped for the chance to win the raffle. XD LYN: If you haven’t subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. You can take this opportunity to win a lucky watermelon. LYN: Alright then, let’s pick. What should the code be? Ning-ge... /laughs/  “I want to eat watermelon, Ning-ge looks like a frog.” (我想吃西瓜 宁哥像青蛙) That’s not good... >.<; C: How about you give away the milk candy too? LYN: It wasn’t cheap. This bag was 38RMB. I won’t give them away. - /picks three six lucky watermelon winners, no chance of switching to an autograph this time/
C: Will you give mooncakes for the Mid-Autumn Festival? LYN: Um... I can. Wait a minute- do I HAVE to give you something or you won’t watch my stream otherwise or what? It looks like I’m buying you off. - /tells how he used to have friends who worked for companies that, around Mid-Autumn Festival, would require their employees to sell a certain amount of mooncakes otherwise not get yearly bonus/raises. Ended up buying 30-40 boxes of his friend’s cheapest option (at 188RMB a box), and giving them them to his drama crew./
C: Ning-ge, I’m a student can I have your autograph? LYN: There are no pre-requisites to wanting my autograph, so don’t try to pull the student-card. It doesn’t matter if you’re a student or a three-five year old kid. My autographs are free. There’s no way to guarantee one- there’ll be plenty of opportunities. I remember there was someone today who said they were ALMOST my fan. They don’t even get an autograph. C: Ning-ge, I’m pregnant. Can I have an autograph? LYN: Go ask you husband, what does that have to do with me? Why should I?? Is my stream like a public bus, there are priority seating for pregnant women? I know we should respect the elderly and help the disabled/pregnant but this doesn’t apply to getting autographs!
C: Ning-ge, I went on PDD and bought you autographed pillow. LYN: Oh, PDD has signed products? I didn’t know- they didn’t discuss it with me. But as to whether it’s authentic or not, 仁者见仁,智者见智 (the benevolent sees benevolence and the wise see wisdom). You can think about it. LYN: It’s like walking into a Dongbei restaurant and asking the owner if their Mouth-watering Chicken (口水鸡) [a Sichuan dish] is authentic. Or you walk into a Sichuan restaurant and ask them if their spaghetti is authentic. How would it be???
- /comments saying a “Wang-zhong” has come” LYN: Which one? There are many “Wang-zhongs”s in my life. Let me take a look. // Oh. It’s the most important, most respected “Wang-zhong.” I thought it was someone else, but it was the most important “Wang-zhong” I’ve met in my life. Welcome.  LYN: It’s the “Searching for You” Wang-zhong. (The producer?? IDK.) C: The boss is here, you’re not going to sing? LYN: What- did he give me presents or what?? I’m just saying IF the present-gifting option was open or if he gave me a- gave me a... (red packet), then I’d sing for him. But /shrug/ he just came to see me, what do I need to indulge him for? I already sang the song twice today, is that not enough? - /promotes himself as a good buy for OSTs, because not only do you get him to sing it, he will also promote the song afterwards/ C: Wang-zhong is here, you’re not going to give him an autograph? LYN: /laughs/ Oh, is that how it is? So if people like Boss Wang come, I have to send them my autograph? Am I crazy? For example, next time I see a boss or producer I will go up to them and say, “Hello.  In order to show my respect for you, here is my autograph. Let’s work well together in the future.” ??? I’d come across as a lunatic. C: Give him a watermelon. LYN: That, I can do. In the hopes that he will come find me to sing the OST for his next drama, too. C: Then, when you give him the watermelon you can sign it too.
C: You have another topic trending. LYN: ?! What is it? “LYN says the variety shows he’s recorded don’t have scripts” That’s- that’s a little sensitive. Do my words hold such importance now? Starting it off with “LYN says” seems like there’s some deeper meaning there...  Am I so amazing now, that my words can represent a different meaning altogether?  LYN: I think some media accounts are still good though. Do you remember that topic called, “Say Psycho, Who’s a Psycho”? That started off as a media post trying to stir up traffic. But who knew that because of their post, I would end up trending at #2 on the hot search. I think it was Orange Entertainment (Ju Zi Yu Le), right? I remember. If I have anything I need to promote in the future, I will hire them to do it. Any accounts that post hate-material on me, I will remember them and NEVER contact them if I have any future project going on. I’ll tell my friends not to use them either. C: You have a small notebook and secretly keep track? LYN: I don’t secretly keep track- I do it out in the open.
C: Ning-ge, are your bangs real or fake? LYN: 去你的! Earlier someone asked me why I always wear a cap and I told them it was because I was balding and I had fake bangs. Now you’re coming here asking if they’re real?! How can you be so easy to trick? Don’t mess around, I still have some brand endorsements going. It’s just that I haven’t washed my hair today and it doesn’t have a shape.
LYN: “LYN says the variety shows he’s recorded don’t have scripts” but I also said that The Truth HAS a script. Otherwise we’d be playing a Murder Mystery with no mystery??? That won’t do.
C: I saw the trending topic and came back in. LYN: What- so you already left once??  - /promoting his stream to people who are just coming in, and telling them about the incentives (raffles) if they subscribe/
C: I’m going to start military academy (?) soon, what should I prepare? LYN: Go ask your mom, what are you asking me for? Maybe some comfortable shoes, and some sunblock. Prep some water, since you’d be more tired. // I don’t say to use sunscreen because I want to look nice and am afraid of getting tan. Being tan is not scary- what’s scary is that after long exposure your skin is going to age a lot faster. You don’t want that to happen, so proper protection from the sun is a must.  C: Mosquito repellent. LYN: Doesn’t academy usually take place during the day, though? It’s fine, right?
C: Ning-ge, you don’t tan. LYN: You’re wrong. I tan really easily. When I was shooting The Long Ballad I got really tanned, then. I didn’t know about sunblock then, because I thought it was a girly thing to apply. Very unmanly, because “men have to fight” (爷们儿要战斗). I had never applied to before, even though I had other the other makeup applied. But after The Long Ballad- I was so tan. My fans saw me at the airport and said that my neck was so dark it was shining. LYN: I was out of the sun for a while when shooting for Heroes, but then I was in the sun again for Floating World. If Hao Du was outside chasing people down, Zuo Bufan was out hiding from being chased down. I don’t remember, I think it was a variety show, but my hand and arm were two different shades. Now we’re in Dunhuang with the sun shining down upon us, so I’ve taken to applying sunscreen every day. But you have to re-apply it every two hours or so which is troublesome. - /it doesn’t work for a very tan person to wear lighter foundation, otherwise you’d “look like a zombie”/ C: It’s alright. All men are dark. LYN: /sigh/ Before there was the whole concept of “LYN says”. I probably would refute it, but ever since “LYN says” came to light I don’t dare to. You’re right. It’s okay for men to be tan. Because “men have to fight”! LYN: But I just wanted to say that what makes someone “manly” doesn’t depend on their appearance. It depends on their heart. Some people might look weak but do things with dependency and responsibility- that’s being a man. But if you look strong, dark, and manly but you stay at home beating your wife then that’s not a real man. You can’t judge based on appearance, but by someone’s actions. 
LYN: This brings me back around to a different matter: people are always saying I’m just internet famous. It’s inexplicable. You can call me that, it doesn’t matter. But since I debuted, have I ever done something an “internet famous” person would do? I want to ask- what is it I did. Did I promote products or what? What did I do to make you call me “internet famous”? C: Livestream. LYN: I’ve closed the gifting system. If everyone who streams is internet famous, then why aren’t you calling every other streamer “internet famous”? There are so many out there who stream AND try to sell you things. 1. My gifting system is closed, I just here to chat, never to take your money. 2. I don’t try to sell you things. I don’t think you can keep using the term “internet famous” without looking at what people have done with it. It’s not like just because that’s how I started off, that’s what I’ll continue to be. I’m a person person from the countryside, but now that I’ve moved to the city and made a life for myself here, it’s not like you’re going to continue saying I’m a country boy, right? LYN: I just want to make terms that have more negative connotations less so. Since I’ve debuted I’ve never done something typical of an “internet famous” individual. If you wanted me to sing at weddings and endorse brands to make money it’s only too easy for me, but I never have. All I’ve done is release music- it’s all my own, and it’s all free- except for the OSTs, because the production company owns those, not me. Is that not enough? How many of your so called “artists” can say the same? I’m betting only very few.
C: How is it working with Liu Shishi-laoshi? LYN: It’s nice. She’s also a very easy going person. Some people are hard to communicate with, but she’s easy to talk to. Before I entered the crew, I asked around for things I should watch out for or avoid doing when working with her. Everyone said that I would have no problem with her, just that she is slow to warm up to people. I thought that was alright, I may look cold but I can be quick to bring up the mood. I can be more proactive in getting in to know her, that was fine. But after getting to know her for two days- she’s not slow to warm up to people! I told her, “Everyone says you’re slow to warm up to people, but I don’t think so??” She said, “Yeah. Before I came into the crew I heard that YOU were slow to warm up to people.” I AM, though. It’s just that I warmed myself up so that we could get to know each other better/faster, but it turned out she was faster than I was! So, it’s very comfortable working with her. LYN: Working together with people is a new experience every time. Because for the circumstances, two people have to be very close/familiar. You don’t have to be intimately familiar, but just on close enough terms that the chemistry and emotions you give each other during a scene works. The viewers are sharp- it doesn’t matter if the two characters are kissing or hugging- they can tell if you’re close or not.
LYN: Alright, it’s about time. C: Ning-ge, keep talking a little longer. I’m listening to you while doing my homework.
C: FYL still isn’t here yet? LYN: Have you been listening? I’m going to kick you out for spamming his name. Some people curse at me and I don’t kick them out, but if you mention him I will kick you out. XD He already said he wasn’t coming- let him rest. He can come play next time. Are you here (in my stream) to see FYL? That’s disappointing. It’s like going to someone’s concert and yelling a different singer’s name entirely. Are you looking for a beating?? XD
C: Ning-ge, when are you holding you next concert? LYN: I don’t know. I won’t hold one for now. I think it’ll be hard in the next couple of years too. Let’s not think about it- it will happen eventually. I’m still a singer, after all. The concert will happen some day. I think I rushed into it- I had only debuted for a year before I started holding my concert. It’s a good thing I did.
- /Orange Entertainment came to check out the stream.LYN backtracks to say that he didn’t mean to call them a (gossip) account, but he just didn’t know how to describe them. His point was that he know he got a trending topic because of them and he is grateful for it, and that he remembers accounts that treat him well. He just wanted to highlight the difference between accounts that mean well (that bring him trending topics) and ones that have ill-will (like the one saying he was going to act as CQL movie ver.’s LWJ./ LYN: Why didn’t they just say I was going to play Sun Wukong? I can’t be Sun Wukong because of my height but maybe a Gibbon version of Sun Wukong.
LYN: Alright, it’s time for me to get organized and go. I need to get up early tomorrow.  - /comments reminds him of the Celestial Dog, from many streams back. XD/ LYN: I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you. I’ll see you the next time. Goodnight everyone.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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 2022.09.28 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324818741396635821
[Truthfully - A1 TRIP & DOBI]
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening. I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Welcome~ C: What a surprise that you’ve come to stream today! LYN: Are you not part of my fan board? I already posted an announcement saying that I would stream a little tonight. C: I finally caught it! LYN: You finally did, huh? I hope next time you can subscribe and next time you can also catch it because it will tell you when I am streaming. 
C: Have you recovered from your cold? LYN: I’ve been recovered. It’s not like I was afflicted for two months, it was just a few days. I heard people say that for colds if you don’t take medicine you’ll be okay in seven days, but if you do take medicine you’ll be okay in five. This is the difference between taking and not taking medicine. 
C: Have you eaten? LYN: I haven’t because... I’m on a diet. (I’ve eaten). /being dramatic/ I’ve eaten nothing at all today- just skin and bones- I haven’t even had water. Oh- I should drink water. LYN: Let me grab my cup! - /water asmr/ LYN: Cheers! C: Ning-ge, are you drinking 55% Er Guo Tou? LYN: /picks up the water bottle to look at it in disbelief/ How can I be drinking alcohol while streaming? I’d be cursed to death! Also, I met a friend today, and as we were chatting they asked if I usually drink. I told them I don’t drink, and they said I don’t look like the type. Adding to that the fact that I am from Dongbei it seems like me NOT consuming alcohol is a very strange thing. Let’s not talk about Dongbei- I have some friends from Inner Mongolia, and THEY can’t drink, either. You alcohol tolerance doesn’t have anything to do with where you come from? Perhaps the stereotype is that most people from these regions can hold their liquor but even so there are outliers who can’t. I am that outlier. Let me tell you all about my tolerance- one bottle of beer and I start to cry. All the injustices I’ve faced in my whole life come to the forefront and I start to cry. After two bottles of beer, I pretty much can’t walk anymore. These two long legs of mine become chopsticks. They’re not very easy to use.  C: You start to cry, even. LYN: What? Is crying after one bottle of beer make me sound too girly? No, right? It’s just because that we live in a harsh society and everyone has a lot of pressure. C: You don’t (seem girly). LYN: Firstly, my tolerance is low and secondly, I don’t really enjoy drinking. I don’t find any pleasure in it. People always say that when they drink they can experience some happiness, but I don’t. The only thing I feel is uncomfortable- I get a headache. Also- when I drink it shows on my face. It doesn’t matter how little the amount- one mouthful of red wine and my face is flushed. Sometimes veteran actors have told me that if I have an emotional scene, I should have a shot of liquor to bring up my emotions. When I first started acting I tried it out once- I bought and drank half a bottle of beer and I didn’t feel any of the effects of the alcohol, but my whole face was red. I said, “Director, my face is so red, do you think we can still shoot the scene?” Fro then on, I don’t dare to drink while filming. 
C: Lao-da, your bangs are longer. LYN: I put them in front of my face on purpose. So I can cover up some of my ugly, and also don’t I look more ~melancholy~? A Melancholy Guy (忧郁男子). Because from what I see there are two impressions people have of LYN: 1. LYN sings a lot of OSTs. and 2. LYN is a COMEDIAN. I’m a comedian??? I’m OBVIOUSLY a cool guy. Everyone says so.  LYN: Lately I’ve been criticized online for being ugly- it’s the most criticized I’ve ever been before. I mean, people have always said I was ugly, but lately it’s A LOT. I’m having mental break. I don’t even dare to eat- I only drink water. (joking) That’s why when I play games or the Switch, you know how you can name your character? All my names are designated as “Handsome/Cool Boy” (帅气男孩). This is truth. Not because I believe I am, but because I am trying to convince myself that I am. It’s alright, it doesn’t matter. C: You don’t want “Shaolin Master (少林师)” anymore? LYN: The Shaolin Master has expired. All my usernames used to be that, but now I want to turn over a new leaf, so I’m Handsome Boy now.
C: Are night scenes tiring? LYN: I actually like shooting night scenes better than day scenes. Why? Because my appearance- let’s use a few different methods to explain why- appearance-wise, I have a small nose and small eyes. There are few artists or actors in this industry with eyes/nose smaller than mine. So in the daytime, with my already small eyes and the sun shining down on them, it seems like my eyes are pretty much closed. A Chinese pancake with two red dates for eyes. In the daytime I like to close my eyes a little- I can’t open them very big - because the sun is too bright- it hurts my eyes, because I have astigmatism. So when I have shoots in the daytime my eyes are really small. But at night it’s better, because no matter how bright the lights are, I can take it. I just don’t like the sun. But with night scenes the bright light makes the makeup look heavy. C: Ning-ge, your eyes aren’t that big to begin with. LYN: ... I wasn’t talking about the Shandong Round Dates, I was talking about those... small wild dates.
C: You caught a cold? LYN: I had one, there are still some after-effects. I still SOUND like I’m sick, but everything else is ok. C: After your cold, your voice sounds much more charming~ LYN: Look at that~ I think... oh- the “bubble” sound seems to have gotten stronger. So it turns out that you all find this type of sound charming- when it sounds like you have a motor in your mouth? Like a motorcycle!  LYN: I see online that guys record clips of themselves saying some great quotes- well, sometimes they’re not great, but just cheesy pick-up lines- but when they speak, you have two things to focus on: 1. The “bubble” sound, and 2. Make it breathy. Let me show you an example, with some song lyrics. - /demonstrates/ LYN: Start it with the bubble and end it with a breath. C: You need a good nasal tone. LYN: No, nasal tone ~sounds like this~
C: I’m using my data to watch. LYN: It’s better to find someplace with wifi, because my stream is extremely HQ. Watching 2-3 hours of my stream is like watching a movie. Think about it- if you watch an HQ movie with your phone how much would it cost you in data?? I firmly believe that if you use your roaming data to watch my stream... unless you are very rich, then you can watch with your data. But I suggest finding wifi- I think one stream will use up at least 1-2GB, right? I don’t know, I’ve never tried it. C: No. For you it’s worth it. (paying for roaming data) LYN: Am I supposed to be touched by you saying that? I told you not to watch my stream with data, because it would cost you at least 1-2GB, that’s about 5RMB; and someone says, “No! For you, spending this 5RMB is worth it.” Thank you. XD
C: Lao-da, are you singing today? LYN: I can! If you want to hear something, I can sing it later.
C: How long has the stream been on? LYN: Just five minutes. You didn’t miss anything. I didn’t say anything at all prior to this. 
C: Don’t sing, your voice can’t take it. LYN: What nonsense are you saying? I’m a singer. I can’t too arrogantly say that I’m an actor, because right now I don’t have too many works out yet. But I can confidently say that I’m a singer. I’m alright, though- because as a singer I think we should be able to overcome some discomfort regarding our voices. I once experienced a situation- and that day my throat hurt badly and my voice was hoarse but I had a performance, and it was being streamed live. That was the only time I really felt the pressure. Other times even when my throat hurts, I know that work is work and when I have to sing, I have to sing. C: Ning-ge, I want to hear WSL’s songs. LYN: /squints/ If you want to hear WSL’s songs, go to HIS weibo and leave a message. What are you chatting with me for? Go tell him. How ignorant.  C: WSL says he wants copyright royalties. LYN: I don’t know- do you need a copyright to sing his songs? Wait- of course you do. But if I send him a message and say, “Long-ge, I want to sing a couple of your songs in my stream. Can you not ask me to pay a fee?” I think he would show my some face. Of course, it’s not all about the copyright.
C: Ning-ge, how are you with riding horses now? LYN: Riding a horse? I’m alright- which is to say, I CAN ride them. I can ride them, but if you want me to flip upside-down and pick something from the ground and get back up- that I can’t do. But normally for going forward and turning back, those movements I am capable of.  C: Will you still be scared into crying when you ride? LYN: Ehm... I cried once, and then after that I was able to hold it in. It’s too shameful. If I were a little kid- someone born after the 2000′s- it’d be okay for me to cry, cute even. The jiejie standing around would sympathize. But I’m already 30+. If this old face rides a horse and starts crying, do you think that would be cute? I can’t cry, so I’ve been holding it back. I don’t cry while riding, but then I’m off the horse and am in a resting area, I secretly bawl. Men’s tears are like this- they can’t be seen by others. They only fall in a place where others can’t see. C: Can you gallop? LYN: I won’t say anything more. I ride a lot in Floating World, you can watch that when it’s out. You can also watch the dramas I’ve shot before. There were scenes where I galloped. It’s possible for even me. 
C: Will Zi Chuan air this year? LYN: I’m 80% sure it will air by the end of the year. I’ve been contacted to go back and supplement the voice acting. I’ll do that in early October, and when it’s all done I guess it can air by the end of the year. I think it will be able to, so you can watch Zi Chuan this year.  LYN: But I want to say to my fans- that even though I’ve debuted for about four years now, and have been shooting dramas for three of them, but all I’ve ever acted as is supporting characters. It’s either third, fourth, or maybe second male lead. I’ve been eighth male before, and have also cameo’d in a few things. But up until now I’ve always been support. I know a lot of my fans hope to see more of me, but I really don’t have a lot of scenes in those dramas before. Zi Chuan, for example, in 48 episodes I only have about 200 scenes. In Heroes BCF had 360 scenes. So it’s not much; most of my scenes (Zi Chuan) are in the second part- which we haven’t filmed yet. For Floating World I only have 191 scenes.  C: Feng-feng? LYN: Oh, WCF (Hot Blooded Youth)? That was my first drama, so I don’t think I have an impression of how many scenes I did. It wasn’t a small amount, in any case. C: It took you 5 months to shoot 191 scenes? LYN: All good works need to “refine gold into powder”. That’s right. For every production every person needs to have the mindset of a craftsman. No production is created willy-nilly. Every great actor needs hundreds and thousands of hours of hard work and effort, to have experienced great trials, before they can be considered a real actor. So I think being an actor is extremely difficult. [t/n: making up for his past slip, where he said acting was easy X’D] LYN: Why did it take 5 months to shoot 191 scenes? Because there were too many fight scenes!! We were fighting every day and for nothing at all. I told you about it, Zhuo Bufan is the best swordsman in the world, so he is always looking for a fight. There were so many fight scenes... but when I experience these things I might think they are torturous in the moment- seeing my schedule filled with “fight scene” day after day just gives me a headache- but when you look back on it, you would be thankful for the experience. Really. Because for this drama I have a few fight scenes as well- not a lot, but not a little- but I had a sudden feeling that I’ve made a breakthrough. I don’t know if you’ve ever worked at something for a long time and then suddenly get the feeling you understand everything perfectly? I think I’ve had a breakthrough with fight scenes. Because most of them are a set of moves, but when I got to this drama I suddenly felt that when the stunt teacher showed it to me once, I could remember it already. It’s like in the wuxia novels and the student and master and exchanging blows, and the third person just watching on learned by observation! I was in disbelief- how could you learn such a long martial art just by watching?? There’s no way. But then when it actually happens, I see that it’s because you’ve pretty much learned all the basic moves before. It’s just the same: hack, slash, swipe, block, kick. Only the order changes. // So I thank my previous drama for the training. I had a hard time, but I gained something from it.  LYN: I still need to say, though- I still can’t do fight scenes well. I didn’t say I was any good, I just wanted tot thank my previous drama for the training. I spent five months shooting for Floating World and I think it was worth it. Of course, I also improved the slightest in my performance, but I most want to thank it for honing my fight skills. // Every drama I finish, there is something I learn the most from it, Floating World just happened to be how to do fight scenes.
C: What shade of foundation does Ning Yuanzhou use? LYN: /laughs/ People seem to be very interested in my character’s foundation, because I was suppressed by No.13 once. When shooting for Floating World I had shade No.13. A lot of people may not know because they don’t use or have no experience with make-up. Shade No.13 is... not very frequently used by us yellow-toned individuals. Do you understand? That is- even if you want to buy it in this country, you’d be hard-pressed to find it. No one buys it, so why should places stock it? But the drama sourced it from overseas and applied it to my face- that’s just the look we were going for. It really made me consider my appearance. I’d see myself in the mirror- and I’m talking to myself now! /looking at the camera/- “Alright. This is fine. Let me just perform my part well, and see if I can improve upon my acting.” There’s no way anyone would start to like my face after watching this drama. LYN: I didn’t even want to look at myself in the mirror. As we were shooting and the makeup artist tells me it’s time to touch up, I told them, “No need. Do you think this /gestures to his face/ needs any touching up?” But honestly- when you’re living in the moment it’s easy for people to be confused, right? I don’t know if you’ve experienced this: only after you come back from experiencing something and have time to reflect, can you think clearly- so I think that this role was actually very good. Because it allowed me, as the actor Liu Yuning, to be able to really get into character. In looking at the guzhuang drama’s I’ve done until now, there hasn’t really been a change in dress and appearance- is there a difference? Yes. But not drastically- because it’s always going to be this same face. It’s still going to be me acting. But this character was unique in that it was so different from the others, so I really enjoyed it. LYN: So let’s get back to the topic of Ning Yuanzhou’s foundation. At the time, I thought Floating World would be when I was most troubles by my appearance, but I didn’t think that this day would come, because NOW I am troubles by my appearance. This just goes to prove that once you jump over one of life’s hurdles another one will be waiting. There might be another hurdle, or perhaps... a pit. You can never tell! :D C: So what shade do you use? LYN: When we first started off I was very pale- we used either No. 2 or No. 3. I say both because they used both... for a shade No. 2.5. I never knew! It turns out you can mix the colors for foundation, too. I always thought that you were set for either 2 or either 3. But now they mix it! As we kept shooting, they told me, “Ning-ge, should we use a lighter shade?” and I asked them, “Why? Is it because you think I’m too ugly?” They said, “No!” well of course they would say that, out of politeness. It was because all the other male actors had were lighter than me, so then I secretly took a peek at what shade THEY were using. All less than me. How can this be acceptable? If the five of us were in the same frame it’d be four pale faces and one dark one! I’d look like the waiter! That’s no good. We’ve got to one-up them! You’ll notice that if there’s some event and a group of artists take a picture, inevitably the conversation will turn to focus on who is the palest- and therefore the “prettiest”. (It’s really like that!)- there will be a comparison. So in this case, it’s no good, and I should adjust the color of my foundation, too. We switched to No.2, but after I few days I got the feeling... it’s TOO white. D: I’m a really straight male, alright. So I can’t stand if I am saying some serious/urgent things and my face is just- sheet white. So later I told them I could go back to the darker shade, so I can look manlier. Because “men have to fight”. [t/n: referencing that song, again.] Lately- if I’ve gotten tan they’ll use a mix of 2 and 3. If we’re shooting in the tent, we’ll use no.3. - /suddenly breaks out into “Men Have to Fight” for two lines/
C: Ning-ge, have you turned on the big eyes (beauty filters)? LYN: No, I don’t use those strange effects when I stream, like fixing the shape of my nose or eyes. I only use the blur tool... and the slimming effect, just a little. Just the blur tool, to make my skin look a little better. Because I’m always in front of the camera, anyway. I’ve been on variety shows, so you all know what I look like already! I go on shows, I perform at events. It’s not like I’m wearing a mask around in life. When I’m streaming for three hours at a time, I hope that even if you’re not my fan you can still be able to see something passable, and at the very least not be annoyed by how I look. Right? If I sit here looking ugly and you start to become annoyed at me, then I’d be done for. So just a little blurring effect. It’s enough. It’s not like we’re filming some documentary, and even if we were- nature/food documentaries still touch up the colors. They also add filters to make the image appear more beautiful. It’s normal. Don’t get hung up on this. But I really haven’t turned on the “big eyes” filter.
C: Ning-ge, I haven’t seen one of your stage performances in so long! LYN: ... I don’t think there have been any stages for me to be on, lately. A few events have invited me, but I rejected them. Not because I’m so amazing! But because my current drama.. it’s a pretty complicated role and I don’t want to split my attention. Honestly, everyday I- - /Daimi barking/ LYN: Other than filming, I don’t really want to do anything else right now. When I used to shoot dramas, I would also find some time to play games and relax, or go out for a meal with friends. But this time I’m not interested in any of that. I’m giving this role 120%- not because I’m professional, but maybe because I’m dumb. I don’t have enough mental capacity to think of other things. I apologize, I’m a bit more foolish than most. C: You’re addicted. LYN: I really am. I have to thank the drama, for that. I always want to tell my fans- my friends- just trust me. Let’s all wait for the result. :)
LYN: But anyway, I’m just here to chat a little. I haven’t really go anything planned. If you want to hear a few songs, I can sing. Lately I’ve released a song called “浮生 (Floating Life)” [Floating Life: Fantasy World] (t/n: somehow related to Floating World)... I won’t sing it yet, but maybe next time. I’ll wait for it to near the end of its run before I sing it. LYN: It was a bit difficult for me- especially the rap part. I’m really not great at it. Sometimes I think about what I want to sing during my streams, and the other day I heard this song: “麒麟 (Kirin)” (早安 Zao An, Rap of China). // I wanted to study this song and then sing it for you for entertainment, because I’ve seen a lot of people covering this song. I wanted to try. But when I try to sing this my mouth can’t catch up.  C: The tone of voice doesn’t suit you. LYN: What do you mean? I don’t sound as good a him, sure, but- /clears his throat/ This must be a new friend. C: Try it out, ge. LYN: Let’s check it out together, because the lyrics are kind of long. Let me see if I can even READ it. - /starts reciting lyrics, and it devolves into an old-timey style Dongbei rap/ LYN: Let me see if I can get it down. The fast parts are more difficult. For this part, my brain can still follow. - /continues/ LYN: You know there’s this style of performing rap- which is he sings everything else, and I’m in charge of following along with the last three words. - LYN: Someone said ZXD-laoshi is here? Welcome, welcome~ I’m discussing music with my friends. Welcome, please watch for a bit. - LYN: So let’s try rapping, but only following along with the latter three words. The front is “Are you ready?! afjkdla”- could we try it? C: Forget it, ge. LYN: If you kept telling me to try, I would forget it. But now that you told me to forget it, I really want to try. Should I... try? // Why is it telling me there are no lyrics?? If there aren’t any, then let’s not push it. We could play the original track and hum along...  - /fudges his way through 麒麟 (Kirin) by 早安 Zao An/; /adds in a bunch of “are you ready?”s for the hype/ *(t/n: I say “fudges” because he is making noises but only really saying the last word of the rap parts, but when it gets slow enough for him to follow it’s good! XD) LYN: I muddled my way through. LYN: Rap, to me, is very difficult. My mouth can’t move that fast. /huffing/ This (rapping) really requires some stamina. I didn’t even really sing, but it feels like I’ve already done two sets of sit-ups. You really need core strength to sing these songs.
LYN: How about this, friends- /setting up the bathroom break/ Shh! I think my neighbors are fighting. Friends, I think they’re fighting. You listen. It’s real this time! Let me go take a look, so that no lives are lost. I’ll go take a look. Wait for me. I’ll play you a vcr. - bathroom break #1
- /comes back without missing a few outer layers/ LYN: One song has made me very hot. I’ve taken my clothes off! C: How did the neighbor’s fight go? LYN: They “died” most miserably. But after I intervened they were able to calm down. So I sang them 童话 (Fairytale). “I forgot how long it’s been since I’ve heard your voice. Since I’ve heard you tell your favorite story. I thought for a long time and started to panic. Have I done something wrong?” So I sang them this song and they reconciled. In just a short three minutes I saved a lovely relationship. C: We want to hear it, too! LYN: I’ll sing it for you. Let’s see if I can save your relationships. Are there any fans out there who are having a spat with their husbands? XD He doesn’t want you to watch LYN’s streams, but you are so you’ve had a fight. Now I’ll sing this song for you to make amends. - /童话 (Fairy Tale) [Guang Liang]/ (& tries to splice it with a couple different songs XD) LYN: That’s why, music can really redeem a person. A short “Fairytale” saved a relationship. C: Ning-ge, I am having a fight with my husband. We’re considering a divorce. LYN: What, divorce? Don’t mess around. Happily live your life together. If you can get by peacefully, then live well.
C: Ning-ge, you’re so gentle today. LYN: When was I ever mean? Tell me, when was I not gentle?!? I think I’m a pretty calm/neutral person. C: You’re getting fierce right now. LYN: No, that’s because I’m streaming. Normally I’m a very good person to get along with. If you talk about me to people who’ve met me, and ask them if they get along with me, they’ll say that I am good to get along with. Because I don’t normally interact in the first place. So really, they don’t know if I AM good to get along with, but I just seem like someone who would be. I can attest- I am a very good person to get along with. LYN: /reading comments/ Alright, let’s not let it get to our heads. I told you I’m good to get along with, and some of you are saying, “Let’s meet up and prove that.”
LYN: I won’t stream long today, only until about 10p. I came here to keep my promise to you, because I really don’t know when the next time I’ll be able to stream is. I’ll be busy later, when I start to record some OSTs, and do some voice acting... ALZ has called me to do voice acting, so in-between shootings I’ll go do that. C: Ning-ge, have you decided on your next drama yet? LYN: I’m not that good- there’s really not a market for me. I don’t have anything yet. The next one is proving difficult to find. // I’ve been caught up with the current drama’s script, so I haven’t really looked at any new scripts. Of course, they’ve been sent to me, but I don’t have the interest in finding another just yet- I just want to finish this one first. I know that media accounts are saying that I’ve been cast for a few, but I haven’t yet. I haven’t had the time to look. I don’t have work (after YNGS). LYN: I know a lot of you are afraid that I don’t have any work, but don’t be. I am very realistic when it comes to my business practices. I won’t let myself go without work for long. From an outside perspective of those who don’t know me- you might think that I’m a failure, that I’m just wasting away and not getting anywhere (climbing up the ladder) in the industry. The people who say this don’t understand me. I am really the type who won’t let myself slow down- I need to have work. But not only do I need work, I need good work. Like working with brilliant actors like Tao-jie- to me, that is “good” work. 
LYN: Oh? Is she here? See- when you mention Tao-jie, Tao-jie comes. LYN: When you compliment someone to their face it seems a little fake, so that’s why you have to compliment them behind their backs. When I was complimenting Tao-jie just now, I had no idea she was watching my stream. It doesn’t tell me. ZXD, also- is a very good actress. Is she gone? LYN: I haven’t spoken much about Tao-jie, because I wanted to tell you about it when the drama started airing. But I had a very good time while shooting for ZZJDG (BYOL). A lot of crews just think of it as work, but with this crew we all had a great time. I think Tao-jie is a very mature and brilliant actor; she’s taught me a lot on set. I’m not just saying this to be a good business partner, I really secretly learned a lot of techniques from (observing) her. C: Connect with her. LYN: I’m afraid I don’t have the right to. C: Beautiful and kind. LYN: She really is. C: Would we be lucky enough to see Liu Tao and Liu Yuning connect on stream? LYN: Um... you aren’t that lucky. You might not be. LYN: She left. See? She came to watch my stream and you’re all pushing us to connect. Who do you think you are? There’s no way she could just randomly chat with you all.  LYN: But Tao-jie took really good care of me. She guided me while acting- very good actors can make it so that you invest your emotions and the scene plays out naturally. It was really comfortable filming with her. // I’m really very attached to the drama, so I was thinking that when it wraps- even though it’s already wrapped for me- I want to go back to Chengdu for the wrap party. That’s what I want to do, but it depends on if my schedule allows. C: Are you a very emotional person? LYN: I’m alright. I’m just very grateful for the actors and the drama crews that have worked with me. You all know that I am a pretty excitable person- you can tell by how I speak to you most of the time. But I can make myself more balanced out. I really am grateful to everyone I’ve worked with, and even though we may never see each other again, in the time that I have spent with them I really respect them. 
LYN: Oh- where was I? People were saying that I just let myself waste away. But just think of where I started. I’ve only debuted four years and HOW many songs have I released?? If I were a failure, why would I have released so many? So I’m not- I just give it my all. It has nothing to do with hard work- I’m just investing my everything. Because I don’t want to let myself have nothing to do. This applies to dramas, too. I started officially acting in 2021- once I started I haven’t really stopped. I’ve picked up one after another, so I won’t let myself stop now.  C: Four years, 117 songs. LYN: Right? So if we average it out its... 30 songs a year. With twelve months in a year, that means I had to have released 2.5 songs every month. For a singer to release 2.5 songs every month- think about the probability. How many singers do you know can release 2.5 songs in a month? I’ve also recorded a few OSTs this week that haven’t been released yet.
LYN: For those fans out there who are worried for my career- don’t worry. I know better than you what I need to be doing. And I’ve seen what people are saying about me online and I understand them- it’s just because they don’t know me. Of course, they are not required to know me, they don’t need to know me. Who am I, even? When people make posts online I think it’s just a short expression of their feelings. If they want to curse and slander me, let them. They don’t need to know me, and I totally understand. As long as I know what I am doing and what I need to do, that’s enough. I know what I want.
LYN: I shot my first drama in 2018- I debuted in 2018! How old does that make me? I debuted so late in life, do you think I dare let this opportunity go to waste?? The first drama I shot was the role Linghe Ent.’s Bai-laoshi gave me in Hot Blooded Youth. Honestly, at that time I really wanted to BE an actor, but didn’t think I had what it took. I thought I would take any chance I could get to even be a part of acting. Even after I finished with that drama, I still didn’t think I could even continue to be an actor. I only knew that if there was another chance, I would still take it. I was a singer- and didn’t consider that acting could become part of my career. I just thought that if someone wanted me to, I could act a little. Normally I would hold my concerts, release albums, and meet you through some variety shows and I was satisfied with that thought. LYN: I know people online are saying I have backers and resources. The truth is, a lot of people are giving me resources. A lot of people do give me work to do. But if you say that I have a company backing me- if you really know or understand this industry, you’ll know that it’s very small- you can go ask anyone if I have someone backing me. Go ask, and then you’ll know whether I really do have resources or backers. If I had anyone backing me, do you still think there would be so many people online slandering me? I have no one to control/subdue the comments. I’m free-range. LYN: Then, after HBY I went to shoot Ultimate Note. It was after the holiday break- I went to do a simple surgery and couldn’t sing for three months after. As a singer, being unable to sing, what else could I do?? I couldn’t stand the thought of me sitting around doing nothing. Coincidentally, Bai-laoshi came to me again with a drama (Ultimate Note) and gave me the role of Hei Yanjing. // I’m very thankful for Linghe’s Bai Yicong-laoshi because he’s the reason I was able to become an actor at all. And- I’ll be honest with you- when I was shooting HBY, he was already talking to me about Zi Chuan. But who would have known that though we talked about it in 2018, we only really got to film it in 2021. I’m thankful for the fact he brought me into this industry, and gave me my first two dramas. LYN: My third drama was The Long Ballad. Even after shooting the first two, I was still unclear on what it meant to be an actor. I didn’t think of it- not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t think I had the right to. There are so many actors already, and there was no one out there who knew that LYN was now acting, so even if they had any scripts they wouldn’t know to consider me. It just so happens that I got to know Bai-laoshi, and he considered me for a few productions. I never thought that I NEEDED to be an actor, because I didn’t think I had the right or the resources. It’s only after you’ve worked with a crew and some directors/producers that the work follows- but I didn’t have that to start. But the director of The Long Ballad- Chu Yuibin- he was my first (real) director. I started to chat with him- we get along very well now- and he said, “Xiao Ning, after your first day on set I nearly had a breakdown. I could tell you’re a rookie who’s never acted before.” The only thing I could do was agree. I’d never done a (guzhuang) drama before, what was a crew, even?? But he said that after a month of filming he felt more at ease with me. I was able to get into character. Up until that point I was just acting on instinct- it might not have been perfect, but at least it was real. He told me I got a lot better when I started to act as the bad guy (bc the scenes are shot out of order), and was I perhaps a bad guy to begin with? If he didn’t acknowledge I had something back then, he would never have recommended me for anything else after. LYN: He was the one who recommended me for The Long Ballad, so I guess you can say that he’s my backer. I met up with him to discuss this project, and this was well before I knew any of the producers. He asked if I would consider the role, and after he sent the script to me told me to meet with the producers, so they could “check out the goods”, so to speak. This is the normal process- you have to meet with the producers so that they can see how well you know the character, and how well you fit in with their bigger picture. We went for that first meeting in Beijing and it was pretty stiff, because none of us knew each other then. Chu-laoshi kept speaking for me, and trying to get me to chip in. You know me, with my Dongbei personality. If it’s a really big boss, I keep quiet; But if it’s a normal conversation you want, I can give it to you. I speak very realistically, and won’t try to pretend and put on airs because I know exactly how I started out. I’m a normal person, so I spoke to them as any normal person would. We started to get along quite nicely. Of course, no decisions were made at the table that night but they contacted me later and asked if I would accept the role. 
C: You sure can hold a conversation. LYN: If you get to know me in person, you’ll know that I’m not actually very good at it. Sometimes I can say things that might have you taken aback, but that’s just because I like to say practical things. I don’t like to pretend, and I hate the type of people who do. Hao Du is that type of person. XD After I finished shooting CGX- it hadn’t even aired yet, and neither had UN- I only had one drama out and it was HBY- which didn’t have good viewership. But it was after I finished with CGX that I felt like I started to LIKE acting. I said in an interview around that time as well, not only did I want to be an actor, I wanted to be a good actor. LYN: I had a sudden breakthrough with acting. Do you know what I mean? All of a sudden you have an epiphany and everything becomes clear. Like riding a bike- at first you may use your legs to push you along, but suddenly your feet are on the pedals and you get moving, and it all makes sense. You struggle and fall, and struggle and fall. But in one moment you’re riding smoothly and you’ve got it down. A lot of skills are like this- you have a sudden breakthrough. I got this feeling after finished CGX- suddenly I knew what acting WAS. The first two dramas I got through blind, but now I understood. If you wanted me to explain, I couldn’t do it. I didn’t know whether I acted well or not, but I knew what I needed in order to act. I don’t mean that suddenly I was a genius, just that I knew what I had to do- even if I wasn’t good at the execution. From then on I told my studio that we would try out being an actor, because I has started to like acting. CGX was my first guzhuang drama, AND the first drama I was able to do the voice acting for; I consider it one of the more important dramas in my acting career. My experience with this drama was the one that really confirmed whether I could cut it as an actor or not. LYN: When I was shooting CGX, everyone knows that I pretty much didn’t have anything out at the time. People didn’t know who I was or if I could act. Of course, I don’t act well, even now. I always tell my fans not to go out and tell people about my acting- I’m working on it. I’m still learning. I’ve been with my acting coach for three years, now.
LYN: Bai Choufei- I think is a very good role. When we meet up I tell my friends that I met the best role at the best time. There’s something I gained from every role I’ve played. No matter what that role was, it must have a positive trait. I can say that I’m Liu Yuning. My personality is just how you see it, my experiences and perspective are limited, my talent is for streaming, my ability is for singing, and now I can act. But each role I’ve acted has positive traits that are unique and brought out by the characters themselves. I think something that’s fun and that can make me grow is if the positive traits of these characters that I’ve acted- that I’ve brought to life- can become a part of me. This is one of the reasons why I like being an actor. I used to be all over the place, but after acting as Luo Mingxi (ALZ) I’ve calmed down considerably. XD But BCF was the best role for me at the time because he gave me space to perform. I could act with as much energy as I wanted.  LYN: I was chatting with Liying, and she told me that she watched Heroes. I asked her how she think I did. Even though by asking her you could say I was fishing, but I thought I would ask, between friends. She told me that she could tell I was putting my effort into the act. Of course I would! I’d never be able to find such a role in 800 years, I had to make the most of it! There was a lot of room to perform the character of BCF, and so many ways you could interpret the character. But what’s aired is what is conveyed to the viewers and what I have to take responsibility for. LYN: It’s just because the difference was so vast. In the beginning he was just a young man with wild ambition, but then later he went crazy. Later he was perverse! The thing is, when you have to play a character who has two wildly different personalities at the same time- forget it, I won’t talk about this too deeply. Why? Because I don’t understand, either. But there was a lot of space to perform this character, so it was really satisfying. Really satisfying. You now how people say you need to learn how to reserve a little when you’re acting, but there is a time and place to go all out? With BCF you could go all out, all the time. It was okay no matter what I did. But if I were to have gone all out and then reserved myself again- that would be strange. It was a test of how much I could express. LYN: It was a really great role... even though it didn’t air very well. Of course, I was cursed at. I guess Hao Du was okay, because he was a likable character in the end. But Bai Choufei was a bad egg through and through. I saw people trying to stir up trouble, saying how I voiced my lines was too weak. There were some fans I couldn’t control back then, and they went out and spread the news that I was voice acting for my own lines. Next time, you don’t have to go and publicize this for me. There’s no need. Naturally, people acknowledged the fact that I DID do my own voice acting, but also said that I did it badly. They said I was lacking energy/sounded weak. I think that if you want to say that I executed my lines poorly, you shouldn’t give details because then I’ll fight back. You’re saying my voice is weak? I’m a singer. How could my voice be weak, you tell me? How could I? It’d be alright if you said my Mandarin was no good, but I can’t stand that you called my voice weak. That makes it sound like you’re a doctor and you’ve deduced my poor body condition. That’s why- please don’t go into details. Just say I didn’t execute my lines well and leave it at that.
LYN: You all know how I speak from watching me stream- I don’t use my head voice, I’m using my chest voice. So there’s no way I could sound “weak”. You can sound weak when you use your head voice but my natural voice comes from low. I’m a singer! Sometimes I even wonder if I’m too masculine. When I’m acting opposite someone I will be saying my lines and then suddenly think to myself whether or not I sound too old. I’ll ask the director about it, too. Because actually every role has a tone of voice that suits them- it depends on what you’re acting as. If you’re acting as a general or someone people rely on, your sound can’t waver too much. - /gives examples/ LYN: Do if you want to curse me, just do it outright (and not find petty excuses). LYN: When I talk to people, even, I wonder if I sound too old. Should I make myself sound younger? // But I’m pretty good at imitating sounds.
C: What sound do you use for Jiang Junhao? LYN: JJH is just my own voice. C: Luo Mingxi? LYN: For this character, you have to take his condition into consideration. When I’m done with the voice acting for this role I’m SURE people will say that my lines are weak. LMX himself is someone quite weak with lots of ailments. Think about it- if someone sick and frail were to say his lines like this: /rough & with power/- there’s no way. He has to speak a little airily, a little slowly.  C: Psychotically. LYN: He’s not psychotic, even though that’s what I heard at first. He’s just sick. They’re two different things. He just has a weak body, so he has to speak more gently. “Psychotic” has more to do with the state of mind. LMX is perfectly sound of mind- he’s a normal person, still. It’s just that he might be a little more hard-hearted and cruel, is all. He’s not abnormal. // He can’t be too weak, though. He still has to sound like a man. ~I can’t make him out to be a eunuch, otherwise people would laugh at him.~ Also I’m 1.9m tall, how do you expect me to look weak/gentle? C: Why don’t you go play a eunuch, then? LYN: /laughs/ I can! I would, if someone wanted me to. I think it’s an interesting role. I won’t decline nor am I unwilling to try out any role. I can try it out, I don’t mind. We’re actors. C: Where would you find a 1.9m tall eunuch? LYN: DOES THAT HAVE ANYTHING TO DO WITH HEIGHT?? What do you mean, huh? Are there no actors who have played a eunuch that are this tall?
LYN: Friends, let me tell you- I’ve been bullied while in this drama crew. The other male actors are too much. I never talk about someone behind their back, but today I’ll be the bad guy. One day FYL and I were shooting a scene together. As the scene went on, I started to sense that something was off.. because when we’re standing together, I had to look up at him. /re-enacting him looking (up) at FYL - pause - gives him a once-over - “have you gotten taller?”- looks him once-over again- “what’s the meaning of this?”/ I was dumbfounded! I turned my head and all of a sudden I had to look up at him! I don’t mean anything by it- I just mean that in my life thus far I have rarely ever had to look up at someone else. So that moment really surprised me. There are times when I can look another in the eyes, and that’s okay. But that day I had to look up at him. I said, “This is too abnormal, isn’t it?” He’s already 1.86-1.87, and he’s still over here trying to one-up me? What's he trying to do??? It went to my head. He can be more handsome than me, I don’t care. But my height is my only advantage in this industry, and he’s crushed me with a simple plastic insole?? Does LYN have any outstanding qualities in this industry? No, but maybe only his 1.89m height. My only advantage was beaten by two pieces of plastic. /sigh/ LYN: He didn’t do it on purpose, though. The props dept. gets those things ready, and he didn’t know there would be the added height. I said it was alright if they wanted to add in the height, but when he had to do scenes with me, I told him to take his shoes off. Every morning before we start it’ll be like going through airport security- he has to take his shoes off, for me to take a look before he can start. XD C: Ning-ge, you can add insoles too. LYN: Am I still human?? Sometimes when I’m just walking around set, some people will stop to ask me if I’m wearing insoles. I always tell them I wouldn’t be human if I did. What would I need them for?? Do I want to fly in the sky and meet with the sun??? So every time I do a scene with FYL I have to perform some security first. LYN: Of course, I am joking. Please only believe about 20% of what you hear in my streams. You can believe 20% of those plastic insoles, and the rest you can choose not to believe at all.
C: If you compare heights, do you also compare bodies? LYN: Not really. We don’t have the habit of getting together, taking our shirts off, and comparing muscles. There’s nothing to compare.
C: Are you still working out? LYN: I am. I only don’t do it when I am very tired. But these past couple of days I thought I couldn’t go another day without working out a bit. I didn’t feel comfortable if I didn’t. So even though we wrapped the other day at 5am, but I still came back and worked out for an hour. We finished up in a place called Xianju, and it took 1.5 hours to drive back. It was a night scene, so when the sun came up we wrapped for the night. By the time we got back it was already around 6a. C: Do your muscles not hurt? LYN: They do. It hurts right here, now. / LYN: I was working out more when I was in Chengdu. I finally realized why actors like doing modern dramas- because the filming environment is a lot more comfortable. When I first started off, other actors would tell me that modern dramas were relatively more laid back. And I wondered why, because I thought acting was all the same. But what they meant by “laid back” was probably the fact that the working environment is a lot more convenient. The hotel was very nice- because even though we’re in a hotel here in Hengdian.. it’s still Hengdian. But the hotel in Chengdu was nice because it had a gym, so every night when the drama wrapped I would go. What you saw in the Work-Out VLOG- that was the hotel’s gym. Sometimes when we wrapped at 2-3 in the morning, I would still go. Not that I am trying to make myself out to be a very hardworking person- I just knew that I had a lot of fight scenes for this current drama so I wanted to get into some shape to prepare for it. I didn’t think that I would still be ridiculed. :| But anyway, I was with the BYOL crew for around two months and I was pretty much working out every day. I recorded a lot of clips and started eating chicken- the guys out there who are working out would know- and protein power, and that’s what I had for the day. I was really training. I thought I could continue when I got started in this crew (YNGS), but I hadn’t even been here a few days before people were already critiquing me. Then I thought that working out wasn’t worth it. LOL. Two months of effort had no effect. I was still being ridiculed, so then I wanted to give up! They said my posture was bad, so I fixed it. I fixed it and they STILL said I’m no good- so really, what do they want from me? But even so, I’ve decided to stick with it, and I’ll count it as preparation for my next drama. / You need to understand where you’re lacking, in order to improve. So that’s what I’m doing.
LYN: I know a lot of you tell me not to mind what others are saying about me, and I don’t care what they say. But if what they say is exactly where I know I am lacking, then I will work on myself to change. If they say that I’m not suitable for acting and to quit, then I won’t listen to them. If they think that my posture needs work, then I’ll work on it- and I’ll be more aware of how I carry myself when the cameras are rolling. I think their critiques are constructive and allow me to do better at work. That’s a good thing. Honestly. Even if they meant to criticize with ill-intent, I take their words into consideration. But if my posture is good and they SAY it’s bad...it doesn’t matter because at that point I know that those words are in the same realm as saying I’m not suitable to be an actor (and I ignore it). LYN: From debut up until now, I really am grateful for all the haters, too. I’m not just saying that to make myself seem the bigger person. Do I hate and find them annoying? Of course I do. But I am also thankful for them, because in some roundabout way they are motivating me. I know to avoid things that would hurt my development, and they’re making me more aware of how I should conduct myself while working. At first they were saying that I was only just an internet famous individual and that I could never make it as a singer or an artist. It’s the same old sh*t. But at the time they really motivated me to prove them wrong. I wanted to become a singer and make them admit that I AM a singer. Even if they never admit it, I know myself- and that’s the most important thing. You can say I’m just an internet famous individual, but when I see all my albums, my performances, my osts, and my dramas- at this point I don’t care what you call me.  LYN: So as a singer who is just getting into acting, all these “critiques” are constructive criticism. Like saying I have bad posture, and saying that my lines are delivered weakly. When I know I’ve fixed my posture then at that point I won’t care what they say. So I still have to thank these voices for pointing out my weak points and motivating me to improve. LYN: No matter how weak my body is, my voice will never be weak.
- /saying some things in a weak voice/ LYN: People who just came in have no idea what I’m doing. XD - LYN: ~do you know what time it is?~ LYN: What time is it? - LYN: ~right now.. is the... start of my love for you~ LYN: A lot of people don’t know what I’m talking about- I was saying how there are a lot of things going around online about how a man is “supposed to sound”, and that is starting off low and ending with a breath. /gives some examples/ LYN: Any men watching tonight? Watch your Ning-ge give you an example of how to speak, and then you can try it out on your wife or girlfriend! C: Ning-ge, if my husband spoke to me like that I would hit/kick him. LYN: Don’t you think it sounds ~tender~? Am I not saying it ~right~?
LYN: ~Friends, I need to use the restroom. Can you stay here and wait for me? Is that alright? Friends, please don’t leave. I’ve had a bit too much water. I’m going to use the restroom. Please wait for me. I’ll play a VCR for you.~ -- bathroom break #2
LYN: Am I trending? Really? I don’t believe it. Tell me if it’s true or not, friends. C: Trending Topic #23 LYN: Ah. /tries to hide his smile/ I quite like it when I start trending- and by that I mean that if someone logs in right now they will see the topic and click into it and they can see me in real-time... C: The Entertainment Tab. LYN: Is that so? AH. What’s wrong with that? It still counts! How about this- go into the topic and leave a message. Just write... “LYN’s hat looks so good.” /laughs at his own shamelessness/ We have to make a topic of discussion. C: You’re officially a trending topic. LYN: Really? In that case, I need to show some talent! If people come in to see and nothing interesting in happening, how can I expect them to stay? How to get guests to stay is the most important thing. I think other than music, I don’t have anything else that can make them stay. LYN: Faraway visitors, please stay. Hello everybody, my name is Liu Xialai. I originally wanted to play you something with Kaka (kazoo) but I think opinion on that is divided. Why should I push my guests out the door instead? So I think I will not do that... C: Ning-ge, you’re a visual streamer. (referencing a different douyin video) LYN: I’m a visual streamer. I can’t sing. Get out. C: How about a song? LYN: Which song, though? I’ll sing one. Is there anything you want to hear? LYN: I’m sorry, I’m a dance-streamer. I can only dance and nothing else. XD C: Searching for You. LYN: I’ve been singing that too much lately, so I won’t today. How about this... - /Rang Jiu (Tomb of the Sea OST)/
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LYN: Sorry- my vocal condition is that great today. LYN: Don’t request any more, I can’t sing. I tried it, but I don’t think I can continue. LYN: Let me get some water. LYN: I think I should stay nice and quiet as a visual streamer today. My vocal condition’s not to great.
C: Where’s Daimi? LYN: Let’s not let her show herself today. /goes to get her anyway/ LYN: She’s starting to get agitated now when I don’t give her some limelight. / She’s had a bath today, which is why I’m showing her to you. Usually she just looks like a “trash dog.” Like those stray dogs that pick trash off the street. But she’s been washed so I can let you all see her. 
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LYN: Female celebrities need to watch how they look on camera, right? LYN: Why don’t you give everyone a wave? /waves her paw around/ LYN: She doesn’t seem very willing. Look at the camera! Here~ LYN: Alright, that’s enough. Go away, now. After you’ve used me, you can leave. Don’t break my headphones, though. LYN: Alright. It’s fun to play with her a little when I stream. LYN Studio only manages two artists- one is me, and one is my little dog. I’m her manager. Heartlessly telling her to go away. XD - LYN: Anyway, I’m just going to chat. I tried out a song but my condition isn’t the greatest. - C: You’re Daimi’s anti. LYN: See? If you’re an artist, no matter where you go, you will always have antis. It’s very normal. I don’t even mind anymore. I also see that some people like to use my picture as their profile pic and go to curse out other artists. Not curse at, but rather... shade other artists. With my photo as their profile pic. But you know- when you click into their profile, you find that they curse out even me. That’s true love, right there. I saw someone doing that and I wanted to go try to advise them not to. I wanted to talk some sense into them, and make them stop putting others down because it makes LYN fans as a whole look bad. But when I clicked into their profile I saw that most of the hate comments were about me, and just sometimes about a different artist. After I saw that, my heart was at ease.
LYN: Is FYL here? He’s here to set the record straight about what I said about him, is that it? XD C: Wei Shuyu? LYN: His name is Fang Yilun. All in all, we’ve known each other longer than most. We weren’t that close, because we had only shot that one drama together and didn’t keep in contact after it was over except having a meal together once or twice. But we’ve really gotten to know each other through this current drama. He’s a good kid. And I’ve never said anything bad about him during my streams, right? I always tell you what a good person he is. I never talk badly about someone behind their backs. What type of person would that make me, right? But he’s very nice and cool. Honestly, he’s very good looking. Other than being good looking, he is also very good in all other aspects. XD All good. Tall, handsome, and a good actor. LYN: FYL has his own fans, and the other day I saw them saying, “FYL is starting to act with LYN? When will he have a lead role of his own?” But the problem is FYL has already been male lead in other dramas before! Also, he’s much better looking than I am on screen. So I told him that if YNGS airs and there are articles stating that the 2ML is overpowering the 1ML, I will go to his house to beat him up. Even if I can’t beat him, I’ll still give it my all.  C: You’ll scare him away. LYN: No. We’re have a good relationship, and might even do a song together later. We’ll see. Because we’ve already negotiated with the production company that I will have two songs for YNGS. But there’s not much meaning in having two songs for myself, so I wanted to see if I could do one of them with FYL. C: Buy one get one free. LYN: How could I do one OST and then give another for free? There’s no way. Each song costs money. It’s not like I’m going to act for them and then sing the OST for free- they’re such a big company, it wouldn’t make a difference to them. I even told them before, that I would come as an actor-singer package deal, and they said there was no need and that each aspect (acting/singing) would receive its due payment. Since they’re such a kind company, it wouldn’t be right of me to keep refusing. C: Give the second song half-off. LYN: Do you think you’re selling milk teas?
C: /asks him abt a popular game?/ LYN: I’m not playing it. I don’t have the interest. I don’t why- I’m different from other people, and it might be because I’m “sick” at heart- but the more people are into something, the less I want to do with it. If I saw it in passing I might entertain the thought for a while, but if it’s the topic of every single discussion I don’t really want to entertain it anymore. I’ve seen it before, because my friends share it, so I have an idea of what it is. But I don’t really have the interest in playing it myself. I’m more of a rebel at heart. LYN: Why do you think so many people like LYN? It’s because not everyone finds LYN attractive. Ey! I’m not your traditional handsome guy. Am I handsome? No. I don’t have the beauty and big eyes that people can say is handsome with just one look. My appearance is... steadfast/down-to-earth. You can with one look that Xiao Ning has lived through some stuff in life. It’s a different style. I can’t reach the “handsome guy” level. When my fans compliment me and tell me I’m handsome, I feel guilty. Because it seems like the act of chasing stars has gone to (and broken) their heads. It’s like the ability to judge and the conception of what is “pretty” and “ugly” has malfunctioned. I can understand. LYN: But! But it’s a little like the saying “王八看绿豆” (lit. turtle looking at a mung bean; bc a turtle’s eyes are only the size of a mung bean, so if you place one in front of the turtle, that is all they can see.). It’s only an expression, though. I’m not trying to make any insinuations about who/what we are as people. I just mean that we’re suited for each other- so my fans like people like me; and no matter what I do, in their eyes I will still look cool. It’s weird but there’s no helping this- everyone’s tastes are different. This is very normal. Sometimes I will see nationally acclaimed paintings and I look at them and think to myself, “What is this?” But the truth is that the painting can sell for millions of dollars. It’s a mystery.
LYN: When I was little, I grew up with my grandparents. My grandmother really liked to use idioms. So when I grew up a lot of my way of thinking is a lot like my grandma’s.
C: Did you drop in on Zhao Liying? (Legend of Shen Li) LYN: I did go take a tour around her drama set, and I also know the director Deng Ke, too. So I went to greet him. I got introduced to Lin Gengxin while I was at it. We didn’t know each other and we’re not familiar. Of course I had to have known of him before, but we did not know each other privately. But I got to know him because one day I was in Changsha and I really wanted a haircut. I felt like my hair was too long and ugly, so I wanted to get it fixed. But I couldn’t find a shop in Changsha. I’m the type of person who only likes to go to someone familiar, because I don’t want to end up on a variety show or something with an ugly haircut- I want to find someone I trust. I was looking it up online and found a shop that was using his picture. I was amazed that this shop had the audacity to use an artists’ photo like that- isn’t that false advertising? They must be crazy. But my studio looked it up too, and they said the shop really did seem like it was owned by Li Gengxin.  LYN: Because you know how some shops (hairdressers and optometries) like to use artist photos to advertise, but you can tell with one look these shops are not represented by these artists at all? It’s like the stall by my house that’s plastered a huge poster of an artist on its walls. I thought they must have been crazy but after a quick search that salon really was opened by LGX. I figured if that was the case, it would be a reliable establishment, so I went. I went and... I’m a bit more publicly recognizable now, so they knew who I was. I didn’t SAY anything- I was just there to get my hair cut! But as they were trimming my hair, one of the attendants came by and said they gave their boss a call, and the boss said to give me a card. So that I would be able to go there to get my hair cut in the future and not have to pay. So generous?! Of course I refused, and wanted to pay them but they insisted that their boss would not let them accept any payment. At that time I didn’t even have LGX’s WeChat yet. I had no way of thanking him. But I got the free haircut and the card (with money on it!). He’s such a kind person! So when I got to Hengdian and got to finally greet him and thank him. That’s how I got to know him. C: Will you go there again? LYN: When I’m free to get a haircut. Because now I’m in Hengdian in the drama crew and I don’t really need to cut it. If I do, the crew’s stylist can cut it for me. At that time my hair was too long and I needed to do some other activities, so I went to get it cut. It was free and he gave me a membership card- what a nice guy, really.
- /scolds Daimi for wandering around/
C: What about BJT? LYN: I didn’t drop by his set. We’re pretty much shooting at the same time. Right now our relationship is that of upstairs and downstairs neighbors. If I get in the elevator and go down one floor I’d be at his house. We haven’t bumped into each other yet but I know we’re in the same building.  LYN: Hengdian is very small. Pretty much everyone is shooting their dramas here, right? I looked into who all was living in this building and after I found out I was shocked. It’s only one building- but there are really SO MANY artists living here? In this one building alone??? It’s scary. C: People you don’t see often. LYN: Yes, people I don’t see often, I meet all the time in the elevator. LYN: The other day we wrapped for the night and I heard someone call me from behind, “Ning-ge!” I turned back to look. (It was) Zeng Shunxi. On a different day we got into the underground car park and there was a car in front of mine. I was thinking about who might be plotting against me. It was Gong Jun. In any case, it’s the same group of people (all living in the same building in Hengdian). C: Have you met up with ZSX and YCY? LYN: YCY, no. I asked her, but she hasn’t been in Hengdian recently. ZSX is here though, so we meet up sometimes.
C: Your accent is so strong. LYN: Do I have to speak Standard when I stream now? Are you here to test me? My accent is a lot less strong now. Have you noticed that I’ve been using more Standard in my streams lately? LYN: I CAN speak Standard Mandarin, but I just like to use my dialect when I stream. My dialect is.. Cantonese. X’D Next up let me sing you a Cantonese song... Oh, right. I won’t sing, because my condition isn’t good today. Lets just chat.
C: Do you have a makeup collab? LYN: Yes, I do have one coming up but nothing’s been announced yet so I won’t say anything about it. It’s been years since my debut and you are asking me all the time when I will do a lipstick collab. I really don’t know how much lipstick your lips need! This has been following me for three years already, “Ning-ge, collab with a lipstick brand already! I don’t have lipstick to wear.” Alright, then. This time I’ve gotten a deal down. It’s a makeup set- lipstick, eyeshadow, blush... you know. It’s a set. LYN: I’m really trying to control how many spokesperson deals I get, and I’m not trying to brag that I have so many deals that I can reject most of them. I really am trying to control the amount. Because first of all, I don’t really want to spend most of my time on these types of things (brand events, livestreams, promotions, etc.) and shooting a drama is taking enough of my time. I really only collab with good brands that I acknowledge- I’d never work with a brand you’ve never heard of. It’s not that they didn’t try to come find me, either. There are so many contracts- but just having two or three a year is enough. LYN: I always deal with a brand that’s known, and with a product that you all will find useful. If I really wanted to make this my sole source of income, honestly I could be making a lot more than I am right now. If I sit here promoting products to you in three hours of my stream, how much money do you think I can make? I’d be streaming for nothing, right now. But I don’t think that’s how money should be made, and it’s not a great way to exhaust yourself. LYN: Any good brand that has an interest in me, I have pretty much all been in contact with. If there are other opportunities, we’ll discuss it later. It doesn’t really matter. But anyway, the makeup collab is coming. It’s almost finished. Some of y fans have been following me for three or four years now and you’ve always asked about when I would do a lipstick collab, so much so that I started to feel insecure. Because you would always mention it, but it didn’t seem like any makeup brand was willing to come use me. It’s so strange. It would have been fine if you hadn’t mentioned it so much, but since you did I started to find it weird. But it finally came to me this year. It’s not like it came in recently, either. We were in talks already at the beginning of the year. Brand discussions with artists always happen at the beginning of the year. I guess it’s because that’s when they know what their budget is. C: Will you do a testing? LYN: I don’t think I would do it in one of my own streams, but there will probably be a brand promotional stream that I would be able to show you. I’d apply it to my hand or something, because it’s not like I’m going to put it on my lips to show you. We’ll see.
C: I finally caught up to a real stream? LYN: Are you usually watching a fake one? Are you usually watching an AI? Do you usually see something like this?
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C: You’re trending. LYN: I know. They already told me earlier. :) Thank you.
- /playing with filters/
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C: Ning-ge, you’re so good looking in the Reuters. LYN: Don’t mention the Reuters to me. I don’t want to hear that word in my life again. XD Alright? Whenever I hear that word my heart lurches a little.  LYN: Honestly, though. In Hengdian and with all the paparazzi. I can understand why they do it- it’s their job. In my previous stream I tried to interview them, remember? I think there’s a mutual respect. Because this is their way of making a living. They have their job, and I have mine. It’s not that I don’t mind, but I am not strict with it and don’t go out of my way to stop them. I don’t try to obstruct them, or find someone from the crew to tell them to stop taking photos. I don’t want to get in the way of how they make a living, because they rely on doing this to get a meal on the table. But! I want to say to all my paparazzi friends out there: I’m ~alright~ aren’t I? If you think there’s some part of me that you find lacking, please just tell it to my face. I’ll change, ok? Also, my fans still buy your photos, don’t they? Even if it’s only enough for you to buy a pack of cigs or a beer, you’re still making some profit from them, right? If you take a picture wherein I look kinda ugly, can you just delete that picture?? I know that you’re up in the mountains there trying to take photos. I even feel bad for you. Sometimes I want to send you water. There are all sorts of bugs up in those mountains and you’re squatting in a bush on a hot day- honestly, my heart goes out to you. I want to send you water. I ask my assistant if I should send them up there to shade you with an umbrella. I’m a good person, aren’t I? So if you have an ugly photo of me, could you please erase it? Or if you have a photo where one person looks good and the other doesn’t, just cut me out of the frame if I look ugly and THEN you can post it. Is that alright? I’m begging, bros. We’re both in Hengdian together, let’s not make it any harder for each other than it is. I’ll send you up some water next time. LYN: Control yourselves, please. I’m on the rise but I’m very vulnerable. Can you protect a rookie actor like me? // I am very clear on it myself. This is my second male lead role- my first was with Tao-jie- and I know that when these dramas air I am going to face a wave of criticism. This is very normal, and I have steeled myself for it. But even so, you can’t continuously ridicule me from filming start to drama end date, can you? Everything has a time limit. Let’s give it three days before this topic all blows over. Next time you can pick on me for something else. You can’t criticize me for one thing for a whole month! Who does that?! Enough is enough. Change the topic, everyone. - /continues to negotiate with the paparazzi. not only will he send them water, he’ll add in crispy pancakes, with added sausage and chicken cutlets if they could delete or cut him out of particularly ugly photos of him./ C: I feel sorry for Ning-ge. LYN: There’s nothing to be sorry for. I understand why they do it- we’re all just trying to survive. It’s not easy for anyone. Just... I hope we can become mutually understanding. // I trust that after I’ve brought this up today, there won’t be any more ugly photos of me floating around. XD But it’s possible that they didn’t receive the message. It’s whatever... but just.. try. C: They’re too much. LYN: I understand them though, because this is how they make a living. There’s no need to pick a fight with them. It’s just sometimes that they’ll post something critical of me. This has happened before, with ALZ. One person looked good while the other didn’t. But back then it blew over in a few days. I don’t know what’s happening this time, but people can’t let it go. I think it’s about time, though. You can switch to something different, now. D:
LYN: My friends- you don’t need to reply to them or try to explain. Don’t do anything on my behalf. There’s really no need. Only four of my dramas have aired- the truth is not a lot of people know what I’ve been up to these past two years. If they’ve never even seen one of those four dramas, and have only heard me sing- or if they haven’t even heard my songs and only know there is a person called “Liu Yuning”- the only thing they know is that I’m acting in some drama right now. It’s not important. This drama- when it comes down to it- is only just a drama. I still have a lot more roles to act after this. So it’s not like I’m going to hold a big grudge over it.  LYN: Also! I’ve said so before- that even if in future dramas I go back to playing second lead or supporting characters, please don’t mind it. I’m an actor- so if I like a role, even if it’s fourth lead, I’ll take it. I got here today by trying out different supporting roles. As long as I think the roles suits me and it’s something that I like, I’ll try it out. I don’t think name or title of a position is important, for an actor. What matters is what you’re showing the viewers. What do you have to show for yourself NOW, and not what you already have to show for yourself.  C: You’re suitable to play a domineering CEO. LYN: If there’s an opportunity. Right now I’m still thinking of... I’ll tell you if there’s any news, but right now I’m still looking at the roles... but... I’ll tell you later. C: What type of role do you want to play? LYN: Honestly, anything is fine. Earlier someone told me to go play a eunuch! I think it’s alright. As long as the role is good enough, and he has an interesting enough story. Let’s say that usually every other eunuch enters the palace when they’re young- but this one entered the palace when he was thirty. You can think about it- hearing this about the character alone, makes you think that it would be a good watch. This complicated life story is enough to captivate the viewers. Especially about a eunuch that 1.9m tall. How terrifying is that- taller than the emperor, even! Hey- this story is fitting. He entered the palace when he was thirty- I’ve debuted at the age of thirty. A story of about turning the tables. LYN: I don’t want any role in particular. As long as it’s interesting enough- before I used to only look at the character- but now I would also look at the crew and who the director is, and what the hair/makeup will look like. There are many things to consider. Before, someone would look through these details for me. But now that I am more familiar with the industry, I can look into these details and make my own decisions.  - /likes dramas like Being a Hero and Be Reborn, even though he hasn’t watched many episodes, would really like to act in one of these types of dramas/ LYN: I haven’t had the chance to act in any drama like those ones, so if I had the chance I’d want to give it a try. A long time ago I already said I wanted to play someone undercover/a mole. A complicated role.
C: Do you have work tomorrow? LYN: I do. When drama filming is over I think I also need to go record an OST as well. I finished recording the OST for New Life Begins, also. That’s the one BJT recommended me for, so that counts as having fulfilled that rumor. You can hear it when that drama airs.
C: Ning-ge, stop streaming after you hit thirty million viewers. LYN: 3...2...1. Bye bye friends. Good night! LYN: I’m not that much in a rush. I’ll probably- actually it’s about time. I already said I would stream until 10p. When did I start? Around 7p, right? SO it’s been about three hours. That’s enough. I’m not thinking about the views, anyway. I just come to stream so I can relax and because my fans might miss me. There could be some passersby who may not LIKE LYN, but they can think of me as entertainment. If you’re watching my stream right now and think I’m alright to watch and you don’t find me annoying- if you do, then you don’t have to follow me- but if you think I’m entertaining, please subscribe to my weibo. Thank you.
C: When will you stream next? LYN: I’ll let you know. I’m not sure when the next time will be, right now.
C: Will there be a surprise on National Celebration Day?  LYN: No. I always look at my schedule and try to predict what I will need to do next. But after recording tomorrow, I have full days of drama shooting at least until the third. Only my scenes. After that I will be shooting the drama during the day and going to voice act for Zi Chuan at night. After voice acting for ZC is finished, I will follow-up with voice acting for ALZ. So that means I’ll be quite busy during the month of October because voice acting is a complicated process; made all the more complicated because I’ll be shooting the drama in the day and voice acting at night. It’s not like I can spend the whole day in the studio voicing 4 or 5 episodes per session. I’ll be going there only after a full day of filming- so when I’ll get to stream next, I’m really not sure. This is one of the reasons I’m afraid to go on variety shows- dramas have me busy enough as it is. Some things I have to give up.
C: When will you do another stage performance. LYN: They’ll come. I’m sure they’ll be one at the end of the year. Because your Ning-ge has to bring in the new year, right? I’m sure I’ll have the chance to go to a few different broadcast stations’ galas.
LYN: Alright, it’s about time. I’ll sign off and grab a bite to eat. I wish you all a relaxing and wonderful night. It was a pleasure to have you and I hope you had a good time. I’ll see you in the next stream. Good night everyone.
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.07.08 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324789011045811088
Come~ Let’s chat a bit~~
LYN: Hallo everybody, good evening! I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. WELCOME! LYN: I seem to have come earlier than usual and you’re not used to it, right? Well, I was thinking I would stream earlier and leave earlier, so that I wouldn’t affect everyone’s sleep.
LYN: ZSX is here, really? Does he have some show that’s going to air soon? This is a true friend, everyone. He came even faster than my fans did. // Alright, ZSX- since you came into my stream so quickly today, I’ll send you my autograph tomorrow. 
C: You don’t have any scenes to shoot today, so you came to stream? LYN: I’m not sure what you mean by that. In my mind there are two meanings. 1. I don’t have any scenes to shoot, so I came to stream = Ning-ge is so nice. OR 2. Ning-ge, don’t act anymore, just come and stream for us all the time.  
- Chengdu’s a little hot & Ning-ge can’t take the heat XD LYN: It’s nice though. It’s rare, so I’ll indulge in this warmth.
C: Are you selling your autographs again? LYN: What do you mean? I’m not selling my autographs. No- I said I was going to send my friend ZSX my autograph. You all know him, don’t you? You don’t know him? It’s alright, that’s normal. XD As his friend I also wish for his national recognition to rise. No- I’m sure you all know him. Zeng Shunxi! I was talking about him! I was going to send him my autograph, not SELL him my autograph. What? You think I can’t support myself and need to sell my autograph in my streams now?? LYN: Did he leave? That’s alright- he’s been quite busy in his new drama crew. He has a tight schedule and it’s been hot over in Hengdian as well. Shooting a guzhuang drama in this weather is hard work. Of course, the hard work is expected. 
- promoting The Truth - made an appearance on The Oasis; will probably air as one of the later episodes... but don’t worry bc when it airs, he’ll make a post about it
C: The Truth is going to air soon, can you do a reaction video? LYN: Do you mean to react to it on stream while it’s airing?? You can keep dreaming. LYN: Excuse me, I didn’t mean to talk back at you. This is a copyright issue- because the episode is only open to VIP members, and you want me to show it to you for free? I must be crazy.
- people complaining that the video quality is not clear enough LYN: Maybe it’s not the video, but that my beauty filter is on too high. It’s on so high that the video looks blurry? That can’t be, right? C: Turn off the filter. LYN: Why should I? Give me one good reason. C: You look better without the filter. LYN: Stop lying to me. Do you think I’m three? I’m thirty+! Do you think you can trick me? I know I’m a little foolish, but not to THAT extent...
- ppl complaining that the bgm is too noisy LYN: This is exactly the mood I want. You must not go to bars very often; I don’t go either, because I used to work in a bar so if I go to one I’ll feel like I’m at work. But the sound in bars are loud, so that you can have the mood. The bgm of my stream serves the same purpose. If you have a good home environment, try to watch my stream with your headphones. One, so that you don’t disturb other people; and two, so that you can hear what I’m saying more clearly and it'll feel more intimate. C: I don’t have a good home environment.  LYN: What are you telling me for?? If your conditions aren’t great, you should work hard- study well and work well- put in the effort so that you can make your environment better for yourself. What are you telling me for, I was only giving you a suggestion. I can’t help you. Or did you mean that you wanted me to send you some headphones? And al so- don’t you all usually watch my stream on your phone? When you buy a phone it comes with a pair of earphones, doesn’t it? C: Do you have Dolby sound? LYN: I do. Did you want to experience it? Type ‘1′ into the comments and I’ll let you experience Dolby sound. // I have to sing a song for you to be able to tell the difference. Let me sing something at random.  -- Zhao Lei - 少年锦时
C: My sister said you’re in your early twenties. LYN: She could be looking at the state I’m in right now and saying that... um... I’m happy~ First of all, I’m happy because I’m already in my thirties. So for someone to say I look like I’m in my twenties... means I’m still young. Secondly- isn’t she your sister? Go get her some glasses. If you really can’t afford it, I’ll pay for her. Get your sister some glasses. C: I need some glasses. LYN: Do you think this is an optometry? What are you telling me for? This girl’s sister said I was young- she was complimenting me, so I should get her a pair of glasses. - ppl in the comments saying “my sister” and “my brother”, so in the end he takes it back. “To be fair.” XD
- re-visiting the Vietnamese song from last stream: HKT - TẢI THÊM MỘT LẦN ĐAU LYN: People have really come to my stream to learn music, isn’t that frightening? We learned the first two lines, and today we’ll learn the next two. In a total of four streams we’ll be able to perfectly sing the chorus. - teaching the next two lines of “misheard” lyrics ;; [t/n: he did his homework! XD] C: I don’t understand. LYN: We don’t need to understand, as long as we know how to sing it. -  C: Ning-ge, I don’t really want to learn... LYN: Hasn’t your teacher ever told you, “If you don’t want to learn, get out. Don’t influence the other children’s learning!” Have you ever heard that? -  C: My mom thinks I’m crazy. LYN: Explain it to her, tell her, “Mom, I’m learning a foreign language. I’m learning Vietnamese from Liu Yuning online.” // First, explain it to her. Second, ask her if she wants to learn, too. We don’t have an age limit here, anyone can learn. C: She wants to know what I’m learning for. LYN: Humans don’t learn all their lives for nothing. One day you’ll find a use for it.
- comment telling their friend to stop watching LYN: What’s wrong if she watches? // You can watch my stream a bit, or if you have some work to do you can go do it. It’s fine.
C: Ning-ge, I’m about to be a high-school senior. LYN: And then? But, congratulations. You have to study well, alright? Cherish the opportunity to learn in school. I told you last time, right? My friend got into an arts university... and then had to spend the next two years in online classes. He doesn’t even know his classmates. So I think that being able to GO to school and have the experience is a happy thing. 
C: Is it hot in Chengdu? LYN: It really is. But I’m okay, because I’m not the type of person who hates the heat. I’m more afraid of getting tan. I went to an event the other day, and wore a suit, right? People asked me if I was hot. I saw the pictures and everyone else was wearing short sleeves and shorts but I was there in full a suit. I was just missing a tie. It was fine, though. Not that hot. It’s a heat I can bear. C: You wore a cap, too. LYN: If I didn’t I’d be done for. Likely to get sunburned. I’m glad I wore the cap... and glad I wore some light foundation. I went for fun and to experience some glory but I didn’t know there’d be so many cameras there! I came back and saw all the photos of me- and I was glad that I has some light makeup on. If I had gone there with a bare-face I’d be done for. 
LYN: I saw the Cang Lan Jue dongman has released an announcement of its voice actors, and I’m one of them, right? I saw you were happy about it; I had told you about it before, that I might have an opportunity to do some dubbing. But it’s not because I think I;m so amazing or anything! I just wanted to try something new. Of course, every new challenge I will take seriously, because I have to be responsible for myself. I’m sure that no matter how well I did, I’m not better than the professional VAs. So I just want to say that if you happen to watch the dongman and find my dubbing lacking, please don't take it up with me. I know it was just so-so. There’s a difference between me and the professionals. It’s just a start for me- a start so that I have room to do more and learn more. LYN: I had a meal with the company CEO, and we were just chatting and I mentioned that I have a yearly plan- something I want to accomplish each year, and they asked me what my goal was. It was to voice-act for a dongman, even if just a supporting character, so that I would feel that I reached my goal even a little. It just so happened that I mentioned it at that dinner, and the CEO said, “Okay! We happen to have something coming up for CLJ, why don’t you come?” And I was like, “Are you for real?? What a coincidence!” They went back and asked the VAs to see if there was a small part I could take, and that’s how it happened. It’s my honor to be able to partake in this, and I know that there are a lot of criticisms and I accept them all.  LYN: There are people who are saying, “If  you didn’t act well and also accepted money for it, then you SHOULD be cursed at.” They’re saying that it’s justified to yell at me if I do a bad job. I just want to say, I didn’t accept any payment for this- it was just fulfilling my own personal wish. So if you want to yell at me, could you be a little less critical?
- Trending @ #44 in the Entertainment Tab
LYN: I like to set goals for myself- even when I’m shooting a drama. Other than bringing the character to life the best I can, I like to set smaller goals for myself. It started with my second drama- no, the third, with CGX. Other than finishing the drama and doing well in the role, I set a goal for myself, which was to- understand what it was to... how to... uh... forget it, I won’t say. I won’t talk about CGX. C: How to ride a horse. LYN: No, that’s not it. Well- it’s okay if I say it. That was my first guzhuang drama, so the small goal I set was to 1. understand how to shoot a guzhuang drama... and do certain things. >.> With SYXSSYX my goal was to understand how to act as a villain. With Zichuan my goal was to understand how to act as a B-King (??). ALZ’s goal was playing an infatuated (?) man. TXJ’s goal was to improve my fighting skills, because I play the number one swordsman in the world and the first thing he does when he sees someone is to fight them. I wanted to improve my skills so you can see that I (as an actor) am improving. Be Your Own Light is currently filming, and my goal here is to understand how modern dramas are shot. C: What about Hei Ye (UN)? LYN: Honestly at that time I didn’t really know how to act at all. Of course, now I still don’t, but I put a lot into that role- only because I was essentially new to acting.  LYN: I can’t discuss in depth about shooting dramas and acting itself because honestly I don’t know very much. I just have my own takeaways and I turn them into my goals in order to fulfill a role. 
C: Ning-ge, is someone teaching you how to cook? LYN: Is anyone teaching me to cook? You must be worried that I don’t eat well and have gotten thinner, so you’re asking this question, right? You must be new here. I’m not a professional in acting or singing, but I have a cooking certification. I graduated from culinary school! C: Then, when are you going to cook me a meal? - /changes the bgm to reply to this comment -> Princess Pearl OST “當”/ LYN: The lyrics to this song will tell you the answer: “當山峰沒有綾角的時候 當河水不再流” (when the mountains have no tops, and the rivers cease to flow) “當時間停住 日夜不分 當天地萬物化為虛有” (when time stops and there is no distinction between day and night, when all things under the sky turn into nothingness). THAT is when I’ll cook you a warm meal. LYN: Wow, I didn’t sing that well at all. I proved I was a cook, but my identity as a singer just fell by 20%.
LYN: I saw some things people sent me.. saying that SYXSSYX might not have had very high ratings because the 2ML (LYN) has too many scenes. I don’t think it didn’t do well- I think it was alright. But my problem here is that the drama has already finished airing, and NOW they’re looking to give me a reckoning? Who do they think I am??? But why are they starting to throw me under the bus? It’s because there are rumors that I’ve signed with Yuekai Entertainment- that my relations with the CEO are so good that I’m already one of their artists, so they’ve given me more scenes. LYN: People always ask me if I’ve signed with so and so, and I’ve said before- I’m not signed and with anybody. It used to be that I COULDN’T sign with anyone, because I used to be under YY- it’s also a live-streaming platform. It used to be an all-encompassing contract- any sponsors, appearances, etc. would all be handled by them. At the beginning of last year my contract with them ended, and since then I haven’t signed with anyone else because I don’t WANT to sign with anyone else. C: Is “YY” Yang Yang? LYN: NO! It’s a video-based streaming platform, a lot of people who use the ‘net know it. But our five year contracted ended last year, and I considered signing with a company but after everything I had experienced I decided not to. It was just too complicated, so I just made my own studio, so I can manage myself. I’m very simple- if someone gives me a job, I go. If I don’t have a job, I’ll... sit here “picking at my toes”. LYN: So I won’t sign with any company. As for the Yuekai rumor, I’ve already explained. The first time I held a concert was in collaboration with them, because I couldn’t pull off arranging a whole series of concerts with just my studio alone. My fans enjoyed the concerts, I thought it was a successful collaboration, and it was comfortable working with them. So my second set of concerts I also let them handle. They were also starting up a music company, so I gave them my second album, too. I let them handle it, because I can’t do everything by myself. It’s just a collaboration; however, I do know that CEO Kai treats me very well. But even so, I haven’t signed with his label. LYN: So you don’t need to take this rumor and slander me. Whether it’s about the drama or anything else, it’s not up to one person to make the decisions. There’s the production company, the platform, and all the staff- it’s not that simple. I can’t just do anything because I WANT to. Also- when I was playing BCF I was nothing. I’m still nothing! When I signed the contract for SYXSSYX only one of my dramas had aired, and that was Hot-Blooded Youth. Have you heard of it? I’m sure not many people have- it was a drama I was in with HZT.  A Linghe Production, and Bai-laoshi asked me to be in it. At the time that was my only drama, so why would anyone give LYN more scenes just based on that?? I was able to play BCF because I happened to have the time right after CGX shooting wrapped, and they gave me a chance. I haven’t relied on any connections, only that I’ve met very good people. LYN: So don’t try to make the fact that I’ve signed to a company as hate material, because it’s not true. On the flip side, if I had the chance to sign to the company, that is my honor. I have my own studio, my “big tent” and all of my fans are the ones keeping it up. Some of you have been here for me since the beginning, and of course some of you have left me to start loving other people on the way. That’s normal. But there are a group of you who have known how I got to where I am today. My new fans are a part of this as well- no matter how “new” you are, you must have been here for at least a year or a few months. A lot of people wonder why I am worthy of some of the jobs I pick up, and I don’t even really believe it myself. But I have so many wonderful fans, and they are my backbone.
C: Have you been working out lately? LYN: Yeah, I have. C: Do you have abs yet? LYN: /laughs/ No. But even if I did it’s not like I could lift my shirt and show you on stream. That’s not PG. Maybe one day when I do have them I’ll make a post. Give me half a year’s time. I don’t think I’ve ever made a bare post. Give me a year and when I have the muscles I’ll make a post for you. Wait for me. 
-- bathroom break -- [t/n: new fan-edit! ohh it’s fun. XD] C: Ning-ge, where did your glasses go? LYN: Oh, I went to go stop a fight and you think they hit me so hard my glasses went flying? Why can’t you wish me well? I went to tell them to stop fighting and got hit?? My glasses are here... /spills his drink/ /cleans up the spill and puts his glasses back on/
C: I want to hear the handsome guy LYN’s songs. LYN: :) The “handsome guy” part of it makes it hard for me to refuse. C: What do you think, handsome? Can you sing us a song? LYN: Um... I can. :) LYN: I was in hair and makeup the other day and I heard this song... It’s been a long time since I’ve heard it, but I knew how to sing it. It went like /reading lyrics/- do you know which song it is? Anyone?  C: “Enough”? LYN: Yes! I think that was it. You must all be singers! How is your ability to search for lyrics so much better than mine?? Alright, let’s go~ -- 闹够了没有 - /sings the wrong part in the middle, blames it on the mic/ LYN: If my makeup artist didn’t play this song I would never have thought of it again. C: What an old song. LYN: /sigh/ This isn’t old I have something even older...  -- 舞女泪 LYN: I’m sure other than your parents, no one has even heard of this song- is it old enough?  -- 梦驼铃 LYN: Is THIS old enough? C: My dad’s singing along. LYN: So that means this one isn’t as old as the one before it. 
C: /more comments that their parents are getting excited/ LYN: Alright~! Next let’s play a song that all the Uncles and Aunties can sing along to! What shall we sing? How about 水手? LYN: All the Uncles and Aunties sing along! /enters the song late/ Sorry! Let’s start that over. -- 水手 (Sailor) LYN: What do you think, Uncles and Aunties? C: My dad says “Old songs are the best!” LYN: The classics will never be surpassed.. also, it’s just a great song. C: My dad doesn’t care for it, but my mom is hyped! LYN: I’m going to take a bold guess here, but has your mom ever dated a sailor when she was younger? XD
-- 再回首 - he’s trending! :D
- everyone’s parents are requesting songs now, haha C: Do you charge for requesting songs? No, no. I charge for OSTs, and I make you buy tickets for my concerts- but here in my streams the songs are a perk for you. -- 爱我你怕了吗 (Love Me If You Can) [requested by an Auntie] LYN: But this song can go really high, so if later the mic breaks, let’s just pretend nothing happened.  - /as expected, his voice cracks/ /clears his throat/ LYN: Did something just happen, friends? The mic just had an extremely unacceptable fault. It had nothing to do with me. If you don’t believe me I’ll sing it for you again and prove it was the mic. - /breaks again/ LYN: That’s just how I prefer to sing this song. Look at the lyrics: “Willing to love, willing to hate, willing to lose it all. I don’t want the world.” Look at this- they’ve already given up on everything. So at this point in time, this is how I chose to express this emotion. Every song and how you sing it is different. This is how I choose to sing this song. :p Of course, I could choose to sing it the normal way- here, I’ll demonstrate and you can tell me which version you like better. - “normal” version vs “emotional” version LYN: “Are you afraid of loving me?” Are you? “Have you forgotten the tears?” Have you? “My heart is waiting, and the rain is falling.” That type of feeling. Anyways- that’s about enough of this song, you get the point. If I continue it will affect my streaming condition later. There may be a group of you out there who don’t really understand music and think that my voice cracked just then- but no, that’s just how I sing the song. You have to remember this. That was just my personal style. >.> It wasn’t a mistake- those don’t exist here. C: You’re rambling out of embarrassment aren’t you? LYN: You probably don’t understand me. Here in my stream I have never been embarrassed. I’m sure I’ve been embarrassed when I went on some variety show, but never here. Do you know why? Because this is my territory, my home. Have you ever felt embarrassed in your own house? No, but maybe in someone else’s. Even if you’re wearing your pajamas and someone comes to your house, you still won’t be embarrassed by it. It’s the same principle.
C: How much can you make from a stream? LYN: Why are you asking about my income? I think you’re trying to set me up. There have been some cases regarding songs and whatnot. You want to see how much I make and report me, is that it? I’m telling you now- I don’t receive any income from streaming, nor do I have any agreement with weibo. This is a free service for everyone, and I do not use it for business. In fact when I stream I invest 20RMB in electricity and also three drinks. Sometimes when the connection is bad I open my own hot-spot, and that incurs a charge, too. The clothes, glasses, caps, and hair and makeup- all of this I pay for myself. I don’t make a cent from streaming or from weibo. In fact, I even have to pay weibo every month- for the membership fee. 
LYN: Oh, I’m trending on the main tab? Then I have to trash this kazoo- the last time I was trending I played the kazoo and I dropped five ranks. You’ll never hear from it again. LYN: Alright then, Aunties and Uncles- do you have any old songs you want to hear? I can sing them to you using my own style. //  一帘幽梦? That’s certainly old enough, but I do know it! Just because I know how to sing these songs, does not represent my age, okay? It’s just that as a person in this industry and a consumer, I need to know all types of music.  --  一帘幽梦 (A Curtain of Dreams) LYN: I’m not off-tune, it’s just that I’m singing too low of a key, because this was originally in the female key... --  迟来的爱 (Love That Came Too Late) LYN: /off to a rocky start/ I think I know how to sing this song, but why can’t I find the right key? I used to know how to sing this, but I’ve forgotten. Excuse me. What else was there? --  新不了情 (New Everlasting Love) [LYN: Ok, I REALLY know this one.] C: Somehow I’ve heard all these songs before.  LYN: Of course you have. If not you, your family members have listened to these songs. --  当爱已成往事 (When Love Was Gone) --  暗香 (Subtle Fragrance) [switches to this song bc the previous one reminded him of it] LYN: That’s about enough. I can’t sing anymore.
LYN: Someone said Zhu Xiaoyao (Zeng Yixuan) is here? Welcome, welcome. LYN: So everyone, do you need to be act as Bai Choufei and give her an apology? I don’t need to, right? All our grudges ended with the drama, we don’t need to take it into reality, right?
-- bathroom break #2
- he’s got a trending topic, but there’s a “Variety Show” label tacked on to the “LYN Livestream” LYN: Is that so? I’m considered a variety show now??  LYN: People have actually come to me asking if I can sponsor their products during my stream and I always turn them down. I don’t want to use my stream for business. I just want it to be pure/transparent. It’s just a simple perk for everyone, that’s all. I don’t want to turn something I use to chat with my fans into something for business- there’s no need for that. If I turned it into something for business, I wouldn’t be able to sing some of the songs I do- so there’s really no need to trouble myself. C: I came in from the trending topic. LYN: Welcome, my new friends. This might be the first time you’re watching. Actually, my streaming style has changed a lot from before. They say I used to talk back at my fans a lot, but that was just a joking style. Now I do that a lot less. It’s not that I’ve changed, but that now I don’t dare. I’m afraid that if people who don’t know me come in and see me back-talking at the viewers it’ll leave them with a bad impression. I’ll be done for. So I’ll lightly joke with you, but not as severely as before. C: You’re a little famous now and got scared? LYN: You’ve got something there... you’ve hit the nail on the head, a little. Because before when I was nothing and no one knew me they didn’t care what I said. But now I’m too much in the public eye. I need to be more reserved, because there are a group of people out there watching me like a hawk, waiting to get something on me. I don’t know what I did to make them hate me so much. I just want to say to people who have something against me: Do you want to meet up somewhere we can talk it out? How did I anger you or make you uncomfortable? Can we find some way for you to accept me? We can have dinner- of course, I’m not paying for you. We’ll go Dutch. You can choose the place and I’ll meet you there. We can talk it out. C: Give them a scrub. LYN: There’s no need for THAT. They’re hating on me and you want me to scrub their back??? I’ll perform some cupping (ba guan) on them and we call it even? See- this is why you need a skill. It will always come in handy. C: Scrub them to death. LYN: How are you so cruel?! LYN: But yeah, I used to joke and backtalk and chat with my fans, but I’m not as relaxed as back then. It’s okay, we’ll slowly adjust. My fans always knew I was joking with them.
- 平安河西 (a policeman (?)) has dropped by the stream
LYN: But if you’d still like me to joke around and backtalk you that’s alright too, and we can go back to doing that. Sometimes I come across old videos of myself and I think “How was I so mean?”  C: Let’s go back to before. LYN: I can do that. As long as you’re happy. 
- might have a makeup brand spokesperson contract coming up, but it’s not confirmed so he can’t say what it is yet C: I don’t know how to put on makeup. LYN: You can learn. // LYN: It seems like for your daily necessities, if it’s not associated with me you’re not going to buy it, is that it? Then, what brand of tissue do you use? Disposable chopsticks? It’s like if it’s not related to me you can’t live. XD LYN: I have a plan for myself, and part of it includes not signing too many collaborative contracts. Honestly, in all forms of work there are things I really dislike doing. For example, I really dislike taking photos. I’ve told you this before. All the making poses and whatnot- I don’t like it. You’ll notice that with other artists every so often they’ll release a set of photos, but with me- for me any event or album cover or ost cover- all the photos they use were shot in 2018. It’s not that I can’t afford to take new ones, though. Everyone just uses my old photos because I really dislike taking photos in the first place. The shoot with ZSX and YCY- actually that was my idea. It was just because my hair was long and I wanted to take pics. I brought it up to my team and even they were all dumbfounded. “What’s wrong with you? Did you drink too much? We’ve worked together for so many years and you’ve never once mentioned wanting to take pics. What’s wrong?” I just wanted to have the memory of having long hair, because I don’t think I’ll get the chance to grow it out again. I got to take some with YCY and ZSX, so I was happy. But regularly I don’t like taking photos.  LYN: But when you’re working with a brand you have no choice BUT to take photos. A few sets of photos, even. Plus an ad. I don’t really like ads, either. I’m alright if I’m just.. holding the item, but I really don’t like the... “go with the flow” ones. I like the ones that have a story-line I can follow. I hate the ones that are just a bunch of poses, where the director tells you, “You’ve used this product and now need to show us that it makes you feel like you’re flying.” You’re so happy to have used the product that you can fly into the sky like a bird, like a cloud~ How do you want me to act that??? I know I’m an actor but if you want me to act as a cloud, I don’t think I can do it. Those ~artistic~ ones, I am ill-equipped to handle. There are other ones- “You’re doing a performance and have to show us you’re enjoying yourself!” I’m looking at the mic and it’s like this- cordless. /acts it out/ But you still have to interact with the camera.  C: Ning-ge, maybe you’re using a wireless mic? LYN: But the problem was the bottom had the prongs! I just showed you!! When those are there that means the mic needs a cord! It wasn’t wireless, it was just- /cuts himself off/ C: Bring your own cord. LYN: When I shoot MVs in the future, I should bring my own cord, is that what you’re saying? If I see the bottom has no cord, I can tell them, “I brought my own to connect it, and the end I will stick into my pocket.”???  C: Just act, right? LYN: Right, but I just don’t like it. Another thing I don’t really like is for some products they want to do the “boyfriend pov”- you know what I’m talking about, right? Like the scene is interactive, and I’ll pat your head. I can’t take it! I can’t convince myself of it, and I'll get goosebumps (for being too cringe). It’s fine for everyone else! I can watch theirs, but I, myself, am unable to accept them. I’ve shot these types before, yes, it’s just that in the process I will feel easily awkward/embarrassed. I just like the ones that won’t make me feel that way better. - acts out two of the ones he did that made him feel embarrassed. (one for pore cleanser; one for coffee where he “feeds” the camera a cup and has one cup for himself.) LYN: I’m sure my fans are all happy to see such a commercial, but it’s just that I feel embarrassed seeing it. - says that next CFs will be ASMR-type, VR-type is for even later in the future XD LYN: This is likely to come back and slap me in the face, because my future collaborations are probably going to be of this “interactive” type. C: I want to see it. LYN: Then I guess I’ll have to shoot some.
C: How’s HZT doing these days? LYN: Go ask him, what are you asking me for? I’ve been busy too, we’re not much in contact. He has his work- I guess he’s also shooting a drama.
C: Ning-ge, don’t shoot a drama for now. LYN: What do you mean by that? Why don’t you want me to act? Give me a good reason. Do you mean “Don’t act, just come stream for us.”? C: Release more albums. LYN: /sigh/ My album... why don’t I release my album... because a lot of people release albums and find themselves frustrated... A lot of singers are like this...“I’ve put in so much effort to released my music, but why isn’t anyone listening to it? D:” Also, a lot of money goes into it. But you still have to do it. But when you do it no one listens. Do you know that feeling?? LYN: You may not be familiar with the industry, so you can’t understand. It’s like if you invest a lot of your time, effort, and money to open a restaurant you’re convinced will do well. After being open for a week you’ve only gotten two customers. Will you be able to handle it? I’m sure you would cry and have a breakdown, because you’ve put in all the effort will little result, you know? You’ve opened for a month and have only made 500RMB- not including your investment, those two customers totaled to 500, let’s say. If you had kept working a normal job you would’ve made 3000RMB in income for the month. If it were you, which path would you choose? That’s why a lot of us choose to work for others.
- if he’s going to release a song or album he wants it to be for free, because it is his honor that people are listening to his music. - if he’s going to stream it’s going to be without the option to send him monetary gifts, because he doesn’t use streaming as a way to make an income. - still though, he does charge for his concerts- it’s just that it isn’t convenient to hold one right now.
C: How much do you weigh now? LYN: I haven’t really been weighing myself, but I have lost a little weight, and have started to exercise. I made you a pie in the sky earlier, didn’t I? I asked you to give me half a year’s time and when the time comes I’ll post a shirtless photo to my weibo. It’s 7/8/22 right now, so around the new year I’ll be posting a shirtless photo. I’ve never posted anything to show my figure- because the truth of the matter is that I HAVE no figure. But this time come the new year, I’ll post a bare photo- of course, only the top half of my body. C: What if you don’t post it? LYN: I’ll do my best to post one, but if I don’t what are you going to do about it? You’ll just have to wait longer. But I’ll try. I go online and watch all these exercise videos- and then after I watch them I feel like I’ve had a workout. XD No, I watch to learn. First I have to understand it, and THEN I can start to do it for myself. Maybe in the future I’ll be a workout instructor. Not only will I be able to sing and cook, I can teach you how to exercise too.  C: GJ posted some. LYN: I know, I saw them and started wondering if I should start holding myself up to some standards. Nowadays being thin isn’t enough. You have to be thin but also have muscles. I’ll start with crunches. C: It’s fine as long as you don’t end up making your neck thicker. LYN: Yes, I saw that some friends were saying if you workout too much you’re likely to gain a thicker neck (neck muscles?)- I looked it up on baidu. Some people have gained thicker necks, because some workouts require you to use a lot of strength. /demonstrates/ But when you’re lifting, where else is (other than the arms) are you using strength? The neck. See? /demonstrates again/ So the neck muscles do get worked out; I think the explanation is reasonable. When you have a thicker neck, it looks like you don’t HAVE a neck and that’s a bit... but aren’t we going for the “swan neck” aesthetic nowadays? If your neck is thick you’re a giraffe, but if it’s thin then you’re a swan. C: Then exercise moderately. LYN: Moderate exercise won’t work. If you’re just moderately exercising then that counts as “being mobile/active” (and not “working out”). That’s like how my mom takes a walk around the neighborhood after dinner- that’s just being active. If you want to gain muscles you have to lift weights- grind your teeth and grunt with pain, work until your face is red and your muscles are straining. Where do you think the good figure comes from? You have to put in the effort. LYN: Anyways, I’ll try to post a pic by the new year and if it doesn’t happen... then I’ll PS you a photo. I have a lot of talented friends- they can PS one for me. Just pretend I made it. I have friends who can draw- you can draw me with abs too. LYN: I’m not joking this time, I’m going to do it. Even though I’ve told my fans this same thing about seven times since I’ve made my debut. It’s been four years now... but THIS time. I promise it’ll be true. I have the audacity to say that this time, do you know why? It’s because I already went online to buy some protein powder. With anything I do- whether I do it or not depends on if I buy the products necessary to accomplish it or not. Like for streaming- if I want to stream well, I have to buy a light, camera, and a good computer. Do I want to work out well? I do. Therefore I bought some handsome clothes, cool shoes, gloves, and protein powder. I’ve got all the equipment ready, now I just have to start making use of them. I never accomplished it before because I wasn’t prepared- my stuff hadn’t arrived yet. XD It’s the equipment that gives me the motivation to get to work.  C: You bought gloves in 2018 already. LYN: I threw those away. Because I threw those ones away and my feelings for them were so deep, that’s why it’s taken me until now to get new ones. :p C: Find an instructor? LYN: I wanted to, but the problem is I’m not just sitting around all the time. Not to say I’m very busy, but sometimes with filming I only get off at 11p-12a. If you want me to work out after that, I’d “die”. You understand? I don’t have a set daily schedule, and there’s no way to determine when I’ll have the time. So I decided I would try by myself first - I’ve watched all the videos and I have a plan for myself.  C: I don’t like musclemen.  LYN: I can’t make myself into one anyway. Not everyone who exercises turns into the musclemen you see on tv- if that were the case then every man in the world would be a muscleman. It’s not that easy. LYN: I can’t become one of the thick/strong guys- because even though I’m tall I have a small frame. People with a small frame are likely to look very thin, like a bamboo pole. Another disadvantage for people with small bones is that if you’re NOT thin- I’m talking about actors- if you’re not very thin, then when you’re on camera your face comes out looking rounder. Because your bones can’t hold (don’t have the space) for all your flesh. But with big-boned people, their faces have the space and even if they have that excess flesh they will still look thin. But their bodies are of a bigger frame, so if they have more meat on their bones, they are likely to look more sturdy/robust. I am one of the small-boned people, so there’s no way I can turn into the sturdy muscleman type.
LYN: You know who I know who counts as having big bones? Fang Yilun. He’s very broad-shouldered and his features are very well defined- so he looks very handsome.  C: Who? LYN: Wei Shuyu! When I say “Wei Shuyu” you know who I’m talking about, but not when I say “Fang Yilun”?? Wei Shuyu you all know, right? C: Ning-ge, are you going to work with Wei Shuyu again on your next drama? (A Journey to Love /  一念关山) LYN: What’s it to you?! Don’t ASK! I’ll tell you when I tell you- I’m not telling you now for a reason. Stop making blind guesses. Some rumors are just nonsense. But if I had the chance to work with Fang Yilun again, I’d still yell at him! As long as he’s in the drama, no matter what he says I will reply, “Shut up! Why are you EVERYWHERE? Stop talking!” XD LYN: If I’m in a drama with him, no matter what he says I will only reply with “Shut your mouth.” -“You’re so handsome.” -“Shut your mouth.” -“I’m serious.” -“Shut up!” LOL. LYN: Then I won’t have to remember any lines if I have scenes with him. // I’m joking, I’m joking.
C: When is ALZ coming? LYN: I really don’t know. Someone asks me this every time. I don’t know- I’m just a supporting actor. oTL First of all, I swear to all the people watching my stream- I didn’t get any added scenes. I don’t have any sort of connections with the production company. I swear that I only acted out whatever was in the script I received and nothing more. When it airs later, know that what you see is what I was given in the script. They might even delete some of my scenes, it’s possible. But please don’t say that I had scenes added in for me. I’m not worthy. Also, who’s watching it to see me? Other than my fans, who wants to see me? D: C: Ning-ge, just because you say that, doesn’t mean people will believe it. LYN: What do I care if they believe me or not?! It doesn’t matter- you can choose to believe me or not. Just know that I only acted the scenes I was given in the script. It’s that simple.  C: When will it air though? LYN: It’ll air... it’s still early. Right now it���s in editing. All great dramas go through a great editing process. Let’s all just wait for it together.
C: Then what if people say you’re overpowering someone? LYN: Who can I overpower? Based on looks alone in this entertainment industry, if LYN is said to overpower anyone, then that rumor itself is a joke. If you were talking about my humor or my height, then that is acceptable and I’m bound to overpower someone. But based on acting? It’s a joke.  LYN: I have a feeling... because I know that in the future I could possibly play a male lead role... if I am worthy of receiving the ML.. then I will be the one overpowered. Let’s not talk about me overpowering anyone else, and just focus on not being overpowered by others, first. It’s super easy to suppress me- just give a little pressure and I’m down. For now let’s just try not to step on any toes. Because I firmly believe in “what comes around goes around.” - Ning-ge believes in doing things he considers “good” to receive “good” in return. -- For example, all his albums and music are free- he may not be making any money from it, but by doing so (making his music accessible), he is now open to the possibility of being contacted to sing OSTs. -- For example, he was invited to sing at the Rattan wrap party, and made himself available and got himself to the venue out of his own pocket to show up for his friends... and ended up walking out of there with a contract for ALZ. C: Ning-ge, didn’t you say you went there and got a meal out of it? LYN: ...Are you saying that you think my appearance fee and the cost of one song is only equal to one meal? You think that’s a fair exchange?? -  C: Ning-ge, wipe the oil from your face. LYN: ! You must be one of my staff members...  - - makes a request to all his future co-stars to please not overtly overpower him, and even if they ARE, not to say it in so many words. X’D LYN: If anyone tries to play me, I’m going to blast them for two hours in one of my streams. I’ll set them straight. 
- saw that some fans are already PS-ing his face onto muscular bodies LYN: I noticed that some people are already making edits. Don’t do that. Make it more realistic, don’t give me pressure. I see some of you are already editing my face onto a muscular body. I was only joking. You’re going to make me lose my motivation, because I believe I already succeeded. I’ll hypnotize myself into believing that I’ve already succeeded and that this is how my fans see me. “In the eyes of my fans, I’m already this handsome!” And then I won’t actually go work out.  - shows the camera an example of a fan-edit LYN: What is that?? >A<
- introduces Be Your Own Light LYN: It’s a great new experience, and my first modern drama but there are really a lot of things I haven’t gotten used to. Like how since it’s a modern drama, I have to be filming on the streets. I have to be out in the world. I’ve been an actor for three years now and have done 6-7 dramas already, but most of those were all filmed in Hengdian. I’ve practically never left. Other than Ultimate Note- which was shot in Xishuangbanna. We were filming in the deep mountains and forests, and other than the wolves, our film crew were the only people there. There were only snakes, wolves, and our drama crew, and no one else was able to get to our location. Filming in Hengdian is a bit more enclosed, since each drama crew will rotate through the spaces on any given day. They’ll close off the area, in order to film with more privacy and so as not to cross lines. Because with a guzhuang drama you’re only shooting in a particular space/setting/location, but with a modern drama there’s no way to CREATE a city. LYN: We’re just filming on the street, because it’s not like they’re going to MAKE a street for you to shoot on. OMG, the people- I feel like- I’m not saying I’m popular, I’m not. It’s Tao-jie that’s famous. People will see her shooting and they’ll call up all their friends and relatives to get them down to take a look. I remember one scene we were filming in a small neighborhood. When I looked up, every household had their window open, looking down at us. Do you know how strange that felt? It’s like there was a fight downstairs and everyone else looked out their windows to watch it go down. They were all leaning on their windows, and some even had fans, just fanning themselves and watching us. Oh my goodness. That was so strange an experience. It doesn’t feel like you’re shooting a drama, it feels like you’re just a monkey in a zoo. I felt like a monkey, and I couldn’t even have a temper. You know how if you throw the monkey something it doesn’t like to eat it will glare at you? Or how if it doesn’t want you to take its picture, it will hide away? But I couldn’t. If I showed any displeasure at all, and those pictures made it online I would be cursed to “death”. 
LYN: There was a fan who came to the site to see me. I’ve already told you the rules for coming to see me at my job. But they came and they kept screaming my name. -__-; I didn’t respond to them, and they stopped being my fan. They made a post about it, from what I heard, saying how disappointed they were, and there were also a whole bunch of comments to that post indulging them! “I always thought LYN was a good person and so nice to his fans. I can’t believe he ignored you! I didn’t think he was that type of person!” LYN: I’ve already told you the rules for this. 1. You are free to go where you want, because I don’t have the power to stop you. But I advise you not to come. 2. Ok fine, you came. But I am working, I’m not here for fun. If I were here for fun and you called me but I ignored you, you can have a problem with it. But I am here for work, and I can’t respond to you because I am not the only person in the crew. When I am walking, there are other staff or actors beside me. If I respond to you, what are they going to think of me? “Yes, you have fans. Yes, you’re famous. So what?” If I respond to everyone who calls my name, it will seem like I ENCOURAGE you to come and disrupt filming. Do you understand? 
LYN: Filming a modern drama is a really new experience for me. Yesterday we did a take filming inside a home, and I have to open the door and greet the person on the other side. We started the take and I opened the door and said my lines, but then I made the mistake of looking up. I could see people on the floors above recording us with their cellphones. Someone even had a camera. It was supposed to be a nice and kind interaction, but after I saw those people my tone changed into more aggressive territory. LYN: I’m just joking, please don’t take that seriously. I acted how I was instructed, but I just told you how I was feeling on the inside.  Isn’t that overstepping?? I didn’t feel like they were my fans, I felt like they were trying to play me. It really affects my mood/way of thinking. - gives another example, of 20+ people crowding behind the main camera with their phones out, because they can. LYN: It’s a new experience- a totally different environment.
- Talks about how, when filming on the street sometimes the crew will need to block off a walkway or an intersection in order to get a shot without people in the background. People only have to wait one or two minutes for the crew to get a take, and they can continue on their way, but there's always going to be someone who gets offended. “You won’t let me walk??? You’re BLOCKING A PUBLIC WALKWAY?!?? WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO STOP ME??? Celebrities can do anything they want, huh??” LYN: Whenever this happens I run. Well, I don’t RUN, but I do my best to make sure they don’t know it’s me who’s blocking their way. They get SO offended, and there’s no room for negotiation. It’s... fun.
LYN: I hope at the very least my own fans can be kind and tolerant. For example, if I’m driving and someone comes up behind me and wants to pass, under safe conditions I will let them. As long as they don’t scare me and make me curse, I will let them pass. But usually if you miss your turn and need to get into a different lane, you’ll roll down the window and stick your thumb out. I guarantee 80% of people will let you pass, you can try it. It’s a negotiation. - talks more traffic hacks XD C: Do I give them the middle finger? LYN: ! Do you want them to smash you car?! You’d better watch yourself.  C: I can stick my hand out for a left turn, but what about a right turn? LYN: Then you’ll have to trouble your driver’s side passenger. C: What if you don’t have one? LYN: If you’re alone in the car then you’re not going to be in a rush. What are you negotiating lane exchanges for?? Just drive normally! When you hit a red light just turn back on course. Take your time. C: Sticking your hand out the window isn’t safe. LYN: It’s not. But we’re going normal speeds, not breakneck speeds! We’re not on the HIGHWAY, we’re just on the streets. Just give the next car over the signal at a stoplight. If you stick your arm out on the freeway it’s gonna get taken off. LYN: Alright, forget everything I just said. Why don’t you go online and buy a doll- a plush doll and stick it out the window as your signal that you want to change lanes. C: What are the turn lights there for, then? LYN: Still use them!! I’m talking about when you need to negotiate. Some people will let you pass with your signal light alone, some people don’t want to let you pass. But sometimes you can negotiate. C: How about a foot? LYN: Shush. C: How about a broiled chicken foot? LYN: ?? You want stick a chicken foot out the window in place of a thumb or plush? Let’s not say whether this is acceptable or not first. The visual seems a little poor. Like you’re trying to throw your trash out the window. The other driver is probably thinking, “Do you think my car is trash or that I am trash?” LYN: Anyways, I like to observe people. The one from the previous example (”Offended Pedestrian”) is super intriguing. 
- talks about how his PD for The Truth wrote a post about what it was like to work with/for LYN. LYN: He’s really a nice kid, and sometimes acts like my assistant, even though it’s not his job. Technically he’s part of the director’s crew, only supposed to tell me the show program, and what I need to do that day. But if he sees that I am feeling uncomfortable, he’ll also bring me water and leave it for me, even when I tell him he doesn’t need to. He act like my assistant sometimes. C: Is he your male fan? LYN: The first line of his post was “I have no clue about Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning.” But maybe after the program finished recording he made the post because he had good feelings about me. LYN: I don’t know if Southern China has this custom, but in Northeastern China we wear five colored strings for the Dragon Boat Festival. You wear the strings and they will collect your bad luck, and when it rains you can cut the strings and let them flow away with the rain water and it will wash your bad luck away. - talks about more customs, like dumplings at the new year and having a coin hidden inside. LYN: IDK, people from Northeastern China like eating dumplings for EVERY occasion. LOL. // I found out that Chengdu people eat dumplings a lot too! I’ve had some recently, and dip them in the hot oil. There are dumplings and also wontons, I know.
-- bathroom break #3
- his PD sent him a message, clarifying that he IS LYN’s fan. XD
- ppl asking him about second seasons to The Truth, and Ultimate Note, etc... Whether things get a second season depends on the its viewer ratings.  LYN: I think it’s getting pretty good ratings for a completely new show and compared to the variety shows that air around the same time, too! Like Sisters Who Make Waves and Keep Running; the fact that we’re able to keep up with their ratings is already good enough. Since it has decent ratings, I’m sure it’ll get a second season. LYN: I think the Truth is really cool, though- first of all, because the players are cool. :) I really like it though. I’ve shot very few variety shows since my debut, but even so they’ve all been related to my interests. Like Fresh Chef 100 and Chinese Restaurant, which are cooking related. Our Song, which is musically related. Other than that the varieties I’ve been on have been as a group with other people, like TTXS and Hi!6. But The Truth is something I look forward to, precisely because it is unpredictable. I’m just there to play the game. Secondly, it’s a game I can play for free. Think about it what Murder Mystery or Escape Room can you not only play for free along  with hundreds of crew members and celebrities, but actually pays YOU in return? XD - starts promoting the show, and tells people to go watch the episode after his stream, because he has streamed during its airtime. >.< C: This episode is scary. LYN: You think it is, but later you find out it isn’t. It’s actually the only episode that ISN’T scary in some way. You all know if you watched, so this isn’t really a spoiler- but in yesterday’s episode Bai Sanwan and I went missing together. I wasn’t afraid because I was with him. But if I were with Zhou Shen in a dark room... we’d piss ourselves. C: Do you refill your own meal cards? LYN: Um... no. All the money in that card is deposited at random. The thing about this program is... you’re not going to go to shoot it with money in your pocket, we can’t just whip out cash when we need it. Secondly, we don’t have our phones. If we have a phone, it’s one that we picked up from investigating, or if it’s needed for the plot the crew will slip it into your bag without you even knowing. Think about it- if we had our phones with us all the time we wouldn’t need to be afraid. We could just turn on the flashlight whenever it got dark. In Ke Wuku’s episode, remember how we collected a bunch of phones in the beginning? But then when we got to Fei-jie’s spa, she collected and locked them up. We were confused at first, but then realized she locked them away because the next segment was a dark room! LYN: In any case, when the lights are on I have the IQ of a normal person, and might even come across as manly. But when the lights are off I’m... lacking.
C: Ning-ge, do you turn the lights off when you sleep? LYN: Yeah. You can’t think that I sleep with the lights on just because you see that I am afraid of the dark in the show, right? I’m afraid of the dark because it’s an unfamiliar place! What do I have to be afraid of in my own home?? Because I know no one’s going to be jumping out at me at home. According to your logic, I can’t close my eyes. Because when I do all I see is darkness and I’d scare myself to death. That’s no good.
- will work with ZLY eventually... in this industry all there is is opportunity. the time will come. - most likely to be a second season of The Truth, and asked his PD to work with him again if it happens :’)
C: Do you eat the most? LYN: I think I’m alright... Usually I’m too lazy to eat. I’m the type of person who will order takeout instead of sitting down in the restaurant, unless I’m already out. So my takeout is usually soup, noodles, or dumplings. When shooting for the show they prepare rice and main dishes for us. It’s there, so I eat it. I eat all of their apples and bananas, too. Because I’m thinking if they leave it for the next day the fruits will go bad, so I might as well help them out. C: Takeout isn’t healthy. LYN: Your mother must have told you that. There is no “healthy” or “unhealthy”. When I order takeout it’s usually ginseng chicken soup. /being flippant/ Ginseng and chicken soup- is that unhealthy to you? It’s not about if the food is healthy or not, but more about the how sanitary the food is. But we still eat it. Sometimes you’ll order from a place and then have an upset stomach. The next time you’ll think that the food was good, and order it again, to have an upset stomach again. Then you know not to order from this particular place, and to find something more reliable. Young people these days are busy with work and have a fast-paced life, so takeout is more convenient for a meal. Who doesn’t wish for the time to prepare their own meals? But we don’t have that time. LYN: Try not to eat too much takeout, though and eat a proper meal when you can. A lot of people are living at home with their parents, so have a proper home-cooked meal. I count as a “wanderer” (liu lang)- I’m always out so I tend to eat takeout more. It’s not like I can grab a wok and fry some rice for myself in the hotel- it’s not convenient. I’m open to eating takeout and honestly I’m used to it.  I have experience with it too, so I can differentiate between which shops are tasty and which aren’t. C: What about hiring someone to cook for you? LYN: I don’t have a WOK, let alone any RICE to put in it. How can I, when I live in the hotel? I can only order takeout.
LYN: I don’t like taking too many people with me (his staff), either. I know some who have a whole group in the tens- that’s just how they operate, and it’s normal. But when I see the big group, I tell myself not to have so many people. Imagine I go to shoot a show and I bring a nanny, a acting coach, and an exercise instructor, a nutritionist- what for? Who do I think I am??  C: Add an herbal doctor. LYN: What are they going to do? Give me acupuncture every day? Check my pulse? C: A bodyguard. LYN: You must not know how I usually introduce myself on variety shows- I learned martial arts when I was young! Have you heard the expression, “The Wanderer knows martial arts, no one can stop him?”  C: Didn’t you learn “healthy” (exercises and stretches for a healthy mindset and active body) martial arts though? LYN: I did, but the point is I know the basics- I pretty much practiced flexibility. Even if I meet a bad guy it has an effect. Since my legs are so flexible, I can get to my knees faster [to kneel to the bad guy and beg for mercy, I’m guessing]. C: Ning-ge I want to be your nanny. LYN: There’s no need. I can take care of myself, thanks. C: Then, what do you need? LYN: Honestly, I really do need a workout instructor. So I can be prepared to show you that shirtless pic by the new year. C: Need any stylists? LYN: I have two already, it’s like your trying to take their jobs, which I find very disagreeable. I don’t like people who try to take another person’s work, because I’ve BEEN the person who got their work stolen from them. C: You need a janitor? LYN: I don’t need one, because my bro is Janitor Hao (the character Hao Baojie, on the The Truth).
LYN: Alright, it’s about time I wrap up and grab a bite to eat. You can go watch the latest ep of The Truth. If you’re watching my stream for the first time and haven’t subscribed to my weibo already, please do so. When I have free time I come to stream and chat. I hope you got some happiness and a sense of accompaniment, even if you only watched for a little while. Honestly, all young people are lonely. But you can think of me as your friend from far away. You can make comments in my stream, but please no curse words. You can chat with me. Sometimes people listen while they work and do other things, and I hope you feel like you’re in a better mood for having listened. I wish everyone a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you, and because of you we had a happy night. I’ll see you the next time. Good night~
12 notes · View notes
heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.07.25 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324795203553722419
LYN: Hallo everybody I am Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning. Welcome~ C: I knew you would stream today. LYN: Now that you say that I regret coming. It’s like you’ve caught on to what I’m thinking- you’ve figured me out. I don’t want to stream anymore. Bye bye. I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful night. It was great to have you, though our time was short.  C: Bye bye. LYN: Wow, I was kidding, but you’re telling me “bye bye.” That’s a little cruel.
C: You’ve gotten even more handsome? LYN: I haven’t~ Don’t flatter me, you’ll give me a distorted sense of self. People shouldn’t grow under praise or they’ll have a distorted sense of self. See, generally all my fans will think I’m handsome, but if I start thinking that too and I go out one day and someone calls me ugly don’t you think I would have a mental breakdown? So people shouldn’t grow under praise, especially us young ones- even though I’m not that young anymore- but people should grow under more turbulence, and that will help you truly grow and mature. C: In that case you’re just okay looking. LYN: There’s no need for that, though...
- he’s pretty much recovered from his cold but still has lingering effects (snot) - ! sippy cup:
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- changes the bg music at request, then decides to sing the song he ended up playing bc he likes it and wants to try it. -- 皇上吉祥
LYN: There could be people watching my stream for the first time today so I’ll stop there and be a little more normal, so people don’t think I’m crazy. If they think that it’ll affect my market value. Let’s act a little more normal today, because honestly weibo is a national- international, even- public facing platform.  C: Ning-ge, you got thinner? LYN: I did. I said so earlier, that things can’t go too smoothly for people, and they need turbulence to grow. I’m the type of person who needs some people to hate me. XD So before when my works came out and they said I was ugly, and how could a person like me act in a guzhuang-idol drama? Now I’m getting thinner in an attempt to cover some of the “ugly.” If I use some beauty products, that covers even more “ugly”s.  C: You care about what anti-s think? LYN: Not exactly, but I think they have a point, so if I could put in the effort to make myself look a little better then that’s not necessarily a bad thing. Right? I could raise my chances of gaining a main lead role, too. XD - talking about how he got hate comments to the effect that people wished he would hit by a car :o! LYN: I only acted in a drama as a villain, I don’t know what I did to deserve being cursed to get hit by a car!! How bad of an impression must I have given off? // But I’ve been making an effort to exercise and lose weight- not just by dieting- and it seems to be paying off because even Tao-jie and the Director think that my condition is much better now then when I entered the crew. It’s true but my situation is also made better by the fact that the previous drama (Heroes) has finished airing already. XD
C: Doesn’t staying up at night make you fat? LYN: The act of staying up itself doesn’t make you fat, but if you stay up at night AND eat a whole bunch of snacks, who wouldn’t get fat? If you stay up and do nothing you won’t get fat. But if you stay up AND eat midnight snacks you’re going to gain weight. Right?
C: When is YNGS going to fix the wardrobe?  LYN: ! Who told you I was going to be in YNGS? How do you all know about this? What gossip blog spread that info? It’s just a rumor. C: It’s been officially announced. LYN: OH. // If it’s already been announced then I don’t need to be here and keep it a secret. I'm not afraid of people cursing me out. When Heroes was airing I still came here to promote it, right? If you were chosen for a role it’s because the crew and production has faith in you, so you can’t hide because you’re afraid of the backlash. As my fans, you just need to be happy for me, for the fact that I am able to land a job and keep working. 
- Adjusting the sound settings, because he thought he was too loud, but he made the sound too small. LYN: See? I’m even afraid to speak too loudly, for fear of getting cursed at. Raises the sound volume back up, but now it’s too loud he’s annoying himself. XD
- 2/3 of the way through shooting his scenes with Tao-jie for Be Your Own Light; when they wrap the crew will move on to the other two main characters’ stories.  LYN: Modern dramas are a new experience for me and I thinks it’s fun and an opportunity to learn. Up until now I have only really been shooting guzhuang dramas, and there were things regarding performance that I didn’t understand before. Now after having some experience with acting in a modern drama I think I’ve learned some tricks. I really like to consider and figure out how these things work- I like to observe how other people act. What techniques and tricks do they use? What are their habits? Through observation I learn about acting and then later I can apply what I learned to my own acting.  LYN: I’ll tell you about something I discovered- it does not represent how I understand acting nor am I judging how others act. I discovered there’s a way to figure out if someone has forgotten their lines or if they are familiar enough with the lines they are saying. This is not exact, just something I felt while observing. ... /decides not to say how he can tell if someone forgot their lines or not/ LYN: Anyways, I’m really happy for this experience and I learned a lot from my fellow actors. Filming is going smoothly, and it’s been comfortable. 
C: How did you get the YNGS role? LYN: It didn’t really come to me in any strange way- It’s a Linmon production and someone came to ask me if I was interested. We talked for a long time and then later I signed the contract for it. It’s not what I choose, but rather who decides to choose me. Any role you see there will be multiple actors suited for it, and after a lot of deliberation to choose exactly who suits the role best, then the actors are contacted to see if they are interested. - filming starts around August 20th - has not met Liu Shishi yet, bc she’s been in Hengdian (while he is in Chengdu); but has done two script readings. The rest of the crew is currently getting together to do readings. LYN: I asked the production jiejie if Fang Yilun went to the reading, and she said he didn’t. I asked, “Why? Does Wei Shuyu think he’s too good for us?” XD LYN: I’ve worked with so many amazing actors, and have rarely worked with one twice. I’ve worked with Reba twice (CGX, ALZ) and now Fang Yilun (CGX, YNGS). Why don’t I feel happy about that, though?  LYN: Oh, right. It’s my second time working with Huang Mengying, too (Floating World, YNGS). I’m happy to work with her, of course! C: You forgot about ZSX? LYN: Oh, yeah. I’ve worked with him twice, too. /remembering more names of people he’ll have worked with twice/ No- how could I forget ZSX- of course I’m happy to work with him. It’s because originally we would have worked together thrice. After I confirmed the YNGS role, I was looking through the script and saw that there was a role that suit him  really well. So I asked him what he was up to, and if he had any plans later? Actually I started the conversation by asking him if he was open to acting supporting roles. ZSX said that as long as the script is good, he doesn’t mind playing supporting roles. So then I asked him if he was open to playing a supporting role TO ME. I played support for him twice, considering our friendship, shouldn’t he be fine with playing a support role for me at least once?! He didn’t reply to me, but asked which drama it was for. So I sent him the info, and he told me that my character really suit me. But he was also in talks with a lot of different projects at the time- he’s very popular!- and later he still didn’t respond to me, so I didn’t bring it up again. :p C: Then were you the one who recommended FYL too? LYN: I don’t have the right to cast actors, being a small actor myself. FYL got the role because he himself is a skillful actor and the production already had their eye on him. It had nothing to do with me. // Oh, wait. But if I say that I was the one who recommended him, can I pull a little commission out of him? Hm... why didn’t I think of that before. Here- pretend I never said anything, and when FYL is determined as part of the cast I can say that his casting was my doing. XD LYN: I just like working with friends because we have good chemistry and we can have fun on set, so if there’s a way for us to work together again I will try to open a path. It’s not that I can determine the casting for anything, I just send them the info and if they are interested and available, they will have to contact the production themselves. 
- Tao-jie gave him some calligraphy, which he has in his room but hasn’t got a frame for yet. When he gets a frame for it, he’ll hang it up in his streaming room. - He’s not “nervous” in the photo, he wanted to make it seem like those staged ceremonial-type photos, but it just didn’t come out looking right XD - He wasn’t wearing pajamas, either. LYN: You just don’t know fashion!
- someone pointed out something on his chest, tries to figure it out and scratches the scab off and made himself bleed - he got a scratch when filming, probably. LYN: Oh, it hurts! :|
- promoting The Truth C: Has the second season been confirmed yet? LYN: /sarcastic/ Yes, we’ll start filming tomorrow. /oops/ I’m sorry- that was a pure rumor. I don’t want to be the one creating the rumors just to gain some fame. I shouldn’t have said that.
C: How do you get along with Zhou Shen? LYN: What do you mean? When someone asks this question there’s two different ways it can go. You’re either trying to make trouble or pretending to be innocent. What am I supposed to say? “Oh, Zhou Shen and I don’t get along.” No way. We get along very well, I really like him. When he’s with me I don’t feel that I am very timid, comparatively. If I were the one that were the most afraid it would.. be a little shameful. But we make good partners.  - complimenting ZS & GQL as interesting, humorous, and intelligent individuals. ZKY is also very smart, and they’ve gone out to play a similar escape-room type game in private before. (w/ YCY, ZSX, and some INTO1 members)
C: Do you still keep in contact with the Reasoning Team members? LYN: Why do I feel like you’re trying to dig me into a pit? Is this a sensitive question or am I overthinking it? Eh... um... /barks/  C: They don’t keep in contact. Each has their own work. LYN: It’s like this... em... we are in contact, more or less. We have group chats and on the days the show airs we chat with each other but other than that... we don’t really. We each have our own business to attend to. Who has the time to just keep chatting all the time? 
LYN: I don’t know about them, but I had a lot of fun when filming. It was a very casual thing and no one was trying to keep up any pretenses, so I think the filming process was comfortable.  LYN: There are only a few episodes left. I’m really jealous that a lot of people haven’t watched the show yet (bc there are people saying they haven’t even watched one ep); jealous of the pair of eyes and brain that has not seen this show called The Truth. It’s such a good show just waiting for you to experience it. A lot of us who have already seen it won’t get the same surprise and freshness from re-watching as someone who is seeing it for the first time. So I’m jealous of the people who haven’t seen it and I think you should watch. I wish I could remove my memories of having watched it from my mind so I can experience it for the first time again.  C: I haven’t watched it. LYN: I’m jealous. You can start from episode one and experience the happiness and surprise and thrill of it. C: It needs a membership though. LYN: Well.. that’s up to personal preference. If you’re the type who can’t go a day without a milk tea and a snack then I don’t think you should be complaining about having to pay for a membership.... - reiterates his stance on paid memberships: he is willing to pay for content. LYN: I think it’s fine to pay a couple bucks for something you enjoy, as long as it doesn’t affect how you live the rest of your life.
C: Is Liu Xialai a good guy or a bad guy? LYN: If you’re going to ask such a question then I have no choice but to get philosophical. There’s no such thing as a completely good or a completely bad person. If you’re talking about the Reasoning Team, none of us are “good people” and each of us has done something that can be considered morally “bad”. I’m talking about the Reasoning Team, not society in general. Is Liu Xialai a good person? Let’s wait and find out. :) - discussing ethics & morals, with a situational example. 
C: When is Tao-jie going to stream? LYN: What are you asking me for? Go to her weibo and leave her a message. Did you want me to ask her FOR you or what??
C: Show us your cup. LYN: I’m not trying to sell you any products, here. I just use what I like and then I discover that you all go out and buy it en mass. That makes me seem a little foolish. /shows the cup anyway/
C: Are there a lot of fight scenes in YNGS? LYN: Let me think about whether I can say or not... There... aren’t a little. If you ask me if there are “a lot” I can only tell you there is not “a little”. C: That means there are a lot, then? LYN: Here’s the thing about Chinese language, it’s the same words but depending on HOW you say something it changes the meaning completely. As for how many fight scenes there are, you can wait and see.  C: What about in comparison to Zuo Bufan (LYN’s character in Floating World)? LYN: There aren’t the same number of scenes, so you can’t really compare the two. In terms of ratio, ZBF has a greater ratio of fight scenes : normal scenes. C: Who’s Zuo Bufan? LYN: You must not be my fan- the drama I finished up the other month- that role was for Zuo Bufan. C: Who has better martial arts skills then? LYN: They’re not of the same genre. It’s like putting a soccer player and a basketball player against each other and asking who plays ball better.  C: Then what about foundation? LYN: Are we starting to decide whether to take a role or not depending on what number of foundation they’re going to use on me?? He’s just a normal person, I guess. As long as it’s not shade No.13, I’m fine with anything. // ZBF’s Foundation of Shade No. 13 has left me with a great impression. Very few crews use a shade that dark. I went on a drama to cameo as a soldier and even THAT role didn’t need such dark foundation. 
- has no clue when ALZ or Zichuan will air.; BYOL will probably air sooner than those two. - people are asking for what counts as spoilers for YNGS, so he says that his character gets snatched away by aliens. someone comments: “Yi Nian Guan Qi”, bc Guan Qi (Heroes) was the one to get nabbed by aliens in the source novel. XD proceeds to make stuff up about YNGS. - makes a disclaimer that their current nonsense speculating about YNGS is not a judgement of the novel or script, but just a joking discussion between a streamer and his viewers.
C: You should stand with your back straight when shooting a guzhuang. LYN: I know, but this is my personal problem. I’m just too tall. Normal people are around 170cm, so to me they come up to here (chin). So if I talk to them normally- forget it, I won’t explain. I will do my best to straighten my back and make adjustments elsewhere to give you a satisfactory response. Thank you for your support. LYN: It’s not like a character is all about appearances, it’s about the delivery as well- you have to understand that you’re a human person. If there were a scene between a father and yourself, and you are a prince or whoever- the point is this is an interaction between you and your father. You are 180cm and your father is 165cm. Are you going to talk to him like this? /looking down on his father, with a straight back/ They’re gonna chop your head off! You’re definitely going to talk to him like this /looking up at his father, from a lower stance/ You can’t think only about looking cool for the role, you have to remember the relationship between people as well.
- working on some beauty/makeup collabs, so hold on to your money until then LYN: It’s like you have too much money and can’t wait to spend it somewhere. Don’t rush. There will be an opportunity for you to spend it. Save it. C: I can’t wait I want to spend it now. LYN: Your attitude is really giving me face. If there are any brand CEOs looking in on me right now and they see that my stream is filled with people with money to spend, don’t you think they’d be more than happy to look to collab with LYN? :D C: We’re all “rich women”. (富婆 - fu po) LYN: How could you call them “fu po”, that makes them sound really old. Are you trying to say my fans are old?? You have to call them “xiao fu po” (little rich women). XD - viewers calling themselves “rich young ladies” and “young missus” LYN: ?! Aren’t you the ones who said you couldn’t afford a subscription membership?? Now you’re here with money to spend on expensive beauty products??? C: Ning-ge, you just don’t understand. This area is where women focus their spending. LYN: It’s true. I don’t understand. I also hope what you are saying is real. [t/n: so they can put their money where their mouth is :p] - can’t reveal which brand he is working with, but says we will find out LYN: You won’t think of it. Why? Because /I/ didn’t even know I’d have a chance to collab with them! It’s not something I would have ever thought of, so why would you have??
-- bathroom break #1 (Tactic #1) LYN: I’m back! I saw someone say, “Ning-ge didn’t go to change clothes, did he?” What do you think this is, a concert??? That’s asking too much of me. C: Tell us why your neighbors were fighting. LYN: See? I knew it- everyone loves to see a fight. It’s fine, they’re watching a movie and the volume was too high- two robots were fighting. I already warned them that they were being too noisy, and to keep it down.
C: Are we spending the new year? LYN: You’re asking if I’ll stream past 12a? /clicks his tongue/ You think I’m afraid of you? I’ve never been afraid in my thirty + years of life. When it comes to staying up at night let’s see who’s afraid of who. But no, there’s no need for that. Because today is Monday and a lot of people still have work or school tomorrow, so let’s not stay up too late.  - been doing some research because of his exercise routine, and tells young people they need to get enough sleep because that’s when their bodies are growing.  C: I’m a college kid. LYN: Of course you need your rest, because- this might sound cruel- but college kids need to study hard because... you’re about to enter society. Once you enter the workforce there will be a lot of time where you WANT to sleep but can’t. Looking for a job and thinking about your future is something that makes you lose sleep. You’ll get busy because this is the prime time of your life to put in all your efforts and you’ll have even less of a chance of getting good sleep. So I want to tell you to get a good night’s rest while you still can. - says it’s fate that there are so many people in the world, but that they were able to meet (in his stream), so he wants to tell people the secret to growing tall: /tells his whole childhood story of getting bullied in school and wanting revenge, so he went up the mountain to find a master to teach him martial arts/ tldr: he stretched and gained enough flexibility while going through puberty so his bones had room to grow. LYN: There may be no actual science behind this, but ever since I started to train my flexibility I started growing taller at an alarming rate. So if you have kids you can let them learn how to do leg stretches to become more flexible. 
C: What can I do to be more flexible? LYN: Look it up online. Ask weibo- weibo will tell you the answer. Information really isn’t like how it was before- everything is so available, all you have to do is look it up online. I learned how to ride a horse by spending three hours watching online tutorials. Anything you want to learn, as long as you put in the effort and your passion, you will be able to learn. C: You learned how to ride a horse by watching online videos? LYN: Well- I learned the basics. Like HOW to ride a horse, and where to use strength. C: Was it helpful at all, though? LYN: That’s why I got kicked by a horse the first time. From another angle- what you see in books is helpful, but isn’t everything. You still need first-hand experience. The stuff you learn online is helpful, but not by much.
- before he was an artist and actor- before he even became viral he wanted to be a voice actor. There was a type of video where people recite lines to manhua stills (like a visual/audio-book). LYN: I thought it was so cool! This was before I became an artist, and I wanted to learn. - he chose a guy whose voice sounded the best, who could do lots of different types of voices and started sending him messages, asking if he was looking for an apprentice. the guy never responded until lyn said he would pay him. :p they got to talking and the guy said that lyn’s voice was suited for the “young uncle sound” (aka a middle aged man’s voice). - to start, he needed to have a good grasp of Standard Mandarin, so he got sent a bunch of tongue-twisters to practice with and master. /demonstrates the one saying that he’d never encountered prior to learning voice acting/ - in the end he really didn’t learn anything from the guy other than a bunch of tongue-twisters LYN: At the time I thought I was quite foolish, but thinking back on it now I think I made a prominent decision at that point in my life. The money I spent for those classes was worth it, because sometimes when I’m filming and the actors are from all over, I will hear them discussing this same tongue twister for learning standard pronunciation. Sometimes I ask them, “Can you recite the whole thing?” First off, it’s a common topic of conversation and secondly I can use this as a way to test them while at the same time making them believe that I CAN recite the whole thing. / Maybe it will give them impression that I came prepared, and haven’t just jumped into acting from singing blindly. They’ll have to reconsider having thought  too little of me to start. C: You’ll get caught pretending. LYN: No, they’ll know that even if I’m not a professional actor, I still did my homework.
C: Can you change the song? LYN: /gets offended/ Society is the martial arts world, and the martial arts world isn’t about fighting and killing, it’s about the relationships you make. Have you forgotten whose song this is? This is Modern Brothers’ Liu Yuning’s song, how could you ask me to change it??? Have you forgotten who the King of this stream is?? You want me to change MY OWN song, it makes it seem like you don’t like my music. :( But as an artist of someone in any other industry, we are all about the customer service, so I’ll change it for you.
LYN: Let me see what other songs Modern Brothers has, so I can play it for you. /plays Rang Jiu, shows the top ranking of songs - Tian Wen is on top/ LYN: Listen to this voice. Do you think you can hear the “young uncle sound” from it? At the time no matter what song I sang, there was no way people were going to connect my voice with my face. They all probably figured that an older uncle sang this song.
C: I never would have thought you’re a Northeasterner. LYN: This is... this is a specialty. I usually speak my hometown dialect when I’m streaming. This goes to prove that my 4000RMB spent on lessons learning how to speak Standard Mandarin were well worth it. Who else is going to PAY to learn the Standard dialect?!
C: You don’t use Standard when shooting variety shows. LYN: Yeah, it’s a variety show, so why should I? Especially if I’m supposed to be relaxed and speaking casually. If I go to a music show, it’s not like I could use my dialect to sing, though.  - 让酒 (Dongbei ver.), proceeds to sing normally C: It sounded okay, though (the Dongbei ver)? LYN: Let’s not. This is an iconic song in many people’s eyes, so let’s not ruin it. C: But you’re the original singer, so it’s okay. LYN: Even so, I don’t want to ruin the song that brought me to fame with my own two hands. For a young singer, having a song to be known for is already a lot to ask for. We have no other requests other that the song do well. And you want me to ruin it myself. LYN: You know, every year i sing a batch of OSTs... and every time I try to predict which song will become popular. This year I bet on this song (Ling Yun Ji)- I thought this song would definitely make it. But... it didn’t. (about Unparalleled) This song, I liked very much. I always only agree to sing the songs I like, but there are a few that I like very much. This was one of them. I thought this would be popular, because this one suits me SO much. -- 无双 C: This song was popular! LYN: Yes, but it didn’t do as well as I predicted. So in the future I need to remember to treat everything fairly. - doesn’t differentiate between a “little” popular and “a lot” popular- it’s either hot or not. >.< LYN: 黑夜一束光 is really hot, though! :) I need to thank The Truth for this. Who would have thought that my song would have become one of the clues? - [t/n: This song has since been upgraded to The Truth’s representative OST; everyone sings it at even the slightest mention of a “dark night” LOL] C: Sing it. LYN: Em.. yeah, I can. You can listen to this song when you’re in a bit of a down mood or when you wake up in the morning. I promise it will give you the strength to face the day. Trust me. If you don’t believe me you can try it out. -- 黑夜一束光 -- 熬夜 (laughs bc he doesn’t remember the lyrics to his own song)
- skipping the lesson for the Vietnamese song today
C: I’ve really started liking an angel. LYN: H- Hold on, there’s no need for that. Let’s not let chasing stars blind us to reality. You can’t do this- don’t let your own likes cloud your judgement.  C: I’ve started liking a treasure. LYN: You CAN say that. But I really don’t deserve the title of “angel”. We like to put customer service first and here the customer is “heaven”, so if I serve heaven.... I’d be an angel. It seems like it works out. Hah!  - remembers there’s a song called 天使 and wants to sing it, for entertainment -- 天使
-- bathroom break #2 (Tactic #2)
- comes back with a different outfit (2:43:55) - Cabbage C: The red looked better. LYN: How can you be so PICKY?! Do you know how to be a human? You must not have a lot of friends. Say your colleague just bought new clothes and wanted to show it off to you, and you say, “It doesn’t look as good as what you wore yesterday.” Do you think you can keep working in that company?? No matter what you think, in order to maintain good relations you can say what someone else just mentioned, which is: “Whether this one or the other outfit, both are good!” C: “Each has their own charms.” LYN: Yes! See, this is the beauty of language. Sometimes you shouldn’t be too honest. A kind lie can bring others happiness. Let’s say someone wore. a new outfit to work, and you see them in the morning and say, “You look so nice! Where did you get your clothes? I really like them.” Then your co-worker will be in a good mood all day, because they think they are dressed very prettily because you complimented them. They will spend their whole day happily.
C: Ning-ge, this clothes make you look like a wawa cabbage (napa cabbage). LYN: 去你的!! What, cabbage??? This was really expensive!! What do you mean, cabbage?? D: /starts laughing/ The more you say it, the more I think I look it! I want to eat hotpot now, LOL. LYN: ... I really do look like a cabbage. Even I think so. That’s it- a new shirt, ruined. I’ll never wear it again. Now I want some glass noodles. Hold on, I’m going to go change again
LYN: I’m back, friends. I really haven’t got it easy. - ~~You Are My Destiny~~ (2:50:16) - Blueberry? C: Aren’t you hot, though? LYN: I’m hot. This is new- called a high necked wool sweater. Why do I have it? Because I’ve been shooting a modern drama and I was wondering if I could pull off a “Korean Oppa” style look. I looked up “outfits for korean oppa” and it suggested me these turtleneck sweaters. I don’t know what came over me, but I bought one... and now Chengdu is 40°C. What can I do- I can’t wear it. I’ll have to wait for a Winter Sonata or something like that before I can wear this again. C: Wearing a turtleneck in the summer? LYN: This is reverse psychology. If you buy summer clothes in winter it’s going to be cheaper. Likewise, if you buy winter clothes in summer they’ll be cheaper. C: I’m hot just looking at you. LYN: What do you mean? You don’t like the “warm guy” style? LYN: Ok, I’ll change back to the red one. I’m sorry- I don’t have that many clothes.
LYN: Alright, I found a random t-shirt. - realized the tag is still on it, rips it off LYN: I feel like a wardrobe streamer- to tell you what clothes are good to wear in what season. If you do it wrong, you’re likely to make yourself look like a cabbage. C: If you take the tag off it’s harder to return. LYN: /laughs/ I buy my clothes, I don’t rent them.
Q&A: - his cold is much better now, thank you. he can take care of himself. - does covid testing everyday, as mandated by the production crew - there is no way to “keep” him, go ask someone else
- someone asks when he’s going to play a male lead role and he gets offended, bc obv this person (as an interviewer) has not done their homework XD LYN: There were productions before that looked for me to play the male lead, but I never accepted the roles, because at the time I knew I wasn’t good enough. I am accepting lead roles now- not because I think I’m good enough- but if I don’t try one now probably won’t get the chance to later on. I’m already thirty... would I still be acting in guzhuang-idol dramas when I’m fifty?? It’s hard. It’s possible, but with my ability, it might be difficult. So I’m going to try it out while I’m still young. 
C: Anyone you wish to work with? LYN: At this moment I want to work with this actress I really like- her name is Liu Tao. There’s another called Liu Shishi, who I really want to work with... I hope someday I get the chance to work with them. That would be a dream come true for me. Let’s anticipate that day together. - LYN-Anti mode activated: What makes LYN worthy of working with such great actresses? Bah! I don’t believe the day will ever come where he gets to work with them.
C: Do you know what drama you’ll be doing after YNGS? LYN: Do you think I am unrivaled in this industry?? I am still filming my current one, have not even started on YNGS, and you’re already thinking of what come AFTER??? How popular do you think I am? LYN: No matter what comes after, I will focus on the task in front of me. If you do well with what you have now, opportunity will come to you later. Let’s not rush.
C: How come all the people you want to work with are all named “Liu”? LYN: It’s just fate. Maybe 500 years ago we were all of the same family.  LYN: Is there anyone here with the last name “Liu”? We’re all family. C: Then you mean to say that people watching your stream who are named “Li” are not your family? “Wu” and “Zhao” aren’t your family, either? Only “Liu”? LYN: That’s not what I meant! I- er... em... um... We’re ALL family. There’s a song that does like this: “We all have a home, that home is called “China”” /continues with the rest of the lyrics/
- does not really have time for variety shows, since he’ll be shooting for a male lead role next. - musicals have looked for him, but he doesn’t feel he is prepared or has enough experience, so for now he will stick to singing and acting separately. additionally, for a musical you have to set aside a considerable amount of time for rehearsals and the performances themselves, and he doesn’t feel he has the time to accommodate
C: What are your thoughts about working with Fang Yilun for the second time? LYN: I am apathetic. Anyone else would be better than him. No feelings for him whatsoever. I just hope he does his best. Jiayou. LYN: I don’t like to hear him talk, so if he has any lines in the script I’ll tell him, “Shut up!” If he has a scene with me that will be my only reply to him. I guarantee he will be able to finish up early for the day. C: Then how come I’ve heard people say that when asked about LYN, Fang Yilun will say that Ning-ge is tall and handsome? But from your perspective you have no feelings for him. There seems to be a disconnect. LYN: I mean... objectively, he’s not wrong. It’s the truth, and I feel like there aren’t many people who will tell the truth in this industry anymore. Based on this statement you can tell that Fang Yilun is not someone who acts under and false pretenses. He’s very honest. Based on this alone, I can now say that this man has a good character. I said I was apathetic towards him earlier because I’m truly not that close to him; but because he has praised LYN and we now have this common interest, it’s a great opportunity to become closer. Two people become friends because they have something in common to talk about. Next time I see him on set, I’ll talk to him about LYN. I’ll try making friends with him, and we’ll see if we can turn my apathy into affection. Give me a chance and we’ll see if while filming and getting to know each other through this common topic, we can become good friends. LYN: As long as he says “LYN is handsome” and “LYN is tall” I will never tell him to shut up. I’ll say, “Tell me more.” XD
C: When are you going to stream next? LYN: I’ll try to stream once a week. If you still haven’t subscribed to my weibo, please do so. My stream is very simple, and you all know that I don’t come here to sell you anything. I’m just here to chat with my fans. I share about my daily work life and comment on my friend’s characters... /looks straight into the camera/ ... and also some fun stories. It’s very light, and I hope that when you’re watching you don’t have any pressure. Please watch with a grain of salt, though because if you really believe the majority of what I’m saying then we’re no longer having fun. Please don’t think I was actively hating on FYL for real. When I make jokes about someone I know it’s because they can take a joke, but there is still a bottom line. Just remember that we’re joking and having fun.  C: Are you closing up the stream now? LYN: You wish. 
LYN: I met someone once, who can’t be considered my fan because they like to listen to ZHang Bichen’s songs. I don’t know how it happened but they recognized me, and asked if I was LYN? I said I was, and they told me they liked my songs and watching my streams. They told me that there was a period of time they were feeling really pressured and down, but watched my streams and found it healing. In that moment I thought that suddenly my streaming had a meaning. Not only can I entertain people, but maybe for some who are lonely... they’ll watch my stream and feel relaxed enough to let go of some difficult things. I think that’s my honor. So, as long as I am still alive, I will continue to stream.
- because of the bgm, someone mentioned his line from Heroes, so he recites it: When I reach the peak of the martial arts world, I’ll break down this wall for you. C: Now a line from Hao Du. LYN: Are you here to test me now?? When an artist streams you’re going to test them on their lines? C: Hei Ye. LYN: I didn’t do the voice acting for that role myself. I’m very thankful for that voice actor for doing such a good job. I really wasn’t any good at voice acting back then- of course, I’m not very goof right now, either. But back then I didn’t even know how to ACT, so his voice acting helped the character a lot. It was after that, with CGX that I started doing my own voice acting, and I’ll continue to do my own when I can. So that the role/character is completely mine- in face and voice. C: Luo Mingxi. LYN: Whether Luo Mingxi, Hao Du, or Bai Choufei... even Di Lin- of course there will be differences in tone of voice, but not by much because it’s still me doing their voices. Different roles will have different circumstances, status, and personality and all of this will change how they speak and sound. I’m really not thinking too much about it either, though. For Di Lin, I made him more stable, with a sense of prestige. Because he is a very powerful person, so when he speaks to people it is with a bit of command. But when he goes home and talks to his wife you’ll find that he turns into a different person. /demonstrates with voice effects, lmao/ - people were asking if Di Lin has a CP. He starts off with a wife, and later they have a kid. The CP is already set. C: What a strange name. LYN: It’s not strange. You have to RESPECT THE SOURCE!
C: What’s the male lead’s name in YNGS? LYN: I can’t reveal that. It has nothing to do with this case. Let’s move on. I don’t wish to say. C: /people guessing/ LYN: No, It’s not that I don’t know the name, but because there will be a final version of the name, and I don’t know what it will be yet. Do you know what the female lead’s name is? C: Guan Shan. LYN: LOL. Her name is “Guan Shan” and I will be “Yi Nian”? Don’t spout nonsense. Have they released the names yet? I don’t know. // His name’s not “Guan Qi”! Stop randomly guessing! >.< // If we’re going by ranking, then HER name should be “Yi Nian” since she comes first, and then my name would be “Guan Shan”. It’s two different cases here. LYN: My name is 关门 (Guan Men = Close Door) [vs. 关山 (Guan Shan = Close Mountain)] C: Why aren’t you called 关灯 (Guan Deng = Turn off the lights) LYN: /laughs/ Can we let this joke pass now? You’ll make the production crew feel like I’m joking around with the drama name! Can we get a little more serious?? We have to respect the name: Yi Nian Guan Shan. How beautiful. - still ends up joking about the character name :p - laughs at the ridiculous names people are suggesting, starts putting together a plot with oddly named leads LYN: You think there’ll be production company out there who will pay money for you to treat their script like a child’s game?? 
C: My mom told me to get out if I want to laugh. LYN: Then laugh and get at the same time.
- song association with whatever answer pops into his mind with a question asked:: C: How did you get the YNGS job? LYN: [Andy Lau’s - 天意 (Heaven’s Will)] (everything is heaven’s will, everything is fate, there is no escape) & [Li Jian -  假如爱有天意 (If Love Has Providence)] LYN: It was just fate. Someone was willing to give me a chance so I took it. It wasn’t that complicated.
C: Is there any role you want to try in the future? LYN: I know there are a lot of my fans who want me to play a domineering CEO or a pervert. I guess I don’t look like a very nice person. They want me to play a beggar... murderer... crazy killer... All roles are okay, but I’d really like to play an undercover so I can catch bad guys. I really want to try something like that... C: Undercover.. but you’re so tall... LYN: What does that have to do with height?!
- can’t dance and doesn’t plan on learning seriously because “people need to have something they’re bad at, they can’t be perfect.”
- will release new songs, eventually, but he’s not in a rush. maybe when he gets to hold his concert? he’s still missing a few satisfactory songs for his second album. LYN: As a singer and someone who just likes art in general, you want to try and do something different from others, you know? You want to be different from others but the problem is everything you think of is what others are thinking! If you really try to do something DIFFERENT then it might turn out sounding terribly. There are two choices here: sound good but just like everyone else or sound bad but in a unique way.  C: Will you collab with Zhou Shen? LYN: I don’t have any plans on it, but it’s not impossible. It’s actually quite easy for artists who are friends to release something together. For example, if I message him right now and ask if he wants to collab I am 90% certain he won’t reject me. It’s not difficult to release a song together, but we have to be clear on for what purpose we’re releasing a song. Just because someone online told us to? That seems a little meaningless... But for example if we’re on the same variety show and we use it as a starting point, to release a song FOR the show, that’s okay. We don’t want to just sit around and release a song for nothing, there has to be some thought behind it. C: Maybe if you work with someone else you’ll create a different kind of impact. LYN: I don’t know about other people, but I am not a creative- a singer-songwriter. So no matter how I work with someone, I don’t think there will be any “impact.” I can only say that we released a nice song. There are no “sparks”, it’s just two people singing a song together.  C: Then collab on an OST. LYN: If those words came out of my mouth I would look like a fool. I’m WILLING to duet with him on an OST, and I’m sure he would also be willing. But the problem is you have to ask if the PRODUCTION is willing. Why? Because if we get together to sing one song, then that means they’ll have to pay for two people’s worth, for a single song. Why wouldn’t they take that money and pay two people for TWO songs (one each) instead? Do you get where I’m coming from?Just because we sing the same song doesn’t mean they pay us each half. LYN: Before, with No Extravagance that I sung with Jane Zhang... that just goes to show that the Legend of Fei production... (had a lot of money)... are very moved by music. :) It’s a really nice song, and regretful we never got to sing it live. Maybe one day we can make it happen.
- YNGS costuming is currently in the process of being made, they will ship pieces to Chengdu for fitting and then ship them back to Hengdian.
C: What can one do to gain Liu-ge’s attention... LYN: You have it, now what do you want with it? 
C: Ning-ge, the pillows on the couch behind you moved. LYN: What do you mean? These moved? You must be watching The Truth and think that I am very easily scared, so you’re trying to scare me, is that it? Here’s the thing- I’m afraid of THE DARK. If it moved, I wouldn’t be afraid. It’s just that I don’t like the dark. If the lights were OFF and then the pillow moved, I’d be scared. As long as there’s light... BCF: I thought I would never lose my way, as long as that light was there. I thought I could be a good person! LYN: ... I could be a normal person!
C: I saw you were streaming and I ditched my friend. LYN: Where did you ditch them?! Were you in a car, saw that I was streaming and then told them to get off and left them on the side of the road?? Or did you have some plans together but you didn’t go, so they had to go alone?
- has a product thing to shoot tomorrow (no drama filming), so he’s not in a rush to sleep
- planning his third bathroom break, but he’s used Tactics 1 and 2 already, so he needs a new excuse. polls the crowd for something that would make a good excuse to leave the room (but nothing life-threatening!) C: Someone’s at the door. LYN: That’s too similar to “the neighbors are fighting”. C: Your takeout has arrived. LYN: Alright, let’s try it to see if it works as well. // No, sorry- this tactic doesn’t work, because I’ll get my staff to grab the takeout. It’s not me going to pick it up myself. LYN: !! How could you be cursing me, saying “Your car’s been towed” and “Daimi is lost”?! I need something that doesn’t harm my sensitive heart but also gives me an excuse to leave. Maybe there isn’t.  C: Aliens have arrived. LYN: That’s too strange! I’d be a fool to say that. C: The Director is looking to discuss some things with you. LYN: It’s the middle of the night, what’s the director looking for me for?? LYN: Ah forget it, I won’t find excuses anymore. I really need to go... but I won’t be back in time. Let me just play it for you, and you can celebrate on your own first. - /decides to wait anyway but doesn’t have the patience to stall for enough time, so suggests a 30s staring contest/
-- happy new year (it’s 12a) -- bathroom break #3 (no tactics, he just needs to go)
- /starts up his late night radio host mode/ - /couldn’t stand the ~gentle~ so changed the music to rock instead/
C: Ning-ge, I want to hear 水牛记 (Water Buffalo Records). LYN: ?_? What is that? Isn’t the song called 水星记 (Mercury Records)? Water Buffalo... is it a story about a buffalo? A song about nature? Is there a song called “水牛记”? /looks it up/ There really is?? /plays it - a kazoo ver of Mercury Records/ LYN: I understand now. 水牛记 is a kazoo version of 水星记. I got the joke now. LYN: /to the melody of 水星记/ ~~ Fascinated by your eyes~ I can’t find my kazoo. Where exactly did it go? I don’t know. Where did it go? Where is it... ~~ - /found his kazoo, laughs after the first notes/ LYN: /still singing to the melody of 水星记/ ~~ This one doesn’t sound to good... Let’s see if there’s another... ~~ - /continues with the second kazoo/ /sings the normal lyrics of the ending/ C: This talent... there was no need to show off...  LYN: I was just helping you dream a dream... this is called Water Kazoo Records.
C: Oh, he’s still here. LYN: You might be new here. Today is the first day I will try out a 24 hour stream. If have insomnia or have aches and pains you can lie on your bed and listen as we stay up all night. 
C: I want to hear a song from Chinese Paladin 3. LYN: Alright, let’s see what’s available... /plays 青鸟飞鱼 (Blue Bird Flying Fish)/ ... I don’t know how to sing this song. Let’s pick one I know how to sing. -- 忘記時間 (Time Will Forget) - makes a ref to the drama [t/n: I don’t know what it is, though XD]
C: Are you streaming tomorrow too? LYN: Do I have nothing better to do? C: Are you really going to stream for 24 hours. LYN: My friend, I just want to ask you. Have you downloaded the national anti-scam app to your phone yet? If you don’t have it, I suggest you download it. It will be helpful in your life. - misspoke a little LYN: Night has fallen and my brain isn’t spinning as quickly as it was at 8pm. I think the people who are able to stay up with me right now are of two groups: 1. My Fans and 2. Kind People. Because I know that anti-s definitely can’t keep pace with me. At this time they’ve probably all gone to sleep. All of you remaining, I’m sure are people who truly like me. Or if you don’t “like” me at the very least you don’t find me annoying. C: I watch your streams because I’m a boring person. LYN: Em... you can’t talk about yourself that way. Don’t call yourself a “boring” person... that just might be your current state, but you need to find things for yourself to do so that you aren’t just whiling your time away. For example, like watching LYN’s streams. XD The fact that you are able to stay here and haven’t left yet just proves that you have an interesting soul. The fact that you are able to call yourself out in a public chat and say that you are “boring” means that you are an interesting person.
- someone said they came for YNGS, LYN speculates it’s to check out who LSS’s counterpart will be and if he’s good enough for her. :p - commenting that the sound of his laughter doesn’t make him seem like a good guy. LYN: ?? How are good guys supposed to laugh?? /giggles - “hihihihi”/ /sudden realization/ Oh, is that what you meant? How do good guys laugh? “Hahahaha”? LYN: You’ve all been asking me how I got this job, right? I’ll tell you. One of the producers was scrolling through... let’s call it “B-Tube”.. and they were looking for an actor that looks tall, majestic, and handsome. From FYL’s word of mouth they already knew I fit this description. The second part is that they have to look like a bad guy. Like, if this guy doesn’t smile he looks downright evil. BUT! He has a warm heart. Who else in this industry- I mean, of course there are a lot, but- it just so happened that they saw my video and thought I was suited for the role.  LYN: I’m joking- but the point was that the person needed to have a villainous face, because actually they have designed him so that he does some pretty villainous things. They couldn’t get someone like... like ZSX (who looks innocent). You’ll know what I’m talking about when the drama airs. C: Backhandedly complimenting ZSX? LYN: What I mean to say is that the two of us are of different types, so there’s less of a chance that we are considered for the same type of role. Don’t be fooled- some people can look like great friends but when it comes down to the fight for the same role it’s a real battle. I don’t have any competition with ZSX, so make good friends. Whatever he can act as I cannot, and whatever I can act as he also can. Let’s not say he can’t do it. There’s no competition between us so it’s easier for us to be honest with each other. This is also why I could be good friends with YCY. C: Steal her role. LYN: ?? I can’t compete with her for the female lead role, stop your nonsense. The most I can do is steal her scenes- like if the FL and ML are supposed to hug, and I can’t stand to watch anymore, so I push her aside to hug the ML instead. I’l say, “Is it my turn yet?” (BCF, lol) Other than this, there is no competition between us.
- comment requests to hear some rock music, so he tries to figure out what song to play - comments asking him if he can rap; he doesn’t do it well, the most he can do is Wilbur Pan’s because he used to listen to his music a lot - /demonstrates a little of the rap he does know/
-- 紅塵客棧 (Red Dust Inn)
LYN: Alright, that’s about enough. Today’s stream, from my perspective, was a little long. But I hope that it was able to bring you the tiniest bit of relaxation and happiness. I’m glad that you’re happy. Thank you for your company. I hope you have a wonderful, happy, and relaxing night. It was great to have you. I’ll see you the next time! LYN: If you haven’t yet subscribed to my weibo, please do so. You can come watch me if you have the time, ok? Thank you everybody, good night~
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heymeowmao · 2 years
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2022.05.13 - https://weibo.com/l/wblive/p/show/1022:2321324768730725876343
Simply chat for a while, no spending the new year~
- brought his equipment with him to Changsha, bc he’ll be staying a while :)
C: Are you filming for the variety show today? LYN: Not today. But ZSX has seven CFs to do, and I also was able to get a couple for myself. If I’m not able to keep up I don’t think we can be friends anymore. It’s hard for people of different social statuses to become/stay friends, you know.
C: I’m not used to this angle. LYN: You obviously don’t care about me. You don’t normally care about what I’m doing at all. I’m currently in Changsha. It’s not the same place I usually stream from- that’s Hengdian. Even the housing prices are different, do you think the streaming angle wouldn’t be as well?
C: Are we spending the new year together? LYN: Do you not even look at my caption? It’s written there very clearly that we’re not spending the new year. I can’t give my friends the habit of staying up at night. I already said that we’re not spending the new year and you’re still here asking. You clearly don’t care, I hate that kind of person.
C: When are you going to cut your hair really short? LYN: Why are you all so interested in my hair?? Don’t a lot of girls say that they’ll leave their hair short/long for you (a boy)? They’ll usually say, “I’ll keep my hair long for you.” But I’m not saving it for anyone. I never made a promise to you. I like it long, so I keep it long. If I like it short, I’ll keep it short. Why do you care so much about my hair? Are you a barber? It has nothing to do with you. I’m keeping it long for myself. I can’t believe you all can be hung up on my hair for so long, I gotta hand it to you.
- explaining that streaming from the notebook won’t be the same as streaming from his desktop, so the video quality and overall experience might not be as good as it is when he’s at home. 
C: The background looks fake. LYN: It’s a green-screen. 
LYN: :| I’m seeing a lot of people commenting on my hair- they don’t like it when it’s long. I guess you can’t watch my guzhuang dramas, then. I have long hair in those. You’re not going to watch them?  C: I’m a new fan; I’ve never seen you with short hair. LYN: You’ll get the chance eventually. 
C: You’re streaming in the hotel, but doesn’t that bother other people? LYN: It’s not like I’m shouting?? I’m not singing, either. I’m just sitting here. Is there some rule that says if you’re staying at a hotel you can’t even speak?? LYN: Also, this hotel’s full of artists- the downstairs is full of paparazzi. Obviously, they aren’t there to shoot me. I’m not popular. They’re here to shoot the other people. Here in Changsha, people come to film for variety shows- there are a few going on at the same time right now. There are only so many hotels that are close enough to the Hunan Satellite TV Station, so all the artists are gathered together. The paparazzi are here to take pictures of the Sisters Who Make Waves jiejie-s, and happened to have included me. They’re look, “Who is this, so tall? Oh, it’s Liu Yuning. Okay, let’s take some shots of him, too.” C: Have you met anyone you’re close with? LYN: Not really. I don’t really get out much, unless I have some work to do. After work, I just go home. I don’t really hang out.
C: It’s my first time catching it live. LYN: I saw that today was Friday and thought that you might not have anything going on, so I decided to stream a bit. I’m afraid that when I start shooting for the variety show we’re going to wrap up really late and I won’t have the chance to stream. I came all the way out here- and brought all my equipment- I’ll feel like it’s a waste if I don’t stream at least once. 
C: You didn’t meet up with YCY? LYN: Stop bringing her up, my friends. Right now I have to “avoid evil”. It’s alright if you talk about me, but it’s not right to talk about her behind her back- she’s just a small girl. C: What’s wrong? LYN: People are making up some rumors, you know. I’m joking about the “avoiding evil” part. She came here to shoot for her shows, but the two of us have been chatting more in our group chat because the drama’s about to air.
LYN: Let me tell you something about shooting dramas that’s really awkward. Usually after a drama finishes shooting, it’ll air about a year later. There are a lot of dramas- I’m sure you all know- where there’s a long cooling period.* [he uses the phrase: 人走茶凉; lit. people leave and tea cools] Some dramas air 1-1.5 (or longer) years after they’re filmed. And then the two leads, helplessly, have to get together again for interviews or to promote the drama. Honestly, they’re not that close to each other. I’m sure they were close during filming, but after 1.5 years of no contact, you suddenly want them to pretend to be good friends- it’s hard. When they’re being interviewed one question they will inevitably be asked is, “Do you have any fun stories from filming together on set?” Honestly, we can’t think of anything. It’s been more than a year later! No matter how funny or interesting the story was at the time, you’re not necessarily going to remember it later. You know? It’s really hard on the artists, answering this question. They have to work hard to remember details, like: “Where was this drama filmed again? It’s a guzhuang, so it must have been Hengdian. What was the drama about now... I forgot.” It’s really hard. At the most artists film for 2 or 3 dramas a year- you want them to remember something that happened on a specific set?? It’s difficult. The scripts just keep coming, too.  LYN: The good thing is that our group- including Baron Chen- have kept up contact. We became really good friends through this drama. It’s great, because when it comes time for us to promote the drama, we won’t have any difficulty trying to remember fun things that happened to us. We won’t feel awkward or unfamiliar when promoting together, either. If they can’t remember, I’ll remind them. 
LYN: Anyway- why I told that friend not to mention YCY. It’s funny- F-F relationships are fine but anything involving M-F relationships will cause you trouble. I was scrolling through a app and saw an article about YCY arriving in Changsha; but they also caught her manager in the picture, too. The clothes her manager was wearing is the same as mine. So this person took this photo and made and article saying: “LYN & YCY are dating. Look at that. Because LYN and YCY’s manager are wearing the same brand/clothes.” I always happen upon articles that have to do with me- but when I saw this one I was dumbfounded. What crap logic is that?? I’m wearing the same clothes as her manager, so how- ????? If your rumor said that LYN and the MANAGER got together, that would be more believable- since they ARE wearing the same clothes, after all. The problem here is- if I’m wearing the same clothes as her manager, how does that prove that I’m dating YCY?? If the rumor was that I was dating her manager, I could understand- the rumor has some ground. But what sort of logic (makes you conclude that LYN & YCY are dating)???? Also, her manager’s male! C: That’s also nice to ship... LYN: Shut your mouth! I’m trying so hard to dispel rumors and here you are making more. >.<
LYN: My friends, let me explain WHY I was wearing the same clothes as her manager. There’s a real story here. I’ll confess to you today. It happened like this... This story starts about a week ago. That day, Baron Chen suddenly messaged me  out of the blue, “I saw your reuters- you’re in Hengdian?” I confirmed I was, and asked if he was also in Hengdian shooting for Chinese Paladin 4. I said if he had time, we should get together for dinner. After I invited him, I was thinking I should ask Chaoyue, too. The three of us could eat out together. YCY and I talk to each other a lot online, but we rarely ever meet up. Just to prevent rumors from happening. I’m afraid to go out with any female artist because of this, too. Alright, so. This story starts from that get together. When Baron got to the restaurant- I was wearing a Chinese-style button up- he said, “Yuning, that really suits you. It give off an wuxia feel.” It went to my head- in addition to the little alcohol I had that night- I undressed and said, “I’ll give it to you!” I started unbuttoning immediately, and I gave it to him. “Here. I only wore it once. You can keep it as a souvenir.” I’m just like this- if someone likes something of mine, I will give it to them. I gave him the bracelet, too. He didn’t want it at first, but I told him to try it on. He did and it really suit him, as he’s a little broader than I am- so I gave it to him. The thing is I was only wearing a white undershirt, and I was thinking - I was suspecting - there would be paparazzi waiting for us. “Liu Yuning goes out for a meal and loses his clothes”?! He goes out with other artists for a meal and eats his clothes gone??? That’s not very good. So I took a scan of the other men with us and thought that YCY’s manager’s clothes were pretty nice. So I asked him if I could borrow it, and that I would return it to him tomorrow. He was nice and let me, so I put on his clothes. When we left there really were paparazzi waiting and got pictures of us. So, those clothes weren’t mine. They were YCY’s manager’s. We weren’t just wearing the same brand, we’re wearing the EXACT SAME CLOTHES. When I went out to eat that day I gave my clothes away to Baron Chen. [What Ning-ge was wearing: https://weibo.com/5456865382/LrFrUuJIW]
C: Ning-ge, the clothes you’re wearing right now are quite nice. LYN: Ehm... it has nothing to do with you. If you like it, buy your own. XD
LYN: I find it fun when rumors like these can become topics of conversations for my streams. It’s fun for me to explain to you, and you have fun listening. It’s all good. I see these things and smile- no, smirk- and then use them as material for my streams. Rumors are just so outrageous sometimes. How does me wearing the same clothes as her manager mean that I am dating her? I don’t get the logic.
Heroes (general drama info):
LYN: Whether YCY, CCH, or ZSX- it’s really rare for you to make so many friends from one drama. We really haven’t lost contact this past year either. Our relationship is great! So I hope that you can stay away from /don’t partake in rumors. Even if I don’t explain them, even if one of them explains them, the rumors will start to create a rift. It’s really awkward to have had a nice relationship with someone only for it to turn sour/awkward because of a rumor. I don’t mind, but the other two are younger and could have more complicated thoughts. I can understand, since I’m older than them by a bit.
LYN: I saw another article- YCY sent it into the chat- it said that “YCY looks down on LYN; Because YCY is currently making a change in her career.” I don’t know if you saw it- it said she looks down on me. She sent it into the group chat and said, “Ning-ge, I didn’t buy this topic. Please don’t get angry. We don’t argue over superiority here.”  LYN: Even though YCY didn’t buy the topic, I still get unhappy when I see these articles. What do you mean I’m not worthy enough for her??? What do you mean she looks down on me??? LYN: Where am I lacking?!?
LYN: I’m sure you’ve seen it already, but the Heroes wb account shared three photos today. They contacted each of us, and asked us if we could post one photo each on 5/13. I asked, “What photo?” and they said the official character still, to help accommodate the promotion of the drama. I didn’t say it out loud, but I was thinking to myself, “What’s the point of posting one photo?” The Reuters have already posted hundreds of them, what use is one photo from each of us going to do? But I found out that they also posted some behind the scenes, which was good because people will see something new.  C: This photo is obtained through proper channels. LYN: Oh, that’s true.  C: Then post some more. LYN: I saw that comment, too. We posted one photo, and then ZSX’s studio also posted a bunch of others. We’re a little more into the details, here. We posted one photo, and then ZSX posted so many more... Do you think I don’t have any??? I could post that many if I wanted, too! But I won’t post them- they (ZSX & YCY) are children, after all. As an older brother- think about it. If ZSX posts them, and then my studio posts some... uh oh- the pressure’s on YCY now. I don’t see the need to torture each other like this. He’s the male lead, so if he wants to post a little more, then I’ll let him. I can’t leech off of him like that. Right? I’m waiting for him to get popular, and THEN I’ll leech. Of course, he is already “popular”; I’ll wait for him to “explode.”
LYN: I’m just trying to consider their feelings. I can’t just think of everything trying to find an angle for my own personal gain. ZSX’s the male lead, it’s a given that he would share some more pictures. Also, his pictures are well-received. I saw them and thought they looked very good! That’s including YCY- you’ll find that a lot of her looks will become hot topics. I don’t get the same reception. So I’ll just let them fight among themselves. When the drama airs later, you’ll see everything there is to post. There’s no use holding on to them- they’ll all get posted eventually. 
C: Ning-ge, you look a little like Liu Yuning. LYN: You’re right. That’s me. I am Liu Yuning. LYN: Do you think I look like him? I don’t think so.
- someone in the comments asking what drama it is; it’s 说英雄谁是英雄, based off a novel. also please be understanding if some parts of the drama adaption does not adhere to the book: not everything in the novel COULD be transferred to the screen. 
C: Director Li Muge. LYN: Yes, that’s right. He’s a great director. I think this drama was filmed in great detail/thoroughly. You’ve all heard that most dramas separate into two or three different filming groups. There are Groups A and B which is for content, and usually Group C is for fight scenes. Heroes only had one group. Our director filmed everything himself- even when we did the fight scenes he was there strictly monitoring us. I wasn’t really used to the single group- I was afraid we wouldn’t be able to wrap on time, but we finished up just fine. 
LYN: I saw someone saying that our drama production had no money. As an actor, I can’t say that we didn’t. Also, people are saying that we were crying about our lack of funds. I don’t see the need- who would we cry to? It’s just facts. If you just look objectively, you could see for yourself whether we had funds or not. LYN: I was talking to the other two, and we agreed that no matter how the drama is promoted- usually when a drama starts promoting they get into the trending topics fairly quickly, I think this will be a little difficult for us- but we all agreed that we would do our best to promote the drama on our own. If we can get just one more viewer, that would be our fortune. LYN: I know that a lot of you watching right now are just passersby or other people’s fans, but I hope that if you’re watching my stream, when the drama airs you can give it a chance. If you like it, please continue watching. If you don’t then I won’t force you. But leave me some face and check it out, alright? Thank you. 
LYN: There are a lot of characters in this drama, and each of their story-lines are just about complete. You know who they are, what they do, and why they appeared. It’s introduced very clearly. It’s not like other dramas where there are basically just a male lead and female lead. The genre is different. Each character has their own story,  background, and personality- they are all unique identities. From the drama perspective, there may be a lot of separate threads. Generally, it is a male lead-centered drama though. If I remember ZSX had around 500+ scenes, and I had 300+ scenes- but this is before editing! I figure after editing I’ll be left only around 300? There’s a thing we say with editing: we can only cut, not add. Why? Because everything has finished filming already. XD
C: When is it airing? LYN: I can’t say for sure. Just.. keep a lookout. But I’m sure.. It’ll be very soon. :) C: Can it air on 520? LYN: How many times do you want me to repeat myself? D: I know that in your hearts I might be an amazing person, but in this industry I’m just an actor. I’m very lowly. Also, I’m only a supporting character. I don’t have the right to determine what day it will air. I can only ask for you. But even after I finish asking, I can’t tell you. So don’t make it hard for me, alright? Thank you.
C: I really like Director Li’s Rattan, too. LYN: Our Director... Director Li Muge. He’s so talented. He films very well. LYN: Also, you’ll find that our drama is really welcome to using fake blood. You’ll see in dramas that people get hurt, and they bleed- but not a lot. Like they’re afraid of getting the clothes dirty. Or, if they spit blood, only a little comes out. Not us- we can go through three buckets of blood a day. You’ll know when you see the drama. We sure can use it.  LYN: Usually in dramas they will take a chopstick and just spread a line of blood on the clothes and that’s it. Not us. Director Li is going to put the blood on you himself. He takes a cup full and throws it on you. C: Can you still wash it out? LYN: He’s a director, what does he care if it can wash out or not? That’s the costume department’s problem. Every time, just before he throws the blood on me, he’ll say, “Xiao Ning. Did you know? Any actor who I’ve poured blood on gets really popular. Wait and see.” In that moment I was thinking, “Well, why don’t you throw some more on me, just for good measure.” Get another cup!
C: The official Heroes account is watching your stream. LYN: Really? They must be afraid I say something I shouldn’t. LYN: Are you monitoring me? Afraid that I’ll slip and tell everyone when it’s airing? XD C: Connect the mics. LYN: You must not be normal. Do you think ZSX is sitting behind there behind the official account? YCY? Director Li? They’re just here to help promote the drama, why would I connect with them? C: Call ZSX. LYN: You mean, you want me to get him here? I won’t. I already told you, ZSX’s only in it for the profit. He only comes when he has a drama airing, and then otherwise he won’t come to my stream. Someone took that and ran with it, saying, “See? The drama hasn’t aired yet and the 2ML is already stepping on the 1ML. LYN’s character is too appalling. He said ZSX is a profiteer.” Have you seen those articles? How sad. I can’t believe they would try to put a wedge between our good relationship. LYN: The last time I streamed I said that ZSX came when I was promoting JNZ for him, but never came back after that. I said he only came when it was profitable to him, and that when Heroes aired, he would HAVE to come. So, to that person who wanted me to call ZSX and tell him to come to my stream- I won’t. That makes it seem like I INVITED him to come. Who does he think he is? I’ll wait until he comes of his own free will. If he comes, he comes. If he doesn’t, there’s nothing I can do. We’ll just have to see how he does. :) C: If he doesn’t come, then we go curse him. LYN: LOL. What type of person are you? Everyone who watches my streams knows that I’m not ACTUALLY putting him down. We’re good friends, so I can make jokes. If I really were to hate on him- why should I? I’m not even his rival. There are certain categories in the entertainment world, we aren’t even in the same league. We’re not the same type. Whether that’s appearance, personality, or types of characters we play. We are not the same. He can never steal my work and I can never steal his. There’s no need for rivalry, here. C: Then, who IS ZSX’s rival? LYN: I can’t tell you that. LYN: I’m not hating on him, really. I’m just making jokes because we are close friends. If we’re not close I won’t even mention your name in my stream. The people I mention, I know their personalities and that they can take a joke. 
C: Ning-ge, you have no rival either. LYN: I don’t know about that. From a live-streaming perspective, I truly have no rival- that’s true. Not to say that I’m so amazing, it’s just that no one else does it like I do. I can’t say the same for acting. I’m not very unique in that aspect.
C: Who’s that next to you? LYN: /looks left and right/ Did you just see someone? Don’t scare me. I’m in here alone. LYN: Did you just see the shape of a person flash by? LYN: I usually don’t let people in the room when I stream because it will affect my thought process.
LYN: ZSX will be here in a couple of days and in the meantime I can go shoot my own commercials. :) It’s nothing new- just things I owe people from before. I’ve been shooting in Hengdian for so long and was running behind on a lot of product sponsors- now that I’m in Changsha I’m going to make it all up to them.
C: Where’s Daimi? LYN: She’s in Hengdian, living together with my acting coach. They can’t go back to their home, so they’re taking care of Daimi for me. In a hotel.
C: The background looks so fake. LYN: ??? Do you really think the background is fake? It’s real! How could it be fake? - /grabs a water bottle/ LYN: Alright friends, look carefully.  - /throws the water bottle & it hits the curtains/ LYN: I’m in reality. Do you think I’m in a xianxia drama right now? That I’ve hung up a green-screen? That my surroundings were too unclean, so I’ve set up a backdrop? I’m really sitting here- I’m in the hotel. It’s just because the camera is focused and the background looks blurry that you think it’s fake. C: You didn’t bring your water glass? LYN: I didn’t, no.
LYN: Speaking of Heroes, though. It’s going to air soon. Did you all see the special clip that was released today? C: Pick up your water. LYN: It’s okay, I have more. LYN: You all saw it though, right? I’m sure all of MY FANS have seen it. I was going to watch it together with you, but if you’ve all seen it then we can forget about it. // As soon as I said that you all say you haven’t seen it.  LYN: Alright, then I’ll play it for you and we can watch together. It will help a lot of other people know of this drama’s existence, too. Don’t worry- when it starts airing I’ll be watching with you. I also have a lot of fun things planned- I’m sure my fans will be happy; I’ll have a lot of things to share during my streams. Let’s watch it together. - /splits screen and gives himself a tiny little box in the corner/
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C: I’m looking forward to it!!! LYN: But not too much, alright? When you look forward to something a lot, it’ll end up giving you a surprise instead. Don’t look forward to it, but still watch it when it comes out, okay? C: But don’t NOT look forward to it too much.... LYN: That’s a hard thing to grasp. You can’t look forward to it, but you also can’t NOT. ?__? Don’t look forward to it, but also do. There’s a fine line. In any case, please take a look at it when it’s out.
C: Did you sing an OST for it? LYN: I sang two- one with ZSX and another is my character song. C: What style is it? LYN: Jazz. A choir. What do you mean what style- it’s a guzhuang drama. Of course it’s going to be gufeng style. A little rock, a little traditional instruments. If you really get jazz in there... it’d be weird. 
LYN: Again, this drama is a story of the jianghu, not wuxia. I’m also just a viewer, so let me say this from a viewer’s experience- a lot of dramas will say that they are wuxia genre, but will also get ridiculed precisely because they gave themselves that label. They can SAY they’re a wuxia drama but have no elements that a wuxia drama SHOULD HAVE. So lots of dramas nowadays are afraid to call themselves “wuxia” dramas. It’s normal. Dramas that label themselves as guzhuang-wuxia will get cursed at. That’s why most just call themselves “guzhuang-idol” dramas. LYN: Our drama isn’t afraid that people aren’t going to think it’s “wuxia” enough and therefore has taken to calling ourselves “jianghu”- it’s REALLY just a jianghu drama! Why? It’s not like the typical wuxia dramas. From the first day of filming, we were told it was more about the relationships between sects- it’s like a guzhuang version of... a modern day drama I will not name. Someone actually guessed it right. A guzhuang version of OOO. Ours is a story about brotherhood and fighting between sects. It’s true that the style is more wuxia, but the content is all jianghu. What is “jianghu”? “Jianghu” isn’t fighting and killing, it’s relationships and ways of the world. LYN: Also, the novel isn’t like, for example, Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils. In all these stories it’s the same old story of suddenly coming into power- I wandered into an old cave and it was full of secrets of martial arts. I didn’t want to learn, but I was inexplicably trapped in this cave. I might as well learn a thing or two. And then when I leave the cave, I become super amazing. One day you get punished by your master to cultivate in isolation in a cave. You go, and the walls are full of secret techniques. There are always these strange circumstances. For example, you’re just walking and then you get hurt. You find a place for shelter and it’s just an orchard with a funny old man. You think he’s kind of strange, but brush it off. When you want to leave, the old man suddenly passes down all his power to you. LYN: That’s how all these novels go- but our novel is not like this. All of our characters are at their highest levels from the start. [t/n: likens it to gaming, where you buy an account that’s decked out to the max, where all you have to do is play.] C: I don’t understand. LYN: Watch the drama later, you’ll understand then.
C: Who has the most power? LYN: I don’t know. I don’t dare say. I remember there used to be fan-wars over “who would beat who in a fight”- I don’t want to get involved. I also don’t want to say that Bai Choufei is the strongest, because there are a lot of book fans and then the fans of Xiao Shi (ZSX’s character) might get up in arms about it. But if I say that Xiao Shi is stronger than Bai Choufei, BCF’s fans will come for me. LYN: This is like asking who’s stronger between Sun Wukong and the God of Thunder. LYN: Probably the strongest character is Guan Qi. No one can beat him, and he was later taken away by aliens. Our crew spent a lot of money for the UFO. XD No- I’m joking. He was taken away by aliens in the novel, but do you really think we can put that on film? That’d be too weird- a UFO suddenly appears in a guzhuang drama. So we used a different method- we had to edit a bit. C: Who’s Guan Qi? LYN: He’s an important character in the novel/drama. He counts as a boss, I guess. LYN: For me personally, though. If I had to say who is the best... well, from the novel- it would be the main character, right? Su Mengzhen (Baron Chen) is also really powerful. He’s known around the world, right? But he has a problem- his survivability rate. He can kill everyone on scene, but at the cost of his own life- he’ll need to take three months to recover before he can fight again. I think Wang Xiaoshi’s pretty powerful, though. Whether he can beat Sun Wukong or not though, is hard to say.
C: Who’s more powerful between Bai Choufei and Zhuo Bufan? LYN: That’s really hard to say. I have nothing to compare them to. If you ask me who’s poorer, it’s definitely going to be ZBF. Whose foundation shade is darker? That’s ZBF, too.
-- bathroom break (neighbors are fighting, but he’s in a hotel full of other artists) LYN: They weren’t fighting. It was the Sisters Who Make Waves- preparing for their third performance. The sounds a little loud, so I thought they were fighting. C: Which celebrities? LYN: I can’t reveal that. I knocked on their door and asked politely. They’re prepping for their performance. 
LYN: Did the Heroes Official Account leave? My friends? Are they gone? It’s normal for them to have left, because I just said that the drama production didn’t have money. They probably heard that and left. It wasn’t on purpose- I was just trying to get some pity points. LYN: Oh, they’re still here! I thought you left, but you’re still here. Still here.... /fake cries/ We really have no money, friends. :’( LYN: I mean that comparatively, though. We still have the money to promote when we need to. Didn’t Bai-laoshi also share the Heroes weibo today? Honestly speaking, this drama has nothing to do with him. he’s from Linghe Ent., and Heroes is a Linglong production. Even though they both have “ling-” in them, they’re not related at all. What happened was the CEO of Linlong, Jia Nan-laoshi- they have a group chat full of directors and producers and he sent a red packet into that chat. Do you think we don’t have money? If we didn’t would he be able to send a red packet?? Right? Anyway- Bai-laoshi wasn’t really paying attention to what it was, but was able to snatch the red packet up. The condition was that whoever got the red packet would have to promote the drama. Bai-laoshi doesn’t have a WeChat friend’s circle, so he posted on weibo instead. C: He regretted it after snatching it. LYN: I don’t know if he did. C: A 1RMB red packet. LYN: Probably not, right? That’s TOO poor. - defending the drama’s honor by saying that the video needed to be filmed, and edited and pictures need to be taken and edited, too. and all of that costs money. the crew isn’t poor. C: Did you say a line in the clip? LYN: Is my voice that unfamiliar to you?
LYN: We’re trying to go for voice acting all of my own roles. I heard that if actors don’t voice for themselves, they have to shell out the money for a voice actor. That’s terrifying. I saw that news and I didn’t really react. I was happy though, because if that were the case then I would be able to save some money (by doing his own voice acting). Later on I would be able to meet some director and tell them I MUST do my own voice acting or else I won’t do the role. Because I have no money to pay for my own voice actor. C: The director will want to switch actors. LYN: So, the thing about voice acting was- in the beginning I asked the director if I could do my own voice acting. He said, “No.” ... I never thought he would reply like that! We had finished shooting more than half the drama when I asked if I could do my own voice acting. Usually, directors will say, “Yeah, okay. You want to do your own voice acting? That’s great!” They will usually reply like that, at least in my imagination. But this one said, “No way.” I was baffled. I asked him why. Don’t directors usually cheer you on and support you when you say you want to do you own voice? But this one said no way. He said it was because the viewers were too familiar with our voices, and were afraid that viewers wouldn’t be able to view us in-character. I replied, “Well... alright, then.” LYN: I know a lot of my fans will want to argue and say that the director just didn’t WANT me to. It’s true that to some extent the director might not have acknowledged my abilities, that’s fine. I’m a new actor. But I often do think about what I need to do to be able to voice my own roles. Later they found a few VAs but didn’t think the voice fit well with my look. Maybe it’s because they became too used to hearing my voice. So then the director allowed me to. That was one and a half years ago. I’ve done three dramas since then! I’m sure I’ve gotten better at saying my lines since then.
C: Hao Du used your voice, too. LYN: Yes, it was. But honestly at that time I didn’t do very well. The good thing is- the fortunate thing is- I encountered the best situation at the best time. Hao Du was my very first guzhuang role. From beginning to end I didn’t really need very big emotions to act or voice him. Voice acting for Hao Du was considerably easy, and I had few lines. After Hao Du, was BCF, and then I’ve been doing my own voice acting since. C: He wouldn’t let you because you have the Dongbei accent. LYN: My streams are different. It’s true that I have a Dongbei accent when I stream, but not when I’m reciting lines! My Standard Mandarin is considerably better now. C: Let’s hear it. LYN: Why are you like my second aunt?? It’s like the New Year when your aunt drags you over to all your relatives and tells you to show them the dance you learned in school. Come on, recite that poem you were learning for us. My second aunt. Really...  C: Do you have any certifications for your Mandarin? LYN: I’ve never taken any tests for it, no. But us Dongbei people have a disadvantage, which is we don’t distinguish between “s” and “sh”. It’s a bit of a struggle when reciting lines. LYN: I don’t have an accent when I sing, right?? /demonstrates/ Yeah, I don’t have it when I sing.
C: Talk about the variety. LYN: There’s really not much to say. I cam e to Changsha to shoot Detective Plan- we’re about ready to start shooting again. I know that a lot of people watching are just passersby- they’re not my fans, but they have a generally good impression of me. Right? I’m sure if you hated to see e you wouldn’t be here watching my stream right now. It’s fine if you think I’m pretty amusing and watch me for entertainment. So I guess people here count as my “video” fans.  LYN: Get ready to activate your Tencent memberships for May. My variety COULD air and my drama also COULD air. It’ll be cost-efficient if you open a membership for this month. I’m not saying both of them are definitely going to air, though. But I think in general, they’ll air at around the same time.  C: Are there benefits? LYN: You want me to go to the platform and try to negotiate more benefits for you??? C: Will you reimburse us (for the membership)? LYN: People always ask me that. >.< I can’t. Honestly the benefits I give you are already enough. What other artists out there is like me, and can stream for you every week. You have my dramas to watch on top of that. You’re asking too much!! When you get married I have to rent a car and follow behind you- at the new year I have to give you presents- now you want me to reimburse you for memberships. What the heck. C: When I get married can you come be the mc? LYN: No~ I don’t want to mess up your marriage. Forget it. You can play some of my songs at your wedding, though. It’ll take the place for me actually being at your wedding. Let me sing you a song. This one is suited for playing at your wedding. -- 余生只想握紧你的手 (to Dear Myself OST)
LYN: While I’m here let me also share my new song from the Lady of Love OST - 幸会的温柔 - /comes in late and blames it on his mic XD/
C: I really like the sound of your “stand-up comedy” LYN: First of all, stand-up comedy is a really strict profession, let’s not take it lightly. Not everyone who says a few witty remarks can be a comedian. I’m not. It’s really not that simple. On another note- that’s normal (to like his voice). The people in my stream are my song-fans, my acting-fans, and my stream-fans. If you like to hear me chat then you count as my stream-fans. I’m always available to please everyone- after I talked ab out my drama, I sang a song, right? When I need to chat I will. I’m here to satisfy all your needs. LYN: There are also fall-fans. What are those? Fans who like to see me fall. Someone said that seeing me fall was like watching their door fall over. Go push over your front door- it’ll be the same as watching me fall. C: Leg-fans. LYN: I’m sure many of you have taken a liking to my legs, is that it? Tell your mom to go to the market and buy you back a [rack of some kind? idk]. You can look at that instead of me. C: Ning-ge, I’m a fan of your eyes. LYN: You think my eyes are nice? That’s easy. There are doors at your house, yeah? Open it a crack. Just look at the crack in the door. I have an alias called “Liu Kaifeng” (lit. “leave a crack (open)). If you leave your door open just a little it can replace me. C: Dance-fans. LYN: You like to see me dance? That’s... hard to please. Me learning one dance for a drama is already good enough. It was just several seconds and that’s enough. Just watch it for fun and leave it at that. I think my dance-fans can take a turn and become song-fans or acting-fans. As for dancing... once a year is enough. I can tell you it’s definitely more difficult for me to learn a whole dance. I can shoot three dramas in a year but not necessarily be able to complete a whole dance routine. LYN: When I said you could “take a turn” I meant to stay my fan but change what you liked about me. I didn’t mean you could turn and start to like someone else entirely. That would make me unhappy. 
LYN: I want to thank everyone for watching my stream and if you still haven’t subscribed to my weibo, please do so. I am Modern Brothers Liu Yuning. Thank you, everyone. When I have time I can come here and chat with you, and when my drama airs I can tell you fun stories about it and make fun of myself once in a while, too.
C: I want to see your  '飞天 (Flying Apsaras). LYN: I did a short dance the other day, I’m sure everyone has already seen. In the drama, our sect is called the Rongtian Sect. We wanted to do a fun thing where the three groups in our drama had a dance battle. I wanted to pick a song that fit with our theme as a sect, and decided on 飞天- Zhang Yixing-laoshi’s song. Learning that dance almost sent me, I’m telling you. It was so difficult. I told the others that I wanted to dance to that song and they were like, “Are you SURE?” I told them I wanted to challenge myself.  C: Was it a simpler version? LYN: No, it was pretty much the original choreography. C: Show us. LYN: My second aunt... I won’t dance. I want to talk to you more, if you make me dance I won’t have the strength to chat.
LYN: The other day I saw another drama that said I was in the cast list... Wow. I didn’t know I had so much time.  What was it called? Let me check... Some new drama with Yang Zi, Zhang Ruoyun, and I. Have you seen that article? I saw that a lot of you were making comments, saying “I don’t know if this is true or not, but I’m looking forward to it!” I already told you! The way to reply to these articles is just to say, “Thank you.”  [Drama in question, probably: Swords and Love (沉鱼记)] LYN: They were probably just making fun, and writing me in there. Probably just wanted me to refute it. Just teasing me. LYN: I have not received any news that they have contacted me. Perhaps it’s a 2023 project, and have confirmed me internally. That’s what I like to think. They’ve confirmed me on their side and are getting ready to contact my studio about it. But as of now I have’t received any news. LYN: I’ve been stuck up on their wall, is what it is. Usually when dramas cast actors, they will have a board with all the characters and start posting pictures of actors who they want to play that character. I’m guessing I’ve just been stuck up on that wall. But they haven’t contacted me yet. They’re too busy.
LYN: I’m not popular, just a little more than I was before. I’m still far lacking from the really amazing people. Let’s just keep working hard. I don’t think being popular is the most important thing. I think just being able to maintain this momentum of always having work to do- variety shows interested in you, songs to sing, dramas to act in- maintaining work is already hard-earned.  LYN: I thought about it, and The Long Ballad was my most recent drama- and that aired a year ago. You haven’t seen me for a year. If I don’t get a drama out this year I won’t be able to take it anymore. I filmed three dramas last year but I don’t have anything to show for myself this year yet, I’ve only just released a few more songs. My variety show hasn’t been able to air, either. I think I’m very lucky that I still have fans to support me.  C: The Heroes Official Account left. LYN: They don’t like hearing this. XD
LYN: Some people are asking me about the Liu Shishi drama (一念关山). !! First of all, whether she actually confirms the drama or not is not something I can decide. I don't have the right to make decisions- it’s not like someone is coming to me and asking me who I think would be a good female lead. I can’t make any decisions, so don’t ask me if she’s confirmed or not. Even if I knew, I couldn’t tell you. Don’t ask me about other people- I can’t just reveal all their news. I can only talk about myself. C: It’s fine as long as you’re confirmed. LYN: I never said I was! Just wait for the announcement. I’m sure you’ll all have a satisfying result. C: Great! // You’re just missing the contract. LYN: ... Yes. Just remember this- the work I haven’t signed a contract with, I with usually never mention. Because I’m afraid I’ll lose it to someone else. That’s scary for me. C: And if you don’t mention it... LYN: Then.. I won’t talk about it; it’s been taken by someone else. If it gets stolen from me, that’s just my bad luck. What can I do about it? There are people are more amazing than I am in this industry. If they can steal a project from me then that means it was not meant for me in the first place. If it’s yours, it’s yours. If it’s not, then you can’t take it from me. I’ll strive for things I want but I won’t force it.  LYN: Just like if I want to sing the OST for some drama. I will never outright ask for it. I’ll try it in a roundabout way, like going to cameo in the drama itself. :) I’ll say, “I’m in Hengdian with nothing to do lately, would you like me to sing a song for you?” XD I’m just joking though I’m not going to force someone to take me on as a cameo, either. I would be crazy. The dramas I cameo for- usually I am close with the producer, director, or the actors in it. I’m not crazy enough to just cameo in ANYTHING. Do you really think I have nothing better to do? - Cameos: Love Yourself, Medal of the Republic, Blocking the Sky (Zhe Tian), Discovery of Romance, Wonderland of Love (Le You Yuan) LYN: I remember when I cameo-d in Medal of the Republic, the director was quite nice. He wanted to give me a 200RMB red packet, but I didn’t accept it. I think just being able to experience being on a set like that, letting me participate, made me really happy. It’s something I’ve never tried before. I was just a little soldier. They wanted to give me a red packet but I didn’t accept. I was thinking they would give me an OST... but in the end I guess I thought too much. :p I regretted it, maybe I should have accepted the 200RMB. XD LYN: I hold a bit of a grudge. Well, it’s not a grudge, exactly. Things that make me feel unsettled are more easily remembered. 
C: Ning-ge, it’s my birthday. LYN: Happy Birthday!  C: You always celebrate someone’s birthday when you stream. LYN: Yeah, because there are quite a few people watching every time. I think it’s a happy thing. Think about it- they’re celebrating their birthday today. It’s such an important date but they’re here in my stream. It’s my honor, because the people who can celebrate a birthday with you are important people to you. If it’s not your family, it’s your friends or people who are close to you. So they fact that they can come to my stream on their birthday, such an important day, means that in their heart I am their friend. I’m very touched. Also, I want to say, on such an important day, the fact that you didn’t go out to play... just proves that you don’t really have any friends. XD That’s not important. Your Ning-ge is the best friend you can have. Everyone in this stream is your friend. We’re all celebrating your birthday together. Such a happy thing!
C: I just came in, what’s this stream for? LYN: My stream is just a bazaar. If you just came in you might not know what I’m doing. Just wait. Later I’ll show you a performance where I lay across two chairs, put a rock on myself and then smash it with a hammer. Very thrilling. If things go wrong I could even d*e. So don’t leave, just wait. I’ll show you a performance and after that one I’ll show you one where I eat rocks. C: Looking forward to it! LYN: ... You’re all monkeys. I give you a stick and you climb. XD C: Ning-ge, can you take off your shirt for that performance? LYN: !__! ... ?__? ... What- ... /shakes his head/ LYN: My friends, when I stream I put myself lower than you, as respect to you. But you can’t- you can’t harass me. Don’t play with me. - someone says their niece/nephew is celebrating their birthday today; lyn says that his wishes apply to those watching his stream ONLY, everyone else has nothing to do with him
LYN: Hold on, wait for me a minute. I need to use the restroom. It’s- It’s 9p?? There’s a problem here- why is it that when I stream outside of my home it feels like time is passing by so slowly?? How long have I been streaming for?  2+ hours... I thought I’ve been streaming for at least 3 hours by now! C: You finally just said it straight out. LYN: Yeah, because I already used the “fighting neighbors” trick. I’ll think of a better excuse for next time. Let me play you a video... oh, no. I only have the one. Wait for me a sec. I'll have to trouble you to watch this one again. C: Someone’s having a baby? LYN: No, I can’t use that one too often.
-- bathroom break
LYN: I’m back! I saw the Heroes Official Account leave me a message, that read, “It’s true, we don’t have money...” That is.. what are you telling me for? Are you planning on asking for the payment back? I’ve spent it all already- I bought clothes with it. I can’t give it back! C: They want the promo money back. LYN: There’s no such thing. They don’t pay actors to promote. It’s the actor’s own choice whether they want to promote their drama or not. Not with me, though. Whether it’s a product, drama, or song, I think it is my responsibility/obligation to promote it to the fullest. They chose me because they like me and I’ve also received money for my work, so promoting the product/drama/song is something I SHOULD do. If you find other people for a song, they might share it on their weibo when it’s released, but /I/ will sing it in my stream! I’ll promote it, too. So finding me to sing your OSTs is not a shameful thing, my friends. C: Sing one then. LYN: I just did! Are you from the platform? Just once (a stream) is good enough. How about I sing it for you again next time?
C: What time are you smashing the rock? LYN: /sigh/ At the end. It’s too thrilling, so we’ll leave it for the end and just simply chat until then.
C: I’ve fallen into the pit (fandom). LYN: How? I didn’t even get the beauty filters right today. Honestly, the lights in the hotel room kinda suck, they’re quite dim. I added two of my own but they’re too bright. Also, I look like I have a red flush, like I’ve been drinking. Actually, I went to shoot a commercial today so there’s a thick layer of foundation on me. Shade No.1. There’s nothing here that warrants you falling in. If you were sucked in by my good looks that would be one thing, but I don’t look good right now! LYN: The other thing is, liking me is not considered falling into the “pit”. It’s called “winning the lottery”. :) “Falling into the pit” makes it sound like you’re losing out on something by liking me. But “winning the lottery” means that you’ve gained something. As for WHAT you’ve gained, that’s.... hard to say. It could be annoyance, sadness, or suffering; but it could also be happiness! What you gain from me is random, like opening a blind box.
C: When are you cutting your hair? LYN: Soon. I’ll cut it before I enter the next drama crew. My next drama is a modern one, and I can’t bring my long hair with me. It’s all about the female lead- if I go in there, you wouldn’t be able to tell which is the actress (by looking from the back), and that would be a problem. C: Are you still going to dye it? LYN: I want to, but my stylist told me not to. If I bleach and dye it red, then dye it back to black it would hurt my hair too much. I’m still spokesperson for a shampoo, friends. I’m afraid it will affect my work, so I don’t want to mess up my hair too much. I might spray on a color, and have them fix it up in editing, but that’s about it. 
C: Which female actress is 1.9m tall? LYN: I meant just by looking at our backs, when we’re sitting there! You must not be listening carefully. C: What’s the drama called? LYN: It hasn’t been announced yet, I can’t say. You’ll know when the time comes. C: Are you the male lead? LYN: Why? If I don’t play the lead will you look down on me? How can you be so shallow, like ZSX? XD How should I say this- there are no small roles, only small actors. That’s what everyone says. I don’t think being the lead actor is the most important thing- it all depends on the role and who you’re going to be working with. C: Ning-ge, you can play the female lead. LYN: 去你的. I can’t. I’m going to cut my hair, so I can’t play the female lead.
C: Ning-ge, what are the standards for the dramas you choose? LYN: We have a lot of things to consider, but I can’t tell you because that’s an industry secret. It’s not- I just have my own standards for what I want when choosing a script and role. People will compliment me, and say that I make good selections when it comes to what roles I decide to act as. I don’t believe I choose well, it’s just that I am fortunate enough to meet good people. When I first debuted no one knew I wanted to act, so I really didn’t have a lot of choices. It’s not like what you’re thinking and I can have hundreds of scripts in front of me to choose from. If I only have a few to choose from, of course I’ll pick the best one. Before The Long Ballad aired, I didn’t have a lot of choice. After it aired there was a lot more to choose from, because at that point people knew that I was acting (and available). A good role will open up many opportunities for you. C: Ning-ge, do you act well? LYN: I act just okay. I’m just a singer, how well do you expect me to act? That’s why I always tell my friends not to compliment my acting when my dramas air. Acting is subjective- everyone has their own opinions of what’s good or bad. There’s no need for you to go around forcing me on people; PLEASE don’t go around complimenting my acting- I’m just a rookie actor. C: You act pretty well, though. LYN: How many dramas of mine have you watched?? There’s only BEEN THREE. I just have to keep working harder and working to improve myself. C: I’ll compliment your looks. LYN: You won’t compliment my acting, but how I look? Then that’s even MORE reason not to compliment me. You have to remember to PLEASE don’t go around pushing my looks. In YOUR eyes I’m handsome because you have the fan-filter. But to the general public I’m just average. Not UGLY, but nowhere near handsome. We just win with my temperament/attitude.  C: Then what can we compliment? LYN: Do you HAVE to? There’s no need. If someone has just one strong suit, others will naturally get it. You don’t have to go around pointing it out. When normal people see me, the first reaction they’ll have is that I’m very tall. They don’t need to you stand next to them and say, “Hey, look at Liu Yuning. Isn’t he tall?” There’s no need. Others will discover what’s good about you naturally. Don’t try to convince people to like me. You just happily watch my dramas and that’s enough. C: I can’t help it. LYN: TRY.
C: Ning-ge, did you bring ka-ka (kazoo)? LYN: I actually did.
C: Your fans can’t suggest people to watch? LYN: You can, but not too forcefully. You can suggest for people to listen to my songs or watch my dramas but don’t go around saying I’m so amazing. I’m really not. Some people are rebellious, too. The more you want them to do something, the less they’ll want to do it. You know? If something is/becomes extremely popular there will always be people who think it is annoying. It might not be proper for me to say. Everything has a certain degree of acceptability- once you pass it, that thing becomes annoying.  - talks about Liu Genghong-laoshi, who posts up exercise videos. They’ve gotten really popular lately bc people are stuck in quarantine, and at least by watching and following along to his videos people can work up a sweat and maintain their health. But he’s also gotten so popular to the point where he has antis now. LYN: I know I always tell you to help promote my works, but don’t do it to the point where it starts to bother others.
LYN: Heroes hasn't even aired yet. It’s not an S-class drama, with a big production cost or anything. It’s just a project we worked very seriously on. The actors, honestly- I mean, they’re popular- but they’re not as “big” as others. We’re such a small project and already people are starting to put it down. They’re starting to create trouble- just to prevent us from “exploding (into fame)”. People are already giving it backhanded compliments- they talk us up and then start comparing us to a different drama. The fans of the other drama are surely going to curse us. These tricks are overused and annoying.
LYN: If you want to make trouble, you can say that the 2ML got more scenes. Like, the drama was originally all about the male lead, but since they’ve added some scenes for the 2ML, it’s lessened the ML’s spotlight. If I were ZSX’s fans I would be upset too. I would be upset, too- why is the 2ML so much better than ZSX, that he gets more scenes? Who does he think he is? I would yell at LYN, too. Do you know where they got this info from, though? It came out of my own mouth. :p LYN: Director Li is a very creative-type director. He films and creates at the same time. As a director or an actor, before you start filming you’ll need to get used to the characters. Say for example you are a reserved person, but the character is more open and lively- there’s no way you can make the connection, unless you are a very amazing actor. The director will observe your natural character and blend your characteristics with that of the role’s and from that point can be more creative. The director working with an actor for the first time might not have any particular thoughts about that actor; but as time passes the director starts to see potential. They will create more opportunities to enrich the character and create a more fulfilling drama overall. At the start I only had 300 or so scenes for Heroes. By the end of it I had 360, but I’m sure a lot of it will be cut in editing. I just wanted to say that I am not the only one who got additional scenes- the male & female leads got a lot too! All of the characters got additional scenes. We added so much that the funds ended up being insufficient- that’s how hard our director worked. That’s why we have no money for post. XD LYN: Don’t use the fact that the 2ML got additional scenes to cause trouble for the drama and make a rift between ZSX and I. ZSX himself can be a little confused sometimes- what if he seems some fake news and misunderstands. He already doesn’t talk to me on WeChat, what if he blocks me?? This is such a small drama in comparison and people will find any way to make trouble for it. Isn’t that terrifying?
LYN: There was this rumor for ALZ, too. That the 2ML got additional scenes, because one of the producers is LYN’s fan. OMG. This is.. just too unreasonable. It’s just worded in a way that people can’t help but fall for it. Let me break it down for you. First of all, there are two producers, and are they my fan? I hope they are. The first jiejie I met when having dinner at a wrap party, and she’s the one who suggested ALZ to me. At the time she said there would be 300 scenes, but when I got on set I found out it was only around 200. If you’re looking at it that way, I actually got my scenes cut. The second producer jiejie is DEFINITELY not my fan. I can’t tell you whose fan she is. They both aren’t my fans, they’re good jiejies. They treat me very well. LYN: Also, when we were on set, everyone was already shipping the two leads. There’s no room in their minds to even think about giving me additional scenes. This is also the first time I’ve worked with Youku. I’ve worked with iQiyi and Tencent before, but this was my first time working with Youku. How much do you think they would have to love me, to give me additional scenes?? It just doesn’t make sense, and that’s why this is purely a rumor. The script was written as is- it wasn’t written AFTER LYN joined the cast. The number of scenes for the 2ML is the same as it was before I was cast... and I was the last one the be cast. I truly didn’t walk through any back-doors to get that role, and they’re definitely not going to add scenes just for me. There’s no way. LYN: So if the drama comes out and you think I have more scenes than I should have, don’t come find me. It’s not what I wanted. Go find the scriptwriter. I don’t have the right to make people give me additional scenes, and I’m not worth it. I’m just here to happily shoot a drama- and it’s not as if more scenes will give me more money. >.> C: Don’t get angry. LYN: I’m not angry. I just wanted to share my thoughts/emotional state with you. This is nothing to get worked up over.
LYN: I saw some gossip blog say that ALZ would air in May. /pfft/ I'm sure that blog doesn’t watch my streams. If you’ve got nothing better to do, watch my streams. I’m sure you’ll receive a lot of information regarding my dramas. C: Ning-ge, why are you always looking at gossip blogs? LYN: I’m not always looking at them, it’s just that anything regarding “liu yuning” will pop up in my feed- I’m sure all apps are the same. It’s not like I don’t have anything better to do than to scroll through gossip blogs! All the posts are recommended to me!! LYN: It even recommended me a post: “HAHAHA I used to be LYN’s fan but now I am OOO’s fan. Bye Ning-ge.” What the heck would I be doing checking up on who’s leaving me for someone else??? This is a very normal thing, though. Some people who were fans of others may have slowly become my fans, and vice versa. It’s natural. But just don’t make a post telling me about it. Leave quietly.
- more people saying his bg looks fake, so he balls up a tissue and throws it C: Throwing trash?!? LYN: I’ll pick it up later, I just wanted to prove to you that my background was real. LYN: Let me throw a cup back there, too. I’ll throw it and you can watch it shatter.  - doesn’t throw the glass, but does get up to pick up his trash and hops up on the chair to dance around a bit
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LYN: It’s not fake now, is it? C: The person must be fake. LYN: Yes, you’re talking to an AI right now.
C: Are you happy today? LYN: I’m very happy. I’ve been in Hengdian for too long. I only came out twice to shoot something. But now I’m in Changsha- omg, there are too many delicious things to eat. - stream lags for a bit LYN: It’s alright- I’m using the hotel’s wifi. It might be a little unstable, but don’t worry about it. I hope you don’t have anything against it, either. // It did lag- I couldn’t even see you typing. It’s alright though, bear with me. - introduces things to eat in Changsha, and says all of the dishes really pair well with rice
C: When are you doing the Thermage. LYN: lol. I was going to do it when the drama wrapped and before I entered into the new drama crew. But Beijing right now... I’m afraid if I go I won’t make it back (bc the pandemic). I don’t know any places in Changsha... 
C: Is the perfume real? LYN: What’s that about? I keep seeing people mention perfume?? All the perfume I use is real... if you use fake ones don’t they give you rashes? C: Spokesperson for a perfume? LYN: No? I really don’t, and I have no need to lie to you. LYN: Honestly- a lot have products have come to ask about me, but I don’t sign with just anyone. Really. I don’t just take whatever’s offered. There are a couple of requirements before I sign on to be a spokesperson. First- the product has to be reliable. You can think about all the products I’ve represented before- not one of them was unreliable, right? Secondly- I only sign on with products that my fans are able to make use of. Usually they’re daily necessities, like shampoo. I don’t sign with just anything, because I don’t see the need to exhaust myself. Also, I believe that my fans with stay with me for a long time. I’m not here just to make a quick buck- I’m not hurting for it that badly. I’ll be honest with you- I can sign with 10-20 of them in a year if I wanted to. I’m not trying to brag. But not all of these brands are trustworthy, some of them I’ve never even heard of. I CAN sign with them, but I won’t. I can’t exhaust myself like that, and it’s also a way of protecting myself. I don’t want you guys to keep buying the products either, and exhaust yourselves. LYN: I don’t think I’ve reached the peak of my career yet. So I don’t want to just make a quick buck and run. I’m keeping my options open. Maybe one day when I become a male lead in a few dramas I can come back around to these brands and they’ll have to pay me more than they’re offering me now. XD
C: Why aren’t you taking male lead roles. LYN: It’s not that I’m not, but that my opportunities were few. I’ve never said it this clearly before, but I think acting as 2ML in an S-class drama is better for me than acting as a 1ML in a lesser known drama. That’s what I’m thinking, and that’s my plan for myself. Other people think differently. One of the reasons I’d rather be a supporting character is because I don’t think I can bear the weight of a male lead. Why should I humiliate myself like that? If I work with more experienced actors I can act and learn at the same time... plus I don’t have to “carry the pot”. Think about it- if a drama doesn’t do well, can people turn around and blame the 2nd or 3rd male lead for it? :p If you can blame the 2ML, then you can blame the OST singer, too. (By playing a supporting character) I don’t have to be afraid, and I can learn and also become friends with the S-class actors. XD LYN: Look at- Look at Fang Yilun. XD Do you know how many lead roles he’s gotten since debut? The two of us are at different starting points, is all. He likes to sign on to male lead roles and I like 2ML roles.  C: I never watched one of his dramas. LYN: That’s your problem, not his. That doesn’t mean he isn’t popular. Xiao Fang is very good. I’m just saying that everyone’s choices are different. Of course, he has been in supporting roles, but he has a lot more lead roles to show. He’s much more amazing than I am. // Don’t make trouble. He’s a good friend of mine. C: Then are you planning on being 2ML forever? LYN: /laughs/ “A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier.” I believe there’s always something better. That’s why when I was just a waiter I always wanted to be the manager. When I was selling clothes, my goal was to become the shop manager. Acting is the same- no matter how many 2ML roles you do, you still want to be a ML someday. 
C: Ning-ge, stop dallying. I want to see the rock smashing. LYN: I prepared the rock when I went to the restroom earlier, but then weibo contacted me and told me to calm down. “Weibo is a public platform, if you smash a rock on yourself that’s considered a dangerous action. You definitely cannot do such a thing, otherwise you’ll drag us into it.” I know I am very safe, but they don’t want anyone to imitate such a dangerous action- I thought about it and decided to forget the act. As per weibo’s request.  C: You concluded that well. LYN: I know, right? I didn’t think of how to end it before, but all of a sudden it came to me. I’m throwing weibo under the bus. But the reasoning still sounds reasonable!
- someone asked if this was pre-recorded, so he proves it isn’t by reciting the time/date; shows his clock on his laptop C: It’s off by a minute. LYN: Maybe my clock is off.
C: Ning-ge, it’s fine if you don’t show us the rock smashing, but you can still show us your chest. LYN: My chest is here. What do you want to see? Even if I smashed the rock on my chest, I wouldn’t be doing it topless.
C: Ning-ge, go shoot some mini-series. LYN: You mean the 5-10 minute ones? It’s true- the mini-series nowadays have been very popular. The problem is eh... you probably don’t know where I came from. You think I became this popular in a sudden moment? I got to this point shooting dramas because I started off doing short videos; now you want me to go back???
- someone asks how to get into the “special guests” section of the weibo LYN: Don’t be too hung up on ranking/position. So what if you become a special guest? You’re seeing the same thing they’re seeing. It’s not like a concert- if you sit in the front row you might be able to see more clearly, but those in the special guest section and regular viewers are all seeing the same thing right now. There’s no difference. Don’t get caught up on ranks- don’t learn the bad things about this industry.
- someone asks about his water, and he says he normally doesn’t drink Perrier, but he went to shoot a CF today and they had a crafts table so he took some water and fruit home XD - he does the same thing at car showrooms, when he goes to look at the cars he will ask for a bottle of water; they bring out the fancy kind and he (and his staff) will just hold on to the bottle but not drink it... they’ll take it back with them after looking at (but not buying!) the cars. he leaves these bottles on his car and offers them to directors to drink XD he says it makes him look classy.  C: What a nicely made up story. LYN: Just listen to it for entertainment, you don’t need to consider the truth or fiction of it. I don’t have that many stories to tell you. Isn’t it always just made up on the spot? XD C: Next time go to the Ferrari showroom. LYN: I don’t dare go anymore... because I’ve gone too often. The salesperson doesn’t even care about me walking in there anymore. He used to be friendly and welcoming, but by the fourth time he sees me and just continues playing on his phone, telling me to look however I want. C: That’s on you for never buying one. LYN: I never SAID I was going to buy one. I said I was there to LOOK. C: You can report him for playing with his phone while working. LYN: How can you be so mean?? C: You didn’t grab a water, though? LYN: I almost forgot. But no, I don’t grab water every time. I only take it when my car’s supply is running low. - talks about how his life goal is to own a Ferrari one day; and tells a story about how he walked into a showroom and almost couldn’t talk his way out of buying a Ferrari SF80. in the end he said he would wait for the SF90 to be released and then consider buying one XD LYN: Whenever I walk out of a Lamborghini showroom, I see all the cars on the street and think, “What are these?” The ones (in the showroom) are cars- these (on the street) are toys. :( It fills me with a new motivation to work harder, so I go to the showrooms to recharge. C: Become the spokes-model for a car brand. LYN: It’s not that I haven’t thought about it and they haven’t come around asking. But I take this very seriously, because whatever brand I work with/represent will reflect my own personal preferences. They weren’t the cars I liked, so I didn’t continue negotiating a contract with any of them.  C: Then what do you like? LYN: Ferrari... Lamborghini... Bentley... those kinds will do. I might consider some others. Audi... BMW... those are okay, too. C: But we can’t afford those cars. LYN: Are there quotas for selling cars, too?? No, right? I don’t know. I’ve never done it before... C: Ning-ge! I just bought a BMW. LYN: Are you showing off?!?
C: Is Bai Choufei a good guy? LYN: Not really. When this drama airs I hope you can maintain the separation between character and actor. Don’t come to curse at me. Thank you. LYN: When the drama airs I can share with you some fun parts that we filmed, and we can look at the comments together... we’ll see. I might invite ZSX and YCY to be here with me.
C: Will you watch the drama too? LYN: Will I- I understand. Some actors do not watch their own acting. It’s not like they have anything against it, it’s that they are afraid to watch. They don’t want to see this other side of themselves on tv. But me- If I come out on a variety show I will watch my own part up to three times. Apologies. I haven’t much seen the world. Honestly I haven’t had that much work. LYN: Anything I appear in, I will watch at least three times or more. I care a lot about the viewer experience. I usually can’t catch the show right when it airs, so I will wait until the playback is up online and I will watch the whole thing. When it’s over, I’ll start back from the beginning- the second time around I am watching the comments. I want to see if anyone is cursing at me, or if any of my fans have gotten caught up in fights. I’ll fight with the comments. After a day, I’ll watch it again for the comments. I want to see how they developed over time. LYN: I’l watch the drama and when it gets to my part I’ll read the comments and then I can stream about it. Just like with Ultimate Note- I was acting as Hei Yanjing- there was a comment that said, “HYJ’s actor is no good. Doesn’t fit the original source at all. Not tall enough.” It said I wasn’t tall enough!! The only advantage I have in this industry is my height. When I saw that comment I wanted to punch through my iPad. XD Is 1.89cm short??! LYN: I’ll always watch my dramas. I probably watch even more closely than you do.
C: Do you have a membership? LYN: Yeah. My QQ membership expires in 2099. I don’t think I’ll live that long, but I can pass my account on to my grandchildren. I don’t have anything against having to pay for content/subscriptions.  - says that the most complete guzhuang drama he’s watched is The Long Ballad; people start recommending him to watch Nirvana in Fire, but he truly has no time for it
C: You should play the Celestial Dog. LYN: Do you think you’re very funny? This joke has already come to its natural end. About enough is enough. You should try something funnier next time.
- finds it amusing that people were talking about a different drama and when it would air, and someone told op to go ask lyn about it. LYN: I can’t even tell you when my own dramas will air, let alone SOMEONE ELSE’S.
C: Do you get paid after filming wraps or after the drama starts airing? LYN: .... I don’t know why you’re asking this question, but I’m sure it’s because some people just don’t know the answer...  C: When it finishes airing? LYN: See- you don’t know. We get paid after it finishes filming. When you first finish negotiations, they’ll give you about 30% of it first. When you finish shooting about half of the drama, they’ll give you another 30%. At the end, when the drama wraps, they’ll give you the rest. As for when the drama airs- that’s not something an actor can determine. By that time we’ve already spent most of the money, anyway.
C: Anyone who spews nonsense in Ning-ge’s streams are bots. LYN: There’s no “nonsense” here. Everyone who comes to watch my streams, even if they’re antis- I welcome. They count as a person (to up the view count), don’t they? It’s fine, all good. The stream is open to anybody.  C: What a good attitude. LYN: It’s practiced. In my previous stream all people would do is curse at me. This is nothing. It’s alright if people want to come in here and talk shit about me to vent a little. That’s normal, you can vent. C: Then you can curse at me. LYN: ? What do you mean? You want me to curse at you? Are you a pervert? Why don’t you go out on the street and find someone to curse at you there? I feel like you’ll enjoy it too much if I curse at you in my stream. That’s scary. I can’t satisfy you. You can leave.
-- bathroom break
- continues playing the video because people where saying they didn’t get to watch until the end LYN: ! I saw someone say that I looked sleepy in that frame just then.
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C: How come it paused? LYN: Because I paused it. They said I looked sleepy... ehm... that’s not being sleepy. Don’t make fun of me like that. First of all, my eyes are a little small, ok. No need for the personal attack. Secondly- did you not see me covered in blood?? It’s not like I’m sick and spit blood on myself, I’ve been fighting the WHOLE TIME. I’m TIRED! LYN: My eyes are just small- I’m not sleepy. C: Ask the post-editor to make your eyes bigger. LYN: ?! I already told you to watch the drama through your camera filter. You can watch the whole thing by filtering the content on tv through your phone, with the beauty filter.
LYN: If you like big eyes, just go be fans of ZSX. I can’t say anything else, but ZSX must rank among the top of the list of actors with big eyes. Of course, YCY’s are not small, either. You can just go like the two of them. C: Ning-ge, yours aren’t eyes. They’re four eyebrows on your face. LYN: Someone before said that my eyebrows were thicker than my eyes. It’s true. /sigh/ Enough, already. If you keep making fun of me I’ll go get double eyelid-surgery. Does anyone want to do it with me? A package deal. C: How about tattoos? LYN: Nope. As an actor I want to leave as few marks on myself as possible. I’m already covered in bumps and bruises enough as it is from filming... and some singing competitions. You’re easily injured if you attend any singing competitions. C: Singing competitions? LYN: My old fans will know. It’s not the competition itself that hurt me. I got eliminated and then went home and got drunk. I took a tumble and got a scar on my elbow because of it. It has nothing to do with the competition, more to do with the fact I was drinking. C: You fell in the bathroom. LYN: I DID NOT! I fell ON MY WAY to the restroom, not IN the restroom. There’s a difference in degrees of cleanliness between these two places. If you say I fell IN the restroom... that will make imaginations run wild. I was on my way.
C: Are you streaming tomorrow? LYN: I’ve already talked about three hot topics today: - YCY’s Manager wearing the same clothes as LYN - Heroes Promotional Photos released LYN: There’s another... in any case- I stream depending on what material I have to work with. If I don’t have anything, I won’t stream.
- talking a bit about the variety show, but still can’t reveal too much  LYN: I’ve found out that recently there are a lot of this type of show airing now. // We were in Shandong before, but we’ve moved to Changsha and we’re planning to record and broadcast at the same time. 
C: You should go to Chengdu and have hotpot with Dilireba. LYN: ?? I didn’t even know Reba was in Chengdu. The Long Ballad producer jiejie came to send me a message today and told me we should gather for a meal. SHE’s in Chengdu; she went to see Reba. Also, didn’t you see the gossip? It said I asked Reba out for a meal and she rejected me. I already got rejected once, why would I go back for more? LYN: Alright, stop mentioning her. She’s going to end up blocking me.
- tells his fans to stop trying to micro-manage him, he can take care of himself.
C: What do I have to do to get LYN to “flip” (respond) to me? LYN: Alright, I’ve flipped you. /makes a flipping gesture with his hand/ You’re a pancake- I’ll flip you over so you can fry on the other side. You’re an egg- this side is about done now, I’ll flip you over.
C: Talk about the Floating World stream. LYN: There’s not much to say about it. It was a pretty last-minute thing to begin with. Tencent wanted to go around introducing their dramas, and I think only Le You Yuan (Jing Tian & Xu Kai) and Floating World were around in Hengdian. Two days before the stream they asked me if I would be okay to host it. They already came to ask me, so it’s not as if I could have rejected them. It was fine- to me, streaming is a very easy thing. Other might find it more difficult. But honestly, I did feel some pressure, because just streaming by myself is different from streaming with other people. In my own streams I can joke around and talk back at you and make up some nonsense. But this type of stream is more of an interview-like one, where I was the host and had to keep up with the progression of topics and take care of every participant. It was a stream, but it’s different from my usual streams. I was really nervous. But the viewers and a lot of my fans were there to support me and bring up the atmosphere. It was nice. LYN: Another thing was, the internet was unstable. That makes me really anxious. Forget about me- the viewers don’t have a good experience, either. No matter how well I do, it doesn’t matter if no on can SEE it. I really wanted to take you around the tent and show you all the props, but the internet in there was terrible. It’s fine outside the tent, but once you’re inside it’s gone.
C: Ning-ge, aren’t you going to talk about any other actor? LYN: Why would I? I saw this person keep typing up other actor’s names all night. Do you think I’m a gossip blog? You want me to comment on each person’s character a little? I don’t need to critique anyone, and why would I have to? What do you want me to say? I don’t need to talk about anyone else. LYN: Honestly, we haven’t worked together at all, we’re just acquaintances. If it were someone I’ve worked with, I could talk about them a little. But I really haven’t worked with the people you are mentioning, so how do you expect me to talk about them?
C: Talk about dancing. LYN: The dancing was alright. I suddenly had a feeling that I could take a turn into the singer-dancer category. I’ve gotten a little more confident. So maybe I can keep up this momentum of learning one dance a year.
C: Ning-ge, did you ever chase stars before? LYN: This is a sensitive topic... LYN: I already told you- I’m HZT’s sasaeng fan. Through my endless efforts I now know where he lives. When I’ve got nothing better to do I go to look for him. I go to his company to intercept him. Through my efforts I have successfully become HZT’s sasaeng. C: Have you secretly followed to take pictures of him before? LYN: I don’t need to. I can just go to his company and enter his office to have a sit.
LYN: When I came over from Hengdian and left the airport there was a car that kept following mine. It followed me until the hotel entrance. It was enough for them to know where I was staying, but no- they turned around to look at my car’s license number. That was pretty terrible. I don’t know whose fan it was or if it was paparazzi- but I didn’t think well of it. LYN: You may be thinking that if I want to be an artists, I have to learn to accept these things. Let me tell you- under normal circumstances, if someone was following my car I would call the police. But when it happens to a celebrity you think it’s a normal thing. LYN: Nothing happened this time, but what if one day something does? It’s terrifying.  C: You should report it.  LYN: It’s alright, we’ve got their plate number, too. If I get hurt when I’m in Changsha, 90% chance it’s going to be whoever is in this car. I have proof, and I’ve got their plate number. C: What if it’s a fake plate? LYN: We can still find them- there are surveillance cameras.
LYN: In any case, the reason I understand you and spend time like this to stream with you, is because it’s all I can do. I debuted too late. I’m not like DZW, or XZC, HZT, or ZSX; They’ve already been in this industry for so much longer than I have. Before I made my debut- all these people were celebrities to me. Do you get what I’m trying to say? I was a normal person, who made my way into this industry as a singer, then an actor. Now I get to work beside all these amazing people. I know how you feel- I know I’m a colleague now but before I debuted I was just like you, watching their dramas and singing their songs. LYN: Sometimes on shows I’ll see someone and get excited- like Wang Sulong- and I’ll tell him, “You’re my idol. You’re my god.” I’m not doing it for the show, those are my true feelings. When I was in the village, I would sing his songs at other people’s weddings. In my heart he’s my idol, and a star I used to chase. That’s why I like to do what I can to try and give you some company. 
C: Can I reserve you for my wedding? LYN: That was before I debuted- I would take any job I could. Not only that, some people didn’t even WANT to use me. They didn’t want me to sing AND they looked down on me. But now that I’ve debuted I’ve drifted- I don’t take these jobs anymore. :)
LYN: Sometimes I see people questioning who’s got my back, and how I have such good resources. You’ve seen those comments, too, right? I don’t have any talent agency or rich woman backing me. I used to come from a live-streaming company, and after I got out of it I opened my own studio. I own 100% of the stocks- no one else has invested in me. My group and I have been the same people working together for all these years. There’s really no one behind us.  LYN: Why does it seem like I’m doing so well? I really just got lucky. Some people don’t believe it. /rolls his eyes/ I’m already very helplessly telling you in detail about how I got the jobs I did, WHY DON’T YOU BELIEVE ME?? I don’t know- it’s so strange. LYN: I’ve just met very good people. When I’m having a hard time, all of a sudden something will come up. Like just when my drama is about to wrap and I start to worry about what I’ll do next, within three days of thinking that something will come up! It’s happened again and again! When you think the job isn’t good enough, and are looking for something better- within three days, without fail! Something better came!  LYN: When my staff want to play something that requires luck, I definitely will never play with them. I’m afraid I’ll use up all my good luck on games. I really think that a person’s luck has a limit. I can’t use all of mine winning for a whole a night in mahjong. I don’t do anything that requires making a bet/chances. I don’t even play blind boxes. I keep it for my career.
LYN: I hope anyone who goes out does so with the proper protection- your health is the most important.
C: Ning-ge, let me borrow some luck I need to take tests soon. LYN: I wish you well on your tests but ... you can’t rely on luck for things like this. It depends more on your ability. Tests are very fair, because everyone’s is the same. However many points you can achieve is on you. It’s not like some people’s tests are easier/harder than yours. Tests are one of the only fair things in this world.  C: Comparatively. LYN: Yes. Because there are only so many fair things. LYN: The last time I streamed someone asked me if there was a difference between normal people and people in the entertainment industry. Do you remember? I said there was no difference. I was a waiter, and now I’m an actor. I didn’t think there was any difference, but I saw someone say, “Of course there’s a difference. Waiters don’t make as much money as actors.” Most of the comments were like this. It’s true, but not for everybody. There are some actors who get paid little to begin with, and half of their income goes to their manager. You may say that an actor’s starting line is higher than that of a waiter’s. I just want to tell everyone that not everything is how you see it. I also said that a waiter and an actor was the same- we’re both in the customer service industry. I WAS a waiter and became an actor... if you think being an actor is better, then you come act, too! I made a successful change in career- I can do it, you can too. LYN: Complaining doesn’t help you. If you had the ability, you can fight for your chances, too! You can’t see other people doing well and be envious of their lives, but do nothing to change yourself. You can do it, too. If there’s something you want or some way you want to live, you can work hard to achieve it. Don’t blame it on your household situation- I’m sure mine wasn’t as good as yours is now. I’m not trying to make you pity me. A lot of successful people might not have had a life as good as yours, but they still succeeded. Why? You can think about it, but the time isn’t there for you to sit around and complain.
LYN: I’m not trying to teach you how to live your life, I just wanted to share. My requirement for myself is that I forget all the bad things. Some people think “I can’t stand to see someone doing better than me” others will think “I CAN see others doing well, but not if they’re better than me.” I’ll try to force myself to get rid of these thoughts. What others do has nothing to do with me. If they’re doing well, that’s their own business. I’m only in charge of making sure I do well for myself. They’re not going to let me spend their money, and they’re also not taking my money away from me. I keep adjusting my mindset. I don’t want to compete with anyone other than myself. LYN: Other people have nothing to do with me. To put it bluntly, even if they disappeared it wouldn’t be my problem. My way of life right now is: It doesn’t matter. There’s no need. It’s not worthwhile. It has nothing to do with me. I hope you can learn to be like this, too- just live for yourself. You’ll be much happier that way. LYN: I think life is all about the choices you make. Honestly, if I were in a rush to make money when I first debuted, I don’t think I would have been able to become and actor and make it to where I am today. You know? A person’s choices are very important. You only see the result, but you don’t know what they’ve experienced. // I was never focused on the money- from the start I had always just wanted to be a celebrity, and my choices were made with that in mind. LYN: You’ve got to be more open-minded. Widen your horizon.
C: If you want to keep being famous, you have to have products. LYN: That’s what I’m saying! Heroes is about to air soon so I hope you can watch it when it airs. Save me some face, alright. Because it’s true that we don’t have as much funds to promote our drama like other S-class dramas do. We as the actors have to push it ourselves. As an actor or a singer, all we want is for more and more people to see our works. Alright? Thanks, everyone. 
LYN: That’s about it for today. I have to go shoot number 4 out of 18 commercials I’ve got lined up. Didn’t he (ZSX) tell me he had 7 CFs? I need to go shoot number 4 of 28 tomorrow! XD LYN: I hope you had a wonderful night, it was great to have you. If you still haven’t subscribed to my weibo yet, please do so. It’ll let you know when I stream next. Good night everyone! Sweet dreams!
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