#madama silvana's hand // lila moon
compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“You do this every time. Get over yourself.”
The Magi stood over the feline and watched her. The “false” nun was now on her hands and knees, looking to have an especially painful time with the amount of harmful smoke in her system. Her sounds would be concerning to anyone who didn’t know her.
Or, to anyone who wasn’t used to this song and dance.
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“If,” HACK, “If you and Sister were more proactive in keeping Mary in check, then I would not need to,” WHEEEEEEEZE, “Do such things every single time we meet.”
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“What you and your five billion selves do ain’t our problem. You chose this.”
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“Oh, come now Magi Lila,” COUGH, “It is only myself and Fleur, and you know this. “...” A pause, a moment to consider.
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“Actually, young Ana might still be around--”
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“That’s worse. You realize that’s worse, right?”
The cat shook her head, slowly rising up from the ground to stand. A sigh, a snap of her fingers, a pink aura enveloping her in less than a second. A bright, blinding beam of yellow light shined behind her.
But, as soon as it came into view, a white sphere slowly enveloped it, dimming and reflecting the light off of it’s surface. A calmer, more manageable white light took it’s form behind the feline, the pink aura dissipating off her figure.
Her eyes sprung open.
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Crescent moons covered most of her pupils, a sigh escaped her maw.
“I do not get used to this. I do not think I will ever get used to this. “Must she ruin my body every time? Must I have to clean it every time?”
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“Hey, you’re the one who went into hiding. Like I said, you chose this.”
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“I am ever so eager to return to being Fleur.” She shakes her head once again. “How is Sister?”
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“Fine. You know how she is.”
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“And Laphoda?”
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“I can not say that is not expected. “I would ask more--I am sure I have missed much since our last meeting--but I,”
A pause as she looks over the witch, noticing her overall demeanor shift since she revealed herself. Foot tapping on the ground, arms crossed against her chest, gaze averted from the Mother of Magic.
“Believe that there is a more serious matter to attend to. There would be no other reason for you to waste a ticket on this, correct?”
A nod in response, the human witch wandering over to the nearest pew and sitting at it. “I’m in real deep shit, and I got a sneakin’ suspicion it’s your fault.”
The Mother of Magic shook her head, placing her hands in front of her and followed behind the human... though she did decide to stand instead of sit. Who knows what Mary has been doing on these pews?
... She knows.
She shudders lightly. She sometimes wonders how one can live in such a manner. Did she not take any responsibility for anything?
Of course, the answer to that is ‘‘no.’’ Mary’s modus operandi was fun before anything else. Had she been a different person, maybe she would agree with this lifestyle.
But no--there was simply too much to be done to live out life like... like that.
“I assure you, it is not,” she responded, “Whatever has happened here, it is the blame of yourself and yourself alone. As well, I can not have possibly been a culprit in your mistakes--my mind was locked, remember?”
A roll of the human’s eyes, “Yeah no shit. I’m the one that unlocked it, remember? And I’m about to relock it if you keep bein’ difficult.” She stared right back at the Mother, her eyes in a furious squint.
The feline hummed. “What is it that ails you, Magi? What could make you come to such a ridiculous conclusion?”
Wordlessly, a clock--colored a shade of rose pink--appeared in the witch’s hands. She tossed it over to the Mother, it quickly becoming stuck in midair once it was close enough to the feline, as if it got caught on a particularly thick piece of air.
The feline raised a brow, squinting at the off-colored clock---
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. . .
“Now, I would expect someone under Sister to know spacial magicka, I am not surprised about that. “But... time, as well? How did you accomplish such a feat?”
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“I only know one time spell--“
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“And that is?”
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By the Gods, Lila.
“And how many times have you used it already?”
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“This is my second time... why?”
“It is incomplete, is why.” A swipe of her hand at the floating clock and it continued it’s journey towards the Mother, as if it was never stopped in the first place. And before it reached it’s destination, she was able to catch it without much issue, her hand moving faster than one could perceive, “Preparation spells were never something I had mastered before my absence--”
“Bullshit.” She stood, pointing a finger at the feline, “People use prep-spells all the god damn time--you can’t be tellin’ me that you haven’t mastered something when it’s already in wide use.”
“Alright then, Magi Lila. Tell me,” she started, a frown on her face, “How it could ever be possible for a Time Witch such as myself, to not have entirely figured out something at one point, but for it to exist in another?”
That frustration on Lila’s face? Immediately dropped.
“And as well,” she continued, now pointing a finger at the human, “I would imagine it would be rather rude to go through another person’s room without their full knowledge, Magi.
“Has The Veil truly become that boring?”
The frustration was now replaced with a sheepish grimace! She took a hand to her hat, tilting it down just enough to hide her embarrassment, a light groan accompanying her.
A sigh, “You are an amazing witch, Lila.” She placed the clock on top of the other’s hat, and as soon as it left the Mother’s hands, it became stuck, “Surely you can do more than this.”
A heavy sigh escaped the Magi’s lips.
Just like Silvana. Only difference being was her anger was obviously more controlled. She was more... sympathetic, maybe?
Being a mother must’ve influenced her in some way, probably.
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She turned away from the human, her white light now facing in front of her, casting a gray shadow over the witch.
“I will help, if you request it. “But only because I know my Lila and my Silvana would not be very happy knowing about any of this. “And in turn, you will help me as well. Are these conditions fair?”
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She stopped.
A sigh.
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“Yeah, alright.
“Thank you, Madama Mystana.”
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“Just Mystana will be fine, Magi.”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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Ah, this was the life.
Living by herself, doing whatever the hell she wants, sleeping with whatever the hell she wants, partying at night, sleeping in, being free!
She loves this slip. She loves it so much. Thank god the church gave her the church, thank god the church gives her a bunch of FREE SLIP every month. It’s so easy, just so easy!
She can’t imagine doing all that important stuff Petunia or Poppy does. Mayor’s assistant? Opossum ambassador? No way! Just ain’t her speed.
She’s glad for Hallia, though--seems like the girl’s getting more money these days than she was getting from the Quibbles. Makes sense, because you don’t just start working for the Queen and not end up all cozy.
Boy, can that girl talk her beak off, though! All these crazy stories, everything Poppy’s up to--Mary thought that she was a blabber mouth. Compared to the bird? HA, not even close!
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Honestly, though?
She’s rootin’ for them. All of them.
They deserve that goodness. Ain’t every day you get to shag a Queen and live in her big ass castle. Ain’t that somethin’.
It’d be nice, she supposed.
Instead of living in this dumpy church.
She sighed, leaning back on the pew she was sitting on.
Ugh. The days where she had nobody else to hang out with were the worst.
She flipped open her phone, scrolling through her contacts.
Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. Ex. FwB. FwB. Ex. FwB. Party friend. Ex--
Knock knock knock knock knock!
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Who the hell was this?
She stood, groggily. Took a moment to stretch, a moment to yawn, a moment to--
Knock knock knock KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK!!!
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Sheesh, they were aggressive, huh?
“Hold on, jackass! I’m comin’!”
If she didn’t know any better, she’d think Poppy was at her door, tryin’ to knock ‘em down.
So, she walked, and when she reached the two doors, she’d open--
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“Oh hey, you’re the weird church lady! “Where’s my goodie bag, girl? I was plannin’ on goin’ to a party toni--”
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“Shut the fuck up.”
The weird lady pushed right past Mary before turning around, standing right behind her.
“I’m not here for you.”
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“...What the hell’s that supposed ‘ta mean? I’m the only one--
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A stinging, burning pain brewed in the back of her head, as if something was being forcefully pushed into the back of her head.
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“I better get another fucking ticket out of you after this. I’m not letting your sister bust my tits over something I have no control over.”
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Mary’s speech was strained, in an obvious amount of pain, her hands clutching onto the front of her dress, “W-what the hell are you--”
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The feline dropped to the floor, her vision fading into darkness.
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“Walking, talking dragons with abilities to back up their mojo. “Weird gems that teleport you to God knows where. “Planetary trauma from a years old alien invasion.
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“Out of all the places I wanted to send Kit to--boy am I glad I decided on this one first.
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“What an interesting universe.”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
@sonorous-strings​ (Married Rockerboy) from x
Sonar jerks and looks up just as the shitload of raisins doubles. "Holy f- okay, then." He'd say he was picking himself off the ceiling after hearing the drums from out of bloody nowhere, but someone was already occupying it, apparently.
Clutching at his chest in a vain attempt to bring his heart back under control, he managed to grunt out, "So... mind if I ask 'What the hell'?" Flipping out was sure to make someone thing something bad was happening and he really didn't need to explain to people why someone just appeared in the friggin' palace.
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“What? Didn’t you just say you loved raisins?”
She’d start floating off of the ceiling like a piece of paper, disappearing with a poof halfway to the floor, and reappearing again in front of the hedgehog with that smile on her face.
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“By the way, huge fan. Love the show you put on with your wife there--great stuff. You should really get into acting--it’d suit you.”
She hits her drum-thighs twice--BADUM-BOM--and one of the crates appears right behind her. She jumps up to sit on it, crossing her legs and leaning her arms on the top of said crate.
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“Here--you want a drink?” A soda--obviously stolen from their fridge--appears floating right in front of the hog.
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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"I always wanted to know what would happen if the same person fought themselves." Badum-bom on her thigh drums, a bag of fresh popcorn appears out of thin air right next to her.
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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"Just go kiss someone you green rat. It's not that hard."
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“Yeah so like, we trained the surface witches wrong on purpose, as a joke. “They think they can’t be more than 50% magic. Fucking dumbasses, am I right? Like, I’m 90% magic and I can do this--”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“Stupid fucking Silvana. Didn’t sign up to be her fucking babysitter. God damn it.”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“Madama Silvana.”
The witch would bow her head, entering upon the Mother of Magic’s domain.
Things were always strange in the Veil, compared to that of the surface. A blue sky versus the surface’s violet, a wider range of species compared to the surface’s, a greater understanding of magic compared to that of the surface. Yet, it was still just another place on Flora--rather, in Flora--at the end of the day.
People walked, people talked, people worked, people lived.
Things were just a little bit stranger, in comparison.
Such as; Madama Silvana’s room. Being the Mother of Space, her living quarters were always weird--she had floating rocks and things randomly about. She had an entire mess of papers on the ceiling at all times--something for the opossums to read? Her desk was bolted to the ground, yet she never was. She took advantage of her Lucky Star being centered around Space to an obnoxious degree within her own quarters.
Being one of the most powerful people in the universe did that to someone, Lila guessed.
Currently, Silvana was reading something at her desk--well, floating slightly above it. She looked up with a smile.
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“Lila. It’s good to see you.”
And a smile the human would return to the old cat. “It’s good to see you too, Ma’am.”
The human walked up to the feline, tapping on her thigh-drums twice. A chair would spawn right beneath herself, allowing her a place to sit.
“Oh,” the feline waved a hand, a chair moving towards the human, “You know you don’t have to do that. Please--”
“Oh, nah,” she smirked, “This is one of your chairs, Silvana.”
She snickered. “Of course it would be.”
The chair Silvana brought to her simply disappeared.
“Now,” she started, lowering herself into her desk’s seat. “I suppose we should not beat around the bush, should we?”
And Lila shook her head, placing her hands on her knees.
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“What the fuck is a Zone Cop?”
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“I know what you’ve been doing with the Darling.”
The two spoke at once, in sync, as if their own problems were more pertinent than the others.
It caused Lila to be startled, actually. Her eyes went as wide as dinner plates, her expression turned to one of... very slight panic. She smiled, she chuckled, she put a hand behind her head.
“Whaaaaaaat? Whaaaaaaaaaat? Me? Doing something with that dense excuse of a ruler?” She limped a wrist, “C’mooooon, Silvana! You know--”
“I know a lot, Lila.” Her tone was stern, her brows were furrowed. She stared the human down without an ounce of sympathy. “Using that much of your magic to teleport someone to another world is noticeable. Had it not transpired in the Veil, I am sure the entirety of Flora would know about it.”
“Well, okay,” she conceded, almost immediately. There wasn’t much you could get past a Veil Witch--let alone a Mother of Magic. “So I did a little teleporting. So what?”
“You are needlessly endangering the life of an innocent, Lila. That should be enough.”
She winced, closing her eyes for a moment.
Great, being chastised by the strongest non-deitic being in existence. That’s exactly what she wanted today.
She knew she couldn’t, but she had to try to reason her actions, “It’s... it’s not endangerment--”
“Then what is it? A form of protection?”
“I mean,” she started, “Those Darling guys are important, right? They always got pretty wacky Lucky Stars in comparison to anyone else.”
Silvana retorted quick, “They would be no safer in another world than they would be here--”
“Hey, hey, lemme finish.
“It,” she paused, almost second guessing herself, “It depends on the world, wouldn’t it? I ain’t sendin’ her to a mirror of our own world, okay?” Not that one exists, as far as she knows, “I’m sendin’ her to other worlds, full of friendly people willing to help someone who gets a little displaced.
“Like, look at this.”
A holographic screen would appear in front of the feline, showing off a purple, horned creature speaking with the fennec known as Kit.
“A couple minutes in the freezing cold and she’s already getting helped out by dragons, of all people.
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“Can you imagine that? A dragon, helping people! I’d be in hysterics if I didn’t see it for myse--”
“Enough, Lila.”
The old feline waved a hand, dispersing the screen as soon as it came.
“Even if she is in safe hands, that does not help the other problems this arises.
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“Such as, ‘‘how are we going to explain that multiverse theory is real’‘?”
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“That’s... actually becoming more of a problem we can’t hide, Silvana.”
Another holographic screen, this time, showing Friedrich interacting with two separate entities--one being a jet black hedgehog with a overgrown purple arm, and the other a... who-the-fuck-knows child, small and adorable as can be.
“If she’s not going to learn it through me, she’ll definitely learn it through him.”
A pause. A silence.
The Mother of Space questioned, slowly, “Who... are these people?”
“Beats me,” the witch responded, shrugging, “But I’ve noticed Friedrich talking to these people, and it’ll only be a matter of time before he confronts me about it. “Speaking of confronting--Zone Cops?”
A light sigh escaped Silvana, shaking her head.
“Why is this happening now?“ She muttered, placing her hands on her head. “I will be honest with you, Lila--I do not have a clue what a Zone Cop is.”
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“Excuse me?”
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“Multiversal matters, for as much as I know about this concept, are plainly, out of my control. “I control Space, but my Space is limited to this Universe. Anything that isn’t a precise beacon on another world is unknown to me. “Whatever these Zone Cops do is out of my control. Whatever they are is outside of my knowledge.
“The multiverse is ever a colossal beast--there is a reason I keep my priorities to this universe, and tend to not mess with or travel to any other.”
...Double shit.
“Which,” Silvana starts, pointing a finger at the human, “Brings me back to my first point. “Why are you doing so?”
The screen dispersed again.
That same sheepish smile came into play as Lila spoke, “To protect the Darling! She won’t know about multiverses yet--I already had that planned out.”
“I’m only teleporting her at night. Make her think it’s a wild dream--she’s as blind as a bat, she can’t tell.” Her smile turns to one of pride. “Then, when the sun rises again, I teleport her back here and put a spell on her body to be entirely rested! Like she really did sleep!”
Silvana merely shakes her head.
“We are still endangering her--”
“No, no, see,” she held up a finger, “I’m the one endangering her. And I know she’s not in any danger because I can see her. This it genuinely fool proof, Silvana. It’s perfect!”
A silence.
A raised brow from the feline, “And if she were to fall into danger?”
“I teleport her back early. Like nothin’ even happened!”
. . .
Silvana shakes her head once more.
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She points a finger at the desk. “You go with her.”
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“If you’re going to continue doing this, we need more of a safety net than just your assurance. “You’re an amazing witch, Lila,” she placed her palm on the desk, “Surely you can do much more than simply watch.”
“Well, uh, yeah, but--”
“But nothing. Either travel with her, or do not teleport her at all. “And track the worlds you go to, as well. Denote their general suitability--see if they are actual safe-havens or just hellish demon sanctuaries.”
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“Silvana, you can’t really expect me to--”
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“Do I need to repeat myself, Lila?“
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... “No, Madama. Thank you, Madama.”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“What the fuck?
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“Silvana didn’t tell me about any of this ‘‘Zone Cop’‘ bullshit. What?
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“Yo, Tricky!”
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“Yes, Grand Magi?”
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“Gimmie an audience with Madama Mystana real quick. This is something new.”
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“Fucking--Silvana, you dope. You know the other one’s too incapacitated to do anything of use.”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“I don’t get what everybody’s so stressed about, this is great television.” She totally does get it, she just doesn’t care.
This was like watching a soap opera!
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“I think I like that tiny one! She’s brutal!!!”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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“Why do I feel like someone just said the stupidest shit?”
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compulsoryroyalty · 1 year
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She is smiling for no reason at all. Nope~.
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