#maes hughes didn't deserve any of this
loregoddess · 2 years
Do you have any head canons for triangle strategy?
I have a small one that out of all House Wolffort, it’s Benedict who holds his liquor best. Erador tried to prove otherwise. He did not succeed.
Honestly that headcanon tracks, although Erador also gives me Olberic vibes when it comes to drinking so he's no lightweight either.
Aside from my age and height headcanons, let's see...I just sort of have a random assortment of headcanons with no clear organization, so I'll write a few out by character (also a few of these are based specifically in like, the post-golden route timeline; if you want the sad angsty post-any other route headcanons, I have a few of those too, but lets keep it light for now).
So we all know Serenoa is like, the wife guy who loves his wife so much, but I think he does the whole Maes Hughs thing as well, like I know photographs don't exist per se in this world, but he definitely carries around a little portrait of Frederica in a locket, and any kids eventually too, and shows them off any chance he gets. He is so excited to spend time with Frederica, like yes, he's a responsible lord first and won't skip out on important meetings and stuff, but he'll also book it home first chance he gets I'm sure.
Speaking of Frederica, she ends up making an excellent Lady Wolffort, and is able to handle the duties of managing the demense just as aptly as Serenoa is. The two make a fantastic team, and the people of Wolffort love them immensely.
Despite both being like, the rulers of their respective countries, I'd like to think Svarog sort of takes a vaguely surrogate dad approach to Roland at times, giving him bits of advice and helping him out, especially since Roland never got any proper like, king-training from his own dad, but also because Svarog radiates huge "do you need a dad, I will be your dad" energy with how doting he is on Frederica and how much he loved Dragan, and also taking Avlora in, and just, how gently he talks to Roland when they become allies on the golden route.
Benedict is a mess to deal with as a character in terms of figuring what's going on in his head, but given his ah, many issues, I don't think he ever really felt worthy or like, didn't feel like he deserved to be Anna's father, even though he took raising her very seriously. It isn't until Anna sits him down and talks about what she'd learned about her parents from Erador and like, really talks with Benedict about the subject, that he's able to allow himself to truly express how much he cares for her as a daughter and how proud he is of her. (If I had the time and energy to comb through all the in-game text to really get into the characters heads, I'd really want to write a fic following Anna's life, and also getting the resolution between her and Benedict hinted at in her second character story, I just, love Anna a whole lot and want to learn and know more about her life).
Geela gets to open that school of hers after the war, and by the time she's retiring it's a world-renowned academy. She still somehow ropes Hughette into teaching courses despite Hughette's role as head of the royal guard.
Erador and Hossabara aren't romantically involved, but after the war and reconstruction efforts they do develop something of a deep platonic bond.
Corentin invents refrigeration. Norzelia gets magical refrigerators before it gets fantasy automobiles or anything like that. His research into ice magic for non-war efforts leads to the invention of many other things, like fantasy air conditioning.
Once she learns Serenoa's her half-brother, Cordelia makes regular visits to the Wolffort demense to build that familial connection, but she also kicked Roland for taking so long to tell her.
Archibald and Groma get to actually talk and learn that each is the person the other was searching for, and eventually settle down together running a nice little tea shop. I am here for old people finding love and peace together.
Well...this got a bit longer than I intended, but suffice to say, I do have all sorts of weird little headcanons floating in my head at any given time.
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all-the-wrong-lines · 7 years
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Hyuroi week day 2: Rain
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