#magi isn't perfect but it does a pretty good job :)
babymagi ยท 11 months
Rewatching Magi and I have a thing about women's representation and I'm going through the tests right now and checking off the ones that Magi passes
Bechdel Test (Do 2 or more women have a conversation that's not about men): โœ… - Layla and Sasha and Morgiana all have conversations with each other not revolving around men - Morgiana talking to that one little girl and assuring her that she was going to save them from becoming slave - Etc I realize this is not a lot, this is just from the anime there's probably more in the manga but I don't remember, I mostly blame it on the fact that there just aren't as many female characters ๐Ÿ˜…
Sexy Lamp Test (Could a female character be replaced with a sexy lamp and the story be fairly unchanged): โœ… (passes bc it fails) - Morgiana plays several extremely important roles and the main characters wouldn't be where they are without her - Arba being one of the main villains in the story that impacts many other character's lives - Hakuei being our first introduction to full-body djinn equips - Scheherazade giving up her life in order to help the main characters defeat the medium in Magnostadt - Sheba creating and being able to save Aladdin during the destruction of Alma Torran - Etc
Tauriel Test (Is a female character good at her job): โœ… - Hakuei being a general and successfully uniting the Kouga clan with the Kou Empire - Kougyoku being Empress and uniting the Kou, Leam, and Kina kingdoms as well as generally being a successful ruler of a large country - Meyers being able to teach a class to be successful magicians - Scheherazade leading an entire Empire into being one of the biggest superpowers in the world - Yamraiha being an incredibly skilled magician capable of inventing magical items to store magoi -Etc
There's other tests but those are the main ones. Well-written women in media are so important and I'm really proud of Magi for being able to pass these tests multiple times, Ohtaka really writes some amazing girls :)
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